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Beauty Claimed

Page 18

by Allyson Lindt

  He’d forgotten how much he liked being on his knees in front of another man. Or perhaps it had never been this intense. From here he could meet Nick’s gaze—those piercing green eyes that dug into his soul. He could also see Tara, jeans unzipped and hand in her panties.

  “Take out your cock,” Nick ordered through clenched teeth.

  Nathan tried to pull away, but Nick held his head in place, fucking his face. That made things difficult and interesting. Nathan didn’t think he could get any harder, but apparently he was wrong.

  He fumbled to undo his pants while he sucked on Nick.

  He sighed in relief when he worked himself free, and gripped his shaft.

  “Christ, you two.” Tara’s gasp was breathless. She kicked her pants to the floor, and spread her legs, giving Nathan a perfect view of her gorgeous pussy. She glided her fingers along her slit, then inside, while she watched.

  “Stroke.” Nick fisted himself.

  Nathan didn’t know if he could focus on both, but he was willing to try. He dragged his tongue along Nick’s dick, fighting a gag when Nick hit the back of his throat.

  This was definitely different than any other time Nathan had been with other guys. It wasn’t just the physical, or that Tara was there. He swore electricity flitted between them all.

  Nick’s thrusting increased in speed and his breathing grew frantic and punctuated.

  Nathan kept a loose grip on himself, but he was drawn into Nick’s spiking arousal. Nathan’s skin was hyper sensitive. Each caress of the air or tug on his scalp pushed his body closer to an edge that felt just out of reach.

  “I’m so fucking close.” Nick forced the words through clenched teeth.

  It spurred Nathan on, and he increased his attentions.

  Nick shuddered, and a salty spurt hit the back of Nathan’s throat, followed by another, with Nick pounding until he was spent.

  Nathan licked him clean, easing up as Nick slowed. Loving the tiny shudders that raced through Nick with each suck, until he slid from Nathan’s mouth.

  Nick knelt, and covered Nathan’s hand, tightening his grip.

  “You were supposed to stroke,” Nick said.

  Nathan smirked. “I got distracted.”

  Nick kissed him hard, diving his tongue into Nathan’s mouth to taste himself.

  That was hot too. Apparently most things about this man were sexy.

  With Nick covering Nathan’s hand, he helped Nathan pump his cock.

  Tara’s familiar whimpers filled the room, and Nathan knew she was coming. She’d cried out with abandon.

  Her sounds of pleasure, plus Nick’s insistent coaxing made orgasm tighten in Nathan’s balls. He thrust his hips, fucking two fists. H groaned against Nick’s mouth when he came, coating their hands with a sticky mess.

  Nathan sank back on his heels. A whisper of fear tickled his thoughts. Had this changed this with Nick in a bad way?

  Nick held his gaze, desire still bright in his eyes. “Wow.”

  Nathan didn’t know how to respond do that. “Makes it tempting to stay inside the entire time we’re here?”

  “Yeah. It really does,” Nick said.

  Nathan could think of so many more things to try. To introduce Nick to bisexuality.

  Except that after this trip, he’s going home.

  Right. How could Nathan forget?


  TARA FELT LIKE SHE was floating as they strolled to the tattoo shop the next morning. She held Nathan’s hand. Nick walked close on her other side, arm brushing hers with every other step.

  The sun was warm on her face, despite the chill in the air. Evergreen boughs and trees decorated lampposts and shop fronts. Tonight, when it was dark, hundreds of thousands of holiday lights would spark to life around the city.

  They reached their destination. A little shop with a carved wooden sign sat wedged between a bakery and a butcher. The fragrant scents made her stomach churn, but she was in too good a mood to let some light nausea ruin her day.

  The owner, who they’d chatted with via video conference to make sure this would work, was waiting outside.

  She smiled and waved. His frown wasn’t assuring.

  “Ciao.” She kept the cheer in her voice as they approached. They’d do the filming in English, but she hoped approaching him in Italian would help soothe whatever had him scowling

  Angelo crossed his arms. “Ciao.” An edge lined his voice.

  “Is everything all right?” She’d have to translate for Nathan and Nick after.

  “I got a call from my landlord this morning,” Angelo said in heavily accented English. “I can’t let you film here. I’m sorry.”

  Tara struggled to process the words. Individually she understood, but strung together they didn’t make sense. “Is there an issue? May I talk to him and help clear up any concerns?” Why would this guy’s landlord give a fuck? This was free publicity.

  “I don’t think.” Angelo shook his head. “He told me letting that kind of activity happen here was a violation of my lease. I’m not going to argue. I’m sorry. It’s nothing personal.”

  “It sounds personal.” Nathan bit off the words.

  Tara glared at him and he raised his brows in response. She turned back to Angelo. “I understand. Can you give me your landlord’s name?”

  “No. I can’t have you talk to him. I can’t afford to lose this spot.” Panic crept into Angelo’s voice.

  Tara shouldn’t push, but a nagging in the back of her mind wouldn’t be silenced. Marco had friends everywhere. So did Matilde. Maybe it was just her paranoia speaking, but given the incidents of the last several days, and the way Matilde had pursued this for months, Tara couldn’t shake the nagging feeling the two were related. “I understand.” She tried to force a smile, but didn’t quite make it. She didn’t blame him for the decision. Even if the threat didn’t hold any weight, why push his luck for a couple of internet people?

  “I support you and what you’re doing, but I have to think about my business,” Angelo said.

  Tara forced her fist to not clench, and gave him a sweet smile. “It’s all right. Thank you for considering us.”

  She turned away, struggling to keep her frustration at bay.

  “This is bullshit.” Nathan fell into step beside her. “We had an agreement, and he’s being bullied out of it as much as we are. I want his landlord’s phone number, and I want to have words.”

  His irritation snapped her restraint, and she whirled. “You know who I want to have words with?” She shouldn’t yell at Nathan anymore than Angelo, but Nathan would understand. “Marco. There’s a starting point. I’d love to get him on the phone and tear him a new asshole, whether or not he was directly involved in this. His fucking girlfriend. The asshole who released that list to the internet with his name on it, who put me in the public’s line of sight. Do you think any of them think about the people around them? At least Angelo apologized. Marco doesn’t give a fuck who he hurts as along as he gets his way. This hacker? Same situation.”

  The way Nathan stared back, jaw tight and nostrils flared, told her she might have ranted a bit too much. She sighed. “I’m sorry. You don’t deserve that.”

  Neither of them deserved this. It was so much bullshit.

  NICK WANTED TO SQUIRM watching the exchange. Both with the tattoo shop owner, and the mini-rant Tara went on as they walked away. It almost felt like something else lay beneath the tension. An angle he couldn’t see.

  What was obvious was bad enough. He didn’t blame Tara and Nathan for being upset.

  Nick’s phone rang, and he reached for it out of habit. It would be an excuse to step aside and let them deal with things without him as an audience. Fiona blinked on his screen, and he swiped Answer. “Hey, Red.”

  “You need to come home right now.” Wyatt’s voice greeted him, rather than Fiona’s.

  Irritation tinged with concern trickled through Nick. “Excuse me? Where’s Fiona?”

��s in an examination room, just a few feet away from me.”

  Nick’s worry spiked. “What happened?”

  “There was a fire at the office.” Wyatt spoke with a hesitation that was unusual for him. “It was early, and she was the only person there. They think she may have a concussion and a sprained wrist. The offices are toast. She’ll be all right.”

  Thank God. “You couldn’t have led with that? Fuck it, I’m on the next plan home. Is everyone else all right?” He already had that answer. Fiona was the only one there. “Is Parker still in Rock Springs?”

  “He’s driving back now. He’ll be here before the end of the day.”

  Good. Parker could step in until Nick got there. Wyatt is with her. That shouldn’t be comforting, but it helped calm Nick. “Why did you call me from her phone?”

  “I needed to make sure you answered.”

  Nick would have laughed at the truth of the assumption if he wasn’t so worried. “I’m on my way to the airport now. I’ll see you tomorrow. Have Fiona call me as soon as she’s clear to talk.”

  “I will.” Wyatt’s tone softened. “Have a safe flight. We’ll see you soon.”

  Nick was in shock as he disconnected. He needed more information. How did Fiona get hurt? Why was there a fire? And so much more than he’d need to deal with once he heard from her that she was all right. He looked up to find Tara and Nathan watching him.

  “What’s wrong?” Tara’s anger was gone, replaced with a soft tone.

  “There was a fire at the office. I don’t know much, but... I need to get back to the states. Fiona was hurt. The offices are gutted.” He rattled off the info. Saying the list out loud helped him compartmentalize the details and brought his blood pressure down.

  “Christ, is she all right?” Tara asked.

  Nick nodded. If Wyatt said she was okay, she was. That helped calm him too.

  Nathan stepped forward. “Tell us what we can do.”

  “Tell me the fastest way to get to the airport.”

  “Come on.” Tara looped an arm through his, and steered him toward the hotel. “It will be faster to walk. I’ll call you a cab, and it should be out front and waiting by the time you’ve got your luggage packed.”

  “Thanks.” Nick’s mind whirred. Where was Fiona’s call? Why was she taking so long? If she was conscious, she should be getting back to him any minute now.

  They reached the hotel quickly.

  He needed to put his mind in order. He made a list as he packed. What happened next? Book a plane ticket in the cab. Get to the airport. Try not to freak out on the fourteen-plus-hour flight home. Check on Fiona. Check on the offices. Call the insurance company—

  Tara’s touch on his arm drew his attention. “Your cab is here.”

  “Thanks.” He forced out a smile.

  Nathan shook his hand. “Be safe. Call us when you land in Salt Lake.”

  “I will.”

  Tara pulled him into a hug. The embrace was comforting. Better than making a list. He brushed his lips over hers before he pulled away. Was that inappropriate? Her soft smile said it wasn’t, and he didn’t know if he’d have another chance.

  “Thank you both,” Nick said. “I’ll see you around.” But would he?

  This wasn’t the time to worry about it, but the question clenched in his gut.

  A moment later he was in the cab, and on the way to the airport. He booked a ticket, breathing a sigh of relief that they he could get a flight out in about three hours. It would cost him a small fortune. He didn’t care.

  His phone rang. It was Fiona again. Wasn’t it? “Hello?”

  “Hey.” Her tired greeting was a salve on his worry. “Wyatt said he talked to you.”

  “Are you all right?” Nick needed to hear it from her.

  “Yeah. Mild concussion, which basically means my head hurts like hell. I’ll be wearing a wrist splint for a few weeks. I feel like a massive klutz.”

  “What happened?”

  Fiona’s laugh came easily. “The fire alarms went off, and I thought it was a fluke. I kind of... worked through them.”

  “Red...” He let the warning leak into his voice.

  “I know. But I was in the groove. I smelled the smoke, and heard the firetrucks, and realized that had been a mistake. So I was running downstairs, and my heel caught on a step, and I tripped. I fell down about half a flight. A fireman found me. Carried me outside.”

  Fuck. He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry with relief. “Tell me you’re not adding another guy to your list.”

  “You’re not funny.” Her light tone implied she didn’t mind. “I’m happy with the two I have.”

  “How bad are the offices?” He needed to hear it from her.

  “Wrecked. No one is going back to work there anytime soon. I think most of the equipment is okay, but we’ll need to make new arrangements.”

  Leasing a new building was an expense they couldn’t afford. It didn’t matter, he’d make it work. “We’ll figure it all out when I get there.”

  “Sounds good. Wyatt is seeing if we can get people to work remote. I had to give him something to do, because the nurse was threatening to kick him out.”

  Nick didn’t want to be amused by that, but he was. “Good. I’ll talk to you when I get in. Thank God it wasn’t worse.”

  “See you soon.” Fiona disconnected.

  Nick pocketed his phone and let numbness sink into his bones. This was going to break the bank. Things could have been so much worse. But now that he knew they weren’t, he could focus on will the company survive?


  TARA SANK TO THE EDGE of the hotel bed with a sigh. Poor Nick.

  One of Tara’s realities, for as long as she could remember, was that people assumed they knew her because they could greet her by name.

  She almost felt the same way about Fiona and Parker. She’d never met them, but she’d watched their videos, and she had a decent idea who Nick was. Fiona had already been through so much, this was one more bit of strife for their family.

  On top of that, Antonio had hinted that finances weren’t great for Nick’s company.

  Tara was bitching because she had to do a little property shopping. She had her health and her wallet and a man who loved her by her side.

  “Do you want to call it quits and head home?” Nathan’s question disrupted her rambling thoughts.

  Did she? “No.” She was going to enjoy this trip on Nick’s behalf. “We’re here; let’s enjoy it. Make videos and art and send Nick pictures.”

  “And the rest of the world?” Nathan’s amusement was tinged with something she couldn’t identify.

  Tara wasn’t used to that. “They can watch too. We’re going to blog the hell out of this mini-vacation.”

  “Where do we start?”

  It didn’t matter as long as they appreciated the beauty of it. “The Vatican. We’ll sketch there. And after that, we’ll see the countryside, like you suggested. We’ll stay out here until the agent has property for us to look at back home.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” She wasn’t quite in the mood to celebrate, but she’d find that desire soon enough.

  Nathan tugged her to her feet. “Let’s go see the city.”

  They strolled through town, sticking to the back streets, until the stonework caught her eye. “What do you think of this?”

  “Looks perfect to me.” He let the camera bag slide from his shoulder, and caught the strap in his hand.

  She grabbed the gear from him. “You draw. I’m not in the mood to be captured today.” She handed him a flat briefcase that held an assortment of paper, charcoal, and pastels.

  “What are we drawing?” He set up the easel while she arranged the tripod behind him.

  She’d mostly film over his shoulder, with the occasional shot of his face. “Make it up as you go along.” It wasn’t a reckless statement so much as a tired one. She was tired of worrying about every little detail. Tire
d of stressing over what people thought.

  She wanted to enjoy the trip and Nathan’s company. “Going live in ten.”

  “On it.” Nathan roughed out a few flowing lines, and within seconds, his hand was gliding over paper without hesitation.

  She counted down to one in her head, then hit record. She nudged his shoulder to let him know.

  “Hey, YouTube land.” Nathan talked without looking up from his work. “Coming to you live from a stunning part of town in Rome, where the architecture is filled with inspiration.”

  Tara glanced between his sketch and the nearby building. She hadn’t recognized it at first, but he was creating a stylized version of the pattern carved in stone across from them.

  “And we’re dedicating this video to a friend on his way back home.” She didn’t mean to add that, but she was glad she did. Nick would know it was for him.

  For the next hour, Nathan talked about his process and inspiration—all the standard things. She moved the camera to focus on his face as he wrapped up.

  “Since we’re traveling right now, these aren’t available for inking yet. But we’re going to collect several of these designs, and then let you viewers choose when we’re back home,” he said.

  They hadn’t discussed that. It was a smart idea though.

  He wished everyone goodbye, and she cut the feed.

  “Shouldn’t you have been the one in a video dedicated to your new boyfriend?” Nathan asked as they packed up.

  She rolled her eyes. The question dug under her skin in a way she didn’t like. “You think you sound like you’re teasing, but it doesn’t come out that way. What happened with Nick was temporary. We all knew it.” Was Nathan still jealous? They’d moved past this, hadn’t they? “And even if none of the above were true, if you’ve got something to say, say it. Don’t do this passive aggressive thing about my boyfriend.”

  “Whoa.” Nathan held up his hands. “I was actually teasing you. I don’t have an issue with any of this, and I’m sorry if it came out that way.”


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