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Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection

Page 42

by Kaylee Ryan

  Can we do this? Will this work to stop the lawsuit? Can I marry her and then let her walk away when this all blows over? Regardless of the fact I will want to hold on tight, I’ll have to let her go. We’ll have to live under the same roof, share every aspect of my life with her, and then let her go because that’s the right thing to do. She’s offering me a way to fight them to keep my baby girl. I won’t hold her back when this is over.

  “McKinley, you’re amazing for offering, and I can never thank you enough, but this is a big deal.”

  “You’re right, it is. They want to take her from us, Evan. We can’t let them do that. We have to do whatever it takes to make that happen. You can trust me. I won’t hold you to the marriage once we get them to drop the suit.”

  “What happens after you divorce, once this all blows over and they start the suit up again?” Aaron asks.

  She shrugs. “I’ll still be around, be in her life. We can play it off that I’m still her mother figure. I would be honored to play that role for this little girl.” She pulls Lexi in a little closer to her chest.

  “That could work, man,” Aaron agrees.

  “McKinley, I can’t let you do this.” My plea is weak at best. My head is telling me it’s the right thing to say. My heart is telling me to drag her to the courthouse right this second. That maybe there won’t be an end once we have a beginning.

  “You’re not letting me do anything. I want to do this.”

  “Your parents?” I say meekly.

  “They’ll get it, man. Don’t worry about our parents. I think she’s right. This is the best way. You won’t be strapped to some stranger or some girl who will try to take your ass to the cleaners when this is over. Kinley has been here from the moment you found out. You all have spent a lot of time together. She has a point about the doctor’s appointments and all that stuff. This will work, man. Take her up on it. Save your little girl from those monsters,” Aaron tries to persuade me.

  I’m convinced. I just needed to appear to put up a fight and make sure she understands what she’s volunteering to do.

  “McKinley, look at me.”

  Her eyes snap to mine. I step into her, closing off the space between us. “I need you to look me in the eye and tell me you are really okay with this. You will be putting your life on hold for me---for us.”

  “Yes.” No hesitation, her voice never wavers. “It was my idea, Evan. I promise you I will have no regrets. We can’t let them take her.”

  “We should probably go talk to your parents first.”

  “No, we shouldn’t. I’m an adult, Evan. I don’t need their blessing or their permission.”

  I raise my hand to her cheek and she leans into my touch. “I know that, but I do. You’re going to be my wife, McKinley. I need them to know I will respect you always. I want to make sure they understand the complexity of this situation, but that I will never do anything to hurt you. They’re my second family. I need them on board with this before we can go through with it.”

  I watch as her eyes soften with my words. She’s knows I’m right.

  “I’ll call them, have them come over. No need in taking Lexi back out when they can come here,” Aaron offers.

  I feel like I’m in a bubble watching this all unfold. He’s on board with this plan; he’s okay with me marrying his little sister. I can’t imagine their parents will be so understanding.

  “Call them.”

  Chapter 30


  I settle on the couch with Lexi in my arms. She’s wide-awake and making all of her cute baby noises. I block Evan and Aaron out, while she and I have some girl time. I love her. I don’t think I could love her more if she were my own. The thought of Misty’s parents taking her, causes my heart to crack wide open.

  Evan and Aaron know I’m right. Getting married will fix this. Anyone who hears about it will believe it; we’re always together. This is the only way. Evan insists my parents know, but honestly, I couldn’t care less what they think. I’m going to do whatever it takes to keep Lexi with Evan. By doing so, I keep her with me.

  “I’ll let them in,” Aaron says when we hear my dad’s truck pull up.

  Evan paces the floor in front of me. Mom and Dad follow Aaron into the room, both wearing looks of concern. “Why don’t you two go ahead and have a seat,” Aaron suggests.

  “Is everything all right?” Mom asks, worried. Dad guides her to the loveseat and they both sit. Aaron takes his spot in the recliner, leaving me and Lex on the couch and Evan pacing.

  “No, but it will be,” Aaron tells her. “Evan?” Evan raises his eyes and gives Aaron a tight nod. “Evan got a letter today from an attorney in Tennessee. The letter was informing him that Misty was killed in a car accident a few weeks ago. Her parents are now suing Evan for custody of Lexi, stating he can’t give her what she needs—a mother and a father role model in her life,” Aaron explains.

  “I call bullshit!” Dad seethes.

  “You’re right, it is; we all know that. However, none of us knows the laws or the legal rights. Misty signed away her rights, but does that void grandparent rights as well? None of us know. What we do know is they have enough money and connections, at least from what Evan knows from Misty, to fight this battle.”

  “There has to be something we can do,” Mom states.

  “There is,” I speak up for the first time. “I have the solution, but he,” I point across the room at Evan, “insisted the two of you agree to it.”

  “Well, let’s hear it,” this from my dad.

  “Evan and I need to get married. Lexi would have a mom.” I go on to explain, listing the same reasons as I did earlier with Evan and Aaron. “Once this all blows over, we can have the marriage annulled. I’ll still be in her life as her ‘mother’ figure and this will all go away.”

  Evan stops pacing, his attention on me. “I can’t let you do this.”

  I sigh in frustration. “I thought we worked through this? You’re not letting me do anything, Evan. They can’t take her. I won’t let them. This is the only way.”

  “I think you might be right,” Mom says, shocking the hell out of us all. Dad watches her, something seems to pass between them.

  “If it’s any consolation, I agree. At first, I didn’t think so, but after McKinley listed all of the reasons it would be believable between them, I agree this will work,” Aaron adds.

  “Evan,” Dad says his name, causing him to give my father his full attention. Dad doesn’t say anything just gives him a tight nod. Mom places her hand over Dad’s resting on her leg.

  “Have you talked to your parents? I’m sure they want to be there,” Mom says.

  “I…um…n-no I haven’t talked to them. They don’t know about the letter.”

  “Mom, it’s not a real wedding,” I tell her.

  “We need to make it look real, Kinley. If you are going to go through with this, we need to make sure it looks real. There will be no room for anyone to doubt it.”

  “Dad can’t travel,” Evan says.

  “Well, looks like we’re taking a road trip,” Mom says. “You call them and let them know what going on. Then I’ll call your mom and we will take care of the details.”

  Evan joins me on the couch, and I’m once again the center of his attention. “McKinley, I need you to be sure about this.”


  “I don’t know how I will ever be able to thank you for what you’re doing for us.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, Evan. I want to do this. They can’t have her.”

  He tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear. “Thank you.”

  “All right, well, we’re heading home. I’ve got some planning to start. Evan, you let me know once you’ve talked to your parents and I’ll take care of the rest. You have enough to worry about. Your mom was just saying how she can’t wait to meet her granddaughter. Looks like she’s going to get that wish.” They say their goodbyes with the promise this is all going to work out

  “You about ready, Kinley?” Aaron asks.

  Am I ready? No, I don’t want to leave her. “I…not really,” I admit.

  “You can stay tonight. I might need backup with Mom and Dad. Mom will want to talk to you to make sure you’re okay with all of this,” Evan tells me.

  “Yeah, there are probably a lot of things we need to discuss about this…arrangement.”

  “All right, well, you all know where to find me if you need anything. Kinley, I can come back for you later,” Aaron offers.

  “I’ll bring her home in the morning. I would have been dropping Lexi off anyway. I think she needs this time with my little girl as much as I do,” Evan tells him.

  “Yeah,” Aaron says. “You guys call if you need anything.”

  I stand and hand Lexi off to Evan. “I’ll walk out with you.”

  Aaron says his goodbyes and we head outside.

  “Aaron, I know this has to be weird for you, but I have to do this,” I lay it out there for him. I refuse to ask his permission; I don’t need it.

  “I get it. I’m also not blind, Kinley. I can see the way you look at each other. I’m worried one or both of you are going to come out of this crushed, but I understand this is the only way to keep them away from her.”

  “He’s a great guy, and he’s been through enough.”

  “What about you? Can you keep your heart out of this?”

  “It’s too late, Aaron,” I tell him honestly.

  He pulls me into his arms and hugs me tight. “You’re not the only one, little sister. I can read Evan like a book. He’s been fighting this.”

  “Regardless, we both know we have to do this. When it’s over, the fact that we saved that little girl from those people will heal the pain I’ll feel from no longer being a part of their family.”

  “You’ll always be a part of their family, McKinley.” His voice is scolding.

  “You’re right, but not the way I long to be. I know that, and I accept it.”

  Aaron nods, he gets it. “Call me if you need anything. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  With one last hug—the kind only my big brother can give—he’s gone. I watch his truck until I can no longer see his tail lights before heading back inside.

  Chapter 31


  Lexi is just finishing her bottle when Kinley finally comes back into the house. “Let me lay her down and we’ll call my parents.”

  “Can I come with you?” she asks.

  “Of course, you can.”

  She follows me up the stairs and into Lexi’s room. “Goodnight, baby girl. Daddy loves you,” I say softly, kissing her on the forehead.

  I step back, letting Kinley say goodnight as well. “Sweet dreams, Lex. I love you,” she says so softly I almost don’t hear her.

  I grab her hand and lead her to my room. Without hesitation, Kinley sits on her side of the bed and pulls her knees to her chest. Taking my cell out of my pocket, I dial my parents. I sit on the edge of the bed beside her and lay my hand on her knee. She covers mine with hers and we wait for them to answer.

  “Hey, Mom, can we talk?” I say. She gets Dad on the other line and I proceed to tell them about the letter and about Kinley’s offer to marry me. Her selfless offer to ensure I keep my baby girl.

  “Is she there with you?” Mom asks.

  “Yeah, she’s sitting right next to me.” Where I’ve longed for her to be since the night I held her.

  “Can I talk to her?”

  I hand Kinley the phone. “Mom wants to talk to you.”

  “Hello,” she says quietly. She listens intently as my mom talks. “Yes, I know what I’m doing. It was my idea. I refuse to let them take her,” she says with conviction.

  They talk a few more minutes before Kinley passes the phone back to me.

  “Evan, you okay with this?” Mom asks.

  “More than I should be,” I say honestly.

  “Okay, I’ll call Sarah in the morning and we will take care of it all. I’m so excited to meet my granddaughter.”

  I can’t help but laugh at her excitement. “Night, Mom, love you. Tell Dad too,” I add. He got off the call when Mom wanted to talk to McKinley.

  “Will do, honey. Take care of your girls,” she says before hanging up.

  My girls.

  “What did she say?”

  “She told me to take care of my girls. She’s going to call your mom and start planning.”


  “Should we ---—” she cuts me off.

  “Nothing to talk about. We’re getting married. We’re going to prevent those heartless people from getting their hands on that precious little girl. When it all blows over, we’ll annul the marriage and your life can go back to normal. Until then, we’re two best friends doing what we need to do to save your little girl.”

  “All right, we should get some sleep.” I go to my dresser and pull out a t-shirt. “You can sleep in this.” I hand it to her.

  “Thank you.” She takes the shirt into the bathroom to change. I strip down to my boxers, turn off the light, and climb into bed. I’m more excited than I should be that she’s going to be in my bed again, at least I hope she is. We didn’t talk about it, but after tonight, I just need to hold her. Besides, she’s going to be my wife. How in the hell am I going to stay away from her now? We should talk about it, about living and sleeping arrangements, but that’s not what we do. We share kisses and sleep in the same bed and pretend it doesn’t happen. I’m just going to let the cards fall where they may.

  I watch the shadows dance across the ceiling, willing my racing heart to slow its rhythm as I wait for her to finish in the bathroom. When the door opens, she turns off the light and walks toward the bed. There is just enough moonlight to lighten her features. I lift the covers, inviting her to join me. Her step doesn’t falter as she climbs in. Dragging the covers up over both of us, I pull her into my arms and hold her close for several minutes before I finally whisper, “Thank you,” into her ear.

  She rolls over so she’s now facing me, our bodies aligned. I place my arm around her, resting it on her back, and move her as close as I can get her. “We’re really doing this?”

  Her hand rests against my cheek. “Yeah, we really are.”

  I open my mouth to speak, but I can’t find the words. Instead, I lean in and press my lips to hers. The kiss starts soft, as I trace her bottom lip with my tongue. She opens for me, and the minute my tongue slides past her lips, I lose all train of thought. I have a single purpose—to have more of her. I need more. I need to taste her for hours, everywhere I want to trace her soft skin with my tongue and to be buried so far inside of her that we both forget our own names.

  I want her.

  I can no longer fight it. I don’t know if it’s the thought of her being my wife or just because it’s her.

  More than likely, it’s both.

  She throws her leg over mine and presses her body closer. My cock pulses against her belly. “Evan,” she moans my name. Moans my fucking name!

  Breaking our kiss, my lips find her neck. My hand slips under her shirt and I’m once again treated to the silky-smooth feel of her skin against mine. I guide them up her spine and she shudders in my arms.

  She’s so fucking sexy.

  “Evan.” This time, my name on her lips is a pant.

  “Tell me, McKinley. Tell me what you need.” I’ll fucking give her anything she wants. I just need to know she wants this. Her actions tell me she does, but this is a turning point for us. I need to hear her say it.

  Instead of telling me, she sits up and pulls my shirt over her head, throwing it across the room, and then lies back down.

  “You,” she whispers.

  Fuck me!

  I close my eyes and will myself to slow down. I want her and this will change us, but we’re getting married. We’re going to change regardless.

  With my index finger, I trace the contour of her face down to her neck. I continue my j
ourney until I reach her full breasts, tracing each pert nipple with my finger. No longer able to hold back, I bend my head and take one, then the other, in my mouth. Giving them both equal attention with my tongue and a gentle tug of my fingers.

  “Evan,” she moans again and the sound goes straight to my dick. I’m now painfully hard with want for her.

  Never moving my mouth from her breasts, my hand skims her flat belly, touching every single part of her I can. When I reach the hem of her silk panties, I don’t even hesitate to slide my hand underneath.

  I gently run the tip of my thumb over her. This causes her to raise her hips from the bed. Exploring further, my hand is coated with her. I want to bury my face between her legs and feast, but I can’t seem to tear my mouth from her chest, from the tight, perky nipples, I’ve not had my fill of.

  My hand is going to have to do for now.

  Chapter 32


  I’m naked except for my barely there panties. Evan sucks a nipple into his mouth and it sends fire through me. His hands on me—this is something I’ve thought about more than I care to admit. He’s holding back; I don’t want him to hold back.

  “Evan.” His name falls from my lips. He doesn’t lift his head, just continues to suck and nip at my breasts, driving me insane with lust for him. His finger is softly tracing my folds, so I know he knows what his touch does to me. But he doesn’t make a move to take this further. It’s almost as if he’s just enjoying the feel of his hand covered in…me.

  I need more.

  I know he’s in his head. He’s thinking this is wrong and, honestly, it might be, but I don’t give a damn. Nothing that feels this good can be wrong. We’re adults. Adults who agreed, just hours ago, we should get married.

  Deciding he needs a little encouragement, I keep one hand in his hair, holding him to my breasts. The other follows the same path he just covered until my hands slips underneath the hem of my panties. I place my hand over his and push. I need him to touch me. I need…him.


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