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The Draig's Choice

Page 29

by Lisa Dawn Wadler

  “I would start here.” Conall brushed his finger over her right eyebrow where one taunted him. Letting it trail down her cheek, he rested at one that appeared just over her lip. “And then to here.” When she shifted into his touch, he trailed down to the hollow of her throat. “And here.”

  Sarah’s head moved back to expose her throat to his exploration accompanied by a soft sigh. His finger dared to wander over the freckle on her chest to land on one peeking out of her shift on the uppermost swell of her breast. “And this one.”

  “I like that one,” she whispered. “That’s a really good one.” Still her voice carried a husky sleepy sound and he bit his lips to hide a groan at her allowing such, certain that he would need to cease before his aching loins became a need too great to dismiss.

  The lone finger pushed the fabric down and stopped at one that dared to peek at him. He knew his boldness danced on the edge of reckless with the edge of her nipple in his sights. “Mayhap here.” His voice rumbled low and deep.

  She nodded, and he took it as permission to continue. Running his finger over the exposed pebbled outer rim, he dared her, “Here.”

  “Yes,” Sarah whispered back to him with her breath beginning to gasp.

  Supporting the weight of her breast in his hand and awed that she allowed him to explore her, he continued tracing the slight piece of exposed skin. His thoughts screamed with what he wished to do and certain she would deny him. “Would you let me taste the freckles that call to me?”

  Panting breath came from her lips as her lungs filled to push flesh into his hands. “Would you, Sarah?”

  Her breath stilled, and his brow furrowed, certain the exploration would be halted. But she only whispered, “Please.”

  A shudder ran down his spine at the invitation he never expected to receive. Without letting go or stopping his light touch, his lips brushed over her eyebrow and placed soft kisses down her cheek to touch the spot over her lip. When she leaned in to kiss him, he pulled back. “I have nay finished.”

  A whimper came from her throat and her teeth came out to bite her lower lip. Again, her head shifted to give him her throat and with his soft lead, she rolled onto her back. His lips grazed the freckle at the hollow and her chest rose. Searching her face, he caught no sign of displeasure until his hand let go of her breast. Then she frowned.

  Grinning at her closed eyes, his finger and thumb plucked at the string that held her shift closed and her smile returned. His eyes widened at the swells revealed to his eyes. Shifting his body closer, he rubbed his nose on the freckle at the swell, then placed a soft but lingering kiss. “Too much?” he asked, not certain what to make of her halted breath.

  “No, no,” she whispered. “We’re really good.”

  Chuckling at her, he ran his nose down to one just above her rosy nipple and his lips lingered while she inhaled.

  “Don’t stop,” she murmured and then giggled. “I meant that to go together, not to stop you,” she panted at him.

  “I hear it, and will do as you wish,” Conall spoke against her skin that dotted with goose bumps and he wondered if her reaction should have been expected. He had no idea, given that never had he ever taken care to find out.

  Lowering his mouth, he kissed the pebbled peak and felt her hand grip his shoulder but not push him away. “Sarah?” The question was unable to form with his manhood beginning to pulse and ache.

  “Yes,” she gasped. “Still good. So freaking good.”

  Caught off guard by her reaction, but too enthralled to stop, he pushed the fabric lower to bring the full breast into view. His lips covered the peak and he felt her arch off the bed. He lingered and allowed his tongue to taste the wonder of her skin.

  Sarah’s hand flew to his head and wrapped in his hair to pull him closer. “Again,” her hoarse voice demanded.

  So, again his tongue darted out and another whimper echoed in her throat. Lifting his head, he ran his finger over the skin hardened and damp from his mouth. Watching her react to him, a low growl left his mouth.

  With less patience, he pulled open the remaining strings to reveal the other waiting for him and more specs to savor. “There are more.” His lips ran between the swells and landed on the other, her soft gasps heating his blood. After kissing several freckles, his mouth latched onto the untouched nipple and his tongue circled the peak between his lips.

  A strangled cry left her mouth and his head darted up to see half-lidded eyes staring at him. “Don’t you dare stop now.”

  Not sure if he should laugh or resume, he asked, “Are you awake?”

  Sarah laughed at him and pulled his head to hers, brushing her lips over his. “Hell, yes.” Her lips tasted his and teased him, forcing his body closer, for his chest to rest over hers, skin against warm skin.

  Lifting his head away, he brushed hair off her forehead and savored that she turned into his touch. “I never kenned to think you would allow such.”

  A sigh left her lips. “We should have talked a long time ago.” Then she chuckled. “But yes, with you I will allow such.”

  Conall forced a frown to his lips. “You tease me.”

  Laughing, she ran both hands through his hair and down to cup his cheeks that still carried yesterday’s growth. “Right now, you are the one teasing me.” One of her eyebrows rose in challenge. “Are you going to finish what you started?”

  Boldly cupping a breast, he ran his thumb over the side. “I think I may find more here.” When she nodded, he added, “In the bath, I saw many on your stomach.”

  “They’re all yours,” she whispered and then grinned. “Keep going lower and you’ll keep finding them. Those darn freckles are everywhere.”

  Unable to leave the hunger in her eyes, his mind whirled with her greed for his hands and mouth. “I fear I seek too much from you, that you will tell me nay.” Her face softened while her fingers ran over his stubble.

  “Conall, you feel like heaven.” Her whispered words soothed his concerns.

  Leaning into her hands that graced his shoulders and then the skin of his back, a groan left his throat. “‘Tis exactly what your touch does to me.”

  His flesh sang with delight with every lingering brush of her hands and made his pulse jump, the beat echoing in his chest. Shivers wracked his spine when her hand slid over his hip and needing far more than a singular sensation, he covered her with his hands, pushing her shift up her thighs.

  Nestling into her, feeling the heat of her thighs against his hips, he kissed her as he knew she adored. Soft lips brushed over hers until she lifted her head to ask for more. The tip of her tongue licked his lower lip and thoughts of tantalizing freckles faded with a pure hunger for all of her.

  Their mouths danced and explored while his greedy hands tugged the shift from her shoulders, craving the sight of her fair skin and to be able to feel her, all of her. When her hips rose to push his aching need against her stomach, he gripped the edge of the fabric and heard a tear. Abruptly, he pulled back and gazed down in horror at the rent in the fabric over her arm.

  But Sarah only laughed and pulled him back down, her breath tickling his lips. “I could have just taken it off.”

  “You would do that for me? Let me see all of you?” Conall had been told over and over again that women preferred to maintain their modesty. Even the women he had paid rarely removed their under-layers. But then he had never cared to see them, not as he desired to see his wife.

  “You’ve already seen me,” she chuckled against his mouth. She ran her hands up his sides and then over his chest, causing the ever-present tingles to manifest into a cascade of sensation.

  Her hips shifted beneath him, encouraging his length to poise at her opening. Heat and want coated him but he remained outside of her. “I would see you.”

  Sarah glanced down at the torn shift and then back to him, the blue of her eyes burning bright. “Then do it.”

  Cocking an eyebrow at her, she nodded, and he rose to his knees to grab the shift at th
e bottom of the laces and pull the fabric apart down to the bottom. The ruined fabric revealed pale skin dotted with delights to explore. He gazed at the flesh of her stomach that he covered with his hands. His eyes flitted over her thighs still open and raised at the knee to welcome him.

  But she laughed rather than reward him with a throaty groan.

  Falling back to his haunches, he knew he had ruined the morning with his impetuous greed and his unskilled ways. Closing his eyes, regret burned and stung with taking the act too far.

  Conall inhaled sharply as lips brushed over his heart. Lost for several heartbeats, he hadn’t noted Sarah sitting up. Soft kisses rained over his skin and his head fell back as she tasted his skin. “I will more order more shifts to be made for you.”

  “Perfect,” she whispered, tasting the skin over his heart.

  Forcing his eyes to her, the top of her head dipped and turned, caressing his stomach, which clenched in anticipation of her next touch. When that next touch covered his length, his moan filled the air. Warm flesh surrounded him and ran up and down with a slow twist that made him shake. Needing to hold on, afraid he would fall backward, his hands latched in her hair. “Sarah.” Her name flew from his lips with praise and adoration.

  Unashamed eyes turned up to him while her hand continued to shoot sparks throughout his cock. “Is this what you want?” When he stared down at her, not knowing how to reply, she whispered, “Show me what you like.”

  Her free hand took his and wrapped it over hers while she continued her assault of delight. “Show me,” again she requested.

  Too embarrassed to speak, his hand told her what he couldn’t. It guided hers to change the pattern only a bit, to increase the pressure until his eyes rolled in his head. “Sarah.” It seemed to be the only sound he could make.

  “Like this,” she said without question, following his lead to perfection until his hand fell away and his hips pushed into her hand. Never had he known such bliss or ever thought to ask for it.

  Shaking his head and gritting his teeth, he removed her hand from his length, which then threatened to cry out in rage, and lifted her face to his. “I want all of you.”

  Before his eyes, she fell back to the bed with her hand in his, pulling her on top of him, to once against fit against her. Everywhere their bare skin touched, his body hummed with delight and then demanded a closeness never before achieved.

  “I was about to say the same to you. I want all of you, Conall.” Her request came with panting breath and his mouth prevented her from asking a second time.

  She lifted her hips and he met her, pushing into to her body that welcomed him and he felt as if uncontrolled fire consumed him whole. Yet he stopped only halfway inside her, hating the halt and yet needing to know that she meant it. Staring down at her rounded eyes, he demanded, “Are you certain?”

  Sarah bared her teeth before she cupped his behind and forced him inside of her, the tip of him touching flesh within her. Her eyelids flitted closed and her gasp rang in his ears. “Stay like that. . . just for a second.”

  “I hurt you,” he whispered, afraid her face revealed pain.

  Her unfocused blue eyes gazed up at him, her lips parted, and shallow breaths puffed against his chin. “No, sweetie. It’s. . . you. . . so amazing.”

  Raising an eyebrow to question her, she chuckled and shifted her hips beneath him, making him want to move, to pull back and then forward until he was blind. “I need to move.”

  “Do it,” she gasped, “But go slow. Don’t you dare rush.”

  When he pulled back, sweet sounds of her pleasure floated around him, only to increase when he forced his body to fill her again so slowly that it made sweat break out on his forehead. Keeping his gaze locked on hers, again he repeated the delicious torture.

  Over and over, he surrendered and conquered until her hips began to twist beneath his and sharp cries left her throat. “Just like that. . . Conall. . . Please,” her cries left her mouth as she gripped his back. Her nails scraped his skin as her body tightened around his, internally squeezing and claiming his. All the while he forced patience, demanding that he keep the same pace to draw out her pleasure, to make it last forever.

  Her head lifted to cry out and Conall felt his resolve snap. Sweat ran down his cheeks with his hair falling around his face. “I need more,” he growled down at her. Not sure how to give voice to the demands from his flesh.

  “Yes,” she responded with a choked voice while her legs wrapped around his waist.

  Knowing only that restraint had evaporated, Conall lifted back his hips to plunge deep and hard inside her quaking body. Releasing the fire to burn free and uninhibited, he took and gave. Beneath him, soft breasts pressed against his chest and firm thighs cradled him and lifted to meet his every move.

  Only aware that no darkness haunted his need, that pure desire for Sarah fueled him, he allowed the light to guide his hunger until he roared out his release. His body filled hers with his seed and hard plunges until he heard her cry out again, his name floating around him.

  Only aware that his hips still pushed, even if gently, he collapsed over her, attempting to keep his weight off her, but close enough to feel her lungs seeking air and the soft mounds crushing against him. Never more acutely aware of how tiny she was compared to him, her lush figure hidden beneath his bulk, Conall rested his forehead over hers. “Am I hurting you?”

  A strangled sound left her mouth and he forced himself to lift to see her lips twisted in a grin. “No. . . I’m good,” she panted, her body shaking against and around his. “Never been better.”

  Smiling down at her, he sucked in a breath and then kissed her, his lips tender against hers. “I have never kenned such pleasure existed.”

  Sarah’s hands grazed over his back and then he leaned into the fingers that traced his spine. “Me neither. . . unbelievable.”

  Conall chuckled and kissed her again, sucking her lower lip between his until she groaned. “So, ‘tis how it should be between us.”

  “We should be so lucky,” she laughed up at him. “That was. . . I mean. . . wow.”

  Satisfaction he had never imagined filled his soul and then mixed with thoughts that stole away the bliss. Lifting from her inner heat, Conall rolled onto his back only to have Sarah follow him with her body pressed against his.

  “Don’t you dare close off from me right now. What happened?” He opened his eyes to her concerned gaze. Brushing her wayward curls behind her ear, he sighed at the texture of her hair that brought him peace.

  “Yet, ‘tis nay the first time for us. But never before. . .” He trailed off when she grinned at him.

  “You seem to be forgetting our late-night bath. That was also amazing, along with the rest of the night that followed.” Her encouraging words had him shaking his head.

  “I speak of our prior eves in our bed.” They both knew what he meant. Never before had she enjoyed bedding him and he said as much.

  “I enjoyed being with you even if it was different.” Though she offered kind thoughts, he knew she lied.

  When he remained quiet, Sarah ran her hand over his chest that remained damp with their mingled sweat. “Do you feel that? Whatever this is between us? My skin tingles like mad whenever you touch me.”

  “Aye,” he whispered, enjoying the sensations washing over him with the light touch.

  “Has it been like this before? No, this morning was wonderful and extraordinary. But I have enjoyed being with you,” Sarah told him.

  Gazing up at her, he affirmed, “But nay as much.”

  She sighed, and he hated that he had shifted to remorse. “I should have told you from the beginning that I needed more. But I was afraid to hurt your feelings. While I’m really good at telling people to ask for what they want, I’m lousy at doing it myself. That’s my weakness.”

  “You are nay weak, you are my wee warrior.” Conall ran his fingers over her cheek to erase her frown. “You speak truth, we should have spoken sooner. I list
ened to madness and you failed to speak. We are fools.” His smile brought forth hers.

  “Yes,” she whispered and brushed her lips over his. “From the moment we met, you have been so good to me, so sweet and kind. If we never had more than what we shared before, it would have been enough. But I do prefer this.” Her nose wrinkled as she widened her grin. “No more holding back from either of us, deal?”

  “Aye, deal,” he readily agreed and cupped her face. Pulling her close and tasting her lips, the sweetness of how she surrendered to his want, he sighed into her while enjoying the feel of her tongue dancing with his.

  Heat again licked over him and he held her close with his hand lost in her hair. Breaking the kiss with lingering brushes, he chuckled against her mouth.

  “What’s so funny?” Sarah asked, her fingers running over his neck.

  “I have another question,” he whispered against her lips.

  “Okay, but after this morning, the answer will be yes.” She laughed into him.

  Chuckling and groaning when her hand lowered and covered his shoulder bearing his dragon, he asked, “I have been told a wife would wish to be done with her husband as quick as possible. Since that was a falsehood, ‘tis true or false that more than once is never to be sought?”

  Instead of speaking, Sarah brushed her lips over his with a low moan. Fingers danced down his arm and then over his stomach, to linger near but not touch his growing desire. “That is definitely false.” Then her fingers ran up his length and he groaned uncaring of his desperate noise.

  He nodded and ground his teeth when she repeated the same exquisite torture. “What other nonsense is floating around in your head?”

  Barely able to open his eyes, Conall ran a finger over her lips. “‘Tis so much. I have so many questions for you, my sweet Sarah.” He pulled her close to cover him and then captured her mouth in a heated kiss while images of their new potential ran free in his mind.

  Sarah pulled back and whispered, “I want you to ask each and every single one of them.” Feeling his eyes roll in his head, Conall kept his fingers in her curls as her head dipped to brush kisses on his bearded jaw, his neck and then across his chest.


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