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Eli- Warriors for the Light

Page 10

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  “I’m sure it pleases you to no end. Why are you here, Lucca? Have you come to finish the job your Hashasheen demons were unable to accomplish?”

  He shrugged, not denying he was the one to hire them. “I should have done the job myself in the first place. Demons are so unreliable these days. So are best friends it seems.”

  “Hmm. How is Gideon?” he asked.

  “The one winged freak will live. Too bad for him.”

  The Monster Mash was playing now and people cheered, loving the oldie-but-goodie Halloween song.

  “Why?” Eli asked. He had to know the reason why Lucca didn’t want him to succeed.

  Lucca lifted brow. “Why what?”

  “Why couldn’t you just let this all play out? Why is finding a soul mate such a threat to you?”

  “I like the way things are. I don’t like change. If by chance your little stunt succeeded, everything would be different. It wouldn’t matter if your ploy for true love was a fluke, the Fallen would embrace the chance to find the legendary soul mate. We would condemn ourselves as our fathers did before us.”

  “Did you ever stop and think that this was a way we might redeem ourselves? One of God’s greatest gifts is love. It’s precious and it shouldn’t be taken lightly.”

  He snorted. “Please, save it for someone who believes in fairytales.”

  His shoulders sagged. Maybe Lucca was right. Maybe all he and Ryden shared was only a fairytale brought on by his glamour. Ryden walked away and in minutes, he would be whisked back to the court and the elders would cast their judgment. He’d lose Ryden but perhaps she was never really his to begin with.

  “Oh, why the long face?” Lucca’s laugh grated on his nerves. “Is the truth finally sinking in? You lost. ”

  He turned away, determined not to let his last moments in the human world be spoiled by Lucca.

  He’d only taken a few steps when his eyes caught sight of Ryden rushing in the door. Her hair was loose and she looked frantic. Worry made him move faster toward her. Had something happened? Had Lucca distracted him so he could send someone after her?

  “Ryden?” he raised his voice, hoping she would hear him over the music.

  She turned toward him, her gaze meeting his. Her face relaxed and her lips curved as she headed toward him. Then she stopped, her features a mask of horror. She yelled to him, but the words didn’t register until it was too late.

  He turned and the blade entered just below his heart. A second slower and he would have been dead before he hit the ground.

  He stared up into Lucca’s eyes, hatred burning them to bright blue. He grabbed Lucca’s arm, but he yanked free and backed up. Eli felt the magic in the air and knew Lucca had vanished. He fell back, hitting the ground.

  He gazed up at the disco ball mesmerized by the light reflecting off of it. It took a moment to realize someone was shaking him. He tilted his head to the side and smiled. “Ryden.”

  “Oh God, no. Someone call an ambulance!” she yelled then looked back to him. She pulled the blood soaked shirt from his kilt. He didn’t have to read her expression to know it was bad. He was fading. He didn’t have much time.

  “I’m sorry.” Eli reached for her and she grasped his hand.

  “For what?” Her tears streamed down her face.

  Where to begin? There was so much to be sorry for. He should never have forged a friendship with her then she’d be spared this pain. “For everything. Please, don’t cry.”

  “Don’t tell me what to do.”

  His lips twitched. God, he’d miss her spunk most of all. He heard the clock strike its first gong. The clock wasn’t one the humans could hear. It was the warning from the elders that his time was up. Once it hit the twelfth gong he’d be gone.

  “Look at me,” Ryden demanded so fierce he couldn’t refuse even if he wanted to. “You’re not leaving me. Do you hear me?”


  “I won’t have a choice.”


  “Yes, you do. I won’t let you. I love you.” She leaned down and pressed her lips to his. “I love you.”

  He closed his eyes and held her.

  The air around him filled with glamour that only the brethren possessed and time held its breath and all humans in it ceased to move. Then he felt the magic pull him away. “No, don’t take me. She loves me.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  From far away, Eli heard the ancient words, the resonance of the prayer spoken like the Gregorian Chant. He felt hands on his chest where the dagger had entered. Warmth surrounded him, keeping him from slipping away while his body was being restored. The scent of the Brugmansia flowers stung his nostrils and he grimaced. Elder Chaziekal had him, had summoned him back to the court.

  He didn’t want to be here and struggled to rise, but he was held down. A sweet voice told him it was all right. His eyes focused on Lailah then Chaz. He was on the ground with the elders on either side of him. “She loves me,” he murmured, not ashamed that they knew how badly he wanted her.

  “We know,” the sweet voice of the Elder Lailah soothed him. “Be still, Warrior. Let your body heal. It will be but a moment and you will feel like your old self once more.”

  He struggled to speak, but only a groan left his lips.

  “It’s okay,” she told him.

  It wasn’t okay. Lucca was still out there and now Ryden was alone. Defenseless. He tried to rise again, but Chaz held him down more sternly this time.

  “Lie still, I am not finished.”

  “Ryden.” Panic ceased him as his thoughts leaped feverishly over all the possibilities of what could happen to her. “Danger.” His hand gripped Lailah’s arm. “Lucca…” the name flew out of his mouth in desperation to be understood.

  “He will not harm her,” Lailah assured him. “Zaiden has gone after him and will bring him here. His actions will not go unpunished.” Her voice was low and trembling with anger.

  He sighed with relief. Zaiden’s tracking skills were renown and his battle instincts were a perfect match to Lucca’s brute strength. He was confident he wouldn’t let Lucca anywhere near Ryden. “She’s safe.”

  “Yes, your soul mate is safe.” Lailah patted his shoulder.

  His lips curved. The elder called Ryden his soul mate. He did it. He proved that Ryden was his and he was hers.

  He fought to stay awake, but exhaustion took over, pulling him under until he could fight no more.

  When Chaz had finished, his gaze met Lailah’s. He wiped his brow with the side of his thumb. It had been a close call. A few more seconds and…

  “Will he be all right?” Worry laced her words.

  He nodded. “We pulled him back in time. I will allow his body to recuperate before I unbind his glamour and give him back his wings.”

  “Then you shall send him back to his mate.” It wasn’t a question.

  He pressed his lips together in annoyance, knowing he would have no other choice. “As promised, he will have her. It seems her heart wanted him after all. Even with Lucca trying his best to keep them apart.”

  “Never underestimate love.” She dematerialized and reappeared next to him, leaning her head against his shoulder. Her fingers slipped over his arm in an affectionate caress.

  “You do realize with Eli proving he found his soul mate, the Grigori will have to rewrite the rules of conduct and the sooner the better. We can’t have the Brethren descending on the humans as if they’re prey. We’ll have to question Eli thoroughly to find out what drew him to his soul mate.”

  “We should question the human female, also.”

  “Whatever for?” he asked, not following her logic.

  “For our records. We should know if she felt the bond as Eli did. If a human can recognize her soul mate, perhaps it will make the search easier for the Watchers.”

  He sighed. “So be it.”

  Her hand halted her featherlike caresses and she pulled away to look at him.

  “What’s wrong?”r />
  “Soul mates for the Brethren, a chance to save our souls.”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  “What of us? Our marriage was arranged. Will you want to seek a soul mate among the humans?” she asked.

  Dear Lord, did she really think he would leave her? Their marriage may have been arranged, but it didn’t take long for him to realize, he wanted her, needed her—loved her. “Who’s to say you are not my soul mate? I have never analyzed what we have or tried to label it, but I know it’s special. Not many of our kind stay mated, but we’ve never parted.” He brushed his hand over her honey-colored hair, tucking a wayward strand behind her ear. “You are my soul, for without you I would not be whole.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes and she inhaled deeply, letting her breath out in a rush.

  Then he wondered if she would want to leave him, but before he could voice his worry, she threw her arms around his neck, kissing him.

  “You are my soul, too. I would never want another.”

  He brought his wings around her, folding her against his body. The scent of her filled his nostrils, teasing him, making his heart pound against his ribcage. “Do you feel it? Near your heart?” he asked her.

  “The tingle of awareness that means you’re mine?”

  “Yes, exactly.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Eli jolted awake, sitting up in bed and inhaling a ragged breath. Where was he? What happened? His gaze landed on McGregor, who lay at the foot of the bed and looked up with a sleepy-eyed gaze and meowed. He stood and arched his back in a stretch before jumping off the bed. His sleep disturbed, the cat headed for his food bowl beside his scratcher.

  “What’s wrong?” a drowsy voice mumbled and his gaze riveted to the figure tucked in under the covers.


  She rolled over and peeked from one eye at him. “You expecting someone else?”

  Then it all came flooding back to him. The trial, hoping Ryden would fall in love with him again—being stabbed. His hand flew to his chest. Chaz healed him.

  His gaze fell on Ryden, drinking in her beauty. The Elders had sent him home.

  She sat up now, obviously concerned since he was grinning like a loon. “Eli?”

  He didn’t answer her, but swept her into his arms, pouring the sweet urgency into his kiss. Everything was all right. He was whole, wings and all. They unfolded, spread wide for flight as if to reassure him they were indeed no longer bound.

  “Well, well, Mr. Angel,” Ryden said as her fingers brushed over his wing. “It looks like you’re mighty happy to see me this morning.”

  “I love you.”

  It must have been something in his voice for she pulled away, her brows furrowing as she stared at him. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine, better than fine.” He whipped off the blankets and jumped out of bed. “Let’s get married. Today.”

  “On Halloween?” She raised an eyebrow.

  His brows furrowed. The elders must have sent him back to the day they took him. “No time’s been lost.”

  “Am I missing something?”

  His gaze met hers. “I don’t want to wait.”

  “But, I thought we discussed this. You told me the elders wouldn’t allow you to marry me.” Suspicion laced her words and she narrowed her eyes at him.

  “It’s all changed.”

  She leaned forward. “How?”

  “Do you always have to ask so many questions?”

  “Yes, and yes.”

  Now he was confused.

  She crawled to the edge of the bed and stood on her knees so she could wrap her arms around him. She was soft, warm, and the new Juicy Couture lace nightie she wore left nothing to the imagination.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you today.” She kissed him soundly, sealing the pledge. Then she met his gaze. “And yes, I have to ask so many questions.” Her hands slid down the length of him. “You know, I have ways of making you talk.”

  That he had no doubt. “It can wait for now.” There would be no secrets between them. Honor and trust would be their foundation. She opened her mouth to argue, but he kissed her again, drowning in the woman, the taste, the touch of her and he didn’t care if he came up for air, but Ryden had other plans. She placed her hand on his chest and firmly pushed him away.

  “Eeee-liiii,” she dragged out each syllable. “Something happened. Something otherworldly, am I right? Tell me now.”

  He sighed, knowing he wouldn’t win this battle. “So be it. Sit down.”

  He told her about the binding of his wings, the time travel—everything, leaving nothing out.

  Her fingers brushed over his wings like a caress. “You bound your wings, your beautiful dove-colored wings. It would be like amputating a limb and letting you bleed out.” Her gaze met his. “Why did you do it? Why did you risk it? I rather you were alive and whole than dead. You know that, don’t you?”

  He pulled her close, loving the feel of her against him. “I do and that’s why I did it.”

  She nuzzled his neck with a caress, but then pulled away. “Wait. Why don’t I remember our past any differently than how it played out? I went to Lana’s Halloween party alone. You weren’t there. We didn’t go out until two months later.”

  “Well… How do I explain this?” His hand rubbed the back of his neck. “Time has a way of bending, changing. Events happen on different levels of time and space, rippling until they fuse together to form the true conclusion. Technically, I didn’t travel back in time, but traveled another path of existence, causing another ripple.”

  “Stop,” she held up a hand. “You’re losing me.”

  “Have you ever experienced déjà vu?”

  “Hasn’t everyone?”

  “That’s the layers blending together, finalizing what is meant to be.

  Her brows drew together as she tried to wrap her mind around what he was saying. “Then there could have been another ending. You and I might not be sitting here having this conversation.”

  “On another realm—maybe. This is why the Watchers don’t mess with the timeline. We don’t go back and try to change an event. It just messes up everything.”

  Her lovely brown sugar eyes darkened. “The elders didn’t seem to mind.”

  He gave her a small smile. “They yanked me out of that realm of existence and put me back here, all the layers settled like I had never invaded the timeline. It was like an illusion of what could have been.”

  “How very It’s a Wonderful Life of them.” Sarcasm dripped from her words.

  “Don’t be cross with them. Remember, I’m the one who broke the rules.” He brushed her dark locks away from her shoulder, kissing the tender area between her neck and shoulder. “We proved to them our feelings for each other are true. They won’t prevent us from being together.” His lips kissed a path to the other side of her neck.

  Her eyes were closed and a sweet smile curved her lips. “You’re trying to distract me, aren’t you?”

  “Is it working?”

  “Mmm…yes, you missed a spot.” She tilted her head back and slid her long fingers over the swell of her breasts that were peeking above the top of her nightie.

  “We can’t have that.” He loved the seductive taste of heat and cinnamon that clung to her skin and how the scent was heightened when she was aroused. Her sighs only egged him on. He wanted all of her, and planned to kiss every inch of her silky softness before he took her completely.

  “Mmm, oh my, yes.” Her voice was a breathless whisper.

  He slid the strap of the nightgown to the side, drinking in her beauty. He leaned down to ravish her again, but paused when his gaze caught sight of a slightly raise mark on her otherwise flawless skin.

  Sensing the change in his mood, she looked at him. “Why did you stop?”

  “Because of this.” He stroked the mark that was smaller than the nail of his pinky finger, but there was no mistaking what it looked like. He knew every freckle on her shoulders. He knew the
scar on her right knee was when she fell out of a tree house when she was twelve. She’d needed twenty stitches. This was new. This had not been there before.

  “Oh that.” She lifted her slender shoulders in a nonchalant shrug.

  His gaze riveted to hers. “When did this happen?”

  She chuckled. “I don’t know, a day or two ago. I thought it was a hickey.”

  “A what?”

  “Don’t look so shocked. You do have fangs and your kisses can be…intense.”

  “Intense. I marked you.” Once he said the words, he realized it was true. “I marked you,” he said it again.

  “It’s okay.” Her hands held his head, making him look at her.

  “No, I mean I believe it’s a mark stating we’re mated. It’s a bond. I’ve heard about it with shifters, but I didn’t think…” His gaze met hers and he swallowed hard. “Ryden, I didn’t—”

  She silenced him with a kiss. “I’m good with it. I like the idea that I’m yours and yours only.” She looked at the mark, running her fingers over it. “It kind of reminds me of an angel wing.” She looked at him again. “Like the legend my grandmother told me about. A brush of an angel’s wing is a blessing, a binding of their love. Her life will be his and his will be hers, forevermore. Maybe there was always some truth behind the story.”

  God, he sure wanted to believe the story had merit.

  Her hand brushed over his wing, making him shudder in delight and she teased him some more.


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