Book Read Free

Educating the Professor

Page 11

by Sean Michael

  “Mmm. We’ll make love again when we’ve made our purchase,” Dave promised. “We can have dessert when we wake up in the middle of the night in each other’s arms.” Then he clicked on the laptop, and one of the plugs, bullet shaped and with a base, filled the page. “What do you think of this one?”

  “I…. Oh God….” He wanted to… die. Hump Dave’s leg. Beg.

  “That’s a yes, huh? Of course maybe that’d be your reaction to any of them?” Dave went back to the screen with all the plugs. “You point out one you want to take a closer look at.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You can. Do it.”

  His heart began to pound so hard, shattering against his ribs. “David….”

  Dave held him tight. “You can do this, babe. It’s good and fun and absolutely wonderful.”

  “Yeah?” He managed to meet Dave’s eyes.

  “Absolutely. I know your ex made like it was dirty and wrong. But he also only wanted to have sex one night a week, so consider the source. There is nothing wrong about us looking at and buying plugs. There’s nothing wrong with us using them. What we do—that’s our business.”

  Kenn turned to the screen, his natural curiosity taking over. There were so many—different colors and materials, sizes and shapes. “There are all these options.”

  “Yeah. It’s rather stunning. And you can have any one that you want. Or two. And then when we’re tired of them, we’ll buy another one.”

  “I like the metal ones.” He whispered the words, but Dave heard him.

  “Yeah? They’re pretty sexy. If you had to narrow it down?”

  He clicked around, coming back to a round one with a thin neck.

  “Mmm. That’s pretty. I can imagine using it on you. Can you imagine what it would feel like slipping into you?”

  Kenn’s hand fell into his lap, and he rubbed his cock. He could. He’d watched videos. He’d seen things. Dave settled his hand on top of Kenn’s. “No touching without my permission.”

  His lips fell open, and his cock jerked hard. “What?”

  “When I’m here with you, this is mine.” Dave dropped his hand and moved to rest it on Kenn’s cock. Dave squeezed. “Mine. If you want to touch, you can ask me.”

  His heart began to pound, and he licked his lips, torn between standing up and nodding.

  “Do you understand?” Dave asked, gaze holding his.

  The look in Dave’s eyes was firm but not mean, just… masterful. Kind too. Dave wasn’t being an asshole, he could tell.

  “I hear you. I … I don’t know what to do.”

  “Say ‘yes, Sir,’ and stop touching yourself.” Dave leaned in and rubbed their noses together. “This is for fun, excitement to increase our pleasure.”

  “Yes….” Okay. Just a game, something for fun. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Mmm. Do you like the way it feels? Saying that, I mean.” Dave rubbed his cock, the touch light, barely there.

  Kenn’s eyelids got heavy, that hand perfect against him. “I do….”

  “I thought you might. I love hearing you say it.” Dave laid his hand on Kenn’s cock, resting it there now. “Let’s buy a plug and set up delivery. Then we can continue touching.”

  “Oh, okay. Sounds good.”

  “So which was your favorite? This one?” Dave clicked on the one he’d been looking at, bringing it up on the screen.

  “Yes. Yes, that one. God, I can’t believe we’re talking about this.”

  “Why? Because your ex said it was wrong? I’m not being an asshole. I’m honestly curious why.”

  “Because he called me filthy and hit me until I couldn’t stand back up.” Kenn was suddenly icy cold, and he stood. “Pardon me.”

  He made it to the bathroom and stood there on the tile, shaking like a leaf.

  No one understood how ashamed he’d been, how badly he’d been hurt.

  Dave knocked on the door, then slipped into the bathroom and wrapped around him. “Kenn… I didn’t know. My God. God. I’m so sorry that happened to you.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I just…. It doesn’t matter.”

  “Of course it matters. He abused you. He should have been arrested. And you’ve spent how many years thinking your desires were wrong, when they aren’t. You are not filthy. Not at all.”

  “I shouldn’t have snarled. None of this is your fault. Not a bit. You’ve been good to me.”

  “No, don’t do that. You’re allowed to have feelings. You’re allowed to be upset. I poked a sore spot. A very deservedly sore spot. You can apologize for snarling, but don’t say you shouldn’t have.” Dave kept holding him, warming him through.

  “I just… I’m really tired of worrying.”

  “You don’t have to worry with me. I think it’s amazing that you’re excited by this kind of stuff. I am too. And there’s nothing wrong with that at all.” Dave rubbed his arm and his back. “Come back to bed where it’s warm, hmm?”

  Dave led him back to the bed and curled up around him. “You should have gone to the police when he did that to you.”

  “I did.”

  “And what happened?”

  “I got a restraining order, but I knew it wouldn’t do any good. He knows how to get around it, and he has friends in high places too.”

  Dave shook his head. Restraining orders were so nonspecific, and it was hard to prove they’d been violated. Dave squeezed Kenn tightly. “You deserve so much better than this.”

  “I’m okay. I got away. I left with next to nothing, but I got away.”

  “I wish there was something I could do.”

  “I know.” Oh, this was the beginning of not seeing each other again, wasn’t it?

  “Well, I can’t change what happened to you back then, but I can make sure you’re treated right now.”

  “What?” Kenn blinked, surprised.

  “I want to give you what you crave.” Dave smiled at him. “You’ll need to trust me, but if you do, it’ll be amazing.”

  “I thought….” He’d thought for sure that Dave was going to break up with him.

  “What did you think? I want to know.” Dave stayed close, fingers warm as they ran up and down along his skin.

  “That you would… that I’m just too much.”

  Dave held him tight. “I don’t think you’re too much at all. I’m eager to learn about all the things that excite you. I think we’re going to have so much fun together.”

  “You do? We are?” Kenn cuddled right in with a deep sigh.

  “I sure hope we are. I think we have the perfect recipe for it. Two guys interested in sensation and toys and having fun together. I’m planning to enjoy every second with you, Kenn.” Dave smiled against his cheek. “I plan for you to enjoy it too.”

  “You’re making my heart pound.”

  “In a good way, I hope.” Dave placed a hand over Kenn’s heart, palm flat, which teased his nipple.

  “Yes. Yeah, in a good way.” He took a deep breath, Dave’s hand slipping on him a little.

  “I want you to know you can say anything to me. You can tell me anything. I’m not going to run away or send you away. Or do anything awful to you. I promise.”

  “I don’t know how to… come to terms with all this shame and need.”

  “Will it help if I tell you there’s nothing to be ashamed of in your need? If I tell you over and over and over again until you believe it?” Dave’s fingers went back to dancing over his skin, warming it.

  “I know you can’t understand, but… I feel so….” Dirty.

  “Feel so what, babe? I want to understand. I do.”

  “Naughty. Wicked. Excited.”

  “Those all sound like good things to me,” Dave admitted.

  “Me too,” he whispered.

  Dave kissed him softly. “Then let’s go with that, eh?”

  “I’m going to try.” He wanted to try.

  “You need to talk to me, though, okay? If I do something you don’t like or that scares you or t
hat is really amazing. Or if there’s something you want to try. You need to tell me. I can’t read your mind, and I don’t know everything you went through, though I hope what you told me was the worst of it.”

  “The guilt was the worst.” It could be crippling—freezing him solid.

  “I don’t want you to feel guilty about the things you like. I understand that might not happen overnight. But if you share with me when you are, maybe I can help you change that. Sound good?”

  “Why on earth are you interested? I have all this baggage.” It seemed ridiculous. Insane.

  “What kind of a person would I be if I said I wanted to see you, but only if you don’t bring any of your baggage with you? I mean, seriously.”

  Kenn chuckled softly, tickled to death that he’d agreed to have cheesecake with Dave that first night.

  “God, I like that sound.” Dave nipped at his nose. “Upshot of everything I’ve said is communication is key. I don’t care what your ex might have been like on this front. I like talking and trusting and loving.”

  Kenn nodded. He liked the idea of all those things too. He liked the idea of being… happy again. Not merely getting by but outright happy.

  Dave hugged him tight. “I’m so glad you’re taking a chance on us.”

  He hoped he wasn’t doing something incredibly stupid, trusting Dave like this.

  “Now, you want dessert, or do you want to make love again?”

  “Can we sit together for a few minutes? Just be?”

  “Absolutely.” Dave pulled him in closer again, so warm, the fingers on his skin easy and gentle.

  “Thank you.” This was the best gift—this friendship.

  “Oh, did you want to actually sit or is this good here in bed?”

  “I like it here. It’s—” Safe. “—comfortable.”

  “Cozy. Like a cocoon just for us.” Dave rubbed their cheeks together. He was so sensual, so tactile. He leaned in, his fingers sliding over Dave’s skin.

  Dave hummed, the sound so happy, pleased. “Tell me more about your history studies. I like hearing you talk about the things you love.”

  “Only if you share the favor. You have some fascinating research.” He’d loved that part of earning his doctorate—researching new things.

  “I do,” Dave agreed. “We’ll take turns. Share, then kiss, then share, then kiss. The best of both worlds.”

  “That sounds like heaven.” Kenn settled in. “We had a great conversation in class Wednesday….”

  Chapter Ten

  DAVE RUSHED home from his last class. He had to throw together a quick bag for the weekend at Kenn’s. He needed a shower first. There was something wrong with the heating in his classroom, and it had been sweltering. His shirt was literally stuck to his back.

  Still, he had the plug they’d ordered washed and in a baggie, two new books to share with Kenn, and the whole weekend ahead of him.

  “Do you want to play, man?” George asked as he walked in the door. “We have a spare controller.”

  “Thanks, but not today. I have plans.” Wonderful, fun, exciting, sexy plans with his special man. He was probably grinning like a fool, but he didn’t care.

  “Ooh. Again? Lucky duck!”

  “Yeah. I am.” He was the luckiest man in the world.

  He checked the time on his phone. He needed to hustle harder; he didn’t want to lose a moment of his time with Kenn.

  His phone buzzed. Bought us pizza for supper.

  He could feel his smile getting wider. Perfect. Be there soon as I shower.

  cusoon <3

  <3 2

  He grabbed fresh clothes and went to the shower, making short work of cleaning himself and getting dressed. He did his teeth, then grabbed his toiletries and added them to his bag, along with clothes for a couple days, the plug, the books, and extra underwear.

  Shouldering his bag, he headed out, eager to get to Kenn’s. He waved at George as he left, his focus snapping to hotfooting it to Kenn’s.

  HE ROUNDED the street to Kenn’s, meeting up with Timothy on the way, the man full of bounce.

  “Hello there! You heading for the house? Kenn’s home. Happy and singing like the world’s largest weirdassed bird.”

  Good. Kenn was looking forward to this as much as he was.

  “You mean the world’s largest beautiful bird.” His man was stunning, not weirdassed.

  Timmy cackled. “Oh, I do like you. Kenn deserves that. Do you two want to go see a movie tonight? There’s some good stuff playing.”

  “I think we’d planned to stay in, but if we change our minds, Kenn’ll text you, ’kay?”

  “Totally. I’m going at nine, so holler.” Timmy grinned. “If not, have the best night. I’m glad you made him sing.”

  “Yeah, me too.” He gave Timmy a wave and kept going, more eager than ever to see Kenn. Singing, eh? Go, Kenn.

  He could hear the music playing through Kenn’s door as he reached it but just barely, not enough to piss off the neighbors. He knocked loudly, wanting to make sure that Kenn heard it over the music and his own singing—if he still was.

  “Coming!” Kenn opened the door, wearing a tiny pair of shorts and holding a feather duster.

  Dave’s jaw dropped. “Wow. You look great.” Edible.

  “I was cleaning up, that’s all.” Kenn pinked.

  “You’re still edible, no matter what you’re doing.”

  “Come in. Come in. Hello.” Kenn leaned in and kissed him.

  He kept kissing Kenn back as he closed the door behind him. Then he dropped his bag and cupped Kenn’s face in both hands. Kenn stepped right into him, cuddled in with a happy sound.

  “Your skin feels amazing. You should always go around with very little clothing.” He could get behind that.

  “Flatterer.” Kenn stole another kiss, lingering on it.

  He shook his head when their lips had parted. “Truth.”

  Kenn smiled at him, kissed the corner of his lips.

  “Have you ever played Truth or Dare?” It was all the rage among students. He used to do it all the time when he was an undergrad.

  “Of course. It’s been a while, but I have.”

  “You wanna play?” He waggled his eyebrows.

  “You’re serious?” Kenn laughed, the sound so warm. “Sure. I’m not lighting farts, though.”

  “Oh, I was thinking more along the lines of blow jobs and rimming, maybe dancing with a plug in—that kind of dare.”


  He did love a handful of happy man.

  He laughed and picked Kenn up, spinning him around. “You’ve got to admit, giving me a blow job is way better than lighting your farts.”

  “Giving you a blow job is a glorious thing.” Kenn cupped his balls.

  He groaned. “We probably shouldn’t touch until there’s a dare saying you can.”

  “That’s no fun, is it?”

  Wicked little man.

  “Well, if you give me a blow job now, what’ll I ask you to do for a dare?” He had plenty of ideas, actually.

  “True. Okay. No touching. Truth or dare?”

  He laughed softly. “I’m gonna start conservative and say truth.”

  “Mmm…. What’s your favorite thing to eat?”


  Kenn chuckled, shook his head, but accepted said the answer.

  “Truth or dare?” Dave asked.


  “What’s your best memory?”

  “I don’t know… maybe…. I think my first professional article getting published. I was so proud.”

  “I love that.” He loved that look of pride on Kenn’s face too.

  “It was cool. I was over the moon.”

  “Have the subsequent times lived up to the same feeling? Or is nothing quite like that first time?” He hadn’t been published yet, and he could only imagine.

  “First times are truly special, aren’t they?”

  “Yeah, they are.” He smiled at Kenn
, remembering their first time the weekend before. He slid a finger along Kenn’s cheek. “They really are.”

  Kenn moaned, turning his head to kiss Dave’s finger.

  “Mmm.” He hummed happily, fingers curling, stroking Kenn’s skin. “Your turn to ask,” he whispered.

  “Um-hum… truth or dare?”

  “I’m going to leap in and go for dare this time.” He was curious as to what Kenn would start with.

  “Kiss me.” Kenn’s grin proved that he’d been planning.

  “Starting slowly, I see. I approve.” He leaned in unhurriedly and rubbed Kenn’s lips with his, then rested them together, breathing with Kenn before turning it into a long, slow kiss. Kenn opened for him, giving it up to him.

  He groaned, letting the kiss linger as long as he could. When their lips finally parted, he leaned their foreheads together. “Truth or dare?” he whispered.

  “Dare.” Kenn licked his lips.

  “Make my nipples hard.” Dave had been waiting for that too.

  Kenn’s fingers slid beneath Dave’s T-shirt and up his belly, heading slowly and steadily for his nips. He held his breath as Kenn moved, so leisurely. He watched Kenn’s hand move beneath his T-shirt and suddenly wanted to see Kenn at work. He quickly pulled off his shirt so he could watch.

  Kenn chuckled softly. “I bet you’re a visual learner.”

  “Yep.” He took in a deep breath, his nipples already hardening, anticipating Kenn’s touch.

  “Hmm….” Kenn drew a circle around his nipple—first one and then the other.

  “Oh God.” He swallowed and let out a deep breath. “Such a sweet touch.”

  “Mmm….” Kenn kept circling, and Dave’s nipples drew up tight.

  He shivered. “I can’t believe how quickly you made that happen.”

  “Visual learner.”

  He chuckled. “Ask the question, babe.”

  “Truth or dare.” As he asked the question, Kenn pinched his nipple.

  “Dare!” The word came out as a yelp.

  “Did I hurt?” Kenn leaned down and kissed his nipple.

  “God no. It was the surprise. The touch was great. You’re great.”

  “Oh good.” Kenn stepped closer. “I dare you to make me hard using….” He trailed off, blushing hard.


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