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Truth or Dare (Kingston Brothers Book 2)

Page 11

by Isabel Lucero

  Well, I’m glad we ended up going to our rooms last night, because it seems like London came down after she went to the bathroom. We were just minutes from being caught, literally with our pants down.

  “After I finished my drink I was really tired,” Midge says. “So, I just went to bed. Ended up getting up early to clean up and stuff.”

  “So, you gonna actually enjoy the rest of the day off, or you gonna go into the bar?” I ask Royce, changing the subject.

  “Nah, I won’t go in today. Me and London have plans, then we’re going to Elijah’s. You’re gonna miss Sunday dinner, and E said he was making steak tonight.”

  “Ah, damn. Well, I’ll be back for next Sunday’s dinner. Maybe I’ll be able to convince him to make a steak for me.”

  Royce chuckles, then shoves another bite of eggs in his mouth. “I doubt it.”

  “Merrick called me last night. Well shit, it was like three in the morning.”

  “Oh yeah? Where’s he at now?”

  “Phoenix. They had just got done with a show.”

  Merrick, our baby brother, is on a US tour with his band, The Unwanted. They recently released their debut album, and it’s damn near at the top of the charts.

  Royce nods. “I think he’s gonna be in Vegas soon. Lucky bastard.”

  “Aren’t they ending their tour in Cleveland?” London questions.

  “Yep,” I say with a nod. “We’ll be driving up to that one.”

  “Oh, Midge, you can go and reunite with Sky,” London says playfully, wiggling her brows.

  My brother and his band came home right before their album released and the tour started. While everyone was over at Elijah’s house, Midge and Sky seemed to be hitting it off. However, once the band had left town, I remember asking Midge if she wished Sky was still here. She brushed it off like it wasn’t a big deal. She’s never been one to be clingy or needy for a relationship, but I have to admit I was a little relieved that she wasn’t hung up on him. It would be easy to be since he’s the lead singer of a band that’s about to take over the world.

  Midge rolls her eyes. “Nah. I’m okay. But I’d love to see them in concert.”

  Once again I breathe a sigh of relief. I don’t doubt Sky would love to be with Midge again, but she doesn’t seem to be all that interested. However, maybe she’s just saying that for my benefit. I mean, we said this was just a friends-with-benefits situation. Maybe she’ll still see and hook-up with other guys. We should get some clarification on that.

  “Well, it’s not till September sometime, but you can come with us when we go,” I tell her.

  “Cool. Thanks.”

  Royce and London finish their food, then Royce gets up to take their plates to the kitchen. Since London rode up with Midge, Midge will have to leave when they do, which doesn’t leave us with any more alone time.

  “I’m gonna grab our bags and put them in the car,” London says, pushing away from the table. “Is it unlocked?”

  “Yeah,” Midge answers. My stuff is already in there. I’ll put my dishes away and then be ready to go.”

  “No rush,” London says, before heading upstairs.

  When Royce is done washing the dishes, he jogs up the stairs to help London, and Midge gets up to take her plate to the kitchen. I follow her.

  “It’s gonna be weird as fuck to be here with no noise,” I say, taking the plate from her and scraping the food down the garbage disposal.

  “Thanks,” she says with a grin then leans her hip against the counter as she watches me clean our plates. “Yeah, but now you can get some work done.”

  “What’s your mom’s favorite part of the house?”

  “Well, her and Dad spent a lot of time out on the water. They took the canoe out almost every day, and they walked down our private little stretch of land. If you go out to the right, past the maple trees, there’s this little clearing. They loved that area.”

  I nod, taking mental notes to go out and explore the area. I already have an idea of how I want this painting to look, but I need to inspect the property from the lake.

  “Cool. I’ll check it out.”

  Royce and London trot down the stairs with a couple of little bags and then go outside to put them in the car.

  I dry my hands on the dish towel hanging from the oven door, and then reach out and pull Midge close to me.

  “It’s gonna suck not having you here.”

  She grins up at me. “You’re gonna have to go back to using your hand for a while.”

  I laugh. “Don’t act like you’re not gonna be using your hand, just make sure to think of me when you do it.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Whatever.”

  I lean in and plant my lips on hers. What was supposed to be a quick peck turns into a frenzied kiss—a clash of tongues and teeth. She moans into my mouth as she grabs my shirt in her fists, pulling me closer.

  When the screen door opens, we pull away from each other, and I turn to put the plates away as Midge opens the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water.

  “We’re all done,” London says, walking into the kitchen.

  “Cool. Let me pee, and then I’ll be ready to go,” Midge replies.

  I give Royce a quick hug goodbye. “Let me know when you get back.”

  “I will,” he says with a nod.

  Ever since our parents died in an accident, and we couldn’t reach Royce right away, we’re now very conscious of keeping each other in the loop when we’re traveling, even if it isn’t that far away.

  I give London a hug. “I’ll see ya later.”

  “Yep. Enjoy your peace and quiet, and good luck with finding your mojo.”

  I laugh. “Thanks.”

  Midge walks out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to grab her water and keys. I give her a quick hug, too, because that’s what I’ve always done, and not doing it now would be weird.

  “Drive safe.”

  “Always,” she says with a smile. “Text me if you need any more info about this place or the area, or whatever.”


  I walk all three of them to the door and watch them leave. Once I’m alone, I decide not to waste any time. I head to the garage and grab the canoe and haul it to the water.



  By the end of the day on Wednesday, I’m already ready to drive back to the lake and spend some time with Cillian again. Him and his cock have infiltrated my every thought. It’s like I’m a sex fiend. But it’s not that I just want any kind of sex from anyone. I want him. I want his sex. But I haven’t heard from him since I left.

  I guess I shouldn’t put too much thought into that. He’s probably in the middle of creating the painting for my mom. Who knows what goes into an artist’s process, but I don’t want to ruin it by texting and checking in. Though I have wanted to have a little late night sexting session.

  Tonight is the night me and London go down to Royce’s bar and have a couple drinks. Sometimes I find a guy to flirt with, maybe get someone to buy me a drink and get a phone number if I’m lucky, but I don’t know if I should do that tonight.

  Me and Cill are friends who’ve fucked. Who will probably fuck again once he’s back in town. But that’s it. We’re not in a relationship, but it doesn’t feel right to be trying to sleep with anybody else. Plus, I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to find someone who could live up to Cillian Kingston and his amazing cock.

  London pops her head into my office. “You ready to go?”

  “Ugh. Yes! FuckFace John just left. I should’ve been gone thirty minutes ago.”

  “I know. I’ve been waiting in the lobby. Jesus, what did he have to say this time?”

  I grab my purse from the bottom drawer of my desk and walk into the hall of the bank. “I had someone in here earlier, and I was just finalizing their loan when he walked in and was acting all high and mighty, asking the guy how things were going. Asking if he had any questions he could answer.”

  “Wow, what a dick.�

  “I know! Just because he’s older than me doesn’t mean I don’t know how to do my job. I swear he’s a sexist who just thinks I’m incompetent because I’m a woman. Of course the guy was perfectly happy with how I was handling his account, and I think that pissed John off even more. He just wants someone to complain about me so he can try to get me fired.”

  “Fuck him. Let’s go drink and stuff our faces full of fried food from the bar.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  London and I drive to King’s Tavern separately, and once inside, we order a basket of mozzarella sticks and chicken strips before we get our drinks.

  “Hey, ladies,” Royce says, sauntering over to our side of the bar. “Ready for those drinks now?”

  “So ready. Let me get a vodka tonic, please.”

  “Got it.”

  Royce doesn’t bother to ask London what she wants. It’s always the same. Johnnie Walker on the rocks. I always switch mine up, because I’m a mood drinker.

  Once he serves us our drinks, he travels down to the other end to serve Craig and Jim, another couple of regulars who are always arguing over some sports team.

  “I’m still dreaming about the lake.”

  “Me too.” I don’t bother saying it’s probably for a different reason, because I couldn’t care less about the damn water.

  “It was so nice getting away for a little while. I bet Cill is just living it up over there.”

  “Probably,” I answer, bringing my glass to my lips.

  London swivels in her stool, facing me. “Have you heard from him?”

  I shake my head, trying to play it cool. “No, but I didn’t think I would.”

  “Yeah, I just thought maybe he’d check in with you about the painting.”

  “Oh. Nah, you know how he is with his paintings. He won’t talk about them or show them until he’s completely satisfied with it.”


  Silence hangs between us for a little while. I can tell she wants to say something else, but she’s hesitant. Does she know about me and Cill? Maybe we weren’t as secretive as we thought.

  “So, you’re still one hundred percent dead set on just being friends with Cillian and nothing else?”

  Her question catches me off guard. “Yes, just friends,” I answer with a laugh, hoping she believes me. “Why?”

  “Well, for one, those body shots y’all did off each other.” Her eyes grow in size as she dramatically fans herself. “Pretty damn steamy.”

  I laugh again, ninety-eight percent sure it sounds genuine and not at all laced with fear of being caught. “We were drunk.”

  “Maybe you were a little tipsy, but he wasn’t drunk.”

  I shake my head, a smile on my face. “It wasn’t a big deal. We’re friends. I’d do a shot off of you and not think twice about it.”

  Royce pops up right when I say that. “What? You guys are doing body shots? What kind of shot do you want?”

  London makes a face at him. “No, Midge is being crazy.”

  “I’m just saying. I’ve done body shots off of strangers, it’s not a big deal to me.”

  Which is true. I have done body shots off of people I just met in a bar, and those have never been a big deal. Just some drunken fun. However, the body shots me and Cill did seem to have sparked this little thing we have going on right now.

  Royce looks between us, trying to figure out what we’re talking about, then his eyebrows shoot up and his green eyes are lit with mischief. “Are you talking about the shot you did off Cill?”

  I roll my eyes. “Not a big deal.”

  He laughs, looking to London then back to me. “It was pretty surprising, though.”

  “I guess, but you know me, I’m down for whatever.”

  Royce leans over the bar. “Like, down for my brother?”

  “Oh my God, you guys are insane. Me and Cill are friends. Friends!”

  “I know, but I’m just asking questions. You know, doin’ the brother thing.”

  “Why? Has Cill said something?” London asks excitedly. “Does he like Midge?”

  Royce stands back up. “I’m not getting into this. I gotta get back to work.”

  “What? You were just in it!”

  As much as I want to know what Royce may know, I don’t ask. I don’t want to let them think I’m interested. But it did seem like he was trying to get some information from me that he could pass onto Cill. Does that mean they’ve talked?

  “Sorry, ladies,” he says with a grin, backing away.

  “Ugh. Annoying,” London pouts. “You think Cill asked him if he thought you’d be interested in him?”

  “I doubt it.” Which is true. He knows I’m interested. At least in sex.

  London huffs. “Well, anyway, I was just making sure you two were just friends, because Royce told me that some girl came into the bar and was asking about Cill. I guess word got out about his breakup with Zoe. Royce said this girl has a history with Cill.”

  “History?” My interest piques as my head snaps in London’s direction.

  “I guess they dated in school or something. It was a long time ago.”

  “Hmm.” I take a drink, trying to drown the tiny seed of jealousy growing in my stomach.

  “Yeah, so I guess Royce is gonna tell Cill about it. Pass on her number. Girl appears to be desperate, if you ask me, but maybe he’ll be into a one-night stand since he’s newly single.” She finishes with a laugh, completely unaware of how tense my body is.

  I can’t imagine Cill hooking up with someone else. And now that I know how he gets down in the bed, I don’t want some other chick getting what he dishes out.

  London excuses herself to the bathroom, and I continue gulping down my drink, investigating why I seem to care so much. I never care about any of the other guys I’ve hooked up with. Sometimes it’s just a one-night stand, and those are easy to get over. You meet a guy, you hook-up, you don’t see each other again. Well, in this small ass town, you might, but then you just avoid eye contact and go the other way. However, I’ve had a couple guys I’ve hooked up with more than once. But then they got it in their heads that that meant we were together, and that they could start questioning where I was and what I was doing all the time. Uh. No.

  After my break-up with Matthew three years ago, I’ve been a card-carrying member of The Single’s Club, and an avid supporter of doing what the fuck you want. So why does the thought of Cillian, a friend I’m just going to have a few casual hook-ups with, talking to someone else, piss me off so much?

  I should probably re-think this friends-with-benefits thing. We can just say it was something we did at the lake. We don’t have to continue it here. It’s best to preserve our friendship and avoid any possible blowback.

  “Really cute guy two chairs over is totally checking you out,” London says as she reappears next to me.

  I turn my head to the left and spot a fairly attractive guy with blond hair sneaking peeks at me. When he realizes I’ve noticed him, he smiles and lifts his glass in my direction. I return the gesture, smiling back at him, but turn back to London.

  “Meh. Too pretty.”

  “Too pretty?”

  “Yeah, too put together. He probably takes more time getting ready than I do.”

  “Wow, when did you get so picky?” she says with a laugh.

  “Are you saying I have low standards?”

  She gapes at me. “What? No, you crazy. I’m just saying you’ve always been an equal opportunist. I never thought you had a type.”

  I shrug. “I guess I don’t. I’m just attracted to who I’m attracted to. That guy isn’t bad, but meh, not for me.”

  “Well, all right.”

  She’s right though, I’ve been with jocks, nerds, older guys, younger guys, gym rats and bean poles. I’ve never only looked for one specific type of guy. But right now, all I can think about is a six foot two man covered in tattoos with a dark, scruffy beard, and a pierced cock.


  I’ve been working in the backyard, because being surrounded by what I’m painting has definitely helped keep me inspired. However, when I went out on the canoe the first day, I took several photos of the house and property so I could recognize what it looks like from the water, since that’s where Midge’s parents spent a lot of time as well.

  I’m also very aware that Midge will see this, and that it’ll hang in her parents’ house, so I want it to be perfect.

  I’ve decided it’s going to be a multi-panel canvas wall piece, because it’ll help capture all the parts I want to highlight. It’ll be a view from way out on the water, so each piece will have the lake reaching up to the shore, but the first piece will capture the clearing Midge was talking about, as well as the maple trees. The second piece will be the house and trees surrounding it, and the third piece will be a continuation of the trees and the picnic table next to the house, and I’m going to include the canoe, brought up to the rocks of the beach.

  With the sun going down, I decide to move all of my supplies to the garage, and then bring a beer outside and watch the sun go down over the water.

  It’s been three full days of actually painting, and I haven’t felt any doubt about it yet. I want to attribute that to being surrounded by nature, but I don’t know if that’s it or not. Maybe it’s the peace and quiet I’ve had here, and not the usual loud foot traffic I have outside my studio. But maybe it’s because I don’t have any stress.

  The last several months have been annoying, because me and Zoe were constantly fighting and breaking up, just to get back together and fight some more. Since I’ve been here, I had fun with my friends and brother, had some pretty amazing sex with one of those friends, and now have absolute serenity as I work. Maybe I just needed to get out of that toxic relationship.

  As much as I hate that Zoe cheated on me, I know I wasn’t the best boyfriend. I did spend a lot of time at the studio, but it was because I was trying to get some space—space I needed from her just so we wouldn’t fight. But in doing that, she would get upset and we would fight, and I’d want to escape again. It was like being in a hamster wheel full of bad decisions.


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