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Serenity (Forever Book 1)

Page 30

by India R. Adams

  Sky is also relentless. From the backseat of Dereck’s truck, she folds the front middle seat, making use of its center console, and props up her feet between Dereck and me. Her red toenails peek out of her sandals as her feet tap to the music. “Yes, but what kind of surprise?”

  “Stop trying to ruin this surprise! Now, leave your backpacks in your locker—”

  I gasp. “What if I need my cell?”

  “Or lip gloss?” Sky argues. “How will she trade your crabby ass in if she can’t get another boyfriend because she has dry lips? I mean, she’s still hot without the lip gloss but—”

  “Thank you for the news flash, Sky.” He pinches her big toe. “Can you please just do what you’re told?”

  “What-ever, Ham-il-ton.”

  “What are you doing?” I ask as Dereck suddenly pulls off the road, throws his truck in park, and leans over to reach the backseat.

  “Now I understand Josh’s incredible temper and beating her ass.” Skyler chokes on laughter as he unbuckles her, flips her over, and smacks her ass repeatedly. Her little hands try to block him as I yank on his muscular arms, with no luck.

  In my school’s parking lot, Dereck tries to hand me lunch money, but I refuse. “No, you hid my IOU list. I can’t write it down, so I’m not eating.”

  Skyler grabs the cash with not one ounce of guilt—“I’m eating”—and crawls up front to sit between us.

  Dereck hugs her. “See? Skyler doesn’t hate my money.”

  “Nope!” Sky counts the cash. “Damn, Dereck. A hundred bucks for lunch. What’s she supposed to do, buy four hundred sucky cafeteria burritos? Oh, my backpack.” Without a care in the world, Sky maneuvers in the front seat to retrieve her bag from the back.

  “Sky! Your butt!”

  “What’s the problem now, Hamilton?”

  Dereck leans around her to reach me. “Can I have a kiss before you go?”

  Sky sits back down, bumping him away from me—“Sure”—and kisses his cheek.

  “Not you, ya little monkey. Her.”

  “Switch!” Sky announces then crawls over me so I can take her place.

  Of course, Dereck is trying to avoid the view. “Sky! Again, your butt!”

  She takes my seat. “Rocco doesn’t bitch when I crawl all over his truck.”

  “I bet not. Your ass in his face. I’m sure the big guy is loving it.”

  “So why are you griping at me?”

  “You’re not my girlfriend!”

  “Not according to the hundred bucks in my hand. Do you really think Roc likes my butt? What am I saying? He probably does, huh? My overgrown country boy.” I love to hear her giggle at the thought of Roc. Sky opens the passenger door—“Ahhh!”—and tumbles right out of the truck.

  Dereck jumps out and runs to her aid as I sit in the truck, crossing my legs so I don’t pee my pants, laughing hysterically.

  He picks her up off the ground while she asks him, “Nobody saw, right?” She’s frantically trying to readjust her hair.

  Not one soul in the parking lot has missed the fact that Dereck is here, dropping us off. All are staring, but Dereck says, “Nope. You’re in the clear.”

  School ends, and Sky and I head to the parking lot with no backpacks per Dereck’s instructions. When we see Roc and Dereck leaning on their bikes, we take off running. The guys point at a wonderful sight, quickly rerouting us. With huge smiles, the Wise Ones are standing at Josh’s bike.

  “My Shorties!”

  I leap to Josh, and Sky slams into Mama Hen. We miss them something terrible.

  More and more people swarm to meet and talk with Josh Dukes, a quarterback for the Longhorns. Sky and I switch Wise Ones for more hugs.

  After a much-needed in-the-air squeeze, Josh puts Sky down and whispers, “Go get your Rocco. I love you.” He tells me, “Get on Dereck’s bike, baby. I’m feeling bombarded.” His tone changes when he speaks to the boys. “Let’s travel.”

  Jolene is already putting on her helmet.

  Sky is all smiles as we turn around, till she sees Cammy—Roc’s ex—talking to him.

  Not listening to Jabber Jaws, Rocco whines to Sky, “Do I get my hug now?”

  Skyler’s shoulders relax, and her bottom lip slips between her teeth as she bashfully heads to her Rocco. Roc’s smile shows that his world revolves only around Skyler’s. “You’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Cammy—not so happily—marches off.

  We ride east for about an hour till we enter the city of Bastrop. As we pass through downtown, we’re rerouted due to a carnival. Sky almost leaps off Roc’s bike. “I want to play!”

  Surprisingly, the bikes pull up to a little cabin on the Colorado River. There are hammocks, lounge chairs, a fire pit, and lots of privacy. Jolene takes off her helmet, exposing her lax jaw. “They had me pack you girls some stuff. Now I know why. I talked to your mom, Sky. You’re covered for the weekend.”

  After we walk inside this adorable place, Jolene opens the fridge. “You stocked the fridge?”

  All the guys smile proudly.

  I walk into the bedroom and laugh. “Why are there three beds in one room?”

  “To control all hanky-panky,” Josh says from the living room. “So, the fair tonight or tomorrow? Ow!”

  Sky is standing with her arms crossed, and Josh is holding his shin. “Okay. Fair. Tonight, I say, fair. Damn, she’s quick!”

  Downtown Bastrop has sparkling lights, game booths, and rides. I’m a kid in a candy shop. So is Sky. She’s pulling on Rocco’s big hand. “Can we go over there?” He’s dragged off.

  “Josh! I want to play that game.” Jolene drags him off.

  I stand in the middle of the ruckus with my eyes closed to the dark sky, enjoying how all these happy people feel.

  “And what does Serenity want?”

  My eyes open, and Dereck is looking down at me with a smile. “You.”

  I’ve touched him deeply. The way he clutches my neck and face tells me so. Dereck’s lips are descending to mine—

  “Maybe she wants to play this game?”

  Dereck stops and looks at a guy behind a booth. The stranger grins. “If she thinks she can.” His energy is murky. I would guess he lies occasionally.

  Eyeing the little stuffed monkeys hanging behind him, I ask, “What is your game?”

  “Guess the cards.”

  “If I win, can I have three monkeys?”

  “You have to win three times for one monkey.” I start to turn away. “Okay. Win two out of three, and I will give you two monkeys.”

  “Three out of three. Three monkeys.” I raise a brow.

  The man smirks. “Impossible, but deal.”

  Obviously curious, Dereck hands over the money. The man shows me a card. “To play is simple. Find this card amongst the three. Win a monkey.”

  I nod. He quickly moves around the card I memorized and ends up with three cards facing down on the booth top.

  I point. “That one. Two wins to go.”

  The guy flips over the card. I smile. He nods with a touch of respect, and we play again.

  I point. “That one. One to go.”

  The guy flips the card and appears dumbfounded. He begins moving cards again when Skyler calls my name. I turn to the Ferris wheel and wave up at her and Roc in the air.

  “Um, babe?” Dereck chuckles. “Shouldn’t you be paying attention?”

  The carnival man stands smugly behind his spread of three cards. My head tilts. “But it’s gone.”

  The guy takes two steps back.

  Dereck observes with a disapproving expression. His voice is low. “We’ll take our three monkeys now.”

  I pull at his arm, but he refuses to budge. “Dereck, thi
s cheater is not worth it.”

  Dereck’s gaze is fixed on the stranger while pointing at me. “She is sweet. I am not. Monkeys, or my cash back.”

  Nonchalantly, Josh moseys on up. His eagle eyes say he’s worried for the safety of the carnival worker. “What’s up, myyy broth-a?” He’s nervously playing with a little rubber ducky in his hands.

  I glance around and see Jolene shooting duckies like an expert hunter.

  Dereck and I explain the dilemma.

  The carnival worker defends himself. “But she didn’t get it right.”

  Josh asks, “What was your card, baby girl?”

  “Queen of hearts.”

  He grabs his chest. “Very appropriate.” Josh reaches down to check the cards, but the man blocks him. Josh stills and looks at the daring man. “I’m not trying to pick a fight with you, but if you touch my hand one more time, we’re going to dance, and I ain’t talking the tango. We clear?”

  Josh is getting testy, which is unfortunate timing for the guys dancing inappropriately behind Jolene—without her knowledge—as she plays a game at the other booth. The toy flies over my head and bounces off the unwanted dancer. The dancer grabs the back of his head as he turns to see his attacker.

  Josh sarcastically waves from forty feet away. “That was me, asshole. Move along.”

  The dancer’s friend laughs as they walk away. “Dude! That was Josh Dukes. Did you see the aim?”

  Jolene hears his name and peers behind her, but all she finds is her prize—apparently already named. “Josh-u-a! You dropped Joshy Ducky.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Joles, really? Joshy Poo, now Joshy Ducky? How humiliating.”

  Unaware of what’s transpiring on the ground, Sky excitedly yells from her ride, “Hamilton! Look at me.”

  Dereck turns to his “other girlfriend” and forgets his anger immediately, waving at our angel.

  The monkey guy utters, “You’ve got to be kidding me,” and hands me my winnings. Apparently, Josh Dukes, the quarterback for UT, and Dereck Hamilton have some pull in Texas.

  “Thank you,” I say with no attitude. I kind of feel sorry for the guy. “May I ask if I was right?”

  He eyeballs the mad, locally famous guys on each side of me. They put their hands behind their backs, and each takes a step backward. The cards are flipped to show a nine of diamonds, four of clubs, and a three of spades. No queen of hearts.

  “Huh. I didn’t know I could do that.”

  “Ma’am, how did you do that?”

  “Just asked them.” I walk towards Jolene. When I notice my huge shadows aren’t following, I turn back to see them staring at me—including the booth guy. “Ya coming?”

  Dereck and Josh trip over their own usually coordinated feet. “Uh, er, yeah, coming.”

  Dereck catches up to me. “Baby Doll, who’d you ask?”

  “The cards.”

  I open my eyes and sigh with the morning light greeting us.

  Dereck rolls to me, whispering, “I know. Not one night terror.”

  My lips crush to his in excitement. Maybe they’re over?

  “No, no, no, Mr. Horny Pretty Boy.”

  Jolene smacks Josh. “Dear God, Dukes. He ain’t gonna bang her right next to us. Give ’em a break.”

  Dereck dips his chin. “Thank you, Joles.”

  She sits up. “Knock up my baby and I’ll kill you myself. Did you see my aim last night?”

  From the middle bed with Sky, Rocco bursts out laughing. “Damn!” His back is to me, lying on his side with bent knees and no Sky in sight.

  “Uh,” I utter, “where’s my best friend?”

  Her hand appears from in front of Rocco. “I’m here in heat heaven. Josh has the air conditioner to arctic levels, but Teddy has me properly cocooned.”

  Jolene takes a picture with her cell phone. “Look, Josh. You can barely see her with his arm over her! See that tiny ball against his stomach?”

  Josh stretches, looking at her cell. “How the hell the biggest of us ended up with the smallest is mind boggling and somewhat unnatural, according to that pic.”

  It’s a wonderful, leisurely day. Napping in the hammocks, grilling food, then back to playing in the water. Now as the sun is fading, we’re having a chicken fight in the water, and Sky and I are losing to Jolene.

  “She’s the chicken fight dominator!” Skyler proclaims from Rocco’s shoulders.

  Dereck is trying to keep me on his. “Must work on your arm strength, Serenity.”

  Josh laughs from under Jolene. “She had some the day she smacked Rick on the boat.”

  My face changes as I feel her change. That was the night it happened…

  Roc reads my face that is mirroring the one on his shoulders. He quickly pulls Skyler down and has her in front of him for eye contact. She’s already fading to a dark time. He has a gentle tone. “Look at me.” She does. He’s so kind. “Hi, Lil’ Mama. You want me to go with you or pull you from it?”

  Rocco simply amazes me.

  Her face speaks volumes. “I forget… but then something makes me remember, and is—” She seems lost for words, but Rocco will give her anything—even words to express herself.

  He asks, “Like a physical jolt to an unwanted place?”

  She slowly touches his face, as if to feel whether he’s real. “Yes, Rocco, and that dark place is so scary for me.”

  I slide from Dereck’s shoulders. She needs to talk.

  Skyler sees me and sounds older, wiser, not our spunky teenager. “No, keep playing. I’m fine.”

  Jolene slides down also. “Nah, I’m getting tired.”

  Skyler is no fool. “Not going to let me feel guilty for changing the mood?”

  Josh stares at her as if he finds her awe inspiring. “Never.”

  Because I can’t reach the river’s bottom, I hold on to Dereck as Sky does the same with Rocco. I ask, “What happens if you let yourself go to that dark place?”

  She suddenly cowers and whispers, “Don’t know. Haven’t been there yet. It’s a different place than before you found out…what… happened to me.”

  Rocco pulls her against his wet chest and rests his lips to her head. Her eyes close, as if basking in his affections.

  At such a sad moment, I should be depressed for my friend, but I feel the opposite. I’m empowered for some reason. Something is feeding my timing and wisdom. “Do you want to visit the place, with us by your side?”

  “It’s like he’s still there waiting for me, Serenity. He’s waiting for me.”

  Chills. Chills travel down my spine.

  Ever so gently, Rocco rocks her back and forth. “Not as long as I’m alive.”

  He stops when I swim to them. He pulls me to him—next to Sky. As Dereck did the night my life changed, Rocco holds us both and keeps us from sinking.

  I lay my head on his chest to be face to face with my best friend. I whisper, “That would make me mad to know someone is lurking in my world.”

  Her eyes open. I’m with her now. We are connected. Her jaw tightens. “So mad.”

  I’m getting angry, too. “He has no right to you, Skyler O’Donnell.”

  “I want him gone,” she growls.

  I lift my head, growling also. “And never come back.”

  Her head rises as her voice shakes. “And never come back.”

  The Shorties are going to battle.

  My eyes well with fury as my voice grows. “Never come back, damn it!”

  “Never. Come. Back.”

  “He’s not welcome here anymore!” I yell.

  My world trembles as her head leans back and releases a blood-curdling scream. “You’re not welcome here anymore! I hate you! I hate you.” Her tears allow all her bottled-up
fear to flow and release heart-shattering pain. Her eyes now closed, her head falls to Rocco’s heaving chest as she whimpers, “I hate you… I hate you.”

  Crying for Sky and this tragedy, I hold her hand. “He can’t own you anymore.”

  “No more… can’t hurt me no more.”

  I lay my head on his chest, waiting for her eyes. “We are letting him go.”

  Tears roll down her angelic face, dripping on Roc’s chest. “I’m letting him go now.” Then she whispers, “I want to be set free.”

  “Free,” I whisper in return.

  “Free,” she repeats.

  “Your heart is free.”

  “My heart is free.”

  “Your soul is free.”

  She deeply inhales and exhales. “My soul is free.”

  I feel her release. I watch a faint shadow float from her mouth up to the darkening sky. Whatever touched her during that horrific crime—whatever that coward of a man left behind—my Skyler has set it free for the heavens to deal with. I believe they are equipped for such things and would bear any pain a soul needs to release. Maybe I need to do the same, release it all and truly be free…

  Flames shine off our faces as Sky and I cuddle in a lounge chair. There is a calmness inside our hearts this night. There is space now to grow. Sky’s inner peace is a melodic rhythm to my soul. Rocco watches us. “Even after all this time, I’m still amazed by how close you two are.”

  Jolene nods in her fire trance. “Isn’t it one of the most magical things you’ve ever witnessed?”

  Sky leans her face to mine. “I have to have her.”

  Josh says, “It’s the one thing Jolene and I could never replace for them. They have to have each other.”

  “It’s the one thing none of us can replace,” Dereck easily admits.

  Josh’s hand rests on his chest—this gesture of respect and love. “My Shorties.”

  His honesty is pure. I have never been so thankful for him as at this moment. “I love you.”

  Josh inhales a sharp breath.


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