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Eli- Warriors for the Light

Page 9

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  His gaze slid over Ryden. The dark green velvet gown could have been made for her. The way the folds accentuated every curve and the neckline dipped just low enough to tease. Her long hair lay in cascaded waves of curls. She pulled back her hair at the sides with a twist, making it look like a braid. “You’re lovely, Ryden.” The two women looked at him as if they heard what he said. Lana leaned close to Ryden. Whatever she whispered, it made Ryden’s lips curve into a smile. She patted Lana’s hand and headed over to him.

  He handed her a cup of punch. “So what were you and your cousin talking about?” He lifted a brow.

  She dropped her gaze to his legs peeking out from under the kilt. “She said she thought your legs were sexy.”

  That made him grin wider. He lifted one smooth leg. “They do look good, don’t they?”

  “Modest, aren’t you. She also wanted to know where you go to have them waxed.”

  He frowned then realized human males were hairy all over. Angels were not. He was half-angel and most of his skin was bare except for his underarms and his privates, but he refrained from telling her this. “I’ll give her a card.”

  “She’d appreciate that.” She took his glass and put it down. “Want to dance?” The music had picked up and there were people already dancing to something with a good beat to it.

  “It would be my pleasure.” He bowed and took her hand. When the DJ switched the music to a slow dance, he pulled her closer, thrilling to the idea of having her so near. The music filled the air with the sensual melody, and their bodies weren’t able to resist. Her hands went around his neck and she stared into his eyes like a temptress. Even if he wanted to look away, he was unable to resist her pull. Her scent wrapped around him, filling his every pore. She dabbed perfume behind her ear tonight and it only enhanced her natural scent, teasing him. Her gaze drifted to his mouth and her tongue lightly caressed her lips in invitation.

  He learned a lot about human females in his many lifetimes, but only from afar, only as an observer until he met Ryden. Her body and her heart called to him like a siren’s call and he was powerless to resist. His lips covered hers. She tasted of heat, cinnamon, and wicked temptation. He groaned when he felt her shudder against him. He lifted his mouth from hers, not because he wanted to, but he had to stop before he forgot where they were.

  She looked at him and her lips curved. “You are one good kisser.”

  That made him chuckle. “It’s easy when it’s you.” No glamour made her look at him with warm affection. She truly cared for him.



  Her face flushed and she licked her lips as if what she wanted to tell him was of grave importance. “I love…” She stuttered over her words. “Uh…dancing with you.”

  His heart stopped when he thought she would say the words he wanted to hear, needed to hear before the night ended. He pulled her close so that her head rested on his shoulder. He didn’t want her to see the disappointment he was sure showed on his face. “I love dancing with you, too.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Ryden stood over by the tables while Eli strode off to snag a few snacks for them. She liked Eli, felt a connection with him that she hadn’t felt with any other man, but what had she been thinking? Her hand went to her cheek, hoping it hadn’t flushed red with embarrassment. I almost told him, I loved him. Oh God, he would have sprinted to the door if she had. Guys freak when that four-letter word was spoken. It wasn’t as if she didn’t know Eli. She saw him almost everyday at the restaurant, but knowing how he liked tri-tip sandwiches and that he took his coffee black, didn’t mean she really knew him. Thinking she loved him bordered on you’re-moving-way-too-fast.

  Her gaze followed Eli’s long sure strides. He had the gait of a man comfortable in his own skin. The kilt fit him as if he were a highlander in another life. His muscular arms looked like he wielded a sword on a daily basis. Her gaze wavered over his shoulder and broad back that tapered to V at his waist. She knew what lie beneath the white poet shirt. Angel wings. She’d never seen such a beautiful tattoo with intricate lines making it appear 3D. She could imagine the wings spreading wide for flight or wrapping around her like a caress.

  She frowned, wondering why she kept going back to that vision of him. “I’m losing it, that’s why.” However, she couldn’t quite keep the angel embrace out of her mind. “Brush of an angel’s wing,” she said under her breath wondering why the phrase hit a cord of recognition. She tore her gaze away from Eli only to have it land on an angel standing no more than a few feet away from her. She blinked, but he remained. Her gaze riveted to the guy’s face, strong jaw, deep set blue eyes. His thick strands of hair fell around his face like a wave of gold. Her gaze took in the whole ensemble. He wore no shirt and seemed proud to show off his six-pack. His attire consisted of worn blue jeans that hugged his hips and thighs. Black boots covered his feet. Her gaze landed on the wings again and she wondered how he had them attached to his back. The wings moved and flexed as if they weren’t really part of a costume, but part of him. She met his eyes and felt the rush of heat hit her cheeks. She’d been ogling him and the guy knew she had. His mouth curved into a wide grin. She frowned when she caught sight of a little fang. Was he supposed to be a vampire angel?

  He’s a Fallen Angel like in your dream of Eli.

  She jumped as if the thought had been whispered to her. Why would she think such a thing?

  She didn’t have time to dwell on it. The angel or Fallen Angel was walking right toward her and he was giving her the same courtesy she gave him a moment ago. His gaze traveled over her and she felt suddenly exposed. His smile didn’t quite reach his cold blue stare. It was as if he was sizing her up for battle, not checking her womanly attributes.

  The room was crowded. It wasn’t as if she were alone in the room with him. There were people dancing and two couples sat at the table near her and yet she wanted to put some distance between her and the angel with the cold eyes. He didn’t seem offended at her lack of interest. Matter of fact, he seemed to get off on the idea she might be afraid of him. That really irked her. She stopped trying to escape and stood to face him. She straightened her back and lifted her chin, meeting his gaze head on.

  His all too sensual mouth twitched and for a moment she thought she went up a notch or two in his standards. He stood in front of her now. He had to be as tall as Eli and just as broad shouldered.

  “You’re a lovely creature,” his deep voice drew out the words like a melody. “No wonder Eli fell for you.” The way he said the word fell, it sounded like there was a hidden meaning behind it, but for the life of her she didn’t know what it could be.

  She lifted a brow. “How do you know Eli?”

  “We’re…old friends, as close as brothers. Lucca’s the name. I’m forever at your service, dear Ryden O’Sullivan.” He bowed with flourish.

  She cleared her throat, flustered at his odd introduction. “Well…uh Eli is here if you didn’t know. If you want to catch up on old times, he should be back any moment.”

  “I know where Eli is.” His aloof stare landed on her again. “I wish to speak to you.”

  “Oh? Why?”

  He seemed taken aback at her direct question, but he recovered quickly. “I wish to warn you about Eli. Don’t be fooled by the pretty face. He’s not all he appears to be.”

  If he wanted to warn her about Eli, why was he being so cryptic? “You don’t think I know he’s different?” she shot back.

  His brows lifted. “Perhaps you don’t understand what I mean.”

  Her eyes narrowed. She couldn’t pinpoint the exact reason, but she didn’t like this guy. He reminded her of a bully and thought he could bend her to his will. Not going to happen. “Oh, I understand perfectly. You have some sort of beef with Eli and you think you can use me as a tool to hurt him. Don’t waste your time. I know Eli’s one of the good guys.”

  “Really? How do you know?”

  How did she know? There were
the little things she saw him do for people around him. Always the gentleman, opening doors, always friendly and he would put himself in danger to save someone. She knew that first hand. “I know,” she said firmly. She didn’t have to explain it to him.

  The angel laughed. “Humans are such fools. So easily blinded by a kiss.”

  “How dare you.” And what did he mean humans are such fools?

  “Oh but I do dare. Eli has much to hide. Tell me, has he disappeared with no explanation? Has he looked like he’s been in a fight when he returns? Don’t be fooled or you’ll end up hurt, too or...dead.” His hand reached out to touch the side of her face and she slapped it away.

  He chuckled, clearly amused at her expense.

  Her hands went to her hips. “What’s your ploy?”

  “My ploy?” His golden brows furrowed over the bridge of his nose.

  “Yeah. What do you get out of playing the Good Samaritan and warning the girl her man has something to hide?”

  “Interesting choice of words.” His wings bristled, which surprised her. It was as if they responded to his mood and he wasn’t pleased. His lips pursed together and his eyes narrowed. “There’s no ploy. I don’t want anything other than making sure you go into this relationship with your eyes wide open. You can trust I speak the truth, when I tell you your involvement with Eli is a mistake.”

  “Hmm.” She didn’t know his true motive behind his warning and frankly, she didn’t care. She was done talking. “I thank you for your concern, but I like to make up my own mind if I should date a person or not.” She purposely let her gaze slide over him before meeting his gaze with raised brows, letting him know she didn’t care for him in the least. “Have a good night.” Her clipped tone said just the opposite. She meant to brush by him, but his hand snaked out, his grip biting into her arm. “Let me go,” she demanded. He didn’t.

  “You’ll be wise to listen to me, human,” he threatened with a low hiss.

  “Unhand her at once,” Eli’s voice thundered.

  A few heads turned, but Eli didn’t back down. Lucca held his gaze for a second longer as if he debated refusing the request. His grip lessened. “As you wish.” Lucca let her go and lifted his hands in mock surrender. He smiled with as much warmth as a viper ready to strike.

  As soon as Lucca let her go, she moved away and Eli put his body in front of her, shielding her. She leaned against him, hugging his arm. Eli’s whole body hummed with anger. One wrong word out of Lucca’s mouth and this would turn into a brawl. She couldn’t let that happen.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered. “Let it go.”

  He looked at her and his eyes softened. He placed a hand over hers and nodded, but he turned his gaze on Lucca again. “Go. You have no business here.” He didn’t wait to see if he’d protest. Eli took her arm by the elbow and hurried her away. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Leave? He wanted to go? She yanked her arm free and he turned to look at her, surprised at her reluctance, but she planned on setting him straight. “I don’t want to go. This is my cousin’s party and I’m staying. You go if you want to.”

  “Ryden, I…” he seemed to be searching for the right words. “I don’t want Lucca bothering you.”

  “You told him to go.” She looked to where he’d been standing. He was no longer there. She looked back to Eli. His worried expression scared her. Without him saying so, she knew he feared what Lucca might do. “What’s the history between the two of you?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  She pursed her lips together. “Complicated? Complicated as this relationship is beginning to be?” She shook her head. “I like you, Eli, but I don’t know if I want the chaos that seems to follow you wherever you go.”

  “Please don’t say that.” He reached for her, his whisky colored eyes, beseeching her. “Just give me tonight. Trust me” He pulled her against him. “Trust your heart.”

  God, she wanted to. The darn thing seemed to beat faster when he was around, but attraction didn’t mean they belonged together. She backed away before she couldn’t. “I can’t do complicated, Eli. You ask too much.” She walked past him and out the door, needing fresh air.

  Tears stung her eyes. “Keep walking and don’t look back,” she told herself as she felt her heart breaking with each step she took. The tears slid down her face, but she didn’t wipe them away. Danger followed Eli and she refused to be in the crossfire.

  She reached the end of the pathway and went out the gate, but stopped, wondering where she thought she was going. She glanced to the right. She could see the clubhouse from where she stood. The sound of the music drifted like a soft lullaby. If she walked around the corner she’d be on the main street. She leaned against the chain-linked fence and closed her eyes. She would just stay here for a moment to regain her composer. Then she’d go back inside.

  “Here you go.”

  She gasped, her eyes popping open as she whirled to face the person who spoke.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you.” His voice was low and non-threatening. I’m Zaiden,” he said as he waved the Kleenex in front of her.

  She took it and blew her nose. “I thought I was alone.”

  “Sorry again.” He looked toward the clubhouse. The noise was muffled from where they stood outside the gate. “I don’t like parties and took to escape myself.”

  She looked at the elaborate angel costume. “Was there a sale on angel wings, I didn’t know about?”

  His lips twitched, but he only shrugged. He was a large man but the wings seemed to suit him.

  “I’m Ryden,” she introduced herself.

  He nodded. “I know. You’ll forgive me, but I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation with your male companion.”

  She looked back at the clubhouse then back to him, narrowing her eyes. “Did you follow me out?”

  “Not intentionally. I didn’t know you even left. I went out the sliding glass door near the pool, trying to leave unnoticed.”

  “Oh.” She blew her nose again, not caring how unladylike she sounded. “Now I’m sorry.”

  His lips curved into a smile. Man, he was beautiful. That seemed a ridiculous statement for a warrior-built man, but there it was.

  “It sounds like you love him.”

  She harrumphed. She was about to deny it, but stopped and the tears welled up in her eyes again. That’s why she was so upset and why walking away hurt so much. She did love him. She met Zaiden’s gaze. “The relationship is…complicated.” There was no better word to use.

  “Relationships usually are.”

  “I mean I don’t know if I can trust him.”

  “And why’s that?”

  “He claims he’s not involved in… Let’s just say trouble follows him.”

  “Sounds like he’s had it tough.”

  She grimaced. She sounded coldhearted. “He’s been in fights. I’ve seen the wounds, the blood. He swears he’s not involved in anything underhanded, but…” she trailed off to silence.

  He tilted his head and took a step forward. The light shone on his face, haloing him with an ethereal glow. “Maybe he’s telling you the truth.”

  “Maybe.” She moistened her lips and smoothed her dress.

  “If the complication was gone, would that make the difference? Would you love him then?”

  She closed her eyes then gave him a direct look. “Probably not, I’d still love him anyway, trouble and all. As crazy as it sounds, I do love him.”

  Zaiden seemed overly pleased with her response, if the way he was grinning at her was any indication.

  She frowned. Why would he care?

  “Then you must tell him,” he insisted.

  She shook her head. “I can’t. He lives a life I don’t want, a dangerous one that will end up killing him. I’m not strong enough to deal with that. If he died, it would kill me, too.” There she had said. That was the truth of it. She feared he would end up dead. How many times could he go to the rescue and come o
ut the winner?

  “I believe you’re stronger than that or Eli wouldn’t have chosen you. Perhaps all that has happened tonight can be explained away as he claims.”

  She sniffled. Could she be wrong? He swore if she gave him tonight, all of it would make sense. “He asked me to trust him,” she confessed.

  “You said you couldn’t live with the idea of losing him, but where I’m standing you already have.”

  Her gaze riveted to his, the shock of his words sinking in. She had, hadn’t she? Walking away was as good as losing him.

  “Tell him you love him before it’s too late.” Zaiden glanced up at the sky. “It’s near midnight. He looked at her, his blue-eyed gaze locking onto hers. “You must hurry. You don’t have much time.”

  She looked toward the clubhouse, wondering if Eli was still inside. Then it dawned on her what Zaiden said. “What do you mean, I don’t have much time?” When he didn’t answer she turned to look at him, but she was standing alone. Her brows furrowed and she ran around the corner, looking down the street, expecting to see a winged man strolling along the sidewalk, but the street was empty.

  It didn’t matter. She had to find Eli. She whirled around and ran toward the clubhouse.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Eli spotted Lucca and strode over to him. He hadn’t departed as Ryden thought. The Watcher had only used his glamour to shield himself from human view. He loathed the smug look the Watcher wore on his face.

  “I see she left you.” Lucca folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the wall, crossing one foot over the other.


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