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Primal Need (Primal Howlers MC Book 2)

Page 16

by Piper Davenport

  “Oh, I know,” I said with a chuckle, pulling her away slightly. “I can’t believe Hatch bought it for you. That’s so sweet. If Sundance knew I spent five-thousand on this, I think his head would explode.”

  “This is all new to him.”


  “Being with someone who’s her own woman with her own money.”

  “Oh my god, you have no idea.”

  “Pretty sure I do,” she retorted, and I grinned.

  “How do you deal with the violence of it all?” I whispered.

  “That’s a longer conversation, I think.” She smiled gently. “We should have dinner.”

  “I would love that,” I said.

  “We’re here all week, so maybe we can go out Wednesday while the boys are meeting for church.”

  “Perfect,” I said.

  With a plan in mind, we joined our men again and I found myself relaxing more and more as the night went on. Teddy also fit in perfectly and barely needed me during the evening, which gave me warm fuzzies because he was so calm and obviously felt completely at home. Sundance stayed close to me, and I honestly couldn’t keep my hands off him.

  “You’re making it hard for me to concentrate,” he whispered as we watched Hatch and Wrath play pool.

  I grinned up at him. “Do you need to concentrate?”

  “I need to concentrate on not gettin’ hard.”

  I snorted. “No you don’t.”

  “I don’t?”

  I slid my hand to his neck and tugged his head down, whispering in his ear, “I’m not wearing panties.”

  “Jesus Christ,” he hissed.

  I grinned. I’d purposely worn a long skirt and a pair of low-heeled booties so I could drop this bomb on him at some point during the night. Since Teddy was occupied with pinball, I figured right now was perfect.

  He grabbed my hand and tugged me toward the back of the cabin, kissing me before leading me up the stairs to his bedroom, where he unlocked the door and pushed me gently inside.

  Tugging my T-shirt up, he unsnapped my bra and slid it to the side, freeing my breasts, drawing one nipple into his mouth, then the other.

  “On the bed, on your knees, Wyatt. Pull your skirt up over your hips.”

  “What about—?”

  “Did I tell you to do anything else?”

  I bit my lip, a shiver stealing down my spine, and I tried not to smile as I pulled my skirt up over my hips and got on all-fours on the bed.

  I heard the jingle of his belt buckle, then the bed dipped, and his dick pressed at my entrance. “We’re gonna need to have a conversation about you not wearin’ panties without my permission.”

  I grinned. “I apologize.”

  “I don’t feel like that’s sincere,” he hissed as he pressed slowly into me.

  “I am about to get your dick buried deep inside of me, so, sorry not sorry.”

  He slapped my right butt cheek and I squeaked, nearly coming.

  “Mmm,” I rasped, licking my lips.

  “My baby likes it rough.”

  “Yeah, she does. You gonna take care of that, big man?” I sassed.

  He slapped my left cheek, then buried himself deep, then deeper again, before he began to move, faster and faster, before sliding out and slipping his fingers inside of me and sweeping my walls. I cried out as he pumped his digits into me, then his dick was buried deep again, and he was pressing a finger into my tight, dark hole.

  As he moved his hips, slamming into me harder and harder, he matched the motion with his finger, my body totally under his control, and I tried to keep my climax at bay, but it was futile.

  I screamed his name as an orgasm washed over me, swamping me with sensations I’d come to expect every time we fucked, and I loved every second of it.

  He wasn’t far behind me, grunting as his dick pulsed inside of me and rolling us to our sides, keeping the connection as he kissed the back of my neck. “Jesus Christ, this just gets better.”

  I grinned. “Yes, yes, it does.”

  “Love you, Dimples.”

  “Love you too.”

  “You want more?” he asked, leaning over me.

  I smiled up at him. “Later. When we can take our time.”

  “Okay, baby. I’ll get you a washcloth. Stay put.”

  I stayed put until Sundance returned to clean me up, then I fished a pair of panties out of my bag and shimmied them on, much to his chagrin, but I wasn’t really interested in dealing with his cum down my leg all night, so he acquiesced.

  After another epic make out session, we headed back downstairs and rejoined the party.


  SUNDAY NIGHT, I picked Teddy up from Meteor House, and we drove to Sundance’s home where we were met by both Sundance and Orion standing in the driveway. My heart raced at the sight of my man waiting for me, even though I’d left him barely three hours ago.

  “Ori!” Teddy called as I parked the car.

  “Hey, buddy.” Orion opened his door and Teddy climbed out. “You ready to see my bike?”


  Orion nodded. “Let’s go.”

  “Shotgun!” Teddy yelled, and I smiled up at Sundance who was currently opening my door.

  “Hey, baby,” he said, holding his hand out to me.

  I took it and let him help me out of the car, then wrapped my arms around his waist when he tugged me toward him.

  “Hi,” I said. “Thanks for letting me get him alone.”

  Sundance had wanted to come with me, like he’d done last night, but I wanted to go over some ground rules with Teddy before we descended upon Sundance’s family, and Sundance might have objected. He’d reiterated that he wanted Teddy to feel like he was at home, but I wanted to make sure he didn’t break anything.

  “You hungry?” he asked.

  “Starving,” I admitted.

  “Drake’s cookin’.”

  Sundance had waxed poetic about how amazing his kid was in the kitchen, so I was legitimately excited to eat whatever he cooked.

  “Ooh, I can’t wait,” I said. “I brought wine and a couple of pies.”


  I nodded. “Chocolate and Apple.”

  “Chocolate and apple wine?”

  I laughed. “Yes.”

  He patted my bottom. “Perfect.”

  He grabbed the bags out of my car and then led me inside. I was surprised, to be honest, at the neatness of the home. The furniture certainly wasn’t modern or new and the walls could use a coat of paint, but it was clean, and it felt homey. Very different than the cabin, yet, all Sundance as well.

  The tiled foyer was small, with a staircase to the right. Sundance led me through the archway in front of us and past a dining room into the kitchen.

  The vinyl countertops and black appliances dated the home, but Drake looked comfortable working his magic on the stovetop on the kitchen island, which was where Sundance set the bottle of wine I’d brought with the pies.

  “Hey, Wyatt,” Drake said, and hugged me quickly.

  “Hey. I heard you’re creating some kind of masterpiece.”

  He grinned. “Creamy pesto shrimp with rosemary sourdough.”

  Sundance set the pies in the fridge and wrapped an arm around me, I stepped away from his touch as I said to Drake, “No kidding?”

  Drake chuckled. “It’s quick and easy.”

  “Oh, like when you tell a woman you love her dress and her response is, ‘this old thing’?”

  Drake laughed. “No, actually quick and easy.”

  Sundance tried to wrap his arm around me again, but I slid away from his touch. I felt weird being touchy touchy with him in front of his kids. I heard a door close and Teddy came rushing in, followed by Orion and Raquel, affording me a distraction.

  “Riot, I saw Ori’s bike.”

  “You did?” My brother looked so happy and I couldn’t help but smile. “That’s awesome.”

  “I called shotgun and he let me ride it again. Vr
oom vroom.”

  I straightened his shirt and smiled. “That’s awesome, buddy.”

  “You want some water?” Orion asked Teddy as Raquel hugged me.

  “Yes, please,” Teddy said.

  “Good job, Teddy,” I said. We were working on his manners, but he got shy around people he didn’t know well, so this was progress.

  Orion grabbed a plastic cup and got water from the fridge, handing it to my brother and I helped him sit on a stool at the island. “Don’t touch the burners, okay? They’re hot.”

  “Okay, Riot,” he said, and sipped his drink.

  “How’s the Razzle Dazzle working?” Raquel asked.

  “Amazing,” I said. “He’s able to verbalize more, which hasn’t happened in a long time. He’s sleeping better as well.”

  “That’s good to hear. Keep me posted on that, okay? If we need to adjust things, we can.”

  “I will,” I promised.

  “I’m gonna borrow Wyatt for a minute,” Sundance said and took my hand, pulling me into what looked like a den of sorts.

  “What are you doing?” I snapped.

  “What are you doing?” he countered. “You keep shovin’ me away.”

  “I’m trying to get to know your kids without you pawing me.”

  “What do my kids have to do with me pawing at you?”

  “Has it ever occurred to you that seeing their parent engaged in public displays of affection might make them uncomfortable?”

  He smiled. “Just so you know, if I stripped you down and ate you out in the middle of the kitchen, my kids would politely excuse themselves, walk out of the room, and let me finish.”

  I gasped. “They would not.”

  “They absolutely would.”

  “I’m not going to ask how you know that.”

  I rubbed my forehead. The thought of him screwing someone else was bad enough, let alone him fucking someone where his kids could walk in on him.

  “Come here.” His hand hooked my neck and tugged me forward. “Quit freakin’ out.”

  “I’m allowed to freak out,” I ground out. “This is a big deal. They have to like me, or this won’t work.”

  “They already like you, Dimples.”

  “Well, they might stop liking me if you keep pawing at me.”

  He laughed, wrapping his arms around me. “They might think something’s wrong if I stop ‘pawing’ at you.”

  I slid my hands up his back. “Well, can you just keep it PG for my sake, please?”

  “I’ll do my best.” He pulled away and opened his desk drawer. “I’ve got something for you.”

  “What?” He held out a box and I snagged it from his hand. “Oh my god, you bought a pregnancy test?”

  “There’s two in that box,” he countered.

  “You brought it here?” I snapped. “In front of your kids?”

  I had nowhere to put it as my purse was in the kitchen, so I hid it behind my back.

  “I can still see it, baby,” he retorted.

  I waved it in the air. “What am I supposed to do with it?”

  He took it back, opening the box and handing one of the packaged wands to me. “Go pee on this one, I’ll keep the other one on me.”

  “I’m not taking a pregnancy test in your home!” I hiss-pered.

  He cocked his head. “Do you have to pee?”

  “I always have to pee,” I grumbled.

  “Then pee on the stick. My kids will neither know nor care.”

  “You’re a pain in the butt,” I muttered, stalking out of the den and into the powder room.

  I did my thing and he walked in while I was washing my hands. “I locked that.”

  He ignored my observation and handed me a ziploc bag. “Put the test in this while we wait.”

  I sighed and dropped the wand into the baggie, then followed him into the kitchen. Teddy was still sitting at the island, this time with Orion sitting next to him, a large pad of paper between him and Teddy, drawing while Teddy looked on in delight.

  Raquel appeared in front of me with a glass of wine. “I took the liberty of pouring you a glass.”

  “Bless you,” I breathed out with a grin.

  “Babe,” Sundance warned, and I sighed, setting my wine on the counter, hoping no one would notice I wasn’t drinking it.

  Raquel nodded toward Orion and Teddy. “Teddy’s making squiggles and Orion’s making pictures out of those.”

  “Oh, wow,” I said, taking a peek.

  “It’s a bird,” Teddy informed me.

  “I see that.” I smiled. “You’re very talented, Ori.”

  He chuckled. “Thanks. Teddy’s given me a great start.”

  “He showed me how,” Teddy said.

  I heard the front door slam and Violet came running into the kitchen, shrugging off her jacket. “Sorry I’m late. I had a flat.”

  “Why didn’t you call me?” Sundance demanded, pulling her in for a hug.

  “Because my dad showed me how to change a tire,” she sassed, then turned to me, pulling me in for a hug. “Hi, Wyatt. Welcome to the crazy.”

  Sundance pulled his phone out and fired off a text to someone.

  “Hi, honey,” I said. “For someone who had to haul a tire around, you look like you just stepped out of a magazine. I love your sweater.”

  And she did. She wore skinny jeans with knee-high boots, and a V-neck sweater that showed off her curves.

  She chuckled. “This old thing?”

  Drake laughed and I grinned at him.

  “What’d I miss?” Violet asked.

  “Location joke, sis,” Drake provided, and salted the water for the pasta.

  “Hi, Teddy,” Violet said, and my brother smiled at her, holding his hand out. She shook it and then looked over his shoulder at Orion’s picture. “That looks great, Ori. Did you draw a squiggle for him, Teddy?”

  “Yeah,” he said proudly. “I helped.”

  “Looks like you did a great job.”

  My brother beamed under Violet’s attention and my heart melted as I watched them.

  “Can I do anything, Drake?” I asked.

  Sundance wrapped an arm around me and gave me a squeeze. “You can relax.”

  “Yeah, I’m good, Wyatt,” Drake said. “I actually prefer to work alone.”

  I leaned against my man and he kissed the nape of my neck. “You’re learnin’.”

  I rolled my eyes, but didn’t move away from his touch.

  A few minutes later, the doorbell rang and Sundance released me. “Letti, keys, baby girl.”

  “Why?” she asked, even as she fished in her bag for her car keys.

  “Aero’s gonna replace your donut.”

  “This could have waited, Dad,” she countered. “You didn’t need to call Aero. You didn’t need to call anyone.”

  Sundance held his hand out and Violet slapped the keys into it.

  “Be right back,” Sundance said, and left us while he went to talk to Aero.

  “Just let him do his thing, Letti,” Orion said. “You know you’ll never be able to argue.”

  “No, I know,” she said. “I just wish he hadn’t…”

  “Hadn’t what?” Drake asked.

  “Nothing,” she said. “Is there more wine?”

  “Yeah, it’s on the counter,” I said. “I’ll pour you a glass.”

  “I can get it,” she countered. “You relax.”

  I nodded and stood beside Teddy as he watched Orion continue to draw. Drake decreed dinner was ready, so Raquel and Violet gathered serving dishes for Drake to dump everything into and then we all carried plates to the table just as Sundance walked into the dining room.

  “Everything okay?” I asked, and Sundance nodded.

  “All good.” He wrapped an arm around me and kissed my temple as he whispered, “You’re gonna need to give that wine to someone else, though.”

  I could feel my face heat with mortification. “What?”

  He grinned. No, the man beamed.
“Gonna borrow Wyatt for a second,” he said, and dragged me back into the den, handing me the baggie.

  The test said ‘PREGNANT’ and I virtually fell onto the sofa against the wall. “No way.”

  “Courthouse on Monday,” Sundance said. “We’re gettin’ married.”

  “No,” I said.


  “No,” I stressed. “Your kids are going to think I’m tricking you into marriage.”

  He crossed his arms. “Jesus, you watch too much TV.”

  “Oh my god, I drank yesterday.”

  “Lots of women drink before they know they’re pregnant, Wyatt. You’ll be fine.” He held his hand out to me and I took it, letting him pull me off the sofa and pull me into his arms. “We’re gonna have a kid, baby. Everything’s gonna be okay.”

  “What if he’s special? Like Teddy?”

  “Then we’ll love him.”

  I burst into tears and buried my face against his chest. “I wasn’t ready for this. I thought I’d have time to plan. My condo’s only two bedrooms. It’s too small.”

  “We’ll build a house on compound land.”

  “Oh, my god, your kids are going to hate me.”

  “Jesus Christ,” he ground out, releasing me, and heading to the door. “Orion, Drake, Letti, den!” he called. “Raquel, watch Teddy please.”

  “What are you doing?” I growled, just as the three kids waltzed into the den like this was all normal.

  “What’s up?” Drake asked.

  “Why’s Wyatt crying?” Orion demanded. “Wyatt, are you okay?”

  “Wyatt’s pregnant,” Sundance said.

  “Thorne!” I admonished.

  “Oh, my god, that’s awesome!” Violet said and hugged me. “Congratulations.”

  “So, why are you cryin’?” Orion asked again.

  “She’s worried y’all are gonna hate her,” Sundance shared.

  “You’re dead, big man,” I threatened with a groan, dropping my face into my hands. I was done crying now, mostly because I was way too angry to find the tears.

  “Why would we hate you?” Drake asked.

  “Because of Mom,” Orion deduced.

  Violet wrapped an arm around me and gave me a hug. “Oh, my god, we loved our Mom, Wyatt, but we love you too. If Dad’s happy, we’re happy. I mean, if you were a total cunt, we’d say something, but you’re awesome. I can’t wait to meet the baby.”


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