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Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection

Page 67

by Kaylee Ryan

  I lie on the couch for a few more minutes until I decide I need to get my butt in gear. Just as I reach my temporary bedroom door, Kacen opens his. He flashes me a devilish smile as he reaches out and snakes his arm around me. He drops his lips to mine and kisses me slowly, teasing me. “Forty-five minutes, sweets,” he says, pulling away with a wink. Then he’s gone, sprinting down the hall to prepare our romantic picnic.

  Reaching down, I pinch my leg and pain erupts. I needed something to prove that I’m not dreaming. Something to prove that this is real.

  I’m not dreaming.

  He wants me.

  He wants an us.

  Chapter 31


  I can’t believe I got her to agree to this. She pushes every time I pull. I don’t have much time, but the spot alone that I have in mind will crank up the romance factor. All I have to do is make sure that the delivery is there. I know she wants me. I can feel it every time I touch her. I can see it in those dark brown eyes when she looks at me.

  I’ve got this.

  Nancy does all of the grocery shopping. Logan offered, but I told her to just give Nancy the list and she would take care of it. It’s bad enough Logan cleans up after us. Nancy has less to do with Logan around.

  My first stop is the garage. I place a couple of blankets in the back of the Teryx. Then I grab the small soft-sided cooler and a couple of ice packs from the freezer and head back to the kitchen.

  After a quick survey of options, I decide on grapes, cheese and crackers, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Not the most romantic food, but I love them. My mom used to make them for me growing up. It’s like comfort food, and that’s what I want her to feel. I want Logan to be comfortable with me. I want her to be able to relax and enjoy spending the day with me. I hope to give her a glimpse of how it would be with us. I want her to let go of her fears and be with me, be mine.

  I add a few bottles of water and zip the top. Tearing off a few paper towels, I fold them and store them in the front pocket of the cooler. My mind runs through a mental checklist. I don’t want to forget anything.


  I turn to see Logan standing in the doorway. Her hair is pulled up in a knot on top of her head, a few loose strands frame her face. She’s wearing a tank top and a pair of tiny shorts. My eyes continue to take her in as they lock on her tanned legs, leading to her feet. Bright pink toenails and a pair of flip-flops. Meeting her eyes after undressing her with mine, I hold her stare as I stalk toward her.

  My hands grip her waist and I pull her against me. “You about made me swallow my damn tongue.” My voice is gruff, laced with my desire for her. Burying my face in her neck, I breathe her in. Forcing myself to pull away, I ask, “Ready to be wooed?”

  She throws her head back and laughs. “Let’s see what you got, rock star.”

  Grabbing her hand, I lead her into the kitchen, pick up the cooler, and head for the garage.

  “This is what we’re taking?”

  “Yep. Have you ever ridden in one?”

  “No, we had four-wheelers growing up, but nothing like this.”

  “You’ll love it. On the way back, you can drive.”

  “Really?” she asks with excitement.

  “Yes, really.” I laugh at her enthusiasm. I help her fasten her seat belt, and then shut the door.

  “Don’t we need helmets?”

  “Not for what we’re doing. Seat belts are sufficient, besides I won’t be going that fast. I’m carrying precious cargo.” I watch the blush creep up her cheeks. I love that about her.

  As soon as we are out of the garage and on our way to the back of the property, I reach over and rest my hand on her thigh. I can’t help but touch her when she’s so close; besides, I promised romance.

  It takes about fifteen minutes to get to the pond. I park under one of the many shade trees and kill the engine.

  I can’t take my eyes off her as she takes in our surroundings. “Kacen, this place is beautiful. You own this?”

  “Yeah, it’s part of what sold me on the place. The house is great, a little big for what I need, but maybe someday I’ll be able to fill it with kids.” Her eyes go wide at my admission. I’ve mentioned before that I want a family. “My parents’ farm is like this. There was always an adventure waiting for me. My cousins, Blaise, Asher, Ember, and me would spends hours roaming, building forts. I have a lot of great memories. I figured if I was going to invest in a home, I wanted it to have unlimited possibilities,” I confess.

  “I’m impressed.” She grins.

  I climb out and jog around to her side to help her. I reach in the back and grab the blankets and cooler. “What can I carry?” she asks.

  I start to say I got it, but then I realize that if I give her something, my hand will be free to hold hers. “You can take these if you want.” I hold the blankets out to her. She takes them in one arm, and I immediately lace my fingers through hers. I will always take every chance I get to touch her.

  Hands down.

  I lead her down to the bank of the pond where a cluster of shade trees are nestled together. “When did you have time to have this mowed?” she questions.

  “I got a guy,” I say with a wink. “It’s part of the landscaper’s job. I love coming out here, and keeping the grass cut, there are less ticks and . . . other critters.”


  Bringing our joined hands to my lips, I kiss her knuckles before releasing my hold on her. I take one blanket and spread it out on the ground, followed by the other. “After you, beautiful,” I say, sweeping my arm toward the blankets.

  She takes a seat and pulls off her flip-flops, setting them to the side. I set the cooler off to the side as well, and then kick off my own flip-flops and lay down beside her.

  “It’s so peaceful,” she says, looking out over the water.

  “It is. This has always been my favorite part of the property, even more so now.”

  She raises her eyebrows in question. “You, my beautiful Logan Paige. You make everything brighter, better.”

  She averts her gaze, trying to hide her blush.

  “Come here.” I tap my belly. She hesitates before spinning around and resting her head there. Very carefully, I remove the band that’s holding her hair up and gently comb my fingers through it.

  “You can see it, right?” I ask her. I know she has no idea what I’m referring to. That’s all a part of my plan.

  “What’s that?” she asks, turning to look over at me.

  “Us, here together. Making memories.”



  She closes her eyes. I watch the gentle rise and fall of her chest. My fingers continue to combing through her hair; it feels like silk.

  My stomach growls, cutting through our silence. Logan’s eyes pop open as she starts to giggle. Yes, giggle, and I want to bottle the sound.

  “I’m starving,” I say as she sits up, allowing me to do so as well.

  “Show me what you’ve got, Chef Warren.”

  Chapter 32


  Kacen pulls items out of the cooler. “Okay, first we have the appetizer, which consists of cheese and crackers,” he says it like he’s a server. “For the main course, we will be having the ever popular peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.” He pulls two of them out of the cooler. “And for dessert, we have fresh fruit.” He grins as he sets a bowl of grapes down on the blanket between us.

  “Gourmet,” I tease him.

  “Nothing but the best for my girl,” he fires back.

  I ignore his comment, at least I try to make him think I do. Inside, my heart is beating like a drum. I busy myself, taking the lids off the containers while Kacen grabs napkins and two bottles of water from the cooler. We both snack on the cheese and crackers. Kacen hands me a PBJ with a wink. I open the bag and take a big bite while looking out over the water. Kacen is quiet, so I turn to find him watching me.

  “I like having you
here,” he says softly. His hand reaches out and his thumb swipes across the corner of my mouth. My eyes follow his thumb all the way to his lips as he places it in his mouth. “You had just a little,” he pulls his thumb from his mouth and brings it back to mine, back to the same spot, “right here.”

  Every touch, every word that comes out of his mouth has me wanting to fall into his arms and never leave. How is this my life? How did I go from the girl who wanted the white picket fence and two-point-five kids to the girl who fears it all? How did that same girl who fears what she once longed for find a guy like Kacen? He’s sexy as hell, attentive, and sweet. This inner battle I have going on is driving me crazy. How much longer will I be able to resist him?

  My mind drifts to the call I got about the job in Cincinnati. I had applied there the same time I applied for my job now. The thought of moving back home to be with my family was one that I wrestled with for weeks. I had decided that wherever the work took me was where I would go. Maybe I should take the job just to free myself from this war that my head and my heart seem to be having. Remove myself from the situation.

  Just the mere thought of never seeing him again causes my chest to ache. Without realizing it, my hand covers my chest.

  “You okay over there?” Kacen asks softly. He reads me so well. I know he can see the emotions written all over my face.

  “I’m trying to work it out,” I tell him honestly. “When I learned the truth about Daniel, I made a vow that I would focus on me. Focus on my career and moving forward. I gave up the idea of love and fairy tales. That was my dream. I wanted to be married, have a family. I wanted that life. I was that girl.” I take a break, my eyes seeking his. He sits quietly, watching me, listening intently.

  I watch as he throws the food back in the cooler and lays back down on the blanket. He pats his belly, inviting me to once again use him as my pillow. I don’t hesitate. As soon as I’m settled, he runs his fingers through my hair. This gives me cold chills.

  “I had a plan. I was going to do me. Logan. I was going to push forward and never let anyone close enough to cause me that kind of pain. You know the funny thing is, when everything finally blew up, I wasn’t even really that upset. I had known for a while. I just didn’t want to deal with it. I had time to grieve the loss of what I thought we shared before I actually called it off.” I stop to collect my thoughts. “I’ve never admitted that. That I knew what he was doing.” I turn my head to look at him. “Then I met you.”

  “A day I’ll never forget,” he says softly.

  “You came crashing into my world and you changed me. When I left your bed that morning, I knew I would compare every man in my future to my one night with you.” I close my eyes and see it as if it just happened minutes ago. “I was okay with it. I had resolved that I would always have the memory of you. A memory so vivid it would never fade. I was taking you with me wherever this new journey took me.”

  “Come here.”

  I open my eyes and he motions for me to lie next to him. Without hesitation, I turn so I’m facing him and lie back on the blanket. His arm snakes around me as he pulls me close. “I’ve replayed every fucking minute of that night in my head a thousand times,” he says as his lips find mine.

  I allow myself to get lost in his kiss. It’s soft and gentle. His tongue traces the seam of my lips, and I open for him. I hear him moan in the back of his throat as he takes what I’m offering. I stop fighting the pull and just enjoy kissing him.

  Breaking the kiss, his ocean blue eyes are locked on mine. He props himself up on his elbow as I lie back on the blanket. Looking up at him, I ask, “How am I supposed to keep fighting this?”

  His hand cups my cheek and he runs his thumb across my swollen lips. “Don’t fight it, baby. I know you’re scared, but I got you. Let me show you how it feels to be loved by a real man.”

  “Kacen, I just—”

  “Shh. I fell hard and I fell fast. I know what I want, Logan. It’s you. All of you.”

  “I’m scared,” I admit.

  “Don’t be. I will never hurt you. If I’m ever given the honor to truly call you mine, I will cherish you with every breath I take.” Leaning down, he presses his lips to mine.

  That’s how we spend the rest of our afternoon. Kissing under the shade trees by the pond. Kacen never tries to take things further; he just kisses the breath out of me.

  He’s in the middle of telling me about his twin cousins, Blaise and Asher, and jokes the three of them used to play on their little sister, Ember, when his cell rings.

  “Hello?” He listens. “Yeah, we’re here. I brought Logan back to the pond. We didn’t realize it was getting so late. We’ll pack up and head back. Be there in twenty,” he says, ending the call.

  “The guys?” I ask.

  He smiles. “Yeah, I didn’t realize it was so late. They picked up pizza. I’m sure you’re starving with our meager lunch, and we skipped breakfast all together.” His jaw clenches. “I need to take better care of you.”

  “I’m hungry, but I’m also a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

  He mumbles something under his breath as he folds up the blankets. Throwing the mostly empty cooler over his shoulder, he places the blankets under one arm, and slides the other arm around my waist. “Let’s get you fed.” He kisses my temple and guides me back to the side by side.

  Chapter 33


  I load the cooler and the blankets and walk Logan to the driver’s door. “Okay, let’s get you strapped in.”

  “What?” she asks, confused.

  “I told you that you could drive back.” I grin.

  “No, it’s okay. The guys are waiting on us.”

  “It’s just like driving a car. I promise we’ll be safe. Just take it slow.”

  “Are you sure about this?” she asks, gripping the wheel as I climb into the passenger side.

  “Yes. Now, like I said, it’s just like driving a car. Turn the key, gas on the right, brake on the left.”

  She does as she’s told and moves the gearshift to “D” and gently eases her foot onto the gas pedal. .

  “You can give it a little more gas, babe.”

  Looking over at me quickly, she grins and presses down on the gas. My eyes widen in surprise. I throw my head back and laugh. Laughter that I’m sure can be heard over the roaring engine and the whipping wind. “This is so much fun,” she yells.

  I can’t wipe the grin off my face at seeing her this happy. She can drive every fucking day if she wants, anything to see that smile.

  I place my hand on her leg and give it a gentle squeeze, letting her know I’m here.

  The drive back is much faster than the drive to the pond. I took my sweet time on the way there. “This Teryx thingy is awesome,” she tells me just as soon as she pulls up to the garage. “When can we do that again?” she asks.

  Again, I laugh loudly at her enthusiasm. “Anytime you want, beautiful.”

  “Holy fuck! You let her drive?” Cole says from behind us.

  Logan unbuckles her seat belt and climbs out of the driver’s seat. “What? Women can’t have a little fun too?” she asks him.

  “Yes, you can. It’s just that stingy bastard never lets anyone drive. He likes to hog it all to himself,” Cole says.

  I make my way toward them and stop beside Logan. “She can drive anything of mine she wants.”

  “Holy shit!” Tristan says.

  “What?” Logan asks.

  “Let’s eat,” Gavin steers the conversation back to food.

  “Shouldn’t we put everything away first?” she asks.

  She’s always thinking of what she can do to help someone else. “Let’s get you fed.” I place my hand on the small of her back and guide her inside. “I can take care of that later.”

  We follow the guys into the kitchen. There are five large pizza boxes spread out on the island. “I got a little bit of everything,” Tristan explains.

  “Thank you,” Logan tells
him as she takes a slice of pepperoni and places it on a paper plate.

  The rest of us just eat standing over the box. Our behavior causes Logan to laugh. “Seriously, you all act like it’s been weeks since you’ve eaten,” she teases.

  “I had a hard workout today, burned off some calories. It takes a lot to feed all this, baby girl,” Gavin waves his hand down his body.

  I reach over and smack the back of his head. “Her name is Logan.”

  Gavin smirks; he did it on purpose. They know not to flirt with her.

  “Who the fuck are you? Vanna White?” Gavin quips.

  “I got your Vanna White,” Cole says, grabbing his junk.

  I place my hand over Logan’s eyes and she rolls with laughter. Unable to resist, I lean over her shoulder and place my lips next to her ear. “I love that sound.”

  “I think I got the rhythm we were working on figured out. I want you guys to hear it, tell me what you think,” Cole tells us. “I was up until the early morning hours, but I think I’ve got it.”

  “Done,” Tristan says, shoving half of a piece of pizza in his mouth.

  “You coming down to sit with me?” I ask Logan.

  “I don’t want to be in the way.”

  “Never. That will never happen.” I tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. It’s still a little crazy from our ride back. “I want you there.” I do, I want her there. It’s weird because, before her, bringing a woman to a writing session was out of the question. Not that the guys would be pissed, it’s just not something you did unless you were sure she was it. By my insisting that she be there a few nights ago, I declared my hand to my boys. They know from that simple gesture how I feel about her.

  “I’m going to go put the Teryx up and take care of the cooler and the blankets. I’ll be right back,” I say, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. I want to kiss her, but I don’t know if we’re there yet. She let me get lost in her lips this afternoon, but that could have been a heat of the moment decision. I told her I would give her time, and I intend to, but the wait is going to damn near kill me.


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