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Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

Page 43

by Nikita Parmenter

  My guys all tense.

  “Leave it, it’s not worth it, the people that matter don’t think that about me and that’s all I care about.” I practically plead, the shine of my first dance is starting to wear off now. I’m hoping the guys won’t mind if we leave early.

  Riot and Rafe step closer effectively blocking out the judgemental assholes surrounding us. Dancing with them both is a delicious mistake, the tension between all of us is so intense I’m sure the surrounding people can feel it. Riot’s face buries into my neck from behind as his hands reach forward and grab hold of Rafe pulling him closer to me, one of his hands stays on Rafe as we move to the beat the other landing back on my waist. Rafe grins the biggest grin and adopts the same position but on the other side and without burying his face in my neck. Murmurs start up around us again as people notice where their hands are. I shoot death glares at anyone who stares judgementally, fuck you all, love is love how is that fucking hard to understand for some dickheads?

  “Got to say, I’m loving being a part of a Rafe and Riot sandwich” I grin up at them trying to relieve some of a completely different kind of tension due to the dickheads surrounding us.

  Their eyes snap down to me in shock.

  “What? I’m not even going to pretend I haven’t thought about being between you both sans clothes” I shrug and smirk at them. Apparently my tongue is very fucking loose this evening, it’s got to be the excitement.

  “Fuck, Ever” Rafe groans with desire.

  “That was what happened in my fantasy, yes,” I grin as I dance away from their grasping hands chuckling.

  “She’s going to be the death of us” Riot chuckles behind me both of them hot on my heels.

  I glance over my shoulder to see them sharing a heated look, a bolt of desire zings down spine.

  Holy hot damn.

  I turn around and carry on making my way towards the other guys, but something catches my eye and I turn back to see Rafe and Riot being intercepted by a group of girls.

  What the fuck.

  Everyone just saw them dancing with me, it’s obvious that they are here with me especially since they didn’t make it a secret that they were all going with me in the first place. What the fuck are these girls playing at? I spin on my heel fully fed up of this shit and ready to put an end to it. I just want to get out of here now, I’ve danced with all my guys that’s all I really wanted to do.

  “I warned you to stay away from them Ever, now you’re going to pay” Selena growls, appearing out of nowhere and shoulder checking me as she goes past.

  What the fuck was that about? I have a bad feeling churning in my gut, fuck she’s up to something.

  Refocusing on the guys, I see that there’s no longer any need to rescue them from the group of vulture like girls, as they walk up to me.

  “What did Selena want?” Rafe signs.

  “Fuck knows, she’s up to something though” I say.

  “We’ve got your back Sunshine, no matter what” Riot says sincerely as we walk up to the rest of guys.

  “Hey Sweetheart, you ok?” Trick asks tucking me into his side as soon as I get there.

  “Yeah, Selena’s just stirring shit. I don’t know about you guys but I’m ready to get the fuck out of here, I could kill for one of those burgers from that diner, Mary Sues.”

  “Good plan, Firecracker” Luc agrees.

  “Yeah let’s get the fuck out of here” Cash adds.

  “Now” Rafe actually says out loud which just shows how freaking done with this he really is.

  I glance around trying to find Rylie to tell her we’re leaving. Her and Darcy disappeared as soon as we arrived, and I have only caught glimpses of them since then. Not spotting them, I shoot off a quick text as I watch a different brunette from earlier in the night start to approach, for fucks sake seriously! I’m stood right fucking here. My phone vibrates in my hand.

  Rylie: We’re going to stay here for a bit longer, we’ve got a lift home anyway, have fun.

  I glance down at Rylie’s reply before locking my phone and handing it back to Cash to keep in his suit jacket. Unfortunately, there are no pockets on my dress and no bra means no boob pockets either.

  The dark-haired girl in a baby pink dress arrives just as I hand my phone off to Cash and Riot pulls me in front of him, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on the top of my head. I have a feeling he’s using me as a shield right now and I chuckle quietly.

  “I swear to god Tiffany if you’re about to ask me to dance again, when I’ve repeatedly told you I’m here with Ever and she’s in my arms right this fucking second I’m going to seriously lose my shit” Riot growls.

  This must be the girl Trick mentioned earlier that has been approaching him literally all fucking evening. At the end of Riot’s speech her eyes flash with fear and she quickly turns on her heel and hightails it out of here.

  “Yep, I am so fucking done” Riot sighs heavily.

  “Do you want to get changed before we go to the diner?” Jensen asks his eyes landing on me and Luc smacks him on the back of the head. “Ouch what the fuck was that for dude?” Jensen asks glaring at Luc, as the guys snicker.

  “You seriously want her to change out of that already?” Cash asks incredulously.

  “Good point” his eyes slowly run over me leaving searing heat in their wake, “I want to soak up the stunning view as much as possible.”

  I feel heat rise to my cheeks, “that’s good because I probably won’t get to wear it again after tonight, so I’m wearing it for as long as possible. I’d probably sleep in it if I didn’t think it would end up being super uncomfortable” I grin.

  “Thank fuck for that, come on then Angel, let’s go” Jensen says pulling me out of Riot’s arms.

  Suddenly the lights go out and Selena’s voice comes over the microphone.

  “Fellow students we have a liar amongst our midst, and she has sadly tricked our favourite guys, tonight I will show you exactly who she is and how much she doesn’t belong.”

  “So close, for fuck sake what now” I growl.

  The projector lights up and I stare in shock at a picture of my bare back, I’m in the changing rooms at school which explains that weird click I heard when I was changing earlier. You can’t see anything important, but you can see all the scars on my back.

  Son of a bitch.

  Tension radiates from the guys around me.

  “I thought I would save you the embarrassment of being with someone so damaged. She’s obviously an attention seeking whore who did this to herself to get attention” Selena simpers, looking really fucking pleased with herself.

  There is so much fucking wrong with what she just said but the main thing being how the fuck would I have given myself those fucking scars, they’re on my back for fuck sake. I may be flexible but I’m not a fucking contortionist. I will not let Selena see just how much it’s affected me having my scars exposed like that. I feel violated. I shove the feelings aside as soon as I feel moisture pool in my eyes and plaster a blank look on my face.

  “That explains why she turned me down. Don’t worry Ever, I don’t mind damaged goods” some dickhead calls over to me grabbing his junk.

  Before I can do anything, Jensen’s on him in a second, violence completely obscuring the mischievous side of him. He lands one punch and the guy goes down like a sack of potatoes, knocked out cold on the floor. Riot hands me off to Cash who wraps his arms around me tightly as Rafe and Riot sprint towards Jensen holding him back as he tries to advance on the guy on the floor. Trick suddenly darts past me and up to the computer showing the image.

  “This your laptop Selena?” he asks far too casually.

  “Yes” she grins still proud of herself and utterly delusional to boot, despite the fact the guys are all glaring at her and Jensen just knocked a fucker out.


  A cold and calculating look drops across his features as he deletes the picture, opening up the cloud storage whic
h she’s still logged into and deleting everything on it. He then snaps the laptop in half dropping each piece on the floor and then stomping on them for good measure.

  Selena starts screeching like a banshee, a quick look around shows all the pitying and disgusted looks being thrown my way and emotions start to clog my throat again. I hate people pitying me. Trick glances over to me whatever he sees on my face has him striding over to me in a second. He gently places his hands on my face.

  “Do not let this stupid bitch get to you, she is nothing and means nothing to any of us” Trick growls fiercely, we have the attention of the entire dance still, but he doesn’t care.

  “Excuse me!?” Selena screeches.

  “Shut the fuck up” Jensen growls harshly, his eyes flashing with that feral violence that I love.

  Selena immediately shuts her mouth as she glares at me with so much hate that I should be burnt to a crisp right now from the heat of it. My guys all fan out behind me and Trick.

  “Sweetheart, you are so fucking beautiful and strong” he continues.

  Cash steps up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “You are most definitely not damaged, il mio cuore” he says firmly.

  Trick must still be able to see the insecurities in my eyes because he shares a loaded look with the guys as if asking permission to do something. Before I can work it out, his lips land on mine in a passionate kiss, gasps go up around the room and I realise that although Trick kissed me when he asked me to the dance, it was a lot tamer than this and since then only Jensen has kissed me properly at school. All thoughts fly from my mind as Trick deepens the kiss, tugging my body closer to his as Cash’s hands grip my waist tightly once before he takes a step back. My hands grab fistfuls of Trick’s shirt, feeling his heart beat like a drum underneath them. He slowly pulls back and glances down at me.

  “Beautiful” Trick says quietly.

  “Isn’t she with Jensen?” I hear someone mutter.

  “What a bitch kissing Trick whilst Jensen is stood right fucking there.”

  “That’s fucking low.”

  “I’m getting really fed up with this fucking shit” Jensen growls.

  Trick takes a small step back but doesn’t move his hands from my waist, he grins as Jensen gently grasps my chin and turns my face towards him, his lips caressing mine in a searing kiss. He pulls back and kisses the end of my nose, before sharing a look with Trick and chuckling.

  “What the fuck, what a slut” someone says loud enough for us to hear.

  The guys tense and Rafe growls threateningly, making everyone take a step backwards away from us.

  “You go girl, lucky bitch” Rylie yells from somewhere in the crowd. It effectively breaks up the tension, as mutters and similar sentiments are voiced.

  I can’t help but chuckle at her.

  “Come on Sunshine, let’s get the fuck out of here” Riot says grabbing my hand and pulling me away from Jensen and Trick who both growl playfully.

  Rafe comes up on my other side and wraps his arm around my shoulders, as one we walk back out of the doors to the gym. As soon as we are out in the parking lot, we all pile back into the limo and I lean back in the plush leather seat with a groan.

  “What a fucking night” I mutter.

  “Sooo, Firecracker” Luc asks, smirking cheekily at me. “How was your first dance?”

  I can’t help but chuckle at him. “Well up until Selena started shit, it was fucking awesome. I got to dance with all of my guys” I grin happily, my eyes closed, if I wasn’t so fucking hungry I definitely would be crashing right now.

  I realise that the inside of the limo has suddenly gotten noticeably quiet and I peak open an eye to see the guys all sharing another secret look and grinning widely at each other.

  “What’s with the look?” I ask suspiciously, as I eye them.

  “What look?” Jensen asks innocently.

  “Dude don’t even try that shit with me. You are pretty much the exact opposite of fucking innocent” I chuckle.

  Jensen pretends to be offended for a second before he’s unable to hold the expression and cracks up laughing.

  “Ok fair point” he agrees but still doesn’t explain the look they just shared.

  I raise my eyebrow at him.

  “I don’t think you’re going to get away with that dude” Luc chuckles.

  “We’ll tell you later Dragonfly” Trick smirks.

  I open my mouth to argue but the partition between the back of the limo and the driver opens up interrupting me.

  “Sir, it seems we have a tail” the driver says, his eyes landing on Cash in the rear-view mirror.

  “Take the long route and try to lose it, take note of the description of the car too please Michael.”

  “Yes sir” he says as he puts the partition back up.

  The car starts to accelerate just a bit faster than it was originally going. I know it’s a slightly serious situation but it’s probably just some kids from the dance curious about what we’re up to, so I can’t help but turn to Cash.

  “Sir?” I ask raising my eyebrow.

  His eyes darken with heat. He likes me calling him sir, I file that information away for later. Trick and Cash’s interests seem to follow along the same lines and suddenly my fantasies involving just Trick have Cash in them as well. I wonder how well they’d share? Whether they’d work together to dominate?

  “Yes, he works for my parents.” He says his voice betraying his desire.

  “So, do all your parents staff call you sir?” I ask innocently.

  He nods once eyeing me, curiously. Trick chuckles quietly next to me already having guessed what I’m up to. I lean forward in my seat, closer to where Cash is sat opposite me and giving him a great view of my cleavage, his eyes dip as he smirks appreciatively.

  “Do you like them calling you Sir as much as you to like me doing it” I bite my lip and look up at him through my eyelashes, “Sir” I say huskily.

  “Fuck” someone else curses.

  My attention is completely on Cash though, as his eyes blaze with desire and he grabs me, pulling me onto his lap with a growl. My dress hikes right up and I’m showing all kinds of thigh right now, I don’t think the guys mind though. They start up a conversation in an effort to give us a sense of privacy, although I can still feel their eyes on us every now and then. The sudden move from one side of the limo to the other, causes a laugh to bubble out of me and Cash grins before tugging me closer and placing his lips at my ear.

  “Say it again Everleigh.” He growls quietly sending a shiver down my spine.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He groans as he pulls my hips closer his hardening length hitting me in just the right spot.

  “We’re here guys” Luc grins as he opens the door.

  “For fuck sake” Cash grumbles before he smirks and his lips land on mine in a kiss that has me grinding against him with need, holy fuck that’s hot. He pulls back, chuckling. “Come on Il mio cuore lets get you fed.”

  I sigh heavily in disappoint whilst I try to catch my breath after that toe curling kiss. We always seems to get interrupted and I know I have the whole no sex rule but damn it. Cash chuckles at me as we step out of the limo and walk into the diner.

  “I’m guessing we lost the tail?” I question as we take a seat in the same booth as we did last time.

  “Yeah we lost them fairly quickly” Luc grins.

  We’re getting quite a few looks sat here in all our formal wear, but none are nasty so I’m just going to ignore it and enjoy the time spent with my boys.

  “What will you be having, dears?” and older waitress asks as she approaches with her pad in her hand.

  “The usual please, Tracy” Trick orders before turning to me.

  “Bacon double cheeseburger with extra fries, a chocolate milkshake and a coke please” I ask her, it was so good last time.

  “Sure, thing hon. I hope you don’t mind me saying but your dress is stunning” she compliments.

  “Thank you” I return her smile.

  “I love how much you eat, Sunshine” Riot chuckles once the waitress has walked off.

  I grin unashamed.

  “Thank fuck school is done for a while” Rafe signs.

  “That last week was an absolute cluster fuck” I agree.

  “Only four days until the trip too” Jensen grins excitedly, practically bouncing in his seat.

  “Did you ever hear back from him?” I ask subtly, hoping they get who I’m trying to ask about. Guys and subtlety don’t always mix.

  “Nope but he’ll be there trust me” Trick grins, as the waitress brings our drinks and places them on the table in front of us.

  I wait until she’s gone again before asking, “how can you be so sure?”

  “He’ll be too curious about you” Riot chuckles.

  “You’ve said that before but why?” I frown.

  “You’re joking right?” Luc chuckles before continuing without waiting for a response from me. “We spoke about you all the fucking time.”

  “Before he left, he used to say he felt like he knew you, just because of how often we spoke about you” Cash carries on explaining. “He was actually going to help us find you, but he left before we got very far with it.”

  “Wow” I say simply.

  They were going to come for me? That’s too fucking much for me to handle right now. I can’t wait to meet Atlas even more now though. My heart soars, I can’t believe they were going to come for me.

  They all just give me this soft sort of smile that has a wealth of emotion behind it and my poor little damaged heart can’t cope so I ask another question.

  “Do you guys still want to open the presents to each other up there instead of on Christmas day?” I ask placing the straw of my milkshake between my lips and sucking, I have several of the guys undivided attention as their gaze’s dip to my lips and I smirk.

  When my question registers though they all share another one of those secret fucking looks.

  “Yeah, Angel” Jensen finally answers for all of them.

  “Ok, I’m getting really fed up with those looks you all keep sharing” I grumble, and they just chuckle at me. “That was not an answer” I mutter making them laugh harder.


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