The Creatures that History Forgot
Page 11
surrounded by magic and love.” Princess Erika said as I froze stunned by her words.
“What I princess I have no magic or love. My kingdom will see war and my mother will die. No love no magic.” I yelled as she turned to me confused.
“But you are a princess and princesses always live happily ever after.” she assured me as I growled.
“No magic only danger. I leave now.” I said when the boy spoke.
“Wait you need somewhere to stay. You can’t sleep in Grand Pappy’s corn or he will find you.” he said as I turned to stare at him.
“When where I stay if not in corn?” I asked.
“We can take care of you. You can be our pet.” he said as I raised my tail proudly.
“I not pet. I Kyzudo, future leader.” I said but he continued.
“You can stay in the garage and we can feed you.” he said as I thought about how long my food would last me.
“And train you and take you for walks, oh I always wanted a pet but mommy won’t let us have one after we lost Snickers.” Rita said as I growled to myself.
“I no pet.,” I said venomously.
“But we can help.” the boy pointed out.
“Fine I come but no pet.” I said as the boy smiled.
“Come on Grand Pappy is still inside with Granny so we can take you to the garage to rest.” the boy said as I followed him across the yard feeling exposed and vulnerable. He opened the door to a small building that was just a few yards from the house. I hurried into the dark space when a light was turned on. The young humans gathered around me as I backed away with my ears drawn back fearfully.
“I am going to call you Fluffy.” Rita said sitting on the ground before reaching to touch my soft fur with her fingertips.
“I have name. I Kyzudo.” I said pulling away from her as she leaned over to attempt to pet me again.
“She is a princess. She needs to be treated with respect.” Princess Erika said as I nodded slightly.
“Yes, respect.” I agreed as Rita lost her balance and fell onto the ground in her attempt to rake her fingers through my fur.
“You wait here Princess Kyzudo and I will get my tea set.” Princess Erika said as Rita got up to walk over to me.
“Okay I wait.” I said as I backed away from Rita.
“I want to pet you.” she whined.
“But I no pet, I princess. No touch.” I said as she paused staring at me with teary eyes.
“But I wanna pet you.” she said falling back on her butt as she wiped her eyes with her small fist.
“Fine but quiet,” I said then crawled over to her as she ran her fingers over my fur. I laid my head on the cold floor feeling trapped when the boy walked over to me.
“You need a bed and some food.” he said as I watch him reach out to touch the top of my head. He smiled then hurried away before I could say anything.
“Your fur is so soft, Fluffy.” Rita said rubbing her face against me as I got up.
“That enough. I need to think.” I said backing away from her as she watched me sadly.
“Fluffy,” she called as she reached out toward me.
“My name Kyzudo. No fluffy.” I said when Princess Erika entered with a box of tiny cups and saucers. I picked one up marveling at the craftsmanship though I also realizing that there was no food or tea in sight.
“I will be right back with the rest of the stuff.” she said as I nodded setting down the cup. Princess Erika returned with a plastic table and chairs but quickly left again to return with an armful of toys. She placed them on the floor then set the table.
“Come Princess Kyzudo this is your seat.” she said as I sat in the seat.
“I want to play too.” Rita said but Princess Erika shook her head.
“No only princesses are allowed.” she said as Rita turned her back to her sister.
“No fair I want Fluffy.” Rita said as I leap into a chair.
“She is Prnicess Kyzudo and she is having tea. You can pet her later.” Princess Erika explained but I was not so sure of this idea either.
“Now would you like some tea Princess Kyzudo?” she asked after taking her seat and placing a stuffed animal into the vacant seats around the table.
“Um yes tea.” I said looking around for a pitcher but there did not seem to be one in sight.
“Tell me when to stop.” she said picking up a small teapot that she tipped over my small cup but nothing came out.
“Um no tea.” I said as she stared at me like these were taboo words.
“Of course there is tea but you have to be careful because it is hot.” she said I looked down at my cup again but sure enough it was still empty.
“What tea?” I asked flipping the cup completely over as she took it from me then set it back down.
“No you have to sip the tea like this with your pinky raised.” she said as she showed me using her empty cup.
“What?” I asked again watching her raise the empty cup to her lips.
“Haven’t you ever played tea party?” she finally asked annoyed as I stared at her confused.
“I go to tea parties but no tea.” I said showing her my cup.
“It’s pretend, you have to pretend that there is tea.” she said as I stared at her utterly confused.
“Why?” I asked as she took my teacup then turned away from me obviously upset.
“I don’t want to play with you anymore.” she announced as I stared at her.
“So I can leave?” I asked as she waved her hands as if to shoo me away.
“Sorry?” I said when Rita ran toward me.
“Fluffy!” she exclaimed wrapping her arms around my neck.
“Release me!” I yelled as I tried to wiggle free when the boy returned. He stopped to watch his sister storm out.
“Erika what wrong.”
“She won’t play tea party with me.” she said as the boy nodded.
“Maybe she does not know what it is. Maybe you have to teach her like you did with Rita.” the boy explained as she nodded.
“Yeah, I can teach her how to play. Thanks Terry.” Erika said as Terry nodded then placed a pile of stuff on the ground.
“What is that?” Erika asked.
Is an old dog bed and some bacon from breakfast.” he said as opened a greasy napkin.
“Oh so you are going to feed her.” Erika asked he nodded.
“Yeah and I want to teach her some tricks too.” he continued as Erika stare at Terry angrily.
“That’s not fair Terry because I was playing tea party.” she said placing her balled hands on her hips.
“I thought you gave up because she did not get it.” he pointed out as she looked away.
“You are a meanie because I was playing tea party first.” Erika said as Terry nodded.
“You can play after I am done.” he said then picked up the balled up napkin that smelled heavily of meat.
“Fine but you better hurry because I was playing first.” Erika said as he turned away from her, looking down on me.
“Um food?” I asked as he picked out a long strip of bacon.
“Ok then show me a trick.” he commanded as I stare at him confused
“What?” I asked sensing a demeaning note in his voice that I was not fond of.
“I want to see what you can do so do a trick.” he said as I growled.
“I no need your meat. I will hunt.” I said turning my back on him, infuriated.
“But you are my pet.” he said sadly as I growled losing my patience.
“I not your pet. I no Fluffy. I no toy. I Kyzudo.” I yelled then I walked to the door.
“Wait, don’t leave.” Terry said blocking the door.
“Why?” I demanded.
“We are sorry. Here, you can have the bacon.” he said passing it to me.
“Thanks, I will stay but no pet.”
“Fine I just never had a pet before and I got excited was all. I got this dog bed from Erika’s house. It belonged to their last dog, Snickers
. I am sorry.” Terry said as I sat down, unwrapping the bacon.
“I forgive,” I said then ate the bacon gratefully.
“Good because I was hoping we could be friends.” Terry said as I looked up at him, for I never had a friend before.
“Friends,” I whispered to myself as the young humans smiled at me. They are immature humans but they are willing to help me and I just may need their help to find my mother’s cure. They maybe monsters but they have not grown into their hideous adult counterparts yet. They were still harmless. They were too naïve enough to attack and too helpless to be a threat. I was safe in their care. I was safe in the demon’s nesting grounds, at least until their parents return.
The Rambling Speech of an Old Man
I sat in the plush bed that smelled strongly of musk and filthy fur that odors readily clung to. Dirt was rubbed deep into the fabric and the form molding had lost most of its shape. I looked to Terry suspiciously as he placed a plastic bowl onto the floor beside me.
“I am sorry it all that we had.” he said as I picked up the bowl. I snorted causing the odd smelling water to ripple.
“Yeah that also use to belong to their dog too.” he apologized as I placed the bowl back onto the floor, pushing it away from my fowl smelling bed with my foot.
“Kyzudo is a princess. She must be uses to living in luxury.” said Erika as Terry nodded.
“But this is all we can spare without Granny finding out.” Terry reminded her
“I just don’t think it is proper for her to have to live like this.” Erika commented.
“I will manage. You helped me greatly.” I told her.
“I am sorry about treating you like my pet.” Terry muttered sitting beside me.
“It in past,” I said as he smiled bashfully.
“Princess Kyzudo may I pet you, please.” Rita asked as I bowed my head.
“So you are really a princess, not just a pretend one