Book Read Free

Educating the Professor

Page 12

by Sean Michael

“Using what? My mouth, my hands, something else? You’re going to have to actually tell me.”

  “I… I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

  “You are. You’re so sexy,” he whispered into Kenn’s ear. “Go ahead and say it. Tell me. You know you want it.”

  “Your voice. Just your voice.”

  He groaned. That was unexpected but totally hot. And doable. Hell, Kenn’s cock was already awake from the kissing and touching they’d done so far.

  “I can do that. I’m going to tell you about the plug we bought. It arrived yesterday. I have it in my bag, washed and ready to go. You remember what it looks like? It’s got a base to keep it from going in and getting lost. It’s got a tapered top that’s rounded. It’s going to feel so good hitting up against your gland.”

  Kenn’s moan filled the air. Dave was going to have this dare in the bag.

  “I’m going to take my time putting it in. I’m going to lube you up first with my fingers. Not too much, though. I want you to feel the stretch from the plug.” He loved this, loved how his boy craved his words.

  He resisted reaching for Kenn’s cock. He’d bet it was already hard, but he had a few more things to say.

  “At first you’ll think it’s not that big—the tip isn’t after all. Then it gets wider. And wider. I’ll stop when the widest part is holding you open, let you really feel the stretch for a while before I plunge the whole thing in.”

  Kenn cried out, pushed in and kissed him desperately. Dave kissed Kenn right back, grabbing Kenn’s ass and tugging him closer. Oh yes. He’d made his boy hard.

  Kenn rocked against him, rubbing hard.

  Dave shifted his hips, moving them back. “Truth or dare, babe?” He wanted to keep playing, to draw the game out.

  “Mmm… truth?” Kenn groaned softly.

  “Tell me how you’re feeling right now. Every little detail.”

  “I want you. I’m hard, and it feels good. I’m a little exposed.”

  “How does being exposed make you feel? Excited? Nervous?”

  “I’m not nervous. I trust you. I’ve been naked with you—more naked than I’ve ever been, right?”

  “Yeah.” He slid his hand down to cup Kenn’s ass again. “You’re not quite naked enough at the moment. In my opinion, of course.”

  “No?” Kenn grinned, and Dave loved the way confidence looked on his boy. “Truth or dare?”

  “Dare.” He was done with talking and getting very aroused. Confident Kenn was hot.

  “Get us naked, lover.”

  “I’m going to start easy.” He slid his fingers to the edges of Kenn’s tiny shorts, and slowly tugged them down, holding Kenn’s gaze as he did.

  Heat flared in his lover’s eyes. Damn.

  Once he’d pushed them down as far as he could reach, he slowly went to his knees to take them right off.

  “Oh God….” Kenn moaned softly.

  He rubbed his cheek along Kenn’s hard cock. Then, after Kenn had stepped out of his shorts, Dave pressed a kiss on the tip. He hummed, licked quickly to take Kenn’s taste into himself.

  “Oh…. Please.” Kenn arched toward him.

  “That wasn’t the dare, babe.” He stood, making sure to drag his clothed body along Kenn’s naked one as he went. Then he started stripping out of his own clothing.

  Kenn touched him as he bared himself, fingers dancing on his skin.

  “Making me hard.” It so wasn’t a complaint, though it seemed they weren’t going to get a whole lot more game playing going on.

  “Good.” Kenn groaned, eyes searching his body.

  “Uh-huh.” He cleared his throat as he got the last of his clothing off. “Now, truth or dare?”

  “Dare.” Kenn came toward him, gravitating forward.

  “I dare you to give me a blow job.”

  “Such a challenge.” Kenn’s smile was Cheshire cat wide. “I’d love to.”

  Then Kenn knelt down before him, lips parted.

  Taking the base of his cock in hand, he pressed forward, pushing his cock into Kenn’s mouth. His boy opened, easy as pie, eager for him.

  His cock slid along Kenn’s tongue, and Kenn closed his lips, surrounding him with heat. He groaned and rocked in, waiting to see Kenn’s response. Kenn didn’t tense; he let Dave in deep.

  Dave let out another low moan and drew back slightly. Rocking forward again, he pushed his cock back along Kenn’s tongue. Kenn groaned, tongue flashing over his shaft.

  He rocked slowly, cock pushing in, taking Kenn’s mouth, his throat.

  Kenn’s moan vibrated all through his body—beginning at his cock and emanating outward. He was a lucky bastard to have a cockhound for a boy.

  Kenn’s hands crept up and grabbed his ass, and he pushed back into the hold, then rocked forward again. Kenn squeezed, encouraging him to keep moving. So he did.

  Swallowing around him, Kenn moaned deep in his throat.

  “Damn.” He shuddered, his balls drawing up against his body. Moving faster, he rocked into Kenn’s throat time and again. Those warm eyes stared up at him, offering him everything.

  He cupped Kenn’s face in his hand and let Kenn have his come as it poured out of him. Kenn swallowed hard, drinking him in, hands cupping his ass and pulling.

  Dave kept watching Kenn’s face, taking in the happiness, the bliss. He would use this mouth as often as he could, fill that need in Kenn.

  He cupped Kenn’s jaw, rubbing in lazy circles.

  “That was the best dare I’ve ever had. It was good for you too, hmm?” He was never going to make Kenn feel less than awesome for loving to suck.

  “Um-hum.” Kenn cleaned him off, the soft licks making his ass clench.

  “Are you going to ask me?” Because those little licks were going to make him lose his mind and forget everything but making love to Kenn. Not that anything was wrong with that, not at all. But he wanted to play a little longer too.

  “Truth or dare?” Kenn murmured against his shaft.

  “Definitely dare. Definitely.”

  “Give me what I need.” Oh, so many options.

  “You realize that leaves me wide open.” Of course, what Kenn needed was for him to decide what the next step was. That was why his boy hadn’t asked for something specific.

  “I do.”

  “Then it’s time to get on the bed. Hands and knees. I want that sweet ass right here for me. Your little hole exposed.”

  Kenn whimpered softly but stood and climbed on the bed.

  “Put your head on a pillow, I want you to hold your hole open for me.”

  “What?” The flush that covered Kenn’s spine was so pretty.

  “Put your head on the pillow and let your shoulders support you as you hold your hole open for me.” He was pretty sure Kenn had actually heard him the first time, but repeating it would give Kenn a moment to get used to the idea, or figure out the words to say what he really meant.

  “Oh God….”

  He stroked Kenn’s ass, waiting. He could be patient. He was exceptional at it, in fact.

  It took a few endless minutes, but eventually Kenn leaned down for him.

  “Such a good boy.” He stroked Kenn’s ass, then ran his finger along Kenn’s crack. “Now all that’s left is holding yourself open for me. Let me see this pretty little pink hole.”

  Kenn’s moan was pure need, a low desperation, but he slid his hands back to hold his cheeks open.

  “Look at you. So pretty. So sexy. You make me need, Kenn.” He slid his finger along Kenn’s crack again, this time lingering at Kenn’s exposed hole.

  Kenn clenched but didn’t let go. He was trying so hard.

  Grabbing the lube, Dave splurted some on his fingers. “I’ve got lube. It’s going to be cool to start with.” He spread a bunch along Kenn’s crack. Then he pushed some right in. Kenn arched, but took him, body clenching around his touch.

  “You’re so hot inside. And so tight. It makes me want to take you, fill you and feel you around me.” He p
ushed more lube into Kenn’s hole. “But first we’re going to play with the plug. I’m going to use it to open you up for me. I’m going to watch you walk around with it, sit with it.”

  “Dave….” He loved hearing the sound of his name like that.

  “You’re going to love every second of it. After all, it’s what you need.” And they both knew it. Both of them.

  He pushed two fingers into Kenn’s hole, turning them up and twisting them around inside Kenn. Then he tugged them out again.

  “Let me get the plug. It’s in my bag.”


  “Don’t move, boy.”

  Kenn shivered, and he placed a kiss in the small of Kenn’s back before getting up. Where did he leave his bag? It wasn’t like the place was that big. Oh, there, right by the door.

  He went and grabbed the plug out of his bag and returned quickly to Kenn’s side. “Such a good boy, staying still, you deserve a reward.”

  Dave swooped down, licked Kenn’s hole once, earning a sharp cry. So he did it again, then slid his tongue down to Kenn’s balls. He took one in his mouth, sucking on it gently as he got the plug lubed up by feel.

  Kenn rocked and whimpered, toes curled tight.

  He let Kenn’s ball slip out of his mouth. “Beautiful.” Every time Kenn got what he truly needed, he glowed. It made Dave even more eager to do this for Kenn. To Kenn. With Kenn. Whatever. Together.

  He needed to share this with Kenn, to explore their options.

  “I’ve got the plug all ready now. Are you ready for it, babe? Ready to feel it pushing into you? Ready to be stretched open by it? Ready to have it fill you?” He touched his finger against Kenn’s hole, pressing against it with every word.

  “I don’t know. I need….”

  “It’s okay that you don’t know, because I do.” Dave lined the tip of the plug up with Kenn’s hole and pushed, only enough for Kenn to feel it.

  Kenn stilled, panted, waiting for him.

  “Can you feel the anticipation building?” He pressed a little harder, watching the very tip of the plug begin to open Kenn up. “Can you?”

  “I feel you. God. I feel you.” Kenn pushed back.

  “That’s the plug.” He rubbed around Kenn’s hole with his finger. “And that’s me.” Then he pushed the plug forward, meeting Kenn’s motions so that a good inch of the plug went into Kenn’s body. He knew it would be cool and unyielding. Foreign. Which would make it exciting. “I love watching you, watching your hole spread, go pink and swollen.”

  Kenn moaned for him, fingers digging into his own ass as they clenched.

  “Stunning.” He pressed the plug in a little deeper, spreading that tight hole a little wider. He loved the spread, finger tracing the ring of muscles, teasing Kenn.

  Kenn’s moans filled the air, his boy pushing back, begging for more. He offered it, pushing the plug in deeper still. Now the widest part of the plug was holding Kenn open. He moved with Kenn, keeping his boy spread as wide as possible.

  “How does that feel? Right there?”

  “Big. Hard. Full.”

  “Those are good words.” He rubbed Kenn’s ass with his free hand, testing the muscles.

  That earned him a laugh. “Are they?”

  He grinned. “They are.” Then he slapped Kenn’s right asscheek. Not hard, but enough to make a noise.

  Kenn went still and then gasped, ass working the plug. Dave groaned, watching Kenn’s hole flutter around the thick middle of the plug. Then he slapped Kenn’s ass again.

  “You shouldn’t….”

  “Shouldn’t what?” he asked, watching as Kenn pushed back, ass searching for another swat. He imagined Kenn had no idea he was asking for it like that.

  “Slap.” Kenn moaned softly. “We shouldn’t.”

  “Why not?” Would Kenn be able to vocalize it?

  “It’s… naughty.”

  “So? I mean, you and I enjoy some naughty things, don’t we? And there’s nothing wrong with naughty. We’re not hurting anyone, and it’s nobody else’s business what we do.”

  It was important that Kenn understood that. They were adults.

  “Naughty things excite us and get us off. We love being naughty together.” Every time he said naughty, Kenn keened softly. “We can be wicked. Perverse. Filthy. We can be anything we want.”

  On the last word, he pressed the plug in the rest of the way so it nudged against Kenn’s gland.

  Kenn gasped, rocking forward on the bed as it was seated.

  “Mmm. Nice. That feels so good, doesn’t it? That and every naughty thing we’ve done, and every single thing you can imagine.” He grabbed Kenn’s ass and massaged, rubbing hard.

  He kept massaging with one hand and drew the plug out with the other. He pushed it back in, making sure it went in fast.

  “Oh! Dave!” Kenn tried to sit up, his expression blissful.

  Dave stopped, the plug in deep, and massaged Kenn’s ass again. “You let go of your asscheeks.”

  “Uh-huh.” Kenn looked almost dizzy.

  “Can you hold them open again?” It would make fucking Kenn with the plug easier, but if Kenn wasn’t up to it, he could totally adapt.

  “Uh-huh.” Kenn fumbled back with a low moan.

  “Good boy. So good. So strong.” He stroked Kenn’s asscheeks, so proud of his boy, of taking what he needed.

  He waited until Kenn had spread his cheeks again; then he grabbed the base of the plug and tugged the metal out of Kenn before plunging it back in. Kenn’s sounds were sweet, lovely, driving him to move faster, push harder.

  “Please….” Kenn moaned.

  “Please what? More? Faster? Stop?” He slowed the movements of his fingers.

  “I don’t know. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  “I won’t stop. Not until you’ve come for me.” He pushed the plug back in and drummed the fingers of his free hand across Kenn’s buttcheeks.

  “Uhn.” Kenn humped up into his touch, eager and hungry.

  “Harder, eh?” He slapped Kenn’s right asscheek a few times, again timing it with thrusts of the plug.

  Kenn gasped, body flushing a sweet rose. God, his boy made his mouth dry. He continued to swat Kenn, nothing harsh. He wanted to warm Kenn’s ass, to give him a thrill from the naughtiness of spanking. Make him remember Dave every time he sat.

  “Love your ass, Kenn. It’s perfect.” He kept swatting, loving the way Kenn’s ass bounced back against him. “Sweet and pink, round.”

  “Dave….” Was that turned on or scandalized? Both?

  “Use your words, Kenn. Tell me how it makes you feel.” He twisted the plug, then settled it.

  “I….” Kenn moaned, his body trembling. “I—I don’t know. Hot.”

  “Hot is good.” He was happy with that—it showed that Kenn recognized he was enjoying this. Loving it, even.

  “Hot is good. I need more. Touch me.”

  “I am touching you.” He swatted Kenn’s ass again. If that wasn’t a touch, he didn’t know what was.

  Kenn moaned and rocked back for him.

  He went for a straightforward fucking with the plug then, using Kenn’s own motions to push the plug in with strength. Meanwhile, he alternated cheeks, swatting one and then the other.

  Kenn began to moan, harsh low groans escaping from him.

  “You want to come for me, Kenn? You want to spill from the plug and my hand?”

  Kenn cried out and began to move for him, faster, body begging.

  He added more strength to his thrusts with the plug, giving it a little twist to give Kenn extra sensations. “You’ve got a hungry little hole, babe. You’re beautiful like this.”

  Kenn arched, pushing back against him.

  Dave thrust hard, banging the plug against Kenn’s gland.

  “Oh. Oh. Oh,” Kenn cried out, humping up hard.

  “That’s it, Kenn. Come for me. Come.”

  “Yes!” Kenn threw his head back, hips jerking restlessly as he shot.

  Dave left the plug seated in Kenn’s body, then touched him, sliding his skin along Kenn’s arms and legs, his back and torso. Kenn shivered, hiding in his folded arms.

  “You don’t have to hide from me, Kenn. I love how you look with pleasure wracking you. You are stunning. Beautiful. Sexy.”

  “I just…. Thank you. God, that was….”

  “Pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.” He patted Kenn’s ass, hoping to make it burn.

  “Uhn.” Kenn curled into himself, moaning softly.

  He pulled Kenn to him. “How did I do on my dare?”

  “You win.” Kenn whimpered against his throat.

  “No, babe.” He tapped Kenn’s ass. “I think we both won.”

  Kenn gripped the plug, working at it. He loved that: Kenn reveling in this so-called naughty thing that he needed so badly. That he could have anytime he needed it, really.

  Kenn held him, lips on his collarbone.

  “I’m so glad I met you, Professor Kenneth Brannigan.”

  “Are you? I’m glad to have met you as well.”

  “Yeah, I truly am.” He kissed the top of Kenn’s head and settled, holding Kenn close. “We’re going to have such a wonderfully naughty time together.”

  Chapter Eleven

  KENN COULDN’T believe he had the plug in.


  They were having pizza. And it was still in. He was sitting on his kitchen chair, eating pizza like it was a normal, everyday thing.

  With the plug in.

  Every now and then, he’d glance at Dave and find his lover watching him, grinning at him.

  He didn’t know what to say. He felt like ants were all over his skin, like he wanted to wiggle and move constantly, but he had to sit perfectly still.

  “How’s the pizza?” Dave asked, eyes intense as they held him in their gaze.

  “Good.” He had no idea. None.

  “Thanks for ordering the veggies and remembering that I don’t like olives. I appreciate it. You’re always thinking of me.”

  “Of course I am. I care for you.”

  “Yes, but you remember all the little details. It makes me feel very cared for.”

  Kenn dipped his chin, unaccountably pleased. “Good. Good, I’m glad.”

  Dave touched his leg with a foot, sliding it along his calf. “So how’s that plug treating you?”


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