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Return of the Demon Lord Durbheeksh

Page 10

by Utkarsh Srivastava

  Saket continued staring at him, he didn't get the chance to explain his side. He stood up from the ground and thought something for a while. Thereafter, he ascended on his horse and proceeded towards an unknown place.

  While on the other side, Vakrbaahu arrived at Ekchakranagari. Dushal was delighted to see him, when he arrived at his cottage.

  'How are you Vakrbaahu? Actually, I was not very sure that you will come or not.'

  'But I am here in front of you right now. Now I cannot wait anymore, I am eagerly waiting to see your son.' Vakrbaahu was eagerly waiting for that infant.

  Meanwhile Sage Omeshwar also arrived there, both the warriors welcomed him warmly.

  Shivanya also arrived there with her son. Vakrbaahu rushed and asked Shivanya for taking that child. Shivanya was seeing Vakrbaahu for the first time, she looked over Dushal. Dushal given her positive sign.

  Vakrbaahu was delighted to receive that infant. Sage Omeshwar came nearer to him, 'I am giving you a chance Vakrbaahu. You have sacrificed a lot for your friend Dushal. You have arrived here to give this child your blessings, so it's my words to you, whatever you will say will be the boon for this child.'

  Both Vakrbaahu and Dushal were delighted listening this. Vakrbaahu stared at that infant proudly and declared, 'He and his every scions will have as much immense strength as me. He will be called as 'Mahabali Bhanusen'.'

  Dushal and Shivanya were delighted listening this. But soon the expressions of Vakrbaahu were astonishing.

  'What happened Vakrbaahu?' Dushal asked his friend for this sudden change in his expressions.

  'I have been given limited time to meet you all. I cannot forget that I am a slave of that wretch Durbheeksh. I have to return now, I'll miss you all.' Vakrbaahu was quite sad.

  Sage Omeshwar came nearer to him and tried to convince him, 'Don't worry Vakrbaahu, the fifth sword of the divine Panchshastra has been generated. So it's just the matter of some days, you will be rescued soon from the slavery of that wretch Durbheeksh.'

  'I have full faith on you, Gurudev. But it's time for me to leave, because I have to follow my commander.' Vakrbaahu stepped out from the cottage and ascended on his horse to proceed for his journey.

  Meanwhile Prince Saket arrived there. Sage Omeshwar and Dushal were quite astonished by his arrival.

  'What happened Prince? Why you are looking so much disturbed?' Sage Omeshwar asked him.

  'My younger brother Surjan has warned me. He will invade our kingdom with his army on the fourteenth day from now onwards. I am not capable enough to face him, please help me.' Prince Saket requested.

  'Don't worry, you should proceed towards your kingdom and take care of your people, Prince. We'll see what we can do.' Sage Omeshwar convinced Saket.

  'As you wish Sage.' Prince Saket left.

  Sage Omeshwar was quite disturbed, Dushal was astonished seeing this, 'What happened Sage? You said that the fifth sword of divine Panchshastra has been generated. So what's the problem?'

  'I told you earlier also, Dushal. I don't know the exact way to kill Durbheeksh, I am not so sure that this weapon will kill Durbheeksh or not.' Sage Omeshwar was silent for a while.

  After thinking something, he turned towards Dushal, 'Now you have to help me, Dushal.'

  'Of course Sage, just command me what I have to do?' Dushal joined his hands in front of Sage Omeshwar.

  'You have to go to Sutallok, for the sake of divine Vijaydhanush.'

  'Sutallok, Vijaydhanush, I have never heard about these things.' Dushal was quite astonished.

  'Your ancestor Lord Mahabali is immortal, and he lives in Sutallok, where the great Vaman Avtar is the guard of his palace. Once there was a time when Lord Bali had conquered over the whole earth, one of the reason of his victory was that divine bow, the Vijaydhanush. The warriors who holds that bow could never be defeated in any duel.'

  'And you want that I should bring that Vijaydhanush, am I right.' Dushal guessed.

  'You got it right, Dushal. So you are the one, who is authorized to enter in Sutallok. But remember one thing, you have to face lot of difficulties during this journey. Being the scion of Lord Mahabali is not enough to lift that divine bow.' Sage Omeshwar warned Dushal.

  'I will surely cross all the burden, Sage. But firstly tell me, in which direction I should go in search of Sutallok? I've never even heard about it.' Dushal asked eagerly.

  Sage Omeshwar was in deep thoughts. While King Bhabhuti arrived there at that time only. He was furious when he saw Dushal there, then also he controlled his anger, and turned towards Sage Omeshwar.

  Dushal stepped towards him to welcome him, but Bhabhuti signaled him to stop.

  'I have arrived here on your order, Sage. Please tell me, what's your motive of calling me here?' King Bhabhuti asked Sage Omeshwar.

  Sage Omeshwar noticed the arrogant behavior of King Bhabhuti, he strictly warned him 'We have merged here to defeat Durbheeksh, not to fight among ourselves.'

  'Sorry to say Sage, but I don't want to see this demon in front of me.' King Bhabhuti said arrogantly.

  Meanwhile Shivanya also came out of the cottage, she was delighted to see his elder brother. But as soon as she stepped towards him, King Bhabhuti confronted her, 'Stay away Shivanya, stay away. I don't want to see your face. If the situation will be in my control, I wish I could kill you.'

  'Bhabhuti….' Dushal pulled out his sword and shouted at King Bhabhuti.

  But Sage Omeshwar stopped his steps towards Bhabhuti, 'Calm down Dushal, control your anger.'

  Thereafter, Sage Omeshwar confronted Bhabhuti, 'And you King Bhabhuti, I must say you don't deserve to be a king. You are a person who wants to kill his own sister, just to satisfy your ego. I can't even guess, what type of person you are?'

  King Yayati was feeling quite embarrassed, he calmed down and apologized, 'I am sorry Sage, you just tell me the motive for what you have called me here.'

  Sage Omeshwar was also calmed down, 'One year before, I met your son. I have explained him detail what he have to do. So the time has come, you should call your son 'Vikramajit', we need him.'

  'Sure Sage, I'll call him as soon as possible.' King Bhabhuti agreed.

  Thereafter, Sage Omeshwar turned towards Dushal, 'You were asking about the path to reach Sutallok. I really don't know that path, but I must say you are the only one who could search for that path. If you could prove yourself as true scion of Lord Mahabali, if your heart and motive is pure, you will surely find that path.'

  Sage Omeshwar continued smiling at Dushal, but Dushal was quite confused.

  Dushal was still thinking what to do, meanwhile Shivanya tried to comfort him, 'What happened? Why you are so much disturbed?'

  'Ah.., nothing important, Shivanya. I have to leave in search of that divine bow, so you take care of yourself.

  'B..But, where are you going? I need you, I have never left you alone. I'll come with you in this journey.' Shivanya said clearly.

  Sage Omeshwar interfered in between, 'Yes, of course, that's great. You should take her with you.'

  'But Sage, who will take care of our son?' Dushal asked.

  'You need not to worry about this. King Bhabhuti will take care of his nephew.' Sage Omeshwar turned towards King Bhabhuti.

  King Bhabhuti was quite astonished, but then also he can't defy the words of Sage Omeshwar, 'Sure Sage, I will take care of that child.'

  Sage Omeshwar turned towards Dushal again, 'You both should leave now, as soon as possible.'

  Dushal was in doubt regarding King Bhabhuti, but he had full faith on Sage Omeshwar. So he didn't find it right to raise any question on his decision.

  Soon Dushal and Shivanya were about to leave. Sage Omeshwar reminded Dushal once again, 'Keep one thing in your mind, Dushal, you have only thirteen days.'

  'Sure Sage, we'll return soon.'

  Both Dushal and Shivanya were about to leave. The infant Bhanusen was in King Bhabhuti's hand. The enlightening face of that infant almost destroyed the anger of Ki
ng Bhabhuti. He was continuously staring at that child.

  Finally Dushal and Shivanya left for their journey. While Sage Omeshwar came nearer to King Bhabhuti, 'Dushal and Shivanya went for a dangerous journey, I am not so sure they will return or not.'

  'Why you are saying like this, Sage? Although I have said that, I want to kill Shivanya. But those words were spilled out of my mouth in anger. She is my sister, I can't see her dead.' King Bhabhuti was quite worried.

  'It depends on their courage and presence of mind, which will decide that they will survive or not. I also can't say anything about this. But if they failed to return, you will take care of this child.'

  'I will do it, Sage. But I am very sure that both Dushal and Shivanya will return.' King Bhabhuti left that place.

  While Dushal and Shivanya continued their journey, they were completely unaware of the path where they should go.

  'Until when we have to ride these horses?' Shivnaya was quite tired.

  'Ok, Ok, we should take rest for some time.' Dushal stepped down from his horse.

  'Of course, we need it.' Shivanya was quite annoyed.

  They both lied down in the shadow of the tree. Dushal was too much tired, his eyes were closed soon. Shivanya was quite annoyed, she continued staring at him.

  'What happened? Why you are staring at me like this?' Dushal opened his eyes and asked.

  'I am noticing you, how could you be so relaxed?' Shivanya asked.

  'What the hell? You have only asked me to take some rest. Really it's impossible to understand a woman.' Dushal was astonished.

  'Yes, I have said so. But we should still think about the way to reach Lord Mahabali.' Shivanya explained.

  'I am trying to think about the possible ways we can reach him.' Dushal was feeling helpless.

  Shivanya thought something for a while, thereafter she uttered, 'Do you remember about the festival of 'Onam'?'

  'The festival Onam. Yes, Yes, of course, I remember. After the banishment of Lord Mahabali, he got a boon from the great Vaman Avtar, that once in a year he will come to meet his people on the land of Aaryavart. And that day is celebrated as the festival of Onam in the southern region of Aaryavart or we can say southern Jambudweep.' Dushal explained.

  'So we should proceed towards the southern region of Aaryavart. We might get some hint there.' Shivanya suggested.

  'Yes, I think you are right. We should go there.' Dushal stood up.

  'Wait, Wait. We can't go like this.' Shivanya stopped Dushal.

  'Why? What happened?' Dushal was astonished.

  'We should dress up as a common civilian. It would be much better, and quite easier to communicate with the common people.' Shivanya suggested.

  'Ok, I agree with you. Let's do it.'

  Both Dushal and Shivanya left for the southern region of Aaryavart. Soon they reached in a village of a kingdom of 'Mahabalipuram' in the southern region.

  'Six days has passed, we have only seven more days left. We have to finish our work within two days, so we could reach our destination on time.' Dushal was quite worried.

  'Don't worry, let us visit the temple of Lord Mahabali. We may get some hint there.' Shivanya suggested.

  'Sure, let's go.' Dushal and Shivanya proceeded towards the temple of Lord Mahabali.

  Soon they both reached the one of the famous temple of Lord Mahabali. They were dressed as a common citizen, and were searching for a proper person who could clear there doubts.

  Dushal looked over an old priest, he came nearer to him, and joined his hands in front of him. The priest was quite annoyed, when he looked over Dushal, 'Who are you? I have never seen you here before.' That priest asked.

  'You got it right, we came here for the first time. Actually, we just want to visit this place on the occasion of Onam. We want to see how this festival is celebrated at this place.' Dushal explained.

  That priest stood up, 'You have arrived here on right time. Celebration of the festival of Onam will start as the sun will rise on the upcoming day. It is said that Lord Mahabali arrives in Mahabalipuram every year on this festival, we celebrate this festival of his arrival.' That priest said proudly.

  'Yes, Yes, of course. Is there any chance to meet Lord Mahabali?' Dushal asked the priest.

  That priest laughed at Dushal, 'Have you gone mad? Mahabali is a god, how could an ordinary person could see him? It is said that on the occasion of Onam, he arrives to see the condition of his people. But it is often said that the scions of Lord Mahabali could recognize him. Actually, I also don't know whether it is true or not. You both have come here to enjoy, so just enjoy. Why you want to know about these things?'

  'Ah…, just like that, we were just curious to know these things. And now I think we should leave, we have to search for a proper place to stay.' Dushal wants to leave.

  'Ok, you both leave, I also have some important work to do. And don't miss this festival, you will surely enjoy it.' That priest encouraged both of them.

  Dushal and Shivanya decided to spend that night in that village.

  The celebration of Onam, begins with rise of sun. The people of that region started enjoying the festival, while Dushal and Shivanya were in search of a hint. It was a huge fair, their task was very difficult.

  Suddenly they both noticed one child. Perhaps, he was searching for his parents, and crying for help. Seeing this, Dushal and Shivanya went nearer to him.

  'Who are you? Are you lost?' Shivanya asked that child with compassion.

  But that child didn't replied, he stepped back and rushed. Dushal and Shivnaya were confused, they chased that child.

  That child rushed and stops nearer to danger end of a pull.

  'Stop…' Dushal shouted to stop him. The crowd turned at him, but his voice couldn't save that child. He slipped from the edge of the pull, and falls in the river.

  Both Dushal and Shivanya were stunned. They rushed towards the edge of the pull.

  'We have to save that child.' Dushal jumped in the river to save that child.

  After few moments, one man came nearer to Shivanya asked, 'Who was that man with you?'

  'He was my husband, why?' Shivanya was quite astonished seeing the expression of that man.

  'Is he mad or what?' That man laughed.

  'Just shut up, he has jumped in a river to save that innocent child. And you are calling him mad?' Shivanya was furious.

  'Child, where was the child? I think, you both have gone mad. None of us has seen a child falling in that river. This whole crowd were staring at you both, since your husband shouted at the pull without any reason.' That man laughed.

  Shivanya didn't uttered a word, she was quite shocked listening this.

  'Are you sure, there was no child here?' Shivanya herself was now confused.


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