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His Scandalous Love

Page 19

by Anya Summers

  “Please. Like you bother me. I have to get to work at the resort, not that it’s any of your business. But I will send you a bill if my pay is docked because you wouldn’t let me pass.”

  “What you deserve, little brat, is a red ass,” Spencer quipped.

  “You think that’s going to scare me or make me cower and tremble before you? Please. I’ve known better and had better. Put your hands on me and I will break your thing off,” Meghan threatened sweetly with a gamine grin.

  “Meghan!” Jenna said, aghast that she’d threatened a Dom that way.

  Meghan shrugged. “He deserves it for being a dick. Catch you later, sis.”

  Spencer stepped back, and she thought she heard him say to Meghan, “One day, little brat, I will make you eat those words.”

  Meghan glared up at him and then smiled. “In your wet dreams, dickwad.” Then she flounced out of the room, her footsteps retreating down the hall. Spencer watched her leave with a shuttered expression.

  “Sorry about my sister, she can be a little testy at times,” Jenna said. She was going to have to work overtime to keep those two apart. They were the epitome of oil and water—chemical components that couldn’t be anywhere near the other without dire consequences.

  “She’s her own person. There’s nothing for you to apologize for. I had a little something for Liam that I had ordered and didn’t arrive in time for the shower,” Spencer said, approaching with the box in hand.

  “You didn’t have to drive all the way out here just to deliver this. It’s very sweet of you,” Jenna replied, putting Liam in his carrier seat and taking the box from his hands.

  “Carter and I have a meeting about club business tonight. He couldn’t come into town so I drove out here. It’s not an extra trip.”

  “You really didn’t have to do this,” she said, lifting the top of the box. Inside was a tiny cowboy hat. “Oh my gosh, where did you find this? It’s adorable. I can’t believe you found a hat this small.”

  Spencer shrugged. “Carter’s the first member of our little club to have offspring. It’s appropriate. When you’re ready and fully healed, you should come to the club with him one night. I know you hit it off with a few of the subs, and it would do you good to forge friendships with them. It can be pretty lonely at times living out here, and it would be good for you to have some other women to talk to besides that one.” He indicated to the space her sister had recently occupied.

  “Thank you. I appreciate the invitation, but I don’t know that Carter will take me. He’s… never mind, we’re not what you think or assume we are,” Jenna said, the reality of their situation feeling like a dagger to the heart.

  Spencer slid his hands into his jeans pockets and pierced her with an inquisitive gaze. “Look, Jenna, I realize you don’t know me well but I’m going to give you a word of advice.”

  “Okay,” she replied.

  “Cut the bullshit. It’s obvious to me and anyone else that you care for him. All you’re doing is denying you both a chance and for what? I might add. Get your head out of your ass. Carter’s one of my best friends. I watched him search heaven and earth for you for months. He never stopped looking for you, never even set foot in Cuffs & Spurs. He wants you more than I’ve ever seen him want anyone. And if you honestly can’t care for him, make the break now and save him the heartache,” Spencer said with a ruthless undertone in his voice.

  She sat back in her seat, a little stunned by his diatribe. Perhaps she shouldn’t be. It was just that everyone else seemed to see things clearly when all she saw was murky water.

  “Just think about it and do it fast, because while Carter’s the best man I know, even he has his limits. So don’t yank his chain if you have no intention of following through. Decide whether you’re all in or not, and do it soon,” Spencer warned.

  She finally found her voice and replied, “I’m trying, but it’s complicated.”

  He shrugged. “So uncomplicate it. Ask yourself this: do you want him, and are you willing to risk your heart?”

  Jenna said, “Yes, but I’m terrified. What if—”

  “Sweetheart, living your life safe that way, playing the ‘what if’ game, isn’t really living and you know it. Seems to me, you’re not just afraid of Carter but of truly living. Take it from someone who knows life is far too fucking short to dither back and forth over something this important. And here’s another thing to consider: Carter would walk through hellfire for you. That’s not a man who’s going anywhere, he’s as solid as the mountains surrounding Jackson and twice as steady. Give him your trust, he deserves it.”

  Liam chose that moment to stir in his seat and begin to fuss. Jenna dropped her gaze to her son, who looked more and more like Carter every day. She lifted him out of his carrier to calm him.

  Spencer tipped his Stetson and said, “You two take care now, you hear?”

  “You too. Thank you, Spencer. For everything. I will think over what you said,” Jenna said.

  He gave her a warm glance and Jenna realized he was also giving her his friendship, in a roundabout way. He said, “Anytime.”

  He left her in the sunroom, leaving her a good deal to consider. Both Spencer and Meghan had. Glancing down at Liam as he latched his mouth to her breast and fed, Jenna knew deep down they were both right. She’d held herself back from loving Carter for so many reasons, they were too numerous to count. She’d also been unfairly holding a measuring stick up to Carter that shouldn’t exist.

  She knew who and what she wanted. She just had to figure out how to get him back.

  Chapter 22

  Late Saturday evening, Carter ambled into the kitchen for a beer after a long day in the stables and an evening spent entertaining. He’d been putting in extra time at the stables, picking up whatever slack he could to avoid the truth: he and Jenna were, at best, uneasy roommates. Roommates who shared a common interest, their son.

  Jenna’s sister was staying the night. She’d joined them for dinner and had interrupted some of his time with Liam. He liked Meghan, enjoyed her company, and she clearly doted on her nephew. But she was another barrier erected between him and Jenna. The separation, the distance seemed damn near insurmountable. Spencer had urged Carter to ‘go all Dom on her cute ass’. His words.

  He took a long draught of his beer. The thing was, he’d tried that. And it had failed. The kind of ‘didn’t see the iceberg until it was too late and struck the hull’ fail. Clearly, she didn’t have the same feelings for him that he did for her. He should let her go. Stop holding on to something that wasn’t ever going to happen.

  As if his thinking about her had conjured her appearance, Jenna padded into the kitchen in a powder blue silk robe that made his mouth water and his cock stand at attention. It would be a lot easier to let her go if he didn’t want her to distraction.

  There was hesitation and uncertainty in her gaze as she approached. And why was that? Because he’d pushed her. He was a fool. Her scent was everywhere he went—the kitchen, his bedroom, the stables, even the game room—and he was living in hell. Looking at her now, her golden tresses spilling in enticing waves over her shoulders, the image of his every fantasy brought to life, craving her touch, yearning to feel her again, but being unable to touch her was a special slice of hell.

  Tension riddled his frame. He needed to escape and lock himself in his room. Otherwise he was bound to do something he’d regret. He grunted, “What can I do for you Jenna?”

  “Could you come with me, please?” she asked, and held a delicate hand out for him to take. Her eyes were bright blue pools and he felt he could drown within them. It would be so easy to back her up against the kitchen island and kiss her brainless. Erase the wall between them.

  He asked, “Is it Liam? What’s going on?”

  “Just follow me, please,” she pleaded and then he noticed the slight tremor in her hand. If she was brave enough to approach him, he would go with her.

  Curious at her entreaty, he did as she asked and s
lid his hand around hers. He had to bite back the moan that wanted to escape at the pleasure coursing through him at feeling her touch again. Jenna turned on her heel and tugged him along behind her. She could be leading him to the gates of hell and he would follow her. He expected her to lead him upstairs, to his room or hers. It didn’t matter. He was all in.

  But she didn’t take him up the stairs. Instead she went down, into his basement and the hallway to his personal dungeon. The door was slightly ajar, and the lights inside were ablaze. Dumbfounded, Carter let Jenna tow him inside before shutting the door behind him. She released his hand and then sashayed over to padded leather horse. He followed her, like a dog with a scent. Then she turned toward him. She untied her robe, letting it fall to the floor and pool at her feet. Beneath it, she was gloriously nude except for his cuffs. The sleeves of her robe had hidden that she was wearing them.

  Christ, he never thought he’d see them on her wrists again.

  She grabbed something off the horse and then knelt at his feet. She held up his black leather flogger and her eyes beseeched him. “Please, Sir.”

  He held still, his heart slowed. The electric current that was always present anytime they were near each other sparked and crackled. “Are you sure, darlin’? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I need you to hurt me. I think that’s what we’ve both needed. And I want you to, Carter. I need you, Sir. I know I ruined things between us.” She bowed her head and he spied tears in her eyes.

  He cupped her chin and drew her face up until their gazes met. “You didn’t ruin things. We both did.”

  “You don’t understand, Carter. I was punishing myself, I believed that I didn’t deserve you. And I hurt you. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I never meant to cause you so much trouble.”

  Jenna kneeling before him, submitting to him, was the most beautiful, erotic sight in the world, and a gift he would cherish. He wanted her like this every night for the rest of their lives.

  He hauled her up into his arms and kissed her. “Darlin’, I don’t want you to ever change. Not your fire or your spirit or the way you challenge me, because you give me what I need. Now, let’s get you up on the bench, shall we?”

  He lifted her up, setting her back down on the horse. How he had craved to bring her down here, to have her like this. He locked her in, attaching the cuffs at her wrists to the bench. Then he added leather restraints around her ankles and a strap across her lower back, and another across her upper torso, just beneath her cleavage.

  He accepted the flogger from her hand. Cupping her chin, he gave her a wicked kiss that was all tongue and teeth.

  “Use your safeword if you need it,” he said, kneeling down to speak to her.

  “Sir?” she asked before he stood.


  “Don’t be gentle. I need the pain and so do you,” she said.

  “Baby,” he murmured. If he didn’t already love her to distraction, he would have fallen right then and there. “Just trust me to take care of you, all right?”

  She nodded, her gaze infused with emotion that rocked him. He stood and divested himself of his tank top and sweats. He left his boxer briefs on for the time being. Because he wanted this to be as pleasurable as possible for her, he went to his dresser stocked with goodies and withdrew a small bullet vibrator with remote.

  He returned and went to her rear. Her pussy was on display for him, the pretty pink lips spread. He inserted the bullet into her pussy and then turned it onto a medium setting. At her pleasured gasp, he smiled. This was only the beginning.

  With her ass on display, Carter gripped the flogger in his hand, wound back, and cracked the leather across her butt cheeks. At her moan, pleasure flooded him. He set a rhythm, tuning in to every nuance, every cry and gasp. He watched the lines of her back, her body. Her hands, previously fisted against the leather, began to relax as he struck.

  Her moans of pain turned to cries of ecstasy. Carter’s need for her increased. She relaxed into his dominance. Let go of her control with every whack of leather across her bum. She was stunning in her surrender, in the gift she was giving him as she ceded control of her body into his hands.

  He struck again and again, doing as she’d asked, not holding back but unleashing his nature upon her. He was so hard, his cock strained to feel the silken clasp of her cunt. And still, he didn’t relent or stop. All the pain and suffering they had endured these last few weeks withered away with each sharp strike to her flesh. He loved the way her ass cheeks reddened and burned for him. Loved the mewls of pleasure she emitted with each blow. Loved seeing the dew coating her pussy and dripping onto the bench in her arousal.

  With the next blow he landed, Jenna wailed and came, her body shuddering and trembling in her restraints. Tears poured from her closed lids. Her mouth was open, her sighs and moans music to his ears.

  He would never forget tonight, nor the way she’d given him her surrender, freely and without question.

  * * *

  Jenna was in a haze as Carter knelt before her. The pride and care in his gaze warmed the recesses of her heart. She’d been right to trust him. But she wasn’t done with him yet. She wanted everything from him.

  When he moved to undo her restraints, his hands at her wrists, she murmured, “Please, Sir. Don’t remove them yet.”

  Carter stilled. His glance connected with hers. He asked, “Are you sure you’re up for it? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  This was the reason why she loved him. He was steady and sure, honorable to a fault, and he would always put her well-being first. Deny himself and ensure she didn’t hurt. He was everything, and she’d been a fool for holding herself back from him. She removed all her hesitations, letting her love for him show on her features and in her words. “Carter, fuck me. Like you did when we were at lookout point. Don’t hold back. Give me all of you. I need you.”

  He cupped her face, his gaze searching. His thumbs brushed her cheeks, the whispered caress zinging through her into the soles of her feet. With a guttural groan, he slanted his lips over hers. His torrid kiss stole the very air from her lungs. His tongue dueled with hers, drinking down her cries.

  It was hard to believe she’d just climaxed, because his drugging, soul-stirring kiss made her ascend right back up into a pleasure-filled haze. She’d known deep down from the moment he’d first kissed her that there was no one else for her. He was it for her, he was everything. She poured her heart into her kiss. Holding nothing back. Giving him all of her, and more.

  Carter released her lips. His gaze was clouded with lust and so much more, it humbled her. This big, dominant alpha, her Sasquatch, looked at her with such heart-rending emotion blazing within his hazel depths, she felt it keenly in her entire being.

  Carter stood before her on the horse, his massive form blocking out the rest of his dungeon, wearing only a pair of black boxer briefs. She spied his erection. The thick shaft stretched the material and made her mouth water. She licked her lips when he shucked his pants, his cock bobbing into her line of sight.

  He gripped his member with one hand and cupped her face with the other.

  “Open up,” he ordered, his voice low and infused with lust.

  She did as he commanded. He fed the head of his cock into her mouth. She swished her tongue over the crown and lapped at the pearlescent bead of pre-cum before sucking his length inside her mouth. Carter’s hands clasped the back of her head, holding her steady while he pumped his shaft in short digs.

  He was so large, she had a difficult time taking him all the way down. The bullet still vibrated in her pussy while Carter fucked her mouth. Her fingers dug into the bench as pleasure bombarded her senses. She moaned around his cock, her mewls of ecstasy muffled.

  Then Carter withdrew his shaft from her mouth and waltzed around the horse until he stood behind her. He shut off the bullet and removed it from her pussy. She whimpered at the loss. But then the head of his cock penetrated her sheath. Her mouth dropped open on a m
oan as he slid all the way home. That was what it felt like when he loved her—that she was finally home.

  He held still, giving her body a second to adjust to his girth.

  “Sir.” She whimpered, craving the friction, the way it felt when he moved inside her.

  His hands dug into her hips as he slid out until only the tip remained before slamming his cock inside until he hit the lip of her womb. He did it again. And again. His thrusts walking that razor-sharp line between pleasure and pain.

  Jenna was overjoyed, her mouth open as she keened and dug her fingers into the horse. Carter pumped his hips, his cock pounded her sheath, sending delicious torrents of desire radiating through her body. Her nipples throbbed. Her pussy pulsed. She clenched her Kegels and elicited a groan from Carter.

  She did it a second time. It was all the urging he needed. He unleashed his carnal desires upon her body and fucked her. He wasn’t gentle or controlled as he jackhammered inside her pussy. Carter went wild. His hips rocked. The slap of flesh filled the dungeon, along with their combined moans.

  Jenna could feel the etchings of her climax. She held on as long as she could, but Carter going dominant caveman on her was the hottest thing ever and she simply handed her release, her body, over to him.

  He bent over her back, his hands gripped her shoulders, and he penetrated her deeper from this angle. His strokes pummeled her composure.

  “Oh god, Sir!” She wailed as her pussy spasmed around his plunging cock. Her body exploded like a cataclysmic volcano. Quakes wracked her frame.

  Carter strained, his cock jerking. “Jenna,” he bellowed. Hot liquid streamed into her quivering folds, causing another series of explosions in her, with twin responses in her breasts. Milk leaked from her boobs onto the horse. Her pussy wept with dew and Carter’s semen. Her body was slick with sweat.

  And she’d never been so happy.

  Carter turned her head and captured her mouth in a tender brush of lips. It always stunned her that a man so big and fierce could be so gentle and loving. She whimpered as he withdrew from her body. He left her for a minute and returned with warm washcloths, cleaning between her thighs. And then he removed her restraints and helped clean the seepage from her breasts and the bench. He kept kissing her, caressing her as he did, running a cloth over her breasts and down her torso. Then he helped her off the horse.


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