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Primal Need (Primal Howlers MC Book 2)

Page 17

by Piper Davenport

  I glanced at Sundance who gave me a look of smug triumph.

  “You’re still in trouble,” I warned.

  He grinned. “Can’t wait to find what kind of punishment you’re gonna dish out.”

  “Gross, Dad,” Violet hissed.

  “Over the line, Dad,” Drake complained, even as he hugged me. “Congrats, Wyatt. We’re happy. Don’t worry. I gotta reheat a couple of things.”

  “Sorry, Drake.”

  “It’s all good,” he said, and left with Violet following.

  Orion hugged me and then left me with Sundance who closed the distance between us and pulled me into his arms. I tried to push him away, but he held firm. “You’re a dick.”

  “Yeah, I know,” he said with a chuckle. “But I’m right, so are you gonna believe me now?”

  I sighed. “Sure. But I want to wait to tell Teddy. I need to figure out how to do that.”

  “Whatever you need,” he said. “You ready to get back out there?”

  I nodded and followed him back to the kitchen.

  “Let’s eat,” Sundance decreed.

  “Shotgun!” Teddy yelled and everyone laughed as we took our seats.

  Dinner was easy and relaxed, and wrapped up two hours later when Violet said she needed to meet a friend. Sundance hugged her and let her go, but I could tell he didn’t want to. Something was definitely up there, and I couldn’t wait to find out what it was.

  But that would have to wait, since I needed to get Teddy home.

  * * *

  Two hours, later, I drove into my garage and parked in my spot, heading up to my condo via the resident elevators. I sent Sundance a quick text letting him know I got home safely, then dropped my phone in my purse and walked down to my door.

  Where I found him leaning against the wall waiting for me. I grinned. “Hi.”

  “Hey, baby.” He kissed me, then I unlocked my door and entered the code for the alarm.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked. “I didn’t see your bike in the garage.”

  “Not sleeping another night without the mother of my kid,” he said. “Moses dropped me off.”

  “This is real, huh?”

  “So real.” He grinned. “Are you happy?”

  I nodded. “I’m just overwhelmed.”

  “I get that.”

  I set my purse on my kitchen counter and slid my arms up his chest. “I’m thinking you need a key.”

  He was already on the approved visitor’s list with security and he had my garage code, so it was a logical next step. Plus, the fact he was the father of my child kind of made things a bit more solidified.

  “A key would be good,” he said.

  I grinned. “Okay.”

  “How’s Teddy?” he asked, heading to my fridge for a beer.

  “In general, or tonight when I had to promise you’d see him tomorrow because he was pissed I made him leave?”

  Sundance chuckled. “I think we’ll go with in general, but the meds, specifically.”

  “He’s doing really well,” I said, hanging up my coat. “That CBD oil Raquel gave him is working wonders. I’m going to talk to Justin…ah, Dr. Hilliard…about lowering his meds.”

  “That’s awesome, Dimples,” he said, twisting the top off the beer and taking a swig. “Did you tell him about the baby yet?”

  “It’s only been a few hours,” I pointed out. “I’ve still gotta figure out how to do it.”

  He took another sip of beer and nodded.

  I closed the distance between us and wrapped my arms around his waist. “What’s wrong?”

  He sighed. “Just got a lot on my mind, but I’m good.”

  “This baby—”

  “Is a blessing,” he interrupted. “It’s not about the baby.”

  I bit my lip. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, baby, I’m fuckin’ sure.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “You need a blowy?”

  “What the fuck?” He nearly spit out his beer as he laughed. “Warn me next time you’re gonna drop a bomb.”

  “No,” I countered with a chuckle as I grabbed a bottle of wine off the rack, remembered I couldn’t drink it, then put it back. “I needed you to get out of your head. Point: Wyatt.”

  “So, no blowy?” he asked.

  I grinned. “Oh, I’ll blow you, honey. Don’t you worry.”

  “Can’t wait.” He kissed me gently. “Maisie wants you and her to have dinner on Wednesday.”

  “I know,” I said. “Is that a problem?”

  “No. I’ll send Aero and Scrappy with you.”

  “Okay.” I gripped his cut. “Do you want to shower with me?”

  “Yeah.” He nodded toward my bathroom. “I’ll meet you in there.”

  “Do you need to talk? Because I don’t like this vibe I’m getting.”

  He slid his hand to my neck and stroked my pulse. “The vibe’s leaving me, Dimples.”

  “I’ll go start the shower.”

  “Okay, baby.”

  I continued to stand staring up at him.

  “You gonna go start that water?” he asked, taking a swig of beer.

  “In a second,” I said.

  He smiled down at me and I knelt in front of him.


  “Hush and let me get my mouth around you.” I tugged at his belt, but I couldn’t figure out his stupid buckle. “Goddammit.”

  “You gonna let me put my beer down?” he asked.

  “Quickly,” I ordered, and he chuckled as he set the bottle on the counter, then gently moved my hands away and undid his buckle for me.

  I licked my lips as I went back to my task, grateful the only obstacle stopping me now was out of the way. I pulled his jeans and boxers down, his dick springing free, hard and ready for me and ran my tongue up his length. Lordy, I didn’t think I’d ever get enough.

  His fingers wove into my hair as I wrapped my lips around the tip of his cock and sucked gently before taking him all the way to the back of my throat, nearly choking myself.

  It didn’t take long before he began to fuck my face and I gripped his thighs as he moved, sucking gently with each thrust, then gently cupping his balls and feeling them tighten under my hand.

  “Now, Wyatt,” he grunted out, and I grabbed his thighs again as his cum shot down the back of my throat. After milking him dry, I stood, kissing his neck as he wrapped his arms around me. “Love you, baby,” he said.

  “Love you, too.” I smiled. “Better?”

  “So much better.”

  I gave him a squeeze. “You might as well strip right here.”

  He laughed and did as I suggested, then followed me back to my room, kissing me as I started the shower. He divested me of my clothing, and once the water was warm, he lifted me inside and knelt in front of me. “My turn.”

  Fucking in the shower quickly became my new favorite pastime and we fell into bed slightly damp, but fully satiated. I curled up close to him as I quickly found slumber, relishing the feeling of his arms around me as I fell into oblivion.


  WEDNESDAY NIGHT, SUNDANCE picked me up and took me to the cabin after work. “I could have driven myself to dinner, honey,” I pointed out. “I would have been happy to pick Maisie up and take her as well.”

  “You’re not really sayin’ that to me right now, are you?”

  “No,” I grumbled, and he smiled gently as he drove.

  “You’re carrying precious cargo, Dimples. I’m gonna be a little more protective going forward.”

  I’d had my first prenatal visit yesterday, and we’d gotten to hear the baby’s heartbeat for the first time, which had made us both a little blubbery. My due date was a little over seven months from now.

  We’d met his kids for dinner to give them the due date information, and they’d all been excited for us. Violet informed me the due date was close to Ellie the giraffe’s, and Sundance had declared he’d lose his shit if I ended up having a calf which had helped break the ten
sion a bit. It wasn’t bad tension, but it was still a little surreal, so I appreciated my man lightening the mood.

  “I don’t know how you could get any more protective,” I complained.

  “Let’s not test that, huh?”

  I rolled my eyes and Sundance pulled the truck up to the cabin, parking to the side of the porch. “Stay put. I’ll get Maisie.”

  “You gonna kiss me before you do?” I demanded, and he leaned over the console.

  “Feeling a little neglected?”

  “A lot. I’m feeling a lot neglected.”

  He grinned, kissing me and stroking my cheek. “Better?”

  I nodded. “Yes. Much.”

  He kissed my belly, then stepped out of his truck. “Be right back.”

  I didn’t have to wait long before Hatch and Maisie walked out behind Sundance. Hatch had his arm around her, and he was obviously still totally besotted with her even after over a decade together. I hoped Sundance and I would be the same way.

  Hatch helped Maisie into the truck, and we greeted each other while Hatch and Sundance chatted outside for a second.

  “Are they coordinating with the Secret Service, do you think?” I asked.

  Maisie chuckled. “Whoever they choose will be armed far more adequately.”

  I sighed. “Well, there is that.”

  Hatch and Sundance climbed into the truck and we headed to the Bistro, finding Aero and Scrappy already there, along with Scooby and some young kid who wasn’t introduced to us.

  The kid waited with the truck while Sundance and Hatch walked us in, kissed us, then left us again, and I couldn’t stop a sigh of relief at the privacy.

  “It’s a lot, isn’t it, love?” Maisie asked as we looked at our menus.

  “Yes. I mean, it’s…I don’t know how to put it, honestly.” I smoothed my napkin on my lap and grabbed a dinner roll.

  “Invigorating, enlightening, terrifying?”

  “Oh my god, yes, exactly.”

  She chuckled, setting the menu down. “When I met Hatch, I was a widow with a twelve-year-old daughter, a multi-million-dollar company, and a best friend who was trying to kill me.”

  “No way.”

  “Sadly, it’s true,” she said. “My darling friend was troubled, but no one knew exactly how far she’d fallen, and she had a break. It was devastating and if I hadn’t had Hatch there, I think I would have crumbled from the weight of all of it.”

  “Jesus, I would have.”

  “In that moment, I realized that people do things for all manner of reasons, and just because Hatch was a biker didn’t make him less than, if that makes sense. He looks rough, but he’s the gentlest human I know…well, unless you threaten me or his children. And Ali was my partner. Lived in one of the most exclusive neighborhoods, her husband’s a detective, and yet, she tried to kill me and my daughter. It put everything into perspective for me.”

  My stomach got fluttery. “You just put all my fears to rest with a couple of sentences.”

  She reached over and squeezed my hand. “Does he listen to you?”


  “Does he tell you what’s going on?”

  I nodded.

  “Then you’re a true old lady,” she said with a shrug. “They don’t confide in just anyone.”

  “So I understand.” I chuckled. “He was very clear about that.”

  She smiled. “If you ever feel out of sorts, you can ring me, love. Never hesitate.”

  “Thanks, Maisie, I appreciate it.”

  “Now, are you drinking with me?”

  I blushed. “Ah…no, I can’t.”

  “You’re pregnant,” she guessed.

  “Yes. Just found out.”

  “That’s amazing. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” I said. “He threatened to drag me to the courthouse on Monday, but I was able to ward him off for the moment.”

  The server arrived and took our orders, interrupting our conversation, but Maisie brought it back around once the woman walked away.

  “Do you want a big wedding?” she asked.

  “Not really,” I admitted. “But I’d like his kids and my brother there. Something a bit more intimate. And I definitely want a pretty dress.”

  “Did you tell him all of that?”

  “I’ve been trying.” I rolled my eyes. “I haven’t been able to get a word in edgewise with everything going on, so I’m waiting for my moment, because I’m determined to get what I want.”

  “Does that work? Waiting for the right moment?”

  “Sometimes,” I said. “And if all else fails, I just kneel in front of him and I have a few blissful minutes of acquiescence.”

  She chuckled. “See? You’re already figuring out how to manage your president. Well done.”

  The server arrived with our drinks interrupting our laughter, and I stared at my raspberry lemonade and tried to pretend it was wine.

  “It goes by faster than you expect,” Maisie said. “Believe me.”

  “How old are your kids now?”

  “Poppy’s twenty-five, married to a Dog, and just had a baby of her own. Flash is twelve and Jamie’s ten.”

  “Wow, you don’t look old enough to be a grandmother.”

  Maisie grinned. “Thanks, darling, that’s sweet. I don’t feel like I am, so I’ve chosen to pretend it’s not true. But that baby is delicious, and let me tell you, grandchildren are even better than your own.”

  “Really? How come?”

  “You can give them back.”

  “I can’t wait.” I chuckled, settling my hands on my belly. “For all of it.”

  * * *


  “Beer?” I asked as Hatch and I entered the war room.

  “Sounds good,” Hatch replied, and I pulled two bottles from the mini fridge within the small bar set up at the opposite end of the room, handing him one. “Cheers,” I replied, raising mine.

  “Quite a place you’ve got here,” Hatch said.

  “Thanks. Morgan’s dad built it from the ground up, so I can’t take any of the credit.”

  “You helped a shit ton if I remember correctly, so you can take some.”

  “Thanks, brother.” I smiled, sitting at the head of the table. “I appreciate you meeting me before church. Just because I’ve dealt with Snowcone doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t still have a mole problem. I need intel from a trusted source without any extra ears around.”

  “You suspect there’s someone else within your ranks you need to worry about?” he asked, taking the seat to my right.

  “No. Nothing I’ve seen to make me think twice about anyone, but then again, I didn’t see Snowcone coming,” I said, dragging my hand down my face.

  “I get it, man. Trying to figure out who you can trust within club life will drive you nucking futs,” Hatch said, smiling before taking a pull from his beer.

  I laughed. “Dad puns. We’re gettin’ old.”

  “No doubt.”

  “Jesus Christ, does being President of a motorcycle club ever get easier?” I huffed.

  “Should it?” Hatch replied.

  “I guess not, but since Wyatt showed up, I’ve been excited about the future for the first time in a long time, and now I’ve gotta deal with all this shit.”

  “It’s enough to drive a man to drink,” Hatch said, taking another sip of beer.

  “You know what? You’re right,” I said, going back to the bar and returning with a bottle of scotch and two glasses. “When life hands you the bad shit, drink the good shit.”

  “Now you’re talkin’.”

  I poured two full glasses and continued, “I’ll be honest. Until Wyatt entered the picture, I hadn’t laughed or had anything close to a good time in a long fuckin’ time. I was all but ready to hang up my cut.”

  “No shit?” Hatch asked.

  “The cancer almost did me in, mostly because Ori and I were at each other’s throats, and I didn’t know if he’d be able, or willing, t
o take up the mantle.”

  “And now?”

  “Now, it’s good. Orion and I are back to normal, I feel like I’m twenty-five fucking years old again and I’m ready to start the next chapter of my life.” I sighed. “So, if this Beast motherfucker wants to try and get in my way, let him try.”

  “Careful what you ask for. If what’s been going on in Savannah is any indication, the Beast isn’t fucking around.”

  “I didn’t ask for any of this. I’m just saying, if the Beast is feeling strong, let him come.”

  “Just remember,” Hatch warned. “Live by the sword, die by the sword.”

  “If the Beast shows his head anywhere near my club, he’ll lose it before he can draw his sword.”

  “If you even see him coming,” Hatch said.

  “That’s why you’re here, isn’t it? What do you know?”

  For the next hour Hatch filled me in with the details of the recent troubles in Savannah and Portland as well as all the intel they’d been able to gather about the Beast. There wasn’t much, and by that, I mean next to nothing, but we had a start and our eyes were wide open.

  “When do you head back to Portland?” I asked as we finished up.

  “We head out on Sunday. I promised Masie I’d take her ziplining at the Canyon of the Gods before we left.”

  “Ziplining?” I asked, shocked.

  “She said it’s on her ‘bucket list.’”

  “It’s on my ‘fuck that,’ list,” I replied.

  “Yeah, well I figured this might be the last time we have a few days to ourselves if we’re dragged any deeper into this Beast shit.”

  “Let’s hope the Beast stays in his cave for now,” I said.

  Hatch paused at the door and shook his head. “Jesus. Spiders, Predators, Beasts. You’re wrong. This isn’t hard. This shit is fucking ridiculous.”

  I agreed, and we greeted the rest of the men before starting church.


  HATCH AND MAISIE left two nights ago, and Sundance asked that I bring Teddy to the cabin. I had no idea why, but since my brother jumped at any chance to be with the club, I okayed it.

  We pulled up to the cabin and Teddy rushed inside before me like he always did, but when I followed, we found no one inside. Totally unusual for the Primal Howlers’ club. I pulled my phone out to text Sundance, but he walked in and waved us outside. “This way.”


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