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Return of the Demon Lord Durbheeksh

Page 9

by Utkarsh Srivastava

  Shivanya behaved, as if she doesn't know anything about it. She stood up, and turned back 'What? Where is my horse? He was right here few moments ago. Now what we shall do?'

  'You wait here, let me search him. He might be nearer to us.' Dushal said.

  'No, no, no. I don't want to stay in this jungle for one more night. If we have to reach our destination on time, we should start our journey from now.' Shivanya was against any delay.

  'But we have only one horse, and if we go by walking it will take at least three days from now.'

  'Why we will go for walking? Your horse appears to be so strong, he is capable enough to bear your weight. I think he can take both of us. As my weight is not so high.'

  Dushal was quite confused with those words of Shivanya, he was silent for a while. He was now sure that this is the mischief of princess Shivanya, but he didn't say anything.

  'What happened Demon King? We should not delay anymore, let's go.' Shivanya stepped towards that horse.

  'Ok fine, let's go.' Dushal and Shivanya ascended on the same horse and proceeded towards Ekchakranagari.

  They both proceeded towards Ekchakranagari. As it was predicted, they were in the villages of Ekchakranagari by evening, and were about to reach the palace.

  Villagers were astonished and quite scared too, when they saw the princess with the Demon King.

  On the gate of the palace, King Bhabhuti and Prince Saket were wandering. They both were worried why Shivanya hasn't reached her destination yet.

  But soon they were stunned to see Dushal arriving at the palace, Shivanya was sitting behind him. As soon as they reached nearer to the palace, Shivanya grabbed the waist of Dushal and holds it tightly.

  'I think you have got the answer of your question. Prince Saket and my elder brother King Bhabhuti is in front of us. I am not afraid of my elder and Prince Saket.' Shivanya said confidentially to Dushal.

  Dushal didn't uttered a word. They both reached the main gate of the palace and stepped down from the horse.

  'What is this Shivanya?' King Bhabhuti was quite annoyed.

  Prince Saket also showed some weird expressions, but he didn't interfered in their family matter.

  'He is Dushal, Demon King Dushal. He saved my life from bandits. None of our security soldier and maids are alive, all of them were killed by the bandits of the jungle.' Shivanya explained.

  King Bhabhuti was calmed down up to some extent. He came near to Dushal.

  'I am grateful to you, Demon King. Thanks for your help.' King Bhabhuti said arrogantly.

  But Dushal didn't mind that, 'I am just Dushal, no more Demon King. Now the leader of demons is Durbheeksh, or so called Prince Surjan of Ekchakranagari.' Dushal stared at Prince Saket.

  Saket was completely stunned listening this, he stepped down and came near to Dushal, 'What you are saying? How this is possible? Surjan is a human, how could he lead the demons?'

  'He is half human, and half demon.' Dushal started narrating about the incident of Patallok.

  Thereafter, he was silent for a while. Then he told about his actual motive, 'My primary motive is to rescue my friend Vakrbaahu from the slavery of that wretch Durbheeksh. And I can't think about anything else before that.'

  Shivanya was quite sad listening this, but no one except Dushal noticed her. Then also he tried to ignore her.

  Dushal asked Prince Saket, 'Can you tell me, where Sage Omeshwar is? Because he can only help me in this case.

  Prince Saket replied, 'Sage Omeshwar is stroller by nature. It's very difficult to say that, where he could be at this time.'

  Meanwhile, the disciple of Sage Omeshwar, 'Sage Prajapati' arrives there, 'He is in Ekchakranagari right now.'

  Prince Saket and King Bhabhuti welcomed him.

  'May I know who are you?' Dushal was seeing Prajapati for the first time.

  'He is Sage Prajapati, disciple of Sage Omeshwar.' Prince Saket introduced him.

  'Nice to meet you, Sage. Can you take me to Sage Omeshwar?' Dushal requested Prajapati.

  'Yes, of course. Please come with me.' Prajapati agreed.

  But Before Sage Prajapati and Dushal could leave, Shivanya grabbed Dushal's hand stared at him anxiously.

  Dushal tried to convince her, 'Wait for me, I'll be back.'

  Shivanya smiled and was quite relaxed. While King Bhabhuti stared at her furiously. But before he could say anything to her, Sage Prajapati interfered.

  'You should call your elder son Vikramajit from Vidarbh as soon as possible. Sage Omeshwar wants to meet him.'

  'Sure…of course, Sage.' King Bhabhuti replied.

  Sage Prajapati and Dushal proceeded in search of Sage Omeshwar.

  While King Bhabhuti confronted Shivanya, 'Can't you see? He is a demon. I've fixed your knot with Prince Saket, and you were knowing this thing, then also?'

  Listening this, Prince Saket interfered in between, 'That's not a big deal, King. We have much more serious issues than this. In fact, I also don't want to marry a girl who loves someone else.'

  'But I will not let this happen. She is my sister, and I cannot let her marry a demon.' King Bhabhuti left that palace.

  Shivanya was quite sad seeing his brother's behavior. But she didn't said anything.

  While Prajapati and Dushal reached to meet Sage Omeshwar. Sage Omeshwar was busy in intense meditation.

  'He is busy right now, let's wait for him.' Prajapati suggested.

  'Of course Sage.'

  Both Dushal and Sage Prajapati waited for him patiently. After sometime Sage Omeshwar opened his eyes, he was astonished to find Dushal in front of him.

  'Demon King Dushal, pleased to see you. How are you? And where is my disciple Vakrbaaahu?' Sage Omeshwar was glad to meet him.

  'I am no more Demon King, Sage. Durbheeksh is the new leader of demons.' Dushal replied.

  'What, Durbheeksh, who is Durbheeksh? And how could he defeat you?' Sage Omeshwar was quite shocked.

  'He is prince of Ekchakranagari. Earlier, his name was Surjan, but now that wretch Bhairavnath has named him 'Durbheeksh-The Demon Lord'.' Dushal narrated about the duel of Patallok.

  'It means my disciple is slave now.' Sage Omeshwar was quite disturbed.

  'Yes… Sage. It's true.' The eyes of Dushal were down.

  Sage Omeshwar closed his eyes for a while, 'It was quite predictable, Dushal. I have warned King Yayati, that Surjan should not meet any people with evil intentions. I also told him, not to let him go out of the kingdom. But one year ago, in absence of King Yayati, Prince Saket expelled him from Ekchakranagari. And the result is in front of you. I must say Dushal, this was just a trailer till now. If the new Demon Lord Durbheeksh will get his complete power, it will be almost impossible to defeat him.'

  'There must be some solution for this, Sage. We have to find it out.' Dushal was quite impatient.

  'I am producing a weapon called Panchshastra s ince years. Five swords with the power of five elements. Four swords has been produced till now, but fifth one is still pending. It can kill a person who is having the power of five elements, by a person with the same.'

  'I am not getting you, Sage. Please elaborate.'Dushal was unable to understand those things.

  'I am just saying, if Durbheeksh will attack on me with this Panchashastra, I will surely die. But if I will use this weapon on him, I am not very sure that he will die or not, because he is born with those powers. Both Durbheeksh and Vikramajit are born with my genes. So, to defeat Durbheeksh, we will surely need Vikramajit. I don't know how, but I am sure that we need him.' Sage Omeshwar was quite confused.

  'Vikramajit. Are you talking about prince of Vidarbh?' Dushal asked.

  'Yes, I am talking about prince of Vidarbh. I have called him, he may arrive soon. But until the fifth sword of Panchshastra is generated. We can't even think about attacking on Durbheeksh. So we should wait for at least a year.'

  'A year, it means my friend Vakrbaahu will be a slave for a year.' Dushal was feeling helpless.

  'We do
n't have any other option, Dushal. We have to wait. By the way, you can send him a message to convince him, that he will be rescued within a year.' Sage Omeshwar suggested.

  'Ok fine, I'll send him the message.' Dushal turned back.

  He was astonished, when he found Shivanya in front of her.

  'Sh..Shivanya, What are you doing here?' Dushal asked her.

  'I've left my elder brother, because he is against our marriage. Now you only decide, what should we do?' Shivanya stared at Dushal.

  'Shivanya…' King Bhabhuti also arrived there, he shouted at his sister.

  But before King Bhabhuti could say anything, Sage Omeshwar interfered in between, 'Wait King. Princess Shivanya has right to choose his partner. You should not interfere in this case.'

  'But he is demon, Sage. And my sister is a human. How this is possible?' Bhabhuti was quite annoyed.

  'Of course, Dushal is a demon. But he is much better than many kings of Aaryavart. He is a perfect match for your sister.' Sage Omeshwar tried to convince King Bhabhuti.

  'I'll never support this.' King Bhabhuti was furious, but he was not capable enough to go against Sage Omeshwar. So, he left that place.

  Thereafter, Sage Omeshwar turned towards Dushal and Shivanya, 'You both look good together. At least for a year we cannot do anything. So you both should get married and live happily for at least a year. I think until King Yayati is alive, Durbheeksh will never attack on this kingdom. He also need some years to generate his powers. So we need not to worry about him. You both go on, I have to continue my meditation.' Sage Omeshwar has also given his approval. He again got busy in his meditation.

  'Well, let's go.' Dushal and Shivanya left that place.

  They were walking in the jungle, where there was no one else.

  Shivanya was delighted, she stared at Dushal, 'Now, you can't deny. Sage Omeshwar has also given his approval.'

  Dushal stared at Shivanya and smiled, 'I never said no for this.' Dushal grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to him.

  Shivanya was quite shy, 'What you are doing? Still we are not married.'

  'So what, I just want to be naughty like you.' Dushal smiled.

  'Why you are calling me naughty? What I've done?'

  'I know very well, that you have only released your horse in the jungle, so that we could come on the same horse. Isn't it true?' Dushal continued staring at Shivanya.

  The cheeks of Shivanya turned red, she was not able to utter a word. Dushal hugged her tightly, 'Well, I like your mischiefs. Let's go.'

  In the search of VijayDhanush

  Almost a year passed. Two messenger arrived at Patallok, one for Vakrbaahu and one for Durbheeksh.

  Durbheeksh ascended on his throne, called both of them nearer to him. Vakrbaahu was also standing beside him.

  'So what's the information for me? Read it out.' Durbheeksh asked the messenger.

  The messenger was about read the message, but Durbheeksh thought something and interfered, 'Wait, Wait. Firstly read out the message, which is arrived for Vakrbaahu.'

  'Sure, your highness.' The second messenger turned towards Vakrbaahu.

  'This message is from former Demon King, Dushal. His wife princess Shivanya has given birth to a baby boy, so he is waiting for his best friend, to give that child your blessings.'

  Listening this Vakrbaahu turned towards Durbheeksh, 'What's your command, my lord? I should go or not?'

  'Wait for a while, let me know about the message arrived for me.' Durbheeksh signaled the messenger to read out the message.

  'This message is from Prince Saket of Ekchakranagari. Your father King Yayati is on death bed, he is not having much time. Prince Saket has asked you to attend his funeral.'

  Durbheeksh tightened his grip, strips of tears also spilled out from his eyes. He stood up from his throne

  'You both leave. And Vakrbaahu, you may go to meet your friend.' Durbheeksh left that place.

  Vakrbaahu was quite delighted listening this, he left for the preparation of his journey.

  But Durbheeksh was quite unstable. He went to his mentor Bhairavnath.

  'What happened Durbheeksh? Why you are so much disturbed?' Bhairavnath reads the face of his disciple.

  'My father is on death bed, and my elder brother has just asked me to attend his funeral.' Durbheeksh was mixed with the feelings of anger and sadness.

  'You should meet your father before he dies. I have got the information, that after returning from his voyage, he searched for you a lot, but your elder brother Saket always created obstruction in his path. He is still not knowing, that you are in Patallok. So, I think you should meet your father before he dies.' Bhairavnath suggested Durbheeksh.

  'Ok, I shall leave now.' Furious Durbheeksh stood up and left that place.

  In Ekchakranagari, Prince Saket was sitting beside his father King Yayati, who was lying on the bed. Soon a messenger arrived there

  'Prince Surjan has arrived at the gate of the palace, he is asking for the permission to enter the palace.'

  'Bring him in.' Prince Saket ordered.

  Soon Durbheeksh entered the room, he was quite emotional looking over his father. Looking at his younger son after years, King Yayati was completely stunned. He raised his hand towards him, Durbheeksh came nearer to him and holds his hand.

  'Where… were yo..u, Surjan?' King Yayati was in pain.

  'Don't panic, father. I am here in front of you right now, and I'll be with you till the end.' Tears spilled out from his eyes.

  Thereafter, he stared furiously at Prince Saket. King Yayati was feeling helpless, when he noticed the dispute between his two sons.

  'Wha….t you have… suffered…, is just because… of some.., misunderstanding. Listen.. to'

  But before King Yayati could complete his words, Durbheeksh grabbed his hands, 'You don't need say anything, father. Just calmed down, I will never kill your elder son. It's my words to you, your son will remain alive (but I can't promise you in what condition I'll leave him).' Those last words uttered by Durbheeksh were so slow, that King Yayati didn't heard it.

  King Yayati smiled and closed his eyes. Within few moments, there was no sign of life in his body. King Yayati was dead.

  Soon the dead body of the King of Ekchakranagari was on the pyre. After the funeral of King Yayati, Durbheeksh came near to Prince Saket.

  'I've come to know, that you are responsible for my father's death. My father continued searching me within whole Aaryavart in spite of his illness, but you never let him complete his search.' Durbheeksh confronted Saket.

  Saket tried to convince his brother, 'You are taking me in a wrong way. I have never…'

  But Durbheeksh pushed him back and warned him, 'I am very well aware about your intentions. Till now I was silent, just because of my father, now there is no barrier. But don't worry, I'll not kill you. I've promised my father, that you will remain alive, but in what condition, I haven't promised that. Today is the funeral of my father, today I'll not harm you. I am giving you thirteen days to mourn. On the fourteenth day, I will come with my army to invade on Ekchakranagari. I will return to avenge for my humiliation, each and every human of this kingdom will be ruthlessly killed. There will be streams of blood in this kingdom. So you have thirteen days, either you can mourn or enhance your preparation for the upcoming destruction.' Durbheeksh warned his elder, and left that place.


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