Book Read Free

Educating the Professor

Page 10

by Sean Michael

  “What do you need me to do?”

  He turned around, curious to see if Kenn had indeed put the robe on and if so, how tightly he’d closed it.

  Kenn was in a light robe, the belt barely holding on. Oh yes. Yes, please.

  He held open his arms, and Kenn flew into them. Letting one hand slide beneath the robe, he wrapped it around Kenn and tugged him in close. There was something sexy about being fully dressed while Kenn was almost naked. He pressed their lips together, expressing his admiration through their kiss.

  Kenn moaned for him, low and sweet, tongue sliding against his.

  “I should probably get our supper cooking,” he noted as their lips parted. “The potatoes’ll be about ten more minutes, maybe fifteen. How do you like your steak?”

  “Pink but not bloody, please.”

  “You got it. Mine’s a portobello.” He turned the stove on under the frying pan.

  “I…. Let me cook the steak. I feel bad.”

  “Or I could do both portobellos I brought if you’d like to give it a try? I’m not trying to push you into veggie, but if you’d like to try….” He truly didn’t mind if Kenn wanted the steak.

  “Let’s do that. I’ll pop the steak in the freezer. I’d feel better that way. Honestly.”

  “If you’re sure. Does this mean you’re going to turn vegetarian whenever we’re together?” He didn’t want Kenn feeling bad whenever they had a meal together.

  “Is that a problem?”

  “Not for me. I don’t want you to feel like you have to change your eating habits to please me or anything like that.”

  “I don’t want you to have to kiss me with meat mouth.”

  “Oh, that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me or done for me.” He cupped Kenn’s face and brought their mouths together. He kissed Kenn quite thoroughly. He’d never had someone who offered themselves so openly.

  Did Kenn have any idea what a joy he was? Dave suspected not. “Okay. Let’s get the portobellos in the pan, and we can keep dancing if we want. Or chatting or whatever.”

  “I bet we can manage both.”

  “I like the way you think.” He gave Kenn another quick kiss, then moved to work on the main component of their meal. “You ever considered going vegetarian before?”

  “No. I don’t think about food much. I mean, I eat, but my thing is sweets.”

  “So if you wind up eating vegetarian all the time, you wouldn’t be upset.” That would make Kenn the first person he’d dated who didn’t think him being vegetarian was a problem.

  “I live on pizza, oatmeal, and pastries.”

  “We can probably do better than that.” He could happily feed Kenn on a regular basis.

  “Um-hum. Maybe. You’re doing fine so far.”

  “I hope you like the portobellos. They really are meaty.” He rubbed some oil and spices on the big mushrooms and put them in to slowly cook through. “It’ll probably be about twenty minutes. Won’t hurt them if it’s longer.”

  “You want to cuddle on the bed for a while?”

  “I do. We can cuddle and talk and anticipate our dinner and our after-dinner activities.” He guided Kenn to the bed and started stripping. Cuddling was way more fun if you were both naked.

  “Would you like a robe, or are you warm enough?”

  “We are going to keep each other warm. Plus you’ve got covers.”

  “I do.” Kenn slipped in and held the blankets open for him.

  He followed Kenn down, snuggling in. They warmed the area quickly, and it felt good, felt right. He opened up Kenn’s robe, hands on his lover’s smooth body.

  “Are you looking forward to later? When we make love.”

  “I am. I enjoy penetration. I miss it.”

  “God, you really are a wonder. I am the luckiest man in the world.”

  “How about you? Are you looking forward to it?”

  “I am. I can’t wait to watch your face as I push inside you.” He curled their lower bodies together, tangling their legs. “I can’t wait to feel you tight and hot around my cock.”

  Kenn’s expression softened, and he moaned. “Oh God.”

  “I’m going to pound into you. Soft and easy at first, but then I’m going to go faster and harder.”

  “David!” Kenn pushed closer. “That’s… that’s hot.”

  “You want to hear about how I’m going to open you up?” He was getting off on how much Kenn liked to listen to him talk dirty.

  “Please.” Kenn’s lips were soft on his ear.

  “I know the standard thing is to start with a single finger. My favorite way however, is to start with my tongue.”

  Kenn’s cry was the sweetest thing he’d ever heard.

  “You like being rimmed, Kenn?” Which was a crazy question—who didn’t like being rimmed? It was pretty damn amazing.

  “I want to try,” Kenn groaned.

  “Have you never been rimmed before, Kenn? Oh man. It’s going to blow your mind.” How could it be that no one had ever given Kenn that pleasure? It was such a simple thing.

  “No, never. I’ve done it, but….”

  “Oh, that’s not fair. Not fair at all. Turn around, baby. Let me take care of you.”

  “What? Now?”

  “Yeah. I don’t think you should go a moment longer without knowing how it feels to be rimmed. Shame on your other lovers for taking but not giving.” He kissed Kenn really quickly, then wiggled his tongue as obscenely as possible.

  “I…. Dave!” Kenn laughed, the sound husky, wanton.

  He kissed Kenn’s nose, then started turning him. “I mean it, baby. I want you to know what it’s like.” And there was nothing wrong with eating dinner all jazzed up from a rimming.

  He slid down, dragging his lips down Kenn’s spine. Kenn made the most wonderful noises. He was anticipating how much bigger they would be when he got to Kenn’s ass.

  “I can’t believe…. Please.”

  “Take a breath.” He pushed Kenn forward slightly, encouraged him to move one leg out so it opened that sweet ass to him. Then he blew air from the top of Kenn’s crack to his hole. His lover shivered, and before that sensation had faded, Dave licked that tight little hole. Kenn whimpered, asscheeks clutching.

  “Sweet baby.” He licked again, then again, working on getting Kenn’s hole wet.

  He thought Kenn might be sobbing, the sounds muffled but wild.

  He kept it up, flattening his tongue and sliding it back and forth over Kenn’s hole. Then he pressed the tip of his tongue against the tiny ring of tight muscles.

  “Fuck…. Killing me.”

  Uh-huh. And he was going to make it even better. He pressed harder, stabbing his tongue in hard enough to breach that sweet hole.

  Kenn pushed back, begging for him, eager, wanton. Oh, his boy hadn’t been lying about loving assplay. He still couldn’t believe no one had done this for Kenn before. It was criminal.

  He pushed his tongue in, breaching Kenn’s hole and pressing in deeper.

  “Oh God. I need you. I need you to take me. I’ve been so empty.”

  Oh, poor baby. He pushed his tongue in as deeply as he could and then began to fuck Kenn with it.

  Kenn bucked back against him, humping hard.

  Fuck it. He was going to turn the food off and take care of Kenn.

  “Please. Please, Dave. Please. I need you. Now.” Kenn begged so prettily, spreading for him, hips up and back.

  He withdrew his tongue. “Let me go turn off the stove.” He patted Kenn’s ass before going over and making sure everything was turned off. He blew the candles out for good measure. Just in case. Then he grabbed the bag from the pharmacy, which had the lube and condoms in it, and returned to Kenn’s side.

  Kenn leaned toward him, body begging for him, for his touch.

  “I’m going to take care of you, baby. I promise.” Dave leaned in and licked at Kenn’s hole again as he grabbed the lube out of the bag. He got it open and got his fingers wet.

  He started with one, pushing it into Kenn without fanfare. Kenn didn’t need to be teased. Kenn needed to be filled. Kenn pushed back toward him, accepting him into that perfect tight heat. He groaned, imagining how Kenn was going to feel around his cock.

  “So hot and tight. You’re going to feel perfect. I can’t wait to be sinking my cock into you.”

  “Yes. I ache for it. For you, Dave.”

  He wished Kenn had voiced his need. Dave could have helped him out ages ago. Never mind—they were here now.

  He pushed a second finger in with the first. “I hear you. I’m going to make it good.”

  Kenn was wild, bucking back against him, trying to get him in deeper.

  “Easy. Easy. You want this to last longer than a few thrusts.” He wanted Kenn to be able to revel in it, to enjoy every single second and for there to be a lot of seconds.

  “Sorry. Sorry, overeager.”

  “Totally understandable. You’re allowed, even. But a few deep breaths and we’ll make it last.” He continued to work Kenn with two fingers, twisting them together and pushing them deep, then spreading them wide and pulling them back out.

  Kenn nodded, obviously forcing himself to relax, to gather his control.

  “I’m not going to tease, baby. I promise.” To that end, he added another finger, quickly stretching Kenn so that it wasn’t such a shock to his lover’s body when he pushed his cock in.

  “I know. I’ve got this. I was…. You feel good.”

  “And you feel incredible. You’re going to be magic around my cock.” He fingerfucked Kenn a little longer. “You ever play with plugs?” Kenn would so get off on that.

  Kenn shook his head, taking shaky breaths.

  “We’ll have to look together online and buy one. See if you like it.” Kenn was going to love it, Dave knew. He pulled his fingers out and grabbed a condom, ripping the package open and sliding the latex over his erection. “Ready for it to be me now, Kenn?”

  “I am.” Kenn was still, quiet, waiting for him.

  He took a breath, and then he stopped. “Wait. I want to see your face. Lie on your back for me.”

  “What?” Kenn blinked back over his shoulder.

  He reached over and stroked Kenn’s face, fingertips sliding across his lover’s lips. “I want to be able to see your face, to look into your eyes.”

  Kenn kissed his fingers, moving slowly, turning over to face him.

  He smiled down at Kenn. “There you are. My beautiful boy.” He bent to kiss Kenn, then guided his cock to Kenn’s hole. He pressed, already feeling the heat from Kenn’s body with his cock only touching Kenn’s hole. “I want to watch every second. I want to know you’re with me.”

  Kenn keened softly, bucking up and trying to take him in. He stroked Kenn’s lips, then pressed in, Kenn’s hole spreading around his cock. So fucking good. So hot and tight.

  He groaned as heat flooded him. Damn, he wanted.

  He kept pressing in, filling Kenn slowly but surely, his gaze holding tight to Kenn’s. He made a noise as his hips hit the backs of Kenn’s thighs. He was inside Kenn, buried deep, and it felt amazing.

  Kenn looked blissful, joyful, utterly at peace.

  Damn. He had a new mission in life—make sure Kenn wore that expression as often as possible.

  “So pretty, babe.” He took a kiss, then another kiss. Then he began to move, pulling almost all the way out before pushing back in again. He matched kisses with thrusts, joining them at mouth and ass.

  Oh. Oh, he could… forever. Forever. He pushed in deep, taking Kenn. A low groan came from Kenn, and he matched it. He continued to thrust, filling Kenn over and over. Kenn began to slam up, meeting his thrusts now.

  “Fuck yes.” He slammed in harder, giving Kenn his all as he wrapped one hand around Kenn’s hip.

  “Oh.” Kenn gasped, eyes rolling back. “Fuck me. Yes.”

  “That’s the idea.” He rocked and rolled, finding his rhythm and plowing into Kenn.

  Kenn took it and took it, sobbing softly, face a study in bliss.

  Every now and then Dave would bend and bring their mouths together, kissing Kenn hard before he’d focus back on what their hips were doing. Every second was pure sensation, and his balls drew up against his body, his head pounding hard.

  “Soon….” Kenn arched into him, legs wrapping around him and holding him tight.

  He nodded. “Yeah. Soon as you’re ready, you can come.” He let go of Kenn’s hip in favor of wrapping around Kenn’s erection.

  “You too. Us. Together. Please.”

  Oh fuck yes. Together.

  “Yeah, babe. I’m ready. Right now.” He flicked his thumb across the tip of Kenn’s cock.

  Kenn’s lips popped open and he spent, body gripping him like a fist. Dave’s eyes rolled back in his head at the amazing pressure, and he came, filling the condom. One day they’d go bareback. One day he’d trap his seed in that sweet ass.

  He pressed kiss after kiss on Kenn, not wanting to come out, not wanting this to end yet. Kenn took everything, his kisses lazy, happy.

  Finally, it was time to come out. He grabbed hold of the base of the condom and pulled out. He got rid of it, then lay down next to Kenn.

  Kenn grabbed him, drew him in, and held him.

  “You good?” He was pretty sure he was reading Kenn right, but it never hurt to be sure.

  “Yes. Thank you. I’ve missed… I’ve missed that.”

  “I wish I’d known. I would have suggested we do it sooner.”

  “It doesn’t come up in conversation, really. I like anal sex. Wanna?”

  That had him laughing softly. “Yeah, I guess not. You needed bad, though. I’m not going to make you wait so long for the next time.” He pressed a few kisses over Kenn’s face. “In fact, I’m going to make sure you get everything you need.”

  They could use Kenn’s laptop and get something shipped overnight. He couldn’t believe Kenn had never used a plug. Never been rimmed, never plugged…. Poor lovely wanton.

  “You’re who I need right now, Dave.”

  “Ditto, Kenn.” He held Kenn close, stroking his back. He trusted that his instincts were leading him right and Kenn needed him because he could give Kenn what he desired, knew how to make Kenn fly. For more than just sex.

  They had what the other craved. They did. They just had a journey to get there. He had a hunch it was going to be a memorable one.

  Chapter Nine

  THE MUSHROOMS were delicious—rich and spicy, beefy and filling. Kenn could eat those any day. So far, being vegetarian with Dave hadn’t been a problem at all.

  Dave had refused to let him help with the dishes, instead insisting that he sit at the little table. Dave did the last dish, then came over and sat across from him. “I think we should do a little online shopping before we have dessert.”

  “Online shopping? For what?” He was willing, sure, but he didn’t know what they needed.

  “You need a plug. I can’t believe you’ve never had one. Hell, I couldn’t believe you hadn’t been rimmed before either.”

  “My…. I shouldn’t talk about him, huh?”

  “You’re allowed. I promise I won’t be jealous. I know I won’t be. He clearly wasn’t what you needed.”

  “Bram was…. We had sex on Saturday nights.” Blow job, a fuck, and then they read and watched TV.

  Dave’s eyebrows went up. “Was he a lot older than you?”

  “Fifteen years, yes, but….” That wasn’t that old.

  “No, I meant like in his sixties. That’s very… well, I didn’t know him, but my God, you were starving for it.”

  “He wanted someone on his arm, not the messiness of sex.”

  “That’s sounds really sad. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m sorry too. It was terrible at the end, but….”

  “But it’s over now, and you can be as sexual as you want.”

  “Yes. Yes, I suppose I can.” Whatever that meant.

  “So let’s open
your laptop and buy a plug.” Dave said it like it was the most normal thing in the world.

  “Just… buy one? Okay.” No way.

  “Yeah. I mean, we’ll check them out first, see what you like. It won’t be random.” Dave opened Kenn’s laptop and went to Google.

  “Do you want coffee?” Kenn was all nerves, buzzing with a weird excitement.

  Dave shook his head and pushed back from the table a little. “I want you to sit in my lap while we do this.”

  “In your lap?” He moved to Dave immediately, drawn in.

  Dave nuzzled their cheeks together. “That’s better, isn’t it?”

  “You make me feel things, you know?” Things that he probably shouldn’t. Things that made him worry and ache.

  “Good. I want you to feel so many things. I want to share everything with you.” Dave typed something in Google, then clicked on the first link, the screen filling with a plethora of plugs.

  Kenn’s eyes went wide. “Good lord.”

  “I know, eh? So many choices. How are we going to narrow it down to just one?”

  “Dave, I can’t… I can’t do that.” It was naughty.

  “You can’t narrow it down to one? I’m more than willing to buy more than one. They aren’t that expensive.”

  Kenn’s cheeks were on fire. He couldn’t do this. They were so… hot.

  “How about we start with which one draws you in the most?” Dave dropped one hand down, rubbing Kenn’s belly through his robe.

  “They’re obscene.” And fascinating.

  “I suppose. That’s not a bad thing, though. I mean, we’re getting one to put inside you.” Dave was a little breathless as he spoke.

  He hid his face in Dave’s throat, his cock threatening to fill.

  “You’re going to be so sexy.” Dave rubbed his cheek on the top of Kenn’s head. “It’s going to change the way you sit and the way you walk.”

  He moaned softly, legs trying to make room for his cock.


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