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His Scandalous Love

Page 20

by Anya Summers

  When her knees wobbled, he scooped her up in his arms. Unmindful of their nudity, he carried her from his dungeon.

  “But someone might see us,” she murmured against his chest.

  “The only one here—besides our son—is your sister. And I doubt she’s awake,” he said. He bypassed the door to her room and went directly to his.

  He laid her down upon his bed. “This is where you belong from here on out. I won’t take no for an answer, not even if I have to tie you to my bed.”

  “There’s no place I would rather be,” she said sleepily. At Carter’s breathtaking smile, she murmured, “Come to bed, Sir.”

  “I will. As soon as I collect our son.” He kissed her on the nose, then retrieved Liam from his room and laid him in the bassinette at the foot of the bed.

  Tonight had been a return to who they had been on the island. A reclaiming. Jenna opened her arms to Carter as he joined her. He enveloped her in his embrace, their bodies entwined with the other, even as they fell asleep. She was right where she had belonged all along. And now that she was here, she didn’t plan to waste another minute.

  Chapter 23

  The following morning, after Meghan left the ranch, Carter took Jenna and Liam on a picnic lunch. His arm was around Jenna’s waist while they walked, her head against his shoulder as he pushed Liam in his stroller. He took them to a small abutment of land with a copse of trees that would provide ample shade for Liam and what he had planned.

  Last night had changed their relationship for the better, and it was time to seize on their progress. When they reached the abutment, they worked together, setting up their picnic. He parked Liam’s stroller next to one of the trees. They spread a large blanket over the ground. And then Carter lifted the detachable carrier and set it on the blanket with the picnic basket Dottie had put together for them. He’d snuck a few more items inside.

  They sat overlooking his land underneath the copse of trees. There was a gentle breeze carrying a hint of pine and grass. They still hadn’t gotten any rain, although it had cooled some. But that was a worry for another day. Today, he had plans to see through to completion.

  “It’s so beautiful up here, Carter. Thank you for bringing us. And Liam loves the leaves, don’t you, my love?” Jenna said, as Liam yawned and shut his eyes in his seat.

  “I can see he’s real impressed with them. You like it here, Jenna? Living with me?” Carter asked.

  “Yes. I know I was hesitant at first, but I love it here. Why? Is something wrong? Do you not want us here anymore?” she asked and bit her lower lip, but not before he noticed it was trembling.

  He tugged her onto his lap. Framing her face with his hands, he stared into her bright blue eyes. “I love you, Jenna. I want you and Liam to stay with me, not just for now, but always.”

  Her gaze widened, moisture lined her lashes and she said, “You love me?”

  He stroked a hand down her back. “More than life itself, darlin’. I’ve loved you since that very first moment when you dunked me in the ocean.”

  “Carter, I love you. So much. I’m sorry for everything I’ve put you through, that I didn’t come with you when you asked me to on the island. I’ve been so afraid of trusting you and counting on you because of my past,” she murmured, tears flowing over her cheeks.

  “But you love me?” he asked, feeling lighter than he had in ages. A grin spread over his face and his heart expanded as euphoria took hold.

  “Yeah, I do, with all my heart. You’re the best man I know.”

  Never taking his eyes off her, he reached into his pocket and withdrew the small gold band. He said, “That should do it. Marry me, Jenna. Be my family, my wife, my partner, my submissive. I want all of you, forever.”

  “Yes,” she replied, openly weeping now—but they were tears of joy. Her eyes no longer held shadows, but sparkled at him with love and devotion, more than any Dom, any man could hope for. He slid the ring over her finger and smiled when it fit perfectly. Some things were just meant to be.

  “It’s beautiful, Carter.”

  “It was my mother’s engagement ring,” he said, as the tiny diamond glittered in the sunlight. “She gave it to me when I was a boy and said to only give it to the one woman I couldn’t live without. Since you barreled into me on the docks of Pleasure Island, you’ve been it for me. My life doesn’t work without you in it.”

  “Carter,” she murmured, tears still pouring over her gorgeous face.

  His heart bursting with joy, Carter kissed her, knowing there was a whole lifetime that awaited them. One filled with love, laughter and, if the fates saw fit to bless them, more children. And then Liam decided to let them know they were not alone. Carter released Jenna as she scrambled off his lap and retrieved their son, who was squalling in fury.

  “I know, my love. You didn’t get your lunch. Mama’s got you,” Jenna said, settling with her back against Carter’s front. He would never grow tired of watching their son at her breast.

  “And then his father would very much like to eat his lunch too,” he murmured suggestively in her ear.

  She chuckled and replied breathily, “Yes, Sir. His mother would like that very much.”

  She leaned against him, and he knew he had never loved anyone as much as he loved the two beings in his arms. For a man who’d always thought he’d end up being a lifelong bachelor, Jenna had upended his world from the moment he set eyes on her, and he didn’t regret a single minute.

  “Carter?” Jenna asked.


  “You don’t want a big wedding, do you?” she asked.

  “It doesn’t really matter to me. As long as you’re mine. Why, don’t you?” he asked.

  “Not really. Maybe a reception to celebrate it. But if we could just go before a justice of the peace, maybe on Tuesday, I think that would work well, don’t you?”

  “You want to get married in two days?” he asked.

  “Well, I think it would be fitting, considering it’s the anniversary of the day we met, don’t you?” Jenna asked and glanced up at him. In her eyes, he saw his present and his future. He saw a lifetime of a love greater than he could have ever hoped to find. It was enough to make a man like him believe in things like fate, destiny and soulmates. Because Jenna was his fate.

  “I’m in. Let me see what I can do to put something together. And then you’re mine, forever,” he murmured. It wouldn’t be easy to pull off, but in order to have her there, bound to him in every way that counted, he would move the mountains surrounding his ranch if need be.

  “Me too. I’m sorry it took me a while to get here, but I’m on board with forever.” Her love for him shone through the smile she gave him, and peace settled over him.

  “It doesn’t matter how long, love, just that you got here. I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat. And now that our boy is asleep with his belly full, I think it’s time I ate, don’t you?” He heard her sharp intake of breath and adored the way her pupils dilated as she nodded.

  “Good, put him in his seat and then lie on your back with your thighs spread for me.”

  As Jenna did as he asked and he sank between her thighs, Carter understood that the journey to win her love had been the only one worthwhile.


  Two Days Later

  Jenna was back in her room, standing before the full-length mirror and gazing at her appearance. She’d found an ivory empire-waist gown in town yesterday. Her shoes were silver sparkly ones that she’d borrowed from Meghan. Dottie had proven to be not just a whiz in the kitchen but also great at fancy women’s hairstyles. She had styled Jenna’s hair in elegant waves and curls, then twisted those into an elegant up-do.

  Her sister was in her room, in a mauve, ankle-length gown, standing in as her maid of honor. Meghan walked over and said, “Here’s a finishing touch.” She handed Jenna a jewelry case.

  “You didn’t have to do this,” she said, incredibly touched, and opened the box. She gasped at the contents. “M
eghan, are these what I think they are?” she asked, glancing at her sister.

  “Yep. Mom’s pearls. When you were liquidating everything, I thought it would be nice to keep one thing that was hers and snagged the set. I figured they could be the something old that each of us wears on our wedding day. I think it’s only fitting, don’t you?” Meghan said with grin.

  “I can’t believe you did that!” Jenna exclaimed.

  “Don’t be mad. I will pay you for them. I know it cost—”

  She enveloped Meghan in her arms and said, “Thank you. I never thought I would want something of hers, need something to remember her by, but getting to wear these today, of all days. It’s the best present I could ever have asked for. Help me put them on.”

  “Oh, I’m so glad you’re not mad,” Meghan replied with relief.

  “When it’s your turn, I will give them back to you,” Jenna promised.

  “Well, that will be a while, so enjoy them.”

  Blinking back moisture in her eyes, Jenna affixed the tear-drop pearl earrings. Then Meghan fastened the string of pearls around her neck. Jenna caressed the pearls as she stared in the mirror.

  “See, they are perfect. I’m just so happy for you,” Meghan said, giving her a small hug from behind.

  At the knock on the door, Jenna said, “Come in.”

  Herb Henderson opened the door to her room, holding his hat in his hands. The old cowboy was duded up in a suit and tie. He said, “Don’t you make a pretty picture? The both of you. They’re ready for you downstairs.”

  “Thanks, Herb,” Jenna said and strode over to him. Liam was already downstairs with Dottie and enjoying the attention, she was certain. Herb had come to her last night and offered to walk her down the aisle since her dad wasn’t there. Between him and Dottie, the two of them were acting more and more like surrogate parents toward her and beaming grandparents toward Liam. Life had taken on a sweetness Jenna had never experienced before. But she was grabbing hold of it, no longer afraid of what her future might hold, because she knew it would be full of love.

  “Be nice to Spencer, Meghan,” she murmured.

  “I will be if he is, but I promise not to ruin anything for you today,” Meghan said, handing her the small bouquet of orchids before going ahead of her out of the room.

  Jenna looped her arm through Herb’s and let him lead her down the front stairs. Claude DeBussy’s Claire de Lune filled the air as they descended the staircase into the great room. Carter had called in a million favors and had transformed the great room into a stunning hall filled with chairs, and lined with tables laden with food. Candles glowed. Flowered garlands hung from the ceiling. Jenna had no idea how he’d pulled it off.

  In the room were all his friends, both Doms and subs from the club. Dottie stood in the front row of chairs, holding their son. But it was the man standing before the hearth that drew all her attention. Carter was dressed in a tailored black suit and tie, his cowboy hat suspiciously absent. His eyes glowed with love when he spied her. Meghan made her trek down the aisle with Spencer, looking decidedly dapper in his midnight suit, serving as the best man, and Jenna was amazed that they both were on their best behavior with not one snipe toward the other.

  Mason stood front and center as the officiant in a dark gray suit and tie.

  But she couldn’t take her eyes off Carter; her steady, gorgeous cowboy was perfect. He was perfect for her. And she would love him forever. Herb guided Jenna down the aisle toward him, her Sasquatch, who had shown her the true meaning of love. When Herb transferred her hand into Carter’s, warmth flooded through her and tears of joy pricked the corners of her eyes. And an emotion she had almost forgotten suffused her chest as they said their vows.


  She would never take him or their life together for granted. Jenna knew how swiftly that all could change. But she would celebrate the joy with him for however many moments they had together.

  When Mason declared them husband and wife, Carter kissed her, and she knew that not a day would pass when she wouldn’t show him how much she loved him.

  Afterward, their gathering of friends and family indulged in the feast Dottie had whipped up for the occasion. Jenna took a break from the festivities to feed Liam. When she returned, she stood near the window, swaying with Liam as he dozed with his belly full. Their small wedding celebration was still going strong, laughter and happiness infused their home. Carter joined her near the window. Her husband slid his arms around them and swayed with the music.

  “I can’t believe you put this all together so quickly. Tonight was perfect. Thank you,” she said and brushed her lips over his.

  “Anything for you, and it’s only the start.” Then a strange look crossed Carter’s face. It was then that she heard it, above the sound of the music playing.

  “What’s that noise?” she asked, glancing around as it increased in volume and tempo.

  Carter’s handsome face broke into a grin and he said, “Rain. The drought is over.” Then he raised a dark brow and asked, “So, Mrs. Jones, could I convince you to leave the reception for our own private celebration?”

  “I’m all yours,” she replied. In every way that mattered.

  Hand in hand, they left the great room, with a thumbs up from Spencer, who would see to everyone else. They took Liam and set their sleeping son in his crib before they hastened across the hall to their bedroom. When the door closed behind them and it was just the two of them, Carter swept her up into his arms, carrying her to their bed.

  “No regrets?” he asked as he laid her down.

  “None as long as you love me,” she replied.

  “Always,” he promised.

  And then she surrendered herself into his arms, knowing she’d finally found her way home.

  * * *

  ~The End~

  His Wicked Love

  Cuffs & Spurs Book Two

  Read on for an exclusive sneak peek of His Wicked Love, Cuffs & Spurs Book 2, available May 2018…

  Late September

  Well, if those numbers didn’t just chafe his ass.

  Mason checked and re-checked the account ledgers. He’d been over them more times than any sane person would, but he wanted—needed—to be certain they were correct. The loss they’d sustained three months ago had been substantial. With what was left, they’d be lucky if the Black Elkhorn Lodge and Resort didn’t shut its doors by Christmas.

  “Are you sure about the numbers?” Cole asked.

  Mason glanced across the expanse of his mahogany wooden desk at his brother. There were lines of tension in his shoulders and tanned features that were so much like their dad’s, including the dark chocolate shade of his hair that he wore past his shoulders and his brown eyes nearly the color of soot. Whereas Mason took more after their mom, with his lighter shade of brown hair and eye color—in a manly way, of course.

  His gut twisted. Despair and dread seized him.

  Mason detested himself for their current plight: the lodge nearly bankrupt. And it was all his fault.

  Before all this, Mason had prided himself on reading other people. He’d been cocky about it. As a Dom, he’d considered his ability to size up a person to be top notch. But their last chef had proven him wrong. His arrogance had cost them. Mason hadn’t seen the fraud and deceit behind the chef’s apron before the no-good piece of trash had embezzled nearly every penny the lodge had.

  He could still remember when he’d discovered the theft. The disbelief, the anger. His normal fun-loving personality had vanished overnight. The lodge, the dream their parents had conceptualized and that he and Cole had actualized, had tail-spun out of control. They had gone from having excess capital with savings to spare, to barely limping along and teetering on the brink of collapse.

  In the last three months, they’d had to liquidate their investment portfolio just to keep their noses above water. But the costs of running the lodge were considerable. It took capital to make this place run.

�m sure. We are well and truly fucked. If we make it until Christmas and are able to pack guests in, maybe we can string things along enough to begin rebuilding,” Mason replied. But word had spread about their legal woes no matter how much damage control they’d tried to do. Without a functioning restaurant on the property, the Black Elkhorn Lodge and Resort had received cancellations in droves. The once prosperous getaway hemorrhaged funds daily.

  “Well, with the restaurant currently closed, we’re losing a stream of revenue right there,” Cole said, telling Mason something he already knew. Still, he was glad they were both on the same page.

  Frustrated, he slammed the account ledgers shut and irritably ran a hand over his face. The irritation was all self-directed. Mason couldn’t remember the last time he’d genuinely smiled. In the three months since the bottom had been yanked out of their business and a person he’d trusted had robbed them blind, there hadn’t been much reason to smile. When he observed himself in the mirror every morning, he no longer recognized the person in it. The haggard expression and grim line of his mouth. The permanent scowl and self-loathing.

  Life, for Mason, had once been a bountiful banquet, and he’d never given it deeper thought than the fun to be had. Now, it was a steaming pile of horse manure. He replied, “I realize that. While you were leading the fishing expedition trip this past week, I contacted Le Cordon Bleu on the west coast for a recommendation. We need a chef running the restaurant if we have any hope of staving off further losses. I figured we need all the help we can get at this point. Not to mention, it could be a potential draw in our advertising to have a fully trained chef from such a reputable institution. As much as we adore her, Tibby can’t handle the load or full responsibility. Not that she’s not capable, but she balances her time here with her daughter’s needs. I can’t make a single mom give me more time than she’s able. Our new chef should arrive today.”


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