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Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

Page 8

by Nikita Parmenter

  "So, what did you do?" Jensen grins widely shooting a look to Rafe who signs "nice try" at me. I stick my tongue out at him in retribution and his eyes heat, fuck me please.

  I mean, no bad idea.

  "Well it wasn’t my finest moment, but I told her I slept with her boyfriend" I smirk shrugging, Rylie busts out laughing along with Jensen and Trick. The other guys all smirking, though there’s a matching emotion hidden in their eyes that I can't quite get a read on. “I didn’t, I wouldn’t of touched anything that had been near her with a fucking hazmat suit on, seriously she was nasty” I shudder, and the table roars with laughter, something like relief filling the guys eyes, which is confusing.

  "Safe to say she didn't appreciate it when I told her in the middle of the cafeteria just after the head teacher walked in, she got in trouble with the police for stabbing me and expelled for having a knife on school premises and of course I pressed charges for the stabbing" I grin.

  "That's diabolical" Trick says a proud glint in his eye.

  "Hang on, did you know she was going to stab you?" Luc asks eyebrow raised.

  "It was a strong possibility, everyone at that school carried a weapon. I made sure she would get somewhere that wouldn't require a trip to the hospital, I would've caught all kinds of hell from my father if that happened. School nurse stitched me up."

  "That's fucking crazy" Riot says shaking his head.

  "Well it dealt with a problem in a way that had the most favourable outcome" I say defensively. I don't expect them to understand, not completely, we are from two completely different worlds.

  "But you got stabbed!" Cash says his voice rising but not enough to attract the kids at the other tables.

  "Yes" I say slowly. What's the big deal? "It wasn't the first time and I doubt it'll be the last. It sure as fuck wasn't the worst."

  My hand drifts to just under my ribs and itches the imaginary scratch there, that wound was by far my most painful, the ones that came after weren’t exactly fucking pleasant either, I drag myself away from the memory.

  Suddenly Rafe pushes back from the table, causing his chair to make that horrible screeching noise and most of the cafeteria to turn in his direction. Before even being asked Trick moves from beside me, letting Rafe sit down on the bench seat. Why one side of the table has a bench and the other chairs, I don’t know, not sure why I’m thinking about that right now. Rafe is sat with his back leaning against the table and facing away from the others. Before I can protest, not that I would've, let’s be honest, Rafe plucks me off the bench next to him like I weigh nothing and places me in his lap so I'm straddling him and facing the rest of the table. They all stare, slightly wide eyed at whatever the hell this is, apart from Riot who just shoots his friend a knowing look and smirks.

  I wrap my arms around Rafe’s neck and he promptly buries his head in the side of my neck his breathing harsh. As he does this there's a collective inhale from the surrounding cafeteria and I realise everyone is looking at us wide eyed and even with some jaws dropped.

  "What the fuck are you all looking at!" I snarl causing the guys to chuckle quietly as everyone turns away and resumes their conversations although a few glances are still thrown our way.

  I glare at every single one of them. I may not know what the fuck is going on right now, but I am pretty damn sure Rafe doesn't want everyone staring. I glance over his shoulder at the rest of the table and raise my eyebrow, silently asking for help or clues as to what the fuck this is but they just carrying eating and shrug at me, real fucking helpful guys.

  "Hey Big Guy, you ok?" I ask quietly.

  He lifts his head from my neck and leans back a bit so he can see me. He gently places both of his giant hands on either side of my face. The table instantly quiets again, but thankfully the cafeteria isn't focused on us this time. I stare into his beautiful dark blue eyes, noting the pain and worry there as well as determination and something else that I once again can't name. My people skills are so freaking rusty, is there some sort of crash course I can take, so I’m not stuck making inappropriate comments or not knowing what emotions are being directed my way?


  Fucking fantastic.

  "Never, again" Rafe vows, his gravelly voice caresses my senses as he rests his head against mine and I don't even pretend not shiver.

  "Ok Big Guy, never again" I say my voice unintentionally husky, a side effect from his hot as fuck voice.

  Who knew a voice could turn me on so damn much? Mind you we’ve already established I’m pretty abnormal, so it shouldn’t really surprise me. He lets out a breath and hugs me close again, leaning forward I can't resist the urge to whisper in his ear.

  "That's a dangerous voice you've got there, Big Guy."

  A growl vibrates his chest and I desperately resist the urge to grind my hips against his.

  I'm suddenly aware of where we are and I move to get off of Rafe, he grips my hips tighter and I lean back to get a good look at him. He shakes his head once and when I look at him confused, he sighs heavily and jerks my hips forward, allowing me to feel his hard length pushing against his jeans. I gasp at the sensation of him between my legs, what I wouldn’t do for us to be wearing less clothing right now, damn I need to get a freaking grip. I swear I’m not normally this fucking horny.

  "Can't move for a bit huh Big Guy?" I say smirking, trying not to acknowledge the truth of his nickname, the guy is big freaking everywhere. Do not, fucking move your hips again Everleigh, I warn myself.

  The rest of the table look at me quizzically before suddenly getting it and all bursting out in raucous laughter. Rafe groans into my neck again. Then, with no warning, I'm on the move again, with seemingly no effort and without actually getting up off of the bench, he spins us round so now he's facing the table and I'm facing the rest of the cafeteria. I glance over my shoulder as he signs to the rest of the guys.

  "You try having her sit like this on your lap and not have the same fucking reaction, assholes" he signs.

  This sets everyone including me off laughing, again.

  "I don't think you mind too much dude" Riot grins nudging his shoulder.

  "I wouldn't" Luc shrugs and the other guys all make sounds of agreement.

  "Challenge accepted" Jensen grins and shoot a wink my way, making me giggle.

  I shoot Rylie a wide-eyed look, what the hell is that supposed to mean? She just responds by shrugging her shoulders and tucking back into her lunch. Well thanks for the insight Rylie, it was really freaking informative. I realise we don't have much time left before the bell rings, so I tap Rafe’s hands to let me move. He tightens his grip on me.

  "Not getting up Big Guy, I just need to turn round, I'm still hungry."

  He let's go and I turn around sitting back down on his lap. His arms immediately go back around me, and I tense slightly when I feel another hand on my leg. I glance down to find Riot’s hand, palm up and automatically reach down to hold it. He squeezes it tightly and I turn slightly to study him whilst everyone else continues talking or eating. There’s a tightness around his eyes that wasn't there before, and his hand is holding mine in a death grip, like he’s scared to let go. It suddenly occurs to me that he's just as worried as Rafe but managing to hide it better.

  I squeeze his hand so he looks at me.

  "I'm ok now, Riot" I say softly, "I'm here with you guys" I stroke my thumb along his hand, and he smiles softly at me before going back to eating his lunch. Rafe’s arms squeeze me once having heard what I said despite his conversation with Trick.

  Riot’s death grip hasn't loosened but the tightness around his eyes has eased so I take that as a win. The bell rings and I stuff the few remaining bites in my mouth ignoring the chuckles from around the table. I jump up, feeling resistance as if Rafe doesn't want to let me go and having to shoot Riot a look so he lets my hand go. Standing up and stretching, I glance over at Rylie who has the dopiest grin on her face. I raise my eyebrows in question, but she grins wider not giving me any hint
as to what she was thinking about.


  "So, oh great and wondrous keeper of my schedule, what's my next lesson?" I ask her.

  "You're such a dork" she chuckles, hooking her arm through mine. "Maths and then gym."

  "Fuck yeah, I am babe" I grin, “and not too bad then, although maths hates me, and gym could be better so actually it’s not great either.” I admit as we walk down the hall making her laugh.

  A quick glance over my shoulder shows the guys following behind us, playing a game of rock, paper, scissors for some unfathomable reason.

  Cash comes up on the side not occupied by Rylie and threads his fingers through mine. I glance up at him a raise my eyebrow.

  "Riot got to hold your hand and Rafe got to have you sitting on his lap all lunch, I missed you so fucking much when you were gone, I want my Ever time too."

  My heart jumps in my chest as I take in his gorgeous hazel eyes.

  Always so damn sweet.

  These guys are making it really fucking hard not to see them as more than friends but that's all they are and I know that to them all of these little things they've started doing, are nothing more than signs of friendship, besides I like every single one of them, I'd never chose. So, no I am not going to open that can of worms ever.


  My brain tries to remind me that Rafe’s reaction to me was not ‘just friend’ like but I push it away focusing back on the guys.

  "Hang on a minute, did you all just play rock, paper, scissors to see who would get to hold my hand?" I ask incredulously on the verge of laughter; Rylie having already cracked up.

  "Pretty much, we all missed you Ever" Luc grins shooting a look at Jensen they both dart forward and lick my cheeks, one on each side.

  "Ew, guys gross!" I say giggling and trying to wipe my face. It doesn't escape my notice that I automatically let go of Rylie’s arm and didn't even consider letting go of Cash's hand to wipe my face.

  Fuck, friends only is going to be fucking difficult, when even my subconscious is plotting against me.

  As I go to move into the classroom, they all stand in a semi-circle in front of me.


  As one they each tap their cheeks just like Rafe did this morning. I roll my eyes as Rylie bursts out laughing again.

  "Oh my god, you guys are so far gone" she shakes her head as she goes around them and into class.

  Selena’s bitch squad is off to the side watching like hawks and the hallway is considerably more populated than it should be this close to the second bell. I roll my eyes and kiss them each on the cheek. Ignoring the muttering that immediately starts and the heat of the glare from Selena as I kiss Trick’s cheek.

  Once they've all gotten their kiss, they step to the side and allow me through. I roll my eyes so hard at their antics but can't help the smile that crosses my lips.

  "See you after class Everleigh!" Jensen says, waving so enthusiastically his arm goes all floppy and he ends up using his entire arm to wave, looking like he’s trying to take off or some shit. Luc smacks him on the back of the head and I mouth dork at him, which he responds to by clutching his chest dramatically as if I've wounded him.

  Riot grumbles as he grabs Jensen in a headlock and drags him away all the while Jensen is still waving. I chuckle and turn around going into class. Everyone’s eyes are on me as I enter and I just shrug, flip them the bird and take my seat next to Rylie.


  "Slut" someone came coughs.

  I roll my eyes and carry on getting my stuff out of my bag, ignoring the idiot. I do fairly well in most subjects, but maths and I have a love, hate relationship. I hate it, it loves to torture me. Which means I have to actually concentrate if I want to pass this class. So, for the next hour I concentrate and ignore all the ridiculous names thrown my way. Their words mean nothing to me, but I am aware that the guys are very popular. They seem to run this school, there’s a respect and even fear in some kids when the guys are around. There is definitely more going on here than I first assumed. Because of their status at this school, it means there are going to be quite a few angry and jealous girls that are angry at me just because I’m hanging out with the guys and they’re paying attention to me. Ridiculous, but sadly true which is made obvious by Selena and her little crew.

  In my experience girls can be pretty damn sadistic so I need to make sure I stay on guard around them.

  It would be useless to explain to everyone that me and the guys are just friends and that they don't feel that way away about me. Not only would that expose how deep my feelings are for them and open me up to ridicule, but it would hurt me to admit out loud that they don't and won't ever feel the same. I know they don’t, but I can't quite voice it out loud. That and it's no one’s fucking business.

  The bell finally rings, and my brain feels like mush, man I hate math. I try really hard to understand it, but I just can't seem to absorb it. Packing my bag up, I notice a small slip of paper folded in the bottom, I pull it out, curious and keep it in my hand as pack the rest of my things away.

  "Everrrrrrr" Jensen call from the doorway a distinctive whine in his voice.

  "Yes?" I say rolling my eyes and walking towards him.

  He grabs me in a tight a hug and pulls me close, "I missed you, Dragonfly" he says softly, and I get the feeling he doesn't just mean since seeing me before class.

  "I missed you too" I give him a quick kiss on his stubbled cheek. Man, I have got to stop doing that, it's like the sweetest torture, so close yet so far.

  "Hey, what's that?" Riot asks as he and Trick approach, pointing towards my hand.

  "I don’t know, I found it in the bottom of my bag when I packed up" I shrug opening it up.

  "My beautiful flower, I could treat you far better than them, they don’t deserve you. We will be together soon" Trick reads over my shoulder, making Riot and Jensen tense.

  "Well that's fucking creepy" I shudder, chuckling, "come on, fucking gym next" I groan crumpling up the paper and stuffing it in the bottom of my bag, I’ll find a trash can later and get rid of the creepy ass note.

  “Rafe said that you wanted to find a race?" Trick starts casually as we walk to gym.

  Shit, I forgot with everything that happened at lunch that he was feeling testy about something, it must've been the stupid bike race.

  "I don't know what you’re talking about" I say, feigning innocence.

  "Ever" Cash warns.

  "Fine, it's my escape, racing helps me get rid of tension and get out of my head for a while" I explain, hoping they understand.

  "I get that" Riot grunts.

  I remember the way he looked at me at lunch and what he told me, if I'm being honest with myself those words have been rolling on repeat through my mind since he said them. They're the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me and yet I'm very much aware he most likely didn’t mean them that way. If anyone is going to understand, it will be him. Rafe grips Riot's shoulder and I can't help but wonder what happened to Riot to put those demons in his eyes. I hope one day, if I'm still around, he feels comfortable enough to share his story with me.

  "We get that. It's just all of those sorts of things are connected, even states away" Trick says, surprising me with his knowledge on the subject.

  "All it would take is one person to recognize you or your style of riding and it could potentially bring a lot of problems for you" Luc warns, "and from what Rafe said about Rylie’s reaction when you mentioned the name you ride under, the chances of you being recognised would be fairly high." He reasons.

  "We don't know the whole reason behind why you are here, but we do know that you have to attend the trial of some of the men that worked with your dad" Jensen adds.

  "If the police didn't get all of his associates, I can only imagine it wouldn't be good for you" Cash points out.

  "They have a point, girl" Rylie agrees, glaring at a group of girls who are standing just a bit too close in the corridor, most like
ly trying to get one of the guys attention and get "dirt" on the new girl.

  You know, the usual high school bullshit.

  "I know, it's just a sucky point" I say deflating. I needed that escape, maybe not for the reasons I needed it a week ago but more because I have very confusing feelings for all of these guys. I need to escape them for a bit so I can look at them with fresh eyes and push the feelings away before they cause issues, and they will cause issues, I'm not stupid.

  "We've got a few motocross bikes that we take down the woods sometimes, we could all go and do that?" Rafe signs and I instantly perk up.

  "I haven't been motocross riding for ages, that'd be awesome!" I say grinning.

  "You got a suitable bike for riding the trails, Rylie?" Jensen says, "if not don't worry we can all take it in turns on our ones. We only have one spare since Atlas didn’t take his when he left" he shrugs.

  Atlas? That’s the guy that Rylie mentioned, the one that used to be like a brother to them, I think.

  "Thanks, but I've got one" she grins and the walls around my heart crack a little more for these guys, I love that they included her.

  "We should be able to go after school so long as we aren't out too late, I'll text mom and check" Trick says pulling out his phone.

  I didn't even think about checking to see if it was alright, I'm so used to just doing my thing without having to ask for anybody's permission, that it's going to take a while to get used to having to do it.

  "She says it's fine, her and dad are working late tonight anyway so she’s left money for pizza for all of us."

  The guys all holler in excitement and I almost roll my eyes at their exuberance. Then it occurs to me that actually, I'm most likely more excited than them. It's been far too long since I had pizza, I'm just less vocal about it, I chuckle quietly. The final bell goes and we all hustle to class, unfortunately that means gym. Me and Rylie are late enough that we still manage to grab a cubicle to change in since everyone has already finished changing. I throw on my gym kit as fast as possible and throw my hair up into a messy bun, chucking my stuff into a locker and double checking it’s locked properly, as I wait for Rylie to finish changing. We make our way into the gym, making it there just in time although the teacher still gives us the stink eye. The guys immediately come over and stand next to us and I ignore the warm feeling it gives me.


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