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Renovation 4th Edition

Page 87

by Michael Litchfield

  Harder stones such as granite are highly

  surface sheets are the same material top to bot-

  scratch-resistant. Softer stones, such as soap-

  tom, so if you scratch them or put too hot a pot

  stone, can be scratched, but their softness allows

  if you’re cutting a finish sur-

  on them, you can sand out the blemishes. Most

  you to easily sand out scratches or buff them

  face such as plastic laminate,

  brands come with a 10-year warranty. Note that

  out with steel wool. Stone is generally water-

  cover the metal shoe (base) of

  your jigsaw with masking tape to

  this material is generally expensive.

  resistant, although most stones are somewhat

  keep the shoe from scratching

  porous and will stain unless protected. Penetrating

  Quartz composites are a new and rapidly grow-

  the countertop.

  sealants such as Aqua Mix® Sealer’s Choice® and

  ing group that includes brands such as

  Miracle Sealants® 511 Porous Plus® are well

  Caesarstone®, Zodiaq®, and Silestone®; the blend regarded in the stone trade. For more recommen-

  is roughly 93% quartz and 7% polymers and pig-

  dations, visit

  ments. Quartz composites have many of the vir-

  Because stone is a natural material with

  tues of stone countertops and few of the failings.

  inherent flaws and irregularities, few installers

  These composites are scratch-, heat-, and stain-

  offer a warranty once an installation is complete.

  resistant; completely nonporous so they’re easy

  In the trade, it’s called “a taillight warranty”; in

  to clean; and most offer integral backsplashes so

  other words, once the installer’s truck leaves your

  there’s no seam to collect crud or allow water-

  driveway, the warranty expires.

  penetration problems. Composites are also

  unlikely to fracture during transit because miner-

  Concrete has become très chic as a countertop

  al particles are uniformly dispersed and free

  material because it’s tough, can look uptown or

  from the imperfections of natural stone. (This

  rugged, and can be cast into custom shapes. It

  uniformity also tells connoisseurs that a counter-

  can be stained and polished to look like exotic

  top is not natural stone.) The group has a decent

  stone, factory-cast with colorful glass shards in

  green profile because its stone components are,

  the bottom of its mold. Or it can be cast directly

  essentially, debris. Caesarstone, for example, was atop a base cabinet. Concrete weighs roughly the

  the first quartz surfacing company to receive ISO same as stone. However, because a concrete slab

  14001 certification—a global standard for envi-

  needs to be fully 11⁄2 in. thick, you need to over-

  ronmental protection.

  build base cabinets to support the additional

  weight. (Stone tops need to be 11⁄2 in. thick only

  Ceramic tile is beautiful and durable. Its great

  along their front edge.) Because the bottom of

  variety of colors, shapes, and sizes allows almost

  in-place form molds can sag between supports

  unlimited freedom to create your own patterns.

  until the concrete sets, it’s smart to add cross-

  Glazed tiles themselves are largely resistant to

  counter webs to support the forms. Concrete is

  heat, water, stains, and scratches. Tile can be

  notorious for cracking and staining, but you can

  applied successively over a plywood substrate or

  minimize that by reinforcing the slab adequately

  a mortar bed, and a diligent novice can install it

  with steel or poly fibers and finishing the surface

  successfully. Tile prices vary widely and thus can


  fit almost any budget. But its grout joints are rel-

  atively fragile, easily stained if they’re not sealed

  kitchens and baths


  Visit suppliers in your area. Look at counter-

  tops in several different showrooms, and discuss

  A natural reSIStAnCe?

  your options with the salespeople. Share any

  are wood countertops safe for prepping food? a

  information—samples of wall paint or cabinet

  1993 study by the university of Wisconsin food

  finishes, magazine ads showing counter surfaces,

  photos of sinks or sink fixtures—that will clarify

  research institute suggests that solid-wood cut-

  the style and look you’re after. A salesperson’s

  ting boards are safer than plastic ones. in one

  willingness to spend time and answer questions

  experiment, both types of boards were contami-

  says a lot about a supplier.

  nated with salmonella bacteria and left to stand

  unwashed overnight. in the morning, the bacte-

  Get bids. Provide a floor plan, drawing, or sketch

  ria on the wood boards had died, but they had

  to the countertop suppliers, and ask each to gen-

  erate a written bid. The bid should also specify

  multiplied on the plastic boards. scientists

  a completion date, terms of payment, and the

  haven’t determined what agents in the wood

  P R O T I P

  scope of the installation. In most cases, quoted

  killed the bacteria, so be sure to scrub all cut-

  prices will not include plumbing, electrical work,

  ting boards and countertops to be safe.

  once the laminated countertop

  or adjustments to the cabinets such as sink cut-

  is scribed and secured to the

  outs and leveling plywood substrates. Tearing out

  base cabinet(s), do the cutout

  old countertops is usually extra, too. Based on

  for the kitchen sink. kitchen-sink

  bids and supplier reputations, choose a supplier.

  cutouts are best done on site

  Concrete gurus praise Berylex, an admixture

  Schedule the job. Most installations require two

  because the remaining substrate

  that strengthens and internally waterproofs slabs visits from the supplier: the “measure date” and

  front and back would likely break

  and, to a degree, stainproofs them, too. Miracle

  the “install date.” It’s difficult to pinpoint a mea-

  in transit if you did the cutout at

  Sealants 511 Porous Plus, a penetrating sealer, is

  sure date until the cabinets are installed, but in

  the shop.

  effective at stainproofing cementitious materials

  general, two weeks’ to four weeks’ notice should

  from grout to concrete. One of the best books on

  be enough. Typically, solid-surface (such as

  casting your own countertop is Fu-Tung Cheng’s

  Corian) and plastic-laminate countertops require

  Concrete Countertops (The Taunton Press, 2001).

  about one week between the measure date and

  Wood is a sentimental favorite because it’s warm the install date. Quartz-composite countertops

  and beautiful, but it must be correctly finished

  (such as Zodiaq) require about two weeks. Most

and carefully sealed to prevent damage around

  countertop suppliers will allow you to change the

  sinks or along seams where water could collect.

  installation time without penalty, provided you

  There are so many types of wood that it’s tough

  give them enough notice.

  to generalize about traits, but most types scorch,

  Be prepared for meetings. The measure date is

  scratch, and stain easily, and water will swell and your last chance to give input on details such as

  rot wood unless you keep it sealed. A growing

  underlayment issues, color, edge treatment, and

  number of fabricators such as Spekva of

  splash detail. Whatever you finally decide on, get

  Denmark are producing oil-finished butcher-

  it in writing. During this meeting, the supplier

  block and laminated-wood countertops that will

  will review job-site conditions, so the general

  remain durable if you periodically apply a food-

  contractor should be there, too.

  safe oil recommended by the manufacturer.

  Important prerequisites

  These countertops are pricey but, in Spekva’s

   Cabinets must be set before the job can

  case, the wood is harvested from sustainable,

  be measured. In other words, the cabinets

  managed forests.

  must be screwed together and screwed to the

  walls, not just pushed into place. The cabinets

  ordering countertops

  cannot be moved even 1⁄8 in. after the counter-

  Once you’ve identified several reputable counter-

  top supplier has measured because counter-

  top shops in your area, get bids. For your protec-

  tops are fabricated to close tolerances.

  tion, develop detailed floor plans and, as you

   Cabinets must be set level. As a general

  proceed, put everything in writing. That way,

  rule, cabinets must be set on a level plane

  you’ll be sure that quotes from different shops

  within 1⁄8 in. over a 10-ft. length. Such

  reflect similar details, deadlines, and so on. The

  stringent requirements are a concern not only

  following guidelines are adapted, with permis-

  to installers but also, in some cases, to

  sion, from Sullivan Counter Tops, Inc. (visit

  manufacturers as a condition of warranty.

  374 chapter 13

  installing a granite countertop

  once you’ve looked at granite sam-

  ples and narrowed your choices to a few

  1. An experienced installer takes nothing for granted and will

  varieties, consult the fabricator—the

  scrutinize substrates for high and low spots before anything else.

  However, it’s a general contractor’s responsibility to make the

  company that will be cutting and install-

  substrates flat—not the counter installer’s.

  ing the stone. For example, if you choose

  a granite with large crystals, joints

  between sections may be more obvious

  than those between finely grained stone.

  besides, some richly figured stones are

  more likely to crack or spall when sub-

  jected to everyday use. a fabricator’s

  practical concerns can be a good coun-

  terpoint to a kitchen designer’s artier

  point of view. in any event, cabinets and

  the plywood substrate must be installed

  before measurements for a stone coun-

  tertop can be made.

  3. If the dry-fit is acceptable, installers set the slabs aside and

  apply a grid of epoxy blobs, which adhere the stone to the

  substrate and act as a support. Epoxy typically takes 48 hours

  to set fully. To keep the stone from moving while the epoxy

  grid cures, installers use a smaller amount of a different fast-

  acting epoxy.

  2. After ensuring that the substrate is

  flat, installers typically lift the slabs,

  stand them on edge, and carefully lower

  them into position to test clearances,

  cutouts, overhangs, and so on.

  6. To avoid transporting a slab

  weakened by cutouts or holes, installers

  usually bore faucet holes on site, using

  a diamond-tipped hole saw.

  4. After caulking the undermount sink with silicone,

  5. After leveling the slabs, pros ensure that the joints

  installers set the slab on the epoxy grid. To avoid

  are flush by sliding a razor blade back and forth across

  spreading the epoxy too thin, installers don’t slide the

  them. If one side is higher, the razor blade clicks as it

  stone in place—they lift and lower it as close to the

  hits a high point or falls from a high point to a low one.

  final position as possible. Suction-cup handles help.

  More sensitive than a fingertip!

  kitchens and baths


  choosing a range hood

  cooktops and stoves should be vented by a range hood. in addition to sucking

  up the smoke of a charred steak, range hoods exhaust airborne grease that might

  otherwise migrate to a cool corner and feed mold or adhere to woodwork and

  degrade its finish, as shown in the photos on p. 527.

  range hoods are most often wall-mounted directly over a range. alternatively,

  there are downdraft and side-draft vents that pop up from a counter area to suck

  away fumes. over island and peninsula ranges, you can install chimney-type vents.

  in general, install the type of vent that will carry exhaust gases outdoors with the

  shortest and straightest duct run possible. because heated air rises, wall-mounted

  and chimney types are inherently efficient, whereas downdraft and side-draft vents

  pull heated gases in directions they wouldn’t go naturally and can even pull burner

  flames sideways.

  range hoods vary from low-powered and inexpensive (less than $50) to custom-

  This enameled cast-iron farmhouse sink is big enough to

  designed units that cost thousands. a 100-cfm (cubic feet per minute) wall-mounted

  rinse as large a turkey as you can lift. The faucet’s spout

  swings out of the way for complete access to the sink.

  hood should be adequate to vent the average four-burner, 30-in.-wide range. but if

  that same range is located on a kitchen island, its range vent should draw 125 cfm

   All appliances and sinks should be on the

  to 150 cfm. More is not better when sizing range hoods. For one thing, larger hoods

  job site at the time of the measure. The fitting

  are noisier. Midsize range hoods average 3 sones (a measure of noise) to 3.5 sones,

  of sinks and appliances is often critically close.

  which is too noisy to have a conversation near; monster hoods can reach 8 sones.

  Design or construction issues that could cause

  (as a comparison, refrigerators register 1 sone.) oversize hoods can also expel so

  problems or delay the installation should be

  much air that they create backdrafting, in which negative in-house air pressure

  resolved on the measure date. If the sinks and

  draws furnace or fireplace exhaust gases back down the chimney (see chapter 14 for

  appliances are on site, the supplier can inspect

  more on

  them. If there’s a defect, damage, or, say, a sink

  ideally, a range hood should be slightly wider than the range, say, 3 in. wider on

  rim that won’t fit the countertop, you’ll need

  each end, and mounted 30 in. above the range. but follow the hood maker’s sug-

  time to replace the item before installation.

  gested mounting height; more powerful hoods can be installed higher. Finally, buy a

  unit with a good-quality filter that can withstand regular washing with soap and

  Kitchen Sinks

  water. Most filters are aluminum mesh, but better ones are stainless steel; many can

  Because a kitchen is one of the most-used rooms

  be popped into the dishwasher, which spares homeowners a very greasy and

  in the house, do a little research before choosing

  unpleasant task. in general, be skeptical of range hoods that recirculate air through

  its most-used fixture.

  a series of filters rather than venting it outside.

  choosing a kitchen sink

  Keep four criteria in mind when considering

  sinks: size and number of bowls; sink-hole com-

  patibility with faucets and accessories; materials;

  and mounting styles.

  Size and number of bowls. Sinks are available

  in dozens of sizes and shapes. For the record, a

  22-in. by 33-in. two-bowl unit is the most popu-

  lar, perhaps because it fits neatly into “standard”

  sink cabinets 24 in. deep by 36 in. long. Two

  bowls allow you to prep food in one and put used

  bowls and pots in the other during the mad dash

  to dinner. Typically, there’s a garbage disposer on

  one side. If you’ve got a dishwasher and don’t

  need to wash dishes in the sink, a large single-

  This elegant hood effectively

  bowl sink is best suited to washing pots and

  vents a six-burner gas range.

  pans; 10 in. deep is optimal. If you’ve got plenty

  of counter space and two family members who

  like to cook, install two separate sinks. By the

  way, three-bowl sinks (45 in. wide) are overkill

  for most home kitchens.

  376 chapter 13

  Most sinks have one to four holes. Typically

  or scorched. Cost: $200 to $750 for a solid-

  the spout and faucet handles take up three of

  surface sink.

  those holes, but some single-lever faucets require

   Acrylic sinks have a lot going for them.

  only one hole. Filling an extra hole is generally

  They’re lightweight, nonporous, and easy to


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