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The Draig's Choice

Page 30

by Lisa Dawn Wadler

  “So many questions,” he murmured, lost in the bliss of her lips trailing down his stomach.

  Chapter 25

  “Nice to finally see the two of you,” Peter called as he came toward them. The waves dashed against the cliffs below in the bright sunshine that promised warmth and a lovely day.

  Bella barked and ran toward him, dropping the ball at his feet. Sarah grinned at the simple delights and nestled back against Conall, who stood with his arms banded around her and his nose in her hair.

  “If you have come to bring tasks to be completed, be gone. The day is mine to savor with my wife,” Conall said and promptly returned to nuzzling her head. His whisper tickled her ear. “I will let naught disturb us.”

  “I like that.” She giggled, unable to control her glee with the man at her back.

  “As I have learned,” he whispered with a soft kiss to her ear. “So much knowledge and so much left to discover.”

  Shivers ran over her with the promise of what she had never expected from Conall. Carnal delight mixed with his compassionate soul and gave her more than she could have ever dared to dream.

  Peter stood in front of them and shook his head. “Good to see you two kids making nice, but I have decisions that need handling.”

  “Make them,” Conall suggested. “Or include Evan. Let the lad build his confidence while I am yet here.”

  Instantly, she stiffened with the reminder of how short time could be and the unknown closing in on her happiness. “I am here with you.” His whisper made her nod and washed the panic away.

  I have now. Never had the short term seemed so cruel to her. I have him for now, only now.

  Sarah tightened her hands over Conall’s on her stomach and held Peter’s eyes. “Tell us what you need.”

  “We’ve received a few messages asking if trade agreements established by your father are still in place.” Peter went on to talk about the arrangement for spices, trade for exchanged services and ended with the clan’s wool trade. “Those need to be approved by you. However, I agree that Evan should be made aware of everything.”

  “As should Sarah,” Conall added with a kiss to her hair. “She will act in my name.”

  Without facing him, she shook her head. “I don’t know about any of these matters.”

  “You will, for I shall teach you.” Chuckling against her hair, he added, “You may ask as many questions as you wish.”

  Sarah laughed and felt heat spread over her cheeks with Peter staring at them. “Don’t ask.”

  “Wasn’t going to,” he replied, his eyes shifting up to Conall’s. “When can we talk?”

  “Are there any agreements or treaties that you deem worthy of renegotiating?” Conall asked while she dipped down to scoop up the soggy tennis ball and throw it for the dog.

  “Only the spice deal. I think we can get a better price given the quantities we order and that they use our name as weight,” Peter told them. Speaking to her, he explained, “Having the Draig as a primary partner means quite a bit around here. Kind of like a reference.”

  Sarah nodded while Conall spoke to Peter. “Draw up what you think would be fair and I will review it later. As for the rest, have messages sent that all agreements stand. What else needs my attention?”

  Peter laughed and scratched his left ear. “A few of the messages came in with other offers. It would seem news of the broken betrothal with the Campbell clan has spread. There’s more than one clan offering you a daughter.”

  Sarah stilled and gaped at the news. “Excuse me?”

  Conall’s arms tightened around her middle. “‘Tis to be expected. All seek our wealth, nay more.” Turning her in his arms, he lifted her chin to meet his green, entertained eyes. “None offer aught I crave. News will be spread of our marriage along with the agreements to keep such from making you frown.” He glanced up at Peter. “Make certain to spread our fine news. Let all ken the Draig has his Lady and that he is thrilled beyond measure with her at his side.”

  “You are a sweet talker.” Sarah chuckled up at him.

  “Yeah, he is,” Peter agreed. “But I’ll get the word out.”

  Conall leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips. “No frowns.”

  Nodding, she turned back to Peter. “Anything else?”

  His gaze settled over the two of them and he nodded, appearing surprised. “No, but I’m glad you two are better today.”

  “Then leave us to enjoy the day,” Conall suggested.

  “Fine, I’ll go bother Evan with details he can ignore. You could pop in on him at some point,” Peter added.

  “We had breakfast with him,” Sarah said. “Or an early lunch, given the hour.” Conall’s lazy chuckle rumbled over her back. “He looked tired, but said he’s been obedient.”

  Peter shook his head and filled Conall in on yesterday’s threats. “But I think he heard me. Given his desire to make you proud, the worst is past, I hope.”

  Bella barked and began walking to the stables. Sarah attempted to call her back, but the dog kept up her stride. Grabbing Conall’s hand, she tugged him to follow. “I think she wants to see the puppies again.”

  Peter left them and Conall asked, “Are there pups?”

  Turning to stare at him with exaggerated shock, her eyes wide and mouth open. “You don’t know there are puppies? That’s terrible. Come on, let’s go.”

  Following Bella over the lawn to the stable, cool air and the scent of fresh hay greeted her as she pulled Conall to the back.

  “I should check on my horse,” Conall said without really attempting to slow her down.

  “After the puppies,” Sarah agreed as they reached the pen Bella had already entered. Nessie greeted her dog with a hesitant sniff and then quiet acceptance. Wiggling bundles of fur climbed over Bella’s legs and Sarah turned to see Conall’s grin at the sight. “Aren’t they adorable?”

  “Aye, they are fine.” Bella scooped up one and stood before Conall, who held out his hands to take the brown pup. He lifted the puppy, which was nearly lost in his massive hands, and his grin made her think of childhood glee.

  Laughing at the puppy, who attempted to nip his nose, he held it out to her. Readily holding the squirming bundle, she ran her hand over the soft fur and rubbed her nose against it. “They’re so cute.”

  But Conall only stared at her with a wide smile and then untangled the creature when he attacked a flyaway chunk of her hair. Holding up the puppy to his eyes, he scolded, “Her hair is mine, wee pup.” Setting the puppy back with the others, he turned back to her. “My thanks for sharing the sight with me.”

  Sarah leaned against him while Bella settled in next to Nessie and the two dogs used their noses to guide the little ones. “I think Bella has abandoned us for a while.”

  “Then I have you to myself,” Conall purred with his arm banding around her waist. “Come, meet my horse.”

  Taking his offered hand, Conall led her through the stables and stopped in front of a massive black stallion, who immediately nuzzled his other hand. “He was a gift from the Bruce and has served me well for many a year. ‘Tis fine to see him content in what will be his home.”

  “Aye, he’s a fine one,” Neil spoke from behind them. “With your permission, I would see if he has any interest in a mare or two. I could breed some height into our stables.”

  Conall nodded and dropped her hand to run it over the horse’s face when he stomped in his pen. “He is anxious.”

  “He needs a run,” Neil said. “After his travel with you in the mud, I kept him inside and dry after a good rubdown. But his spirit is back. I’ll have one of the lads take him out unless you wish to see it done.”

  Conall faced her with a gleam in his eyes. “Come for a ride with me. Neil will choose a sweet mare for you.”

  Drawn in by his sweet offer, she hated refusing him. “I still don’t know how to ride.”

  “What?” Neil cried out.

  But Conall offered, “Then I shall teach you. But for toda
y, ride with me.”

  “Where will we go?” Her agreement was etched in the question.

  She knew Conall had an idea when he pulled her close to him. “A place I wish to share with you.”

  Who in their right mind could refuse that?

  When he pulled her aside, Neil led the horse to the courtyard and quickly had the horse geared and ready to go. One of the young men from the stable appeared at Conall’s side with his blue-eyed dragon sword.

  “Do you need that?” she asked as he strapped it over his shoulder.

  “Likely nay, but I would be prepared to keep you safe. Come, Sarah.” Conall held out his arms and she squeaked when he set her on top of the horse, then pulled himself up at her back. The horse took a few steps. “I have you,” he whispered with an arm banded tightly around her waist. “Rest back against me.”

  Her body leaned back against his with his hand holding the reins, and hooves clattered on the stones until they reached the front gate that stood open for the day. The best part is that now I can officially enjoy being nestled against him.

  Sarah glanced at the village tucked inside the shallow valley to her right and then to her left at the field full of men training. Conall headed to the field and stopped to observe the mock combat.

  Feeling a tad guilty for keeping him away from what he normally did, she asked, “Should you be out there?”

  He shrugged behind her. “On the morrow. One day will nay halt my skill.”

  “Can I join you?” she asked, surprised at the request that hinted at formal exercise.

  “Nay, wife. ‘Tis dangerous,” Conall chastised.

  Shifting her head to catch sight of his clean-shaven jaw, she was still thrilled that he had scraped it clean to be able to feel her hands on his skin. But his concern violated her upbringing. “If my mother and sister were here, they would tell you off for that.”

  At his questioning look, Sarah explained that they trained people and children for a living, even with weapons, though all of those were wooden or padded.

  “‘Tis how you gained your skill,” he said, putting the pieces together.

  “Yep, but I was a lousy student. Maybe there’s more you could teach me. I promise to pay attention.” Giving his jaw a quick kiss, she pulled back and waited to see how he would reply.

  Quiet for a second, she caught his grin begin to form. “Aye, it would serve you well to handle a sword in my absence. I will train you to defend, nay to attack.”

  Snuggling back against him, she sighed with pure delight. “You sound just like my mom.”

  His laughter floated around her along with a gentle breeze that carried spring-fresh scents. “Where would you go this day?”

  “Anywhere with you. I haven’t been beyond the gate since I arrived, unless you count that morning you took me to see where I came in.” That surprised her and being outside the wall left her feeling free and yet safe in the new world with Conall at her back.

  He headed down the main trail leading away from the gate and stopped at a small clearing. “‘Tis where we met, where I first saw you and thought my heart would cease at the sight of you. Even then my gaze stuck on your fiery curls.”

  Glancing around the area that bore no sign of her door or any lingering sensation that the space mattered, she turned her head back to the path, seeking a future rather than the past. “Best shot in the ass ever.”

  “You are nay entertaining,” he grumbled behind her.

  “Yes, I am,” she teased him and felt his arm graze the spot touched by the arrow. “You marked me even then.”

  Conall dipped his head to rest his cheek on her shoulder that had the tattoo. Then the hand on her waist pulled at the belt securing the dagger to her side. “I mark you in all ways.”

  Yes, you do. My thoughts are constantly on you. My body knows when you are near and my heart is a complete goner, even without the hot monkey sex.

  Kicking the horse into a trot, he told her how he carried her back to the keep on the same stallion tucked in his arms.

  Trees and rocks lined the trail and she had to duck under a branch when they traveled to a lesser-used path. “I only remember seeing you, feeling pain and then fighting to remain asleep when you were carrying me. I wanted to stay in your arms forever.” Wincing at the comment that felt heavy between them, his arm held her steady.

  “As I walked my corridor, I thought only to take you to my chamber and keep you there. My thoughts were nay pure that morn.” Conall chuckled and kissed her head for what seemed the hundredth time that day. “You called to me the instant I saw you. Even before my eyes beheld you, my skin searched for the answer to the call it felt. When I held you, peace filled me.”

  Running her fingers over his hand, she smiled into the view of the leaves lining the trail that provided a natural tunnel as they rode. Conall explained landmarks and which trails led to other places, from his lands and onto others. He described how he followed another’s course with broken footprints and snapped twigs. The horse came to an abrupt stop and he lifted his hand to bring her eyes to a stag to the left.

  “‘Tis the prize I sought the day you arrived,” his tone a reverent whisper. “Never again will I hunt him, for he is a part of the magic that brought you to me.”

  “Do you believe in magic?” she asked with her gaze locked on his, the shade the same as the green leaves with sunlight illuminating the hue.

  “Aye, I always have. I listened to the old tales and my heart wanted them to be true. Nay for the magic, but for them to bring me my other half.” Bending to brush his lips over hers, he kissed her soft and sweet. “Do you believe?”

  Her lips twitched and then broke into a wide. “Of course, I do. It’s the only way to explain us.”

  “Aye,” Conall replied and then the horse resumed its path, startling the buck that fled into the safety of the trees.

  Riding in silence, Sarah had no concept of time, only of sheer contentment tucked in his arms and enjoyment of the pristine woods. Birdsong filled the air, along with the rustle of woodland creatures hiding from sight. To one side, a small brook joined the trail’s path and then Conall veered off the trail, crossed the shallow water and stopped the horse in a small clearing lined with bushes bearing dainty white blossoms, filling the air with sweet perfume.

  “‘Tis where I wished to be with you.” Conall leapt from the stallion and held out his arms to help her to the ground. The journey took longer than expected with the heated kiss trapped in his arms. Finally, her feet touched the ground and she ran her hands over his jaw, unable to resist the feel of him.

  The clearing might have been ordinary with the natural absence of trees, plentiful grasses, weeds and bits of moss against the shallow creek. The bushes with the white flowers grew against the creek bed and their leaves brought a darker emerald to the mix of hues. Water babbled, wind rustled the spring foliage and birds and insects completed the song.

  But the way Conall absorbed the scenery held her rapt attention. His massive frame swayed gently with the breeze, feet rooted to the grasses. With his eyes closed, a serene beauty covered his face and practically made him radiant.

  The idea struck hard despite her promise not to push him or force him to talk about his darkness. “Where are you, Conall?” she whispered from his side. “What do you see?”

  Without a word, he shifted and held her close, her head resting in the base of his neck. Breathing in his scent that hinted at fresh air, leather and what would only be Conall, the tingles rang strong and yet comforting over her skin. Strong fingers untied her ponytail and freed her hair to spill down her back. Nestling his cheek over her head, she would have sworn she felt his smile form.

  “My parents used to bring us here and we would have a meal on a plaid in the sunshine. There would be laughter and games.” A kiss brushed her hair and his voice enhanced rather than disturbed the peaceful glade. “They would come here alone and I always wondered why they would wish to be without us. But I ken it, the reason a man
would wish to steal away his wife.”

  Sarah kissed the hollow of his throat and lifted her head to see his face while keeping his arms around her back. “Even now, you are so sweet. But I need you to focus on what you feel in here, right now.” Her hand covered his heart and felt his steady rhythm.

  “You seek to find my light to banish my darkness.” Conall chuckled with humor in his eyes.

  Giving him a playful grimace, she agreed. “Not so subtle?”

  His head shook lightly shifting his dark mane in the day’s sun. “You worry for me when I no longer do. I have my light, Sarah. Be here in it with me.”

  Closing her eyes, she inhaled the fragrant air and let the whispers of nature wash over her while her breath blew slowly from her lips. Calm and peace filled her with the harmony of leaves rustling in the breeze and birdsong creating a melody.

  Conall chuckled and led her head to once again rest against him. “You seek to care for me when I would recall the sweet serenity you are feeling.” His hands ran over her hair to tangle in the ends, only to travel back up to renew the journey while she tightened her arms around him. “Leave the darkness be, for it nay matters with my heart filled with you. Live in the light with me.”

  Smiling against his chest, she nodded at the best possible conclusion with Conall having the recollection of the tranquil location firm in his thoughts. Refusing to question whether or not the image would be strong enough to keep his demons at bay, she left the subject alone per his request.

  “My mother used to come home with bits of grass clinging to her gown and more than a few in her hair.” Conall recalled, describing the intimacies he likely only understood as an adult. “I have a question for you.”

  The edge in his voice hinted at their morning spent exploring boundaries that hadn’t existed except in their fearful silence. Warmth spread over her limbs and pooled in her belly while she recalled each and every innocent yet erotic one asked. “What’s your question?” Her lips grazed his neck to reassure him and prod if needed.


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