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Promises & Prophecies

Page 36

by Lee Watts

  Though blinding to a mortal, Merrick turned and was able to look into the brilliant white light of the sun. He had finished his purpose. His ending was as promised, bright and glorious. As the light washed out everything else in the room, Merrick saw a faint figure ahead of him. The image walked toward him, his face, at last, coming into sight. Merrick fell to his knees in honor and worship of the Son of the Most High. The Guardian began to sob as he released all the pain, loss and heartache from thousands of years in the mortal realm.

  "Merrick, thou good and faithful servant," came the loving voice of Elkanah. "Well done... and welcome home."


  "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." - Hebrews 12:1

  Gawking at the gleaming black effigy of Dylimek that was inhabited by a pair of evil spirits, Caedmon knew he was no match for the dark ones.

  You are not, came the voice of the Spirit of the Elder, but I am. Then, cracking across the heavens came a bolt of lightning that jolted into a ship that was trying to escape the planet. The energy surge blew everything in the vessel and it tumbled lifeless from the sky. Caedmon rushed back the few steps to the tower he was near. Jambrek looked up as the ship came crashing down toward him and smashed against the bridge. Crumbling from the mighty impact, parts of the bridge began falling off the structure that soared high above the city. The Dylimek figure lost its balance, tumbled from the skyscraper, and was soon followed by the screaming Ramillie priest. Jambrek, as a drowning man, desperately, and uselessly clawed at the air searching for anything to grab onto as he fell the hundreds of stories to his death.

  Caedmon said a quick prayer of gratitude and praise then headed down the tower to find one of the lower passageways across to the twin skyscraper.


  "ALEX," Aulani called out through the haze. "ALEX?"

  "Over here," he answered.

  Alexander peered through thick, settling dust trying to see her. At last, he caught a glimpse of a silhouette coming toward him and breathed a sigh of relief. As it drew nearer and more apparent, he realized it wasn't his betrothed approaching him but rather his enemy, Imenand.

  The Dridmor warrior smiled as he closed in on the Realm king to finish him. For a few moments, Imenand feared he had lost Alexander permanently, and the repercussions of such a mistake would doubtless be horrific. Separating his weapon and forming it into a staff, the immortal prepared to end the contest.

  "ALEX," Aulani's voice called out again, only this time it was farther away.

  Imenand relished the moment.

  "There's no one to help you anymore, Alexander. No Merrick, no Caedmon, no fleets or armies. No one. You're weak... and alone."

  Rushing through the tower halls, Caedmon was suddenly pressed by an urge to stop and pray. He knew, if only the Ramillie and others throughout the galaxy could see what was really going on - if they knew the actual players in this struggle and eternal stakes hanging in the balances that they would reject the Dridmor.

  "Oh Elder, let them see," he prayed. "For a moment, wilt thou thin the veil and let them see? Let them all see."

  Exhausted, Alexander didn't know how much fight he had left in him. His hand shook in dread as the Dridmor approached him. The human was beaten, and he knew it. Then, through the haze of the room, he thought he caught sight of other forms standing there. One appeared to be a girl, barely a teen and very thin. The dark-haired child stood next to a woman who held her hand.

  "Don't be afraid," Pipaluk said.

  "Remember your promise," added the woman beside her, "and keep it to the end."

  Alexander wasn't sure, but for a moment he thought he saw Merrick's face behind the woman with a hand on her shoulder.

  They smiled warmly at him as stepping beside them was a man that looked somehow familiar to Alexander.

  "Stand," came the ethereal voice of Imre Kovacs, "defend those who cannot defend themselves."

  "Use the weapon," added a bearded man Alexander didn't know, though Rew the seer had known of him centuries before. "The Weapon."

  With the ethereal figures was the image of Edric Canton. He smiled warmly at the king and said, "Make it right."

  Slowly fading into view was a host of people in the room all watching the event unfold - a great cloud of witnesses all standing to see the age come to its end. Imenand's eyes darted about the room as he too beheld the onlookers. Finally, Alexander heard the voice of Elkanah. "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."

  Alexander locked eyes with the Dridmor. Renewed in spirit and purpose, he challenged the dark one with a quote from a story in the Codex. "This day will the Elder deliver thee into mine hand, and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee that all the universe may know that there is a God in Paradise. And all the galaxy shall know that the Elder saveth not with sword and ship: for the battle is the Elder's."

  With those words, he raised his swords, stepped into a deep fighting stance, and it was at that moment when Alexander's blades... ignited.


  Under attack from all sides, the Dauntless burned, yet somehow continued to lash out in its dying moments at the myriad of enemy ships surrounding it.

  "DIVERT ALL POWER TO WEAPONS," Balin called out in his final order. "Let them feel our sting to the last!"

  On the Tyrannus, Ra'daq was placid. Relishing the obliteration of the Realm fleet, he was already looking forward to the orbital bombardment of their homeworlds. He was certain the Realm citizenry was to be made an example for the rest of the galaxy. He anxiously awaited what would happen when he deployed the latest biogenic weapons on their populations. They would gather all the imagery of the effects and broadcast it throughout the galaxy as a warning of what happens to those who dare stand against the Hegemony. Suddenly, the air rippled in waves the way it does as heat rises from roadways under the intense summer heat. Captain Crex's eyes widened in sudden horror, and he cried out. Beholding the nightmarish creature that seemed to be enveloping Ra'daq, Crex pulled his weapon and fired. The blast, passing through the dark spirit, hit the warlord. At such close range, the result was the instant disintegration of Ra'daq's head. Hearing the sound of weapons fire, Crex turned to look at the bridge below him. The room was full of demonic looking beasts, and the crew was firing at them in terror. The same scene was replaying throughout the entire Ramillie fleet. Able to see the Dridmor spirits, the crews were trying to fight the monsters but didn't realize their weapons were useless against the creatures.

  For the second time in the battle, the Dauntless experience an unexpected reprieve when it was only seconds from destruction. What was the cause this time, Balin didn't know, and never discovered. Then, beyond all explanation, the Tyrannus began to list. Balin rushed from the HPT to the view of the outside monitors. There were internal explosions and flashes.

  "MOVE US AWAY," he called out. As the Dauntless tried to distance itself, the Tyrannus exploded in a brilliant billowing ball of fire. Throughout the field of battle scores then hundreds of Ramillie ships were apparently self-destructing. Noticing the progressing decimation of Ramillie forces, the Hateeg ships began cloaking and rapidly evacuating from the scene of the battle. By the end, the entire Ramillie fleet was obliterated. Floating motionless amid the carnage, the Dauntless sent out a fleet-wide signal: "The war is over. Praise the Elder... and long live the Realm."


  One of the doors to the Fortune's bridge opened an in rushed Shen Mei. She was relieved and surprised to see Sosimo sitting in his command chair.

  "Captain," she said as she tried to catch her breath. "Crimson, he... got away. He's in the... the shuttle, but I-."

  Byron interrupted her with a report, "I'm pickin' it up on the sensors, Cap'n. Do you want me to target- Wait, wait, our weapons are offline. Somebody's set them in a diagnostic mode. We'll have to wai
t for the cycle to complete before we get control back."

  "How long?" Sosimo asked.

  "Nine or ten minutes," Byron answered. "Wait a minute. Cap'n, the shuttle's hailin' us."

  "It is?" Sosimo said in surprise. "By all means, put him on."

  Appearing on the main screen of the Fortune came the image of the person Sosimo and Mei most despised in the universe.

  "What do you want, Crimson?" Sosimo asked.

  "I just wanted to see your face when I blow up that precious ship of yours. You've come after me for the last time, LaRouche. This time it's gonna cost you everything, and after you're gone, I'm going back for the treasure."

  "I don't think so," Sosimo said.

  "Doesn't matter what you think anymore, LaRouche. All that matters is I planted a bomb on your ship, and I'm about to blow you out of the stars." Going for one of the pockets on his jacket, Crimson reached inside for the bomb's remote detonator, but the pocket was empty. Quickly he went to the pocket on the opposite side.

  "Looking for this?" Mei said as her skilled pickpocketing hands held up the remote. "I think you lost it in the galley somewhere."

  "It... it doesn't matter," Crimson said in frustration. "I know the frequency and can send a signal to blow up that bomb from here."

  LaRouche smiled. "Oh, you mean that bomb?" he said while pointing to behind Crimson.

  The one-eyed man spun around and saw in the back of the shuttle was a panel that had been removed from the Fortune's bulkhead with a bomb still firmly attached.

  "I realized there was no way to get the bomb off of the ship's wall, so I got the wall off the ship," Sosimo explained. "And I knew you were heading to the shuttle, so you've really made it convenient for me. I'd thank you... if I didn't hate you so much." Suddenly the captain's jovial tone changed to deadly earnestness, and he added, "A promise is a promise."

  "For my father," Mei said then pressed the detonator's only button.

  "NO-," was all Crimson could say before his image cut off and was replaced by the satisfying explosion of the shuttle.


  Imenand reached for his fangblade and using it sent a fiery blast at Alexander. The King deflected the blast with his burning blades while quoting the Codex.

  "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked."

  "IT'S IMPOSSIBLE," Imenand shouted and sent two more balls of fire at the mortal, who intercepted both with his swords and again quoted the holy book.

  "With men it is impossible, but not with the Elder: for with the Elder all things are possible."

  "NO," Imenand cried out, tossed aside his fangblade and swung his staff at the Realm king.

  Though Alexander didn't see it, as he was focused on his opponent, Imenand saw the faintest image of Merrick superimposed on Alexander's body, which is what caused Alexander's battlestaff to burn. Having drilled into his pupil his fighting techniques, Alexander and Merrick moved in perfect unison. Deflecting each blow and simultaneously striking with the other sword, Alexander sliced away at the dark warrior. Imenand continued to scream in rage as battled the human but with each clash was being bested by him. With one final push of anger and power, Imenand lunged, Alexander sidestepped, spun and in a fluid motion brought one of his swords in a swift and smooth slice entirely through the Dridmor's neck. Imenand stopped, stood motionless for a moment then his head rolled off, and body toppled to the floor. Merrick released his grip of the battlestaff handles and stepped away, and throughout the rest of Alexander's life, the blades never flamed again.

  Aulani, catching sight of only the last few seconds of the contest, came to a stop. In awe of what she saw she was unable to move forward or call out. Now, with the battle over, she ran to Alexander and embraced him as the great cloud of witnesses faded from view of mortal eyes.

  "Oh, Aulani," he said and relished her embrace as much as one who's crossed a vast desert and at last found water.

  "Come on," she said. "The building is collapsing. We've got to find a ship and get out of here.

  Energy spent from the fight, he took a deep breath for one final push to escape. Running through the capitol tower hall the rounded a corner and saw a familiar person.

  "SALAZAR," Alexander called out.

  Hearing his name, Alexander's half-brother turned to look at them, his face again displayed advanced stages of caryon. Except for the sheathed battlestaff, neither Alexander nor Aulani was armed, but Salazar carried a pistol, and it was already in his hand. Less than ten meters away, there was no way Salazar would miss. Extending his hand with the gun toward them he paused, locked eyes with Alexander then lowered his weapon. He then sunk to his knees as tears streaked his diseased face.

  Alexander and Aulani went to him, and his half-brother knelt beside him.

  "Forgive me, Brother," Salazar chocked out through heavy tears. "Oh please, will you... forgive me?"

  Alexander wrapped his arms around his sobbing brother and said softly. "I forgive you, Salazar. I forgive you because I was forgiven."

  "I..." Salazar's voice cracked from sorrow as he reflected on his life's choices. "I sold my soul, Alexander. I sold my soul... for nothing."

  Alexander smiled as he held his half-brother and smiled. "I know one who can redeem souls. He buys them back. He paid for mine; he paid for yours... if you'll accept Him."

  "I..." Salazar stared off and was silent a moment as he made his eternal choice. "I... I do. I accept Elkanah as my God and payment for all my wrongs. Oh, Alex, I've been so wrong for so long."

  "But now you've chosen right," Alexander replied. "And the now is all we have to work with. We'll go home. We'll get you help and... and we'll make a future together."

  Aulani wept as she watched the reconciliation of the two siblings huddled on the floor then her eye caught a glimpse of something out the window.

  "It's Caedmon," she announced. "Down there! He's found a ship!"

  Alexander stood and helped Salazar to his feet then looked out the broken window Aulani had indicated. His old mentor was on a veranda of the adjacent tower next to a mid-sized craft and widely waving his arms trying to get their attention.

  "WE SEE YOU, CAEDMON," Alexander called out the window to the lower level. "WE'LL MAKE OUR WAY OVER TO YOU." Starting down the hall, the doors at the far end opened and a team of Ramillie soldiers was there. Hurriedly the group began to backtrack the way they entered. The building shook as more quakes caused it to sway. Part of the ceiling collapsed sending hunks of falling debris. It piled up and made a temporary barrier between them and the soldiers, but one of the falling building fragments had fallen on Salazar and made a deep gash across one leg. He landed with a shout of pain and more rubble rained down on him. Alexander looked back, and his mind flashed to the day on the Chariot when his father was buried under wreckage. He was determined not to let the same thing happen to his brother. Rushing back through the still falling items, he grabbed Salazar and pulled him out of danger. The quake subsided, and right away they heard the soldiers quickly digging their way through the barrier.

  "GO ON," Salazar shouted through the pain while panting on the floor. "I'll hold them off!"

  "No," Alexander countered forcefully. "I can't leave you here! You'll die!"

  "Then at least my death will count for something! Alexander, my whole life I've lived for just one thing... me, my desires, my glory. I didn't care about anything or anyone else, but you've shown me that through Elkanah I can be forgiven of all that. I don't have much time left in this life anyway so let me at least use what I do have to give you a chance to live. If I am to die today - if history is to remember anything of my life, then may it be that at last he gave his life for others... because he was an Elderite and wanted to do at least one thing in his whole miserable life for the glory of his God and Savior, Elkanah. Now, go. Have a wonderful, full life, and think of me now and then. I'll see you again in Paradise one day... Brother."

  The siblings embraced
but were interrupted by the sound of the Ramillie troops who were nearly through the pile of debris.

  "Go," Salazar insisted. "While there's still time."

  Alexander stood, grabbed Aulani's hand and they ran down the corridor.

  Salazar smiled as he watched them leave then readied his weapon and awaited the soldiers.

  "For His glory," he said, whispering his final words. It was at that moment when the great promise was fulfilled. As the age came to its conclusion, and the glory of the new age would be for the Elder, because it was Him who the descendant of Jeramon worshipped.

  With no time to waste, Alexander and Aulani rushed across the covered passageway to the other tower. Rushing onto the balcony, the couple found Caedmon was by the ship's boarding ramp waiting for them. Alexander and Aulani rushed up the ramp and right behind them bolted one of the hideous charuk dogs. Aulani screamed in fear of the barking, revolting beast.

  "BACK! BACK," Alexander shouted at the animal. The creature continued to bark but moved away. Hitting a switch on the wall, Alexander shut and locked the dog in the side compartment. Caedmon, not as fast as the others, made his way up the boarding ramp but shots started flying at them, and one stuck Caedmon in the back. He fell forward and onto the floor of the craft. Aulani hit the switch retracting the ramp.

  "CAEDMON," Alexander cried out.

  "I've got him," Aulani said. "You get us out of here."

  Knowing there was no time to argue the point. Alexander turned and rushed to the pilot's chair as thumps from laser blasts pounded against the hull. Fingers dancing over the controls, Alexander activated the thrusters, and the ship rose from the landing pad and into the air. No sooner had they lifted from the balcony than the entire tower began to sway. Leaving the structure behind them as they climbed into the atmosphere, Alexander saw the building begin to fall. Returning his focus back to the front, the sky gave way to the great void. Usually the encompassing black of space would fill the view, but now there was The Cloud, and it was flashing with great surges of energy. Aulani came to the cockpit area and sat beside Alexander.


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