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Serenity (Forever Book 1)

Page 29

by India R. Adams

“And Marcus?”

  “Defense and offense guard.”

  Sky flails her hand in the air. “Getting too complicated.”

  Josh gestures at Dereck. “Far too serious. We’ll talk later.”

  Dereck opens his mouth, but Faith walks by with a laundry basket on her hip, beating him to the punch. “He’s had her under lock and key. Please get them out of this house. Be teenagers!”

  I gasp, about to applaud her genius, when Dereck says, “No, she’s tired.”

  My body droops with disappointment.

  Josh observes then springs from his chair, throwing me over his shoulder. “Roc, you get the big one.”

  Rocco heads to Dereck. “Why do I have to always get the big one?”

  Dereck pushes at Rocco. “Okay, you win.” He tells Josh, “Just be careful with her.”

  Josh faces him. My butt’s in Dereck’s face. Again. “What is it with you? Like I would ever hurt her.”

  “She’s already hurt!”

  I’m trying to see behind me, which is awkward since I’m over a shoulder. “Guys. Stop.”

  Jolene steps between them. “Whoa. Faith is right. Dereck needs out of this house. Let’s travel.”

  They both look at her as if debating whether they should attempt to finish their argument.

  “I said move!”

  I guess not.

  “Fine,” Josh complains as he walks toward the front door. “But let’s hurry before Dereck starts discussing retirement plans.”

  In the driveway, Rocco hands Josh his keys. “I’m in back with Lil’ Mama.”

  Dereck opens his passenger door for me. “Serenity and I are taking my truck in case she gets tired.”

  Josh exhales. “Oh my God, dude!”

  “Whatever.” Dereck goes to shut the door. “Then we won’t go.”

  Josh points at him. “Watch your tone.” He gestures at the truck. “Stop your bitching and follow me.”

  The drive-in movie has become our destination. We park in the back since we have no intention of really watching the movie. Jolene and Sky roll down their passenger windows. “Can you come out and play?” Jolene says.

  Dereck turns off his engine. “Am I really that bad?”

  I kiss him. “No, you’re just not your norm right now. I love you. Okay?”

  He nods but is a far cry from a carefree teenager. I exit the truck in a hurry and run to the tailgate. I try to jump aboard but am scolded.

  “What are you doing?” Dereck lifts me from under my arms and sits me down like I’m a two-year-old. I stare at him disapprovingly. He steps between my thighs and puts his face in my neck. “I did it again?”

  I wrap my arms around him and inhale. “It’s okay, Grandpa.”

  Josh is in his truck, getting off his cell, as Jolene jumps up and sits next to me. “All I’m missing is a Coke.”

  Sky is hanging off the tailgate—upside down—like a falling mountain climber. “Tower! Push!”

  Rocco rushes to her, grabbing her waist and a leg. “Couldn’t just wait a second for me to help you?” He manhandles her till she’s in the upright position.

  She sits and immediately starts fixing her hair. “Catch up or get left behind, Stretch.”

  He laughs at her. “You’re a pain in my ass.”

  “Eh, you love me. I shall have Joo-Joo beans and a kiss if you don’t mind.”

  Rocco rushes forward with puckered lips only to have Josh’s palm in his face, pushing him away—“I mind”—as he steps between Tower and his Shorty to get to Jolene.

  Dereck is waiting for my snack order, but I say, “I’m fine.”

  He huffs and rolls his eyes. “You can add it to your list.”

  My good ol’ I-owe-you list makes me happy. “Oh, goody. I will have popcorn and a Coke.”

  Dereck tries to hand Josh some cash. Josh looks disturbed. “What are you doing? No one’s gonna kidnap her while we walk twenty feet. Let’s roll.”

  As the guys walk away, Rocco asks, “What list?”

  Dereck mumbles something, then Roc says, “That’s sweet.” Josh and Dereck smack him on the back of the head. Rocco then proceeds to use one of his assets—his size. Josh and Dereck are dragged into the concession booth, each in a firm headlock. “I’m over you two being hostile tonight.” Dereck and Josh swing, but it gets them nowhere fast. “Oh, still got a little fight in ya, huh?”

  Rocco’s arms tighten, causing yelps.

  “We give! We give!”

  “What’s it like to kiss him?” I quickly ask, knowing we don’t have much time.

  Sky closes her eyes during her grand smile. “Now I know why girls throw themselves at him. He’s huge but oh so gentle. His kisses are like… whipped cream.”

  “Whipped cream?” Jolene laughs.

  Sky opens her eyes. “Hey, I like my desserts.”

  “You look so happy.” I smile, feeling her delight.

  “I am. But don’t tell him. Gotta make him work for it.”

  Jolene gives a fake yawn. “Speaking of working for it. What’s new with you, Serenity?”

  My dangling feet swing. “Nothing, just adjusting.”

  “Let me try this again. So, what’s neeewwww?”

  I sit up straight and freeze!

  Sky jumps in her seat with a gasp. “You did the deed?” I throw my face into Jolene’s shoulder. Sky screams, “Oh my God!”

  The boys come flying out of the snack stand with their arms full. When they see us laughing, three sets of shoulders relax, and three sets of feet slow to a walk again. Maybe Dereck is on to something. The guys may need an early retirement plan if they keep up this constant worry. As they approach, Roc asks us, “What was that about?”

  The girls keep laughing. I hide my face in shame. Dereck’s head drops as he smiles—probably knowing he’s in trouble.

  Josh asks, “What happened?”

  Rocco hands Sky her snack as she whispers in his ear. Roc grins. “Ohhhh.” Then he pats Dereck’s back. “That a boy!”

  “Babe, hold my Coke.”

  Dereck rushes, handing me our snacks, and starts backing away. “Now, Josh, let’s be rational about this. It’s not what you think.”

  The stalking begins. “So, you didn’t deflower my baby?”

  “Oh, uh, well, maybe it is what you think, but it wasn’t my fault!”

  “Josh, you should be proud he held out that long.” Rocco snickers.

  That’s not helping. Josh starts chasing Dereck around his truck.

  Dereck says, “Thanks, Roc.” I’m relieved games have begun, even if they’re at Dereck’s expense.

  Rocco watches Dereck run by. “Anytime, brotha-from-anotha-motha.”

  “Josh!” Dereck is running. “She made me!”

  Still chasing, Josh replies, “That’s what you claimed about her boob molestation!”

  “But it’s true!” Dereck yells from the front of his truck. “She’s a very determined young woman.”

  Rocco bursts out laughing. “Josh, I think he just called your Shorty a slut.”

  I whisper to Jolene. “I did kind of ravish him a bit.”

  “Shh, no helping Pretty Boy. This is far too entertaining.”

  “Dereck,” Josh growls, “she has only lived with you for, like, a week. Take your ass beating like a man!”

  “But I’m scared.”

  Again, Rocco tries to help—“Well, I’m sure it only happened once”—but fails.

  “Serenity?” Josh wants confirmation.


  As Dereck runs by, he says, “Thanks for the help,” kisses me, then steals Sky’s Joo-Joo beans right out of her hand.

  “Hey! Those are mine! I’m not the one na
rcing you out, freak.” A Joo-Joo bean bounces off her forehead. “Rocco!”

  Roc is laughing so hard, choking on his popcorn. Sky grabs some of Jolene’s popcorn and throws it at him. Dereck runs past again, also laughing at Skyler, so she throws popcorn at him, too. That makes Jolene laugh till a Joo-Joo bean bounces off her head.

  It. Is. On.

  Popcorn and Joo-Joo beans are flying everywhere. We jump off the tailgate, preparing to team up. Of course Roc and Sky scurry off, as do Josh and Jolene. Dereck grabs my hand as he runs by. We’re all ducking, looking for places to hide so we can strategize our next move. On the side of Dereck’s truck, he puts his finger to his mouth. I’m giddy with this playtime, nodding and squealing through laughter.

  I can’t see anyone but hear, “Okay. Look alive and focus.”

  “Do not go all El Ca-pee-ton on my ass, Josh-u-a.”

  Laughter comes from the surrounding teams.

  “Dereck has the bullets for firing.”

  “I know. They were my Joo-Joo beans, you freak!”

  Dereck points as he whispers, “Peek around the corner.”

  I creep to the back of Rocco’s truck. When I peek around the closed tailgate, Rocco’s face is an inch from mine. He’s smirking. “Boo.”

  I scream in his face.

  We’re all off running and firing again. Josh yells, “Reload!”

  “It’s all gone!”

  Everyone stills to hear who is winning this battle.

  “Don’t be eyeing my Coke like that, Josh.”

  Then we hear, “We still have popcorn left. We have ’em right where we want them?”

  “That’s right, Lil’ Mama. Did you ever doubt me?”

  “Is that a trick question?”

  Laughing so hard, we all come back together. Josh seems so excited that Dereck has become Dereck again that he wraps his arms around my waist and swings me around. I try not to moan in pain, but it escapes me. Josh puts me down fast, but before he can give any other reaction, Dereck has me in his right arm, and with his left, he shoves Josh, hard. Josh doesn’t react to Dereck as he flies backward. He only stares at me in disbelief.

  Dereck holds me to his chest as he gives a warning. “I’m on the edge! Stay. Back.”

  I whisper to him, “It’s okay. It’s okay.”

  Rocco steps forward. “Whoa, Dereck, what are you doing?”

  “Losing my fucking mind! Stay back!”

  Skyler is clinging to Jolene while everyone backs up. Dereck, the one who’s always composed, is shaking—truly struggling for his sanity.

  Josh has his hands up, offering Dereck more space. “Look, we’re backing up. Brother, I would never intentionally hurt her. You’ve got to know that.”

  “I do, but ya did, so something inside clicked and… now, I want to rip your head off.”

  “What do you mean clicked?” Jolene softly asks.

  Dereck glances down at me.

  I kiss his chest. “I’m okay. See?”

  He cautiously lets down the hand trying to keep everyone at bay and checks me for injuries. His breathing is erratic. “Serenity, what’s happening to me?”

  My eyes water upon seeing his desperation. I plead to Josh, “Help us.”

  Josh puts his hand on his chest as if responding to my request. He takes a tentative step forward, observing Dereck. He gestures, asking for permission to approach. Dereck’s shoulders fold as he nods.

  When Josh puts his hand on Dereck’s back, Josh’s eyes bug out. “Dereck, you’re burning up.” Josh peers over his shoulder. “Joles, come here.”

  She touches Dereck. “Let’s get them home. He’s got a fever.”

  Burning love and desire, sets my warrior on fire

  Rage for battle, this lifetime and past

  Because of me, it won’t be his last

  I. Am. The. Key.

  Hearing her screams is complete agony because I’m lost and can’t find her. This hallway is foreign to me, and my parents’ stairs are nowhere to be found. I close my eyes and slam my palms over my ears. That’s when I feel the water. Opening my eyes, I see I’m now at the bottom of the stairs I have traveled so many damn times. Even though the water is not cold—it’s actually alarmingly warm—I trudge through. My mom needs me. I’m halfway through the front living room, with water to my thighs, when her screaming suddenly stops. The silence causes ringing in my ears as they try to adjust.

  Following where her screams were coming from, I turn the corner to enter the kitchen. My heart clenches, forcing me to a stop. Her body is lying on the kitchen island. Her motionless eyes stare at me as her body pales by the second. I can’t see injuries, but blood is dripping down the table legs, into the water. The water… The warm… It’s not water clinging to my hands, it’s her blood! When I look back, Father is there. His bare, broad back is terrifying as his muscles flex with whatever he is doing in front of him. He glares over his shoulder and… smiles. He slowly and menacingly faces me. When he takes a step forward, I know I’m next—


  I’m forcing my body through the thick fluid, trying to escape him. “Dereck?”

  “I’m here. Look down.”

  I look down, but all I see is her blood. “He’s going to kill me!”

  “I won’t let him. Open your eyes.”

  I try to start running again, but it’s getting thicker and thicker, like quicksand refusing to release me. Heavier and heavier. “Please, Dereck! Where are you?”

  “I’m right here. Feel me touching you. Shhh, feel me. Feel me.”

  His hands are rubbing my legs. I stop struggling and try to touch him.

  “Yes, right here, Baby Doll. You almost have me…”

  When I feel Dereck but can’t see him, my eyes pop open.

  I’m in Dereck’s lap, straddling him. His back is to his headboard with his hands on my hips. His long legs are with bent knees on each side of me, pinning me in. Confused, I glance up and see his guitar drawing on the wall. I don’t know I’m gasping till I look back down, noticing he’s panting, too. He exhales. “There she is.”

  His bedroom door is swung open by a panicked Faith.

  Dereck tells her, “She’s okay. She’s okay.”

  Faith nods and closes the door. I burst into tears. These nightly episodes are wearing me thin.

  “Come ’ere.”

  He holds me to him as I cry for mercy because I feel like a damned soul.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Over the next two months of summer break, Dereck and I take classes, earning extra credits for college. We become even closer. Every now and then, I can see signs of us becoming adults with goals and ambitions for our future. Respect for each other’s needs and wants is so important to us. Dereck and I keep our promise to Faith; we don’t have sex. It’s almost a relief to remove sex from the equation and give ourselves time to adjust to our new lives. Seventeen is so young to begin the “living together” stage, but my life’s abnormal, so instead of missing what was never mine to begin with, I’m learning to accept my fate. Lots of long talks with Dereck and Faith help my healing process. Their patience is never-ending, and I’m blanketed in love and compassion. I am a lucky girl.

  Dereck wants to transfer my cell number to his account, but it’s my only connection to my mom. Not the only way I can talk to her, because I guess we can always email, but the only thing she is paying for. I hold on to the hope that she’s still financially supporting the phone because she wants to talk to me. Sounds weird, but her horrible calls—with accusations and guilt—somehow make me feel as though she still wants to be a part of my life. I take what I can get. Dereck says he respects that. He doesn’t try to control me anymore. We’re both learning.

  School beg
ins as usual, but the summer has changed me. These transformations make me feel even more out of place. Exhausted and sleep deprived from the frequent night terrors, I’m shocked how fast the word spread about my new living arrangements. With hall monitors no longer present, and Sky no longer having Bruno’s protection, the abuse takes shape.

  Dating Rocco Martelli makes Skyler understand the pressure I’ve been under by dating a Hamilton. Now learning about the Crew’s football celebrity is helping us to understand the unusual heat we’ve been experiencing. Jealousy is an energy vampire. Jolene, Skyler, and I see the guys for who they truly are. These other girls see scholarships, media attention, and possible contracts with the NFL. Maybe that is why the boys love us as they do. We are not blinded by their jersey status.

  After a good sit-down with Josh, Jolene, and his mom, Dereck decides to play his senior year and not forgo all his hard work. There’s even talk about me following Dereck to UT. It’s doubtful my parents will foot that bill and doubtful my grades can get me the scholarship needed to attend such a university. Damn, Josh was right as usual. I should’ve listened.

  Dereck practices every day, so I witness the pressure the team is under. I rarely see Josh anymore, so I assume the pressure from being a freshman quarterback at UT is even worse. Dereck says he doesn’t envy what Josh is going through because Josh is anticipating a lot of playtime. That Josh is the next Tebow. I don’t really understand—and don’t know what a “Tebow” is—but Dereck says the strong quarterback UT had graduated last year. With a poor substitute next in line, the spotlight’s on Josh, and it’s just a matter of politics at this point. Huh? Dereck predicts that even though Josh is only a freshman, second string, he will be bumped to first string in no time. Strings? Not sure what all that means, either.

  The new routine for every school morning is eating breakfast with Faith and Dereck, kissing Dereck goodbye in the driveway, then picking up Sky in my red Jeep. But for some reason, Dereck is driving us to school on this fine Friday morning. I pester him for answers, but his reply remains the same. “It’s a surprise.”


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