The Creatures that History Forgot
Page 10
factories and stores. The shoes were used as a marker because the Death Stalkers found a large box full of them yet did not know what to do with them, for my people’s feet were different so they could no longer function as shoes. They only brought them back underground because there is a rule. If they come across something in the above world that is left unattended it must be stolen to be studied for we had very little information about the humans. It was Dabu’s idea to use them as markers.
I continued on feeling safer knowing that there are less humans here than there were a few blocks back. Each pothole was encouraging for it meant that the Death Stalkers had come through here for they use the asphalt to power our generator.
I looked around wishing for sleep. The humans’ yards were bare, with only a few straggly bushes pressed against their houses. I dare not sleep there so I needed to keep looking.
I paused when I saw a patch of corn growing just beyond the fence. Their leaves brushed the edge of the roof and they hid all things within them, a thicket of trapped darkness, a refuge from the invasive light. I waved my tail in a large arch please for it reminded me of home.
I climbed over the fence that shook unsteadily then leap into the corn. I landed in a bed of tilled soil which was soft to the touch. I laid down with my tail wrapped around myself, breathing in the earthy scent dreaming of home. I was dreaming of the life I had before my mother was ever injured, before any of this ever happened.
The Harmless Offspring of Demons
The sound of a door slamming shut was like as jolt to my heart. My ears shot up as I got to my feet. I peered outside of the safety of the corn to see two young human children rush out of the house next door. They ran to the edge of the street, pressing themselves against a metallic machine, as a plane of glass slid down to remove the barrier between the interior and the children’s grasping hands.
“Be good.” someone called from inside the hollow machine as the children backed away rotating their wrist so their hands flapped about oddly.
“Bye Mommy,” the youngest cried as the machine glided away smoothly like a melting ice cube that had been pushed across a smooth surface.
“Come on we have to go to Grand Pappy’s house.” said the oldest as she led her sister into the yard I was currently hiding in. I backed away as the oldest went to front door to announce their presence as the youngest lingered in the garden. She stooped down to sniff a feathery red flower that grew narrower at the ends, like the wide base of a well fed flame with its wispy reaching tips.
“Ok Rita you stay here until I get back. Ok?” the oldest said as the youngest smiled then run over to the patch of corn plants clutching a stuffed animal to her chest. The stuffed animal had a large rump with long legs and a nub of a tail. Its forelegs were short and hung uselessly but its ears draped over it elbows. It was grey and had a rodent’s face.
The girl, I guess her name was Rita, was high yellow with her bronze hair in fat braids with long ribbons at their base and colorful clips at their ends. Her eyes were a light brown with flecks of jade. Fabric clung to her legs offering plenty of mobility and cut off above the knees.
She sat on the ground then placed her stuffed animal beside her. She grabbed the base of the toy’s neck then pressed it nose into a corn stalk as she made odd noises.
I needed to escape before she alerted the mature humans about my presence. I slipped on my pack then backed away toward the fence but the girl looked up. I froze for she was staring at me.
“You are a rabbit just like Kiki.” she said excitedly grabbing her toy rabbit to show me.
“Um I need leave now.” I said cursing my broken English but she seemed to understand.
“But I want you to stay. You can’t leave or Kiki will be lonely.” she said as I stared at her absolutely confused.
“But Kiki is toy. I not safe.” I said turning away she laughed.
“You are not a rabbit. You have a long tail like my friend’s gerbil.” she said I turned back to her unsure what to say.
“I not gerbil or rabbit,” I said as she looked down at my hands and feet.
“Then what are you?” she asked as I turned away again.
“I leave now.” I said when the front door opened.
“Then I follow.” the girl said crawling toward me as I growled.
“No follow.” I said as she stared at me heartbroken.
“But I want to come.” she said as moisture leaked from her eyes.
“Stay!” I commanded when I saw her sister walking towards us.
“But …I don’t… wanna.” she yelled as I backed away with my tail lowered.
“Quiet!” I snarled when her sister kneeled by the edge of the corn patch.
“Rita, are you crying?” she asked as I made a run toward the fence.
“Yeah the rabbit was mean and said I could not come but it wasn’t really a rabbit at all.” Rita said as I climbed up the fence.
“Aw, what is that!” Rita’s sister yelled throwing the stuffed rabbit at me. The fence did not seem to be secure in the ground so shook so violently that I fell back into the corn patch.
“Kiki!” Rita screamed then ran over to me with her sister running after her. Her sister pulled Rita back when they saw me lying before them.
“What do you do to my sister, you monster?” she yelled holding Rita back as she attempted to kick me. I quickly got to my feet to explain myself.
“Nothing I want leave. I want no harm.” I muttered as the oldest stared at me stunned.
“It can talk?” she asked turning to Rita.
“Yeah it is a magical rabbit.” Rita replied
“I leave now, yes?” I asked as the oldest turned back on me.
“What are you?” she demanded pulling a small shovel from the ground. Its blade was caked with dry mud and it was tiny but I dare not challenge her for there was a dangerous gleam in her eyes.
“I from world below.” I answered as she lower the shove but more out of confusion than acceptance.
“What?” she asked as I raised my tail proudly.
“I Princess Kyzudo of under land,” I said as they both stared at me blankly.
“So you are a princess?” Rita’s sister began slowly.
“Yes I princess.” I answered as her mouth grew wider, dragging her cheeks higher until they bunched up under her eyes.
“Well I am a princess too.” she said excitedly.
“You upcoming ruler of your world?” I asked to confirm.
“I am Princess Erika.” she said as I looked her over. She was wearing a blue outfit that was well fitted to her torso yet hung loosely at the waist. She was wearing a necklace that had two strings of smooth uneven peddles of coral that clicked with her every move. On top of her head she wore a tiara of thin metal with rhinestones of every color. Her skin was a golden brown and her thick hair was pulled into two puffy ponytails that glowed brown were the sun leaked through. Her reflective eyes were dark brown with black rings about the iris making them appear grey in the shifting light.
“Then I wish leave kingdom, your majesty.” I asked politely.
“No as princesses we must have tea first.” Princess Erika informed me
“But danger here. I need leave.” I whined looking back at the fence.
“This is my kingdom so you must follow my rules, it is only fair.” The princess reminded me.
“I stay for tea then I leave?” I asked as she nodded.
“Ok I stay then leave. No guards.” I said as she grabbed my arm then led me out of the corn patch. I paused looking around when I saw a boy walking over to us. I backed away growling as Princess Erika and Rita turned to watch me curiously.
The boy had dark skin and a shaven head. His eyes were a deep brown that often appeared black. His knees were oddly silvery and he was tall and lean. He was oldest among the children.
“What are you doing in Grand Pappy’s corn? Wait what is that?” he yelled having spotted me.
“She is Princess Kyzudo and she is coming to jo
in us for tea.” Princess Erika explained.
“No she is monster.” the boy said pulling her away.
“She is a cute monster.” Rita said as the boy stepped in front of them with his arms raised.
“Stay away from her. She probably has rabies.” he said growled as he backed way.
“But she is a princess from a distant land. Royally can’t get rabies.” Princess Erika said but the boy shook his head.
“It’s a wild animal.” the boy said pushing the girls to safety. He must be Princess Erika’s bodyguard.
“But she can talk.” Princess Erika said as he turned to look at her concerned.
“Have your imaginations made you that delusional?” he asked her as she turned away angrily.
“But she can.” Rita said sneaking under his raised arm.
“I will leave.” I said as he paused to stare at me.
“Wait did it just talk?” he asked looking to Princess Erika for confirmation.
“I told you.” she muttered with her back to him.
“I want not cause trouble.” I said as he turned glance at me before turning back to the girls.
“What is it?” he asked.
We told you, she is Princess Kyzudo of the underworld.” Princess Erika said as he shook his head.
“I am being serious. What is she?” he asked again.
“She part rabbit, part gerbil and part monkey.” Rita said as the boy shook his head still obviously confused.
“How can she speak? Where is the underworld? Why have I never seen an animal like her before?” he asked them as I backed away.
“I leave now, yes?” I asked but no one was listening.
“She is magical. Everyone knows that princesses are