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Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

Page 44

by Nikita Parmenter

  “Are you ok Sweetheart, after what happened at the dance?” Trick asks, concerned and all eyes turn to me.

  “Yeah, I guess, I feel kind of exposed you know?” I mutter. “My scars are like a literal map of all of the shit I’ve been through in my life, and now everyone’s seen them.”

  “I can understand that, Sunshine” Riot says, reaching across the table and grabbing my hand.

  “Thank fuck we’ve got the next couple of weeks off. Hopefully everyone will have forgotten by then and moved onto to something else.”

  “Definitely Angel, some other drama will have happened and you’ll be old news” Jensen tries to reassure me, and I grin at him.

  The waitress reappears and sets down everyone’s food in front of them, my stomach lets out a loud growl as she places my burger down in front of me. I shrug as the guys turn to me smirking.

  “What? I’m hungry” I say as an explanation.

  “Can I get you guys anything else?” Tracey asks as she place the last plate down in front of Luc.

  “No thank you” he answers for the table.

  Once she’s gone there’s a lull in the conversation as everyone digs into their food before Trick goes back to our previous conversation.

  “Jensen is right, they probably are going to forget all about that stunt Selena pulled but they might not forget that both me and Jensen kissed you Sweetheart. We probably need to talk about that” Trick says softly.

  I freeze as panic jump starts my fight or flight system, it wasn’t supposed to happen like this. I’m not ready, I’m supposed to talk to them after we’ve been to the cabin this is all wrong, Fuck.

  “Yeah of course, I just need to go to the bathroom though” I say beyond pleased that my voice stays even. As I get up quickly and move out of our booth, Rafe’s eyes narrow on me, like he can tell I’m internally freaking the fuck out. He always was ridiculously fucking intuitive.

  I quickly make my way through the diner and towards the back where the corridor for the bathrooms are. My mind is racing with how I can either delay this or freaking grow a pair of lady balls and just be fucking honest with them. I like them all a lot and I couldn’t chose just one.

  How hard is that to tell them?

  The answer? Extremely fucking hard when one of the possible outcomes of me telling them, is that I lose them all for the second time in my life. There wouldn’t be any coming back from that.

  As I go to push the door to the bathroom open I’m suddenly shoved against the wall by the door hard and I let out a surprised yell which is quickly muffled by Jeremy shoving his hand tightly over my mouth. I start to struggle but he uses his other hand to punch me in the stomach making me lose my breath, he takes his other hand off of my mouth, that hit in the stomach means that I can’t get enough fucking air in me to yell. He slaps me hard splitting my lip in the process as pain explodes in the side of my face.

  “Now look what you made me do. My Ever-Rose” He says like he’s a disappointed parent.

  It’s creepy as fuck.

  “Not fucking yours, you freak” I snarl, finally getting my breath back although it’s coming in short gasps and there’s no fucking volume to it.

  Despite that he still slaps his hand over my mouth again. I wince as his hand connects with my newly split, I don’t think it’s that bad but it still hurts, most of his hit was taken by the side of my face.

  Fuck, come on guys, where are you?

  I swing my foot out to try to kick him, at this point I’ll take where ever I can fucking hit but before I can even make contact he successfully traps my legs, pushing his entire body along the length of mine. The feel of him pressed against me causes panic to rise, I hate it. I hate the feel of him. It makes my stomach churn.

  “Now that wasn’t very nice Ever-Rose” he chastises me. “You’ll see. I just need to get you away from them then you’ll see that we belong together forever, don’t worry about a thing my Ever-Rose they won’t ever be able to find you where I’m taking you” he promises.

  The deranged light in his eyes has the panic settling deep in my bones, tears start to leak from the corners of my eyes as the seriousness of the situation starts to set in. There is an excessively big possibility that I am not making it out of this. I refuse to go down without at least trying to fight back. There’s not enough room for me to be able to fight back like I’d normally be able to because of the way he’s blocked me in and because my movement is limited in this fucking dress, but because he has one hand over my mouth he is only holding on to one of my arms.

  I swing my hand back as far as I can and then propel it forward. My nails scratch bloody lines down his face. As I’m doing it a fucked-up thought crosses my mind, DNA under my fingernails in case they find my body. Jeremy bellows in pain quickly cutting himself short and shooting a panicked look towards the main part of the diner.

  Come on guys, please, please, please!

  With no warning, Jeremy slams my head against the wall hard enough that my vision swims and my body starts to go limp, my limbs not cooperating, no matter how much I’m internally screaming for them to do something, fucking anything. I’d be happy with the fucking macarena at this point at least that would be something. The only saving grace right now is at least I’m still conscious, although the edges of my vision are darkening quicker than I’d like and isn’t exactly a promising sign for my state of consciousness.

  Jeremy starts to drag my limp body down the corridor, away from the safety of my guys and towards what I’m guessing is the exit to the alleyway beside the diner. My body is slowly starting to cooperate again and I try to make as much noise as possible, although I’m pretty sure it does fuck all since it sounds like several of the kids from school had the same idea as us and now the diner is heaving with people. The pathetic sounds I’m actually managing to make getting swallowed up in the noise.

  Tears start streaming down my face in rivulets, come on guys, anyone please someone fucking help me.

  “Stop fucking struggling, we’re almost there” Jeremy curses as he pushes his back against the door and it swings open.

  What if the guys just think I took off because I was freaked out about the conversation they wanted to have? By the time they realise I’m actually missing it will be too late, this psycho will have me wherever it is he thinks they will never find. I start struggling again but this time I use it as a distraction for him, I know I’m not escaping. My body is weak from the damage he’s inflicted to it, add to that, that he is so much bigger and stronger than me, I have no chance of escaping him.

  I use my flailing limbs to focus his attention elsewhere as I work my shoe off my foot and leave it behind in the corridor just as the door slams shut behind us. Jeremy doesn’t notice a thing but hopefully when one of my guys comes looking for me they’ll see it and realise something is wrong and that I haven’t just run away because shit got real before I was fucking ready.

  If I had just been brave and stuck around for that conversation none of this would be fucking happening right now.

  Hindsight’s a bitch and all that, there isn’t fuck all I can do about it now.

  Jeremy starts to drag me towards a dark brown sedan parked in the shadows at the end of the alley. I know for a fact that if he manages to get me into that car my chances of survival drop by a lot. I let my body go limp in a last-ditch effort, he relaxes his hold slightly and as soon as he does, I throw myself forward breaking out of his grip. Hope flares but my body is still sluggish, and I end up falling face first onto the rough gravel of the alleyway, scraping the side of my face on it, blood quickly rises to the wound and drips onto the floor, I scramble up to my knees groaning in pain.

  “TRICK!!” I scream at the top of my lungs, knowing my body isn’t going to cooperate with me enough to allow me to escape and praying to whoever will fucking listen that Trick hears my desperate cry for help.

  “You stupid fucking bitch” Jeremy growls obviously having had enough now.

  He grabs
my foot and tugs hard making my already scraped to hell face land on the floor again. I screech in pain as he pulls, leaving scrapes down one side of my body, wherever my dress doesn’t give me any coverage. The scrapes leave droplets of blood behind.

  At least there will be something to follow.

  I barely manage to lift my face up off of the floor to try to protect it a small amount, knowing that he’s added to the graze on my face and made it ten times worse than it was originally. I’m practically dizzy with pain right now so much so that I don’t even have enough energy to fight him as he throws me into the back seat of his car. I try to struggle to get back out of the car, but my body is screaming in pain, blood is dripping from several grazes and cuts all over the upholstery of the car. Good I hope it fucking stains. I hope they use it to fucking catch the fucker.

  Jeremy curses as he jumps into the front of the car and darts his eyes in the rear-view mirror as the car fishtails because he’s tried to pull away too quickly and ends up stalling it. I struggle to sit up and glance out of the back window to see my guys burst out of the back alley door, Riot drops to the floor as he sees the blood and then they all notice the car and start racing towards it, their eyes widening in a mixture of shock, fear and rage as Jensen yells, alerting the other guys to me in the back of the car. My face bloody and scraped up to shit, tears streaming down it and mixing with the blood and grit.

  Try as they might, they’re no match for a car though and Jeremy pulls out onto the road making several horns blare. Soon though he’s slipping into traffic making sure he’s keeping to the traffic laws and not drawing any attention to himself, why did my kidnapper have to be smart.

  “Phew that was a close one Ever-Rose, don’t worry though I saved you” he chuckles as he looks back in the mirror at me, like he’s expecting a thank you or some shit.

  “Fuck you, cunt” I growl between sobs.

  “That is no way to talk to your soon to be husband” he states.

  What. The. Fuck.

  That statement is fucking terrifying. There’s no fucking way I’m going to marry his crazy ass, but I have a feeling I’m not going to have a say in the matter. I decide to keep my mouth shut this time as so far it’s only gotten me in more trouble and the fact of it is, I have been kidnapped and I need to bide my time and try to let my body recover as much as possible so I can make an escape. If I keep mouthing off to him, he’s going to hurt me again, weakening my body further and I can’t have that, I need to be stronger so I can escape.

  “I thought you were going to have a better reaction to being my wife if I’m honest, aren’t you excited?” He barely pauses his psycho rant. “You must be really excited about becoming my wife.” He rambles not really making much sense.

  I ignore him completely, staring out the window and trying to take note of where we are going. I have no hope that the guys are going to magically appear and rescue me. This is real life, shit like that doesn’t happen. It’s up to me to rescue myself and get back to them. I try to sort through the information in my tired brain. An adrenalin boost should give my tired body a short burst of energy. As soon as we slow down enough, I’m going to take my chances with leaping out of the car. In his rush to get away from Trick and the others the idiot didn’t bind me in any way. If I make enough of a fuss, I’m sure someone will be around who realises somethings not right, especially since I’m covered in grazes, blood and I’m crying my eyes out.

  “Ever-Rose do not ignore me” Jeremy suddenly screeches from the front seat, making me jolt violently.

  Just keep the peace for now Ever.

  “S-s-sorry” I say hating that my voice quivers.

  “That’s fucking better, maybe I need to pull over and teach you some manners?” he starts to slow the car down.

  I shiver in revulsion at his suggestion and panic claws up my throat.

  “Fuck, we’re being followed” he suddenly curses swerving down and side road and barely making it.

  I have never been more grateful to be followed than I am right now.

  I look out the back window in hope but don’t recognise the car following us and my heart sinks. For a second there I really thought it was, by some miracle my guys. I hang on for dear life pulling open all of the cuts and grazes on my body as I try desperately to get my seatbelt on. Jeremy is driving erratically and the longer the car is behind us the more erratic and dangerous his driving becomes. I am truly terrified that he is going to get us in a wreck. A dark part of me whispers that it would be better to die in a wreck than it would be to stay with this deranged fuck and whatever he has planned for me.

  I keep my eyes on the car behind, trying desperately to see who the driver is, I finally manage to plug my seatbelt in and realise that although the car is staying as close as possible to us, it’s not ramming us or trying to get us off the road or anything.

  I’ve never been in a car chase before but I’m pretty sure that’s what usually happens?

  The only times it gets close, is to nudge us in a different direction when Jeremy tries to take a turning off the road we’re currently on. I recognise this road it’s the one that leads out of town. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that we were being herded. My brains starts firing on all pistons trying to work out who could be following us, thinking logically it could have nothing to do with me it could be someone Jeremy’s psycho ass has pissed off. I should really introduce him to Selena they’d get on great.

  Wow, ok so I’ve now reached that stage of terror, you know the making inappropriate jokes to stop yourself from completely fucking losing it, stage.

  “Who’s following us?” Jeremy screams at me.

  “How the fuck should I know?” I yell back, getting fucking pissed now.

  “No one should’ve been able to track this car” he growls, sending me a glare like it’s my fucking fault.

  “Eyes on the fucking road you psycho” I scream at him, turning to stare back out the rear window at the car.

  “I’m going to enjoy breaking you in Ever-Rose.” He threatens but does turn his eyes back on the road.

  I feel the blood drain from my face and my eyes fill with terror as my head snaps forwards again and my stomach rolls with disgust. I know exactly what he’s fucking talking about. My dad’s clients used to talk about breaking me in and how much they’d enjoy it, when he finally decided I’d be up for sale. It seems that no matter how far away I get and how much my life changes for the better that depraved and sick future I’m not going to escape from.

  Over my dead body will he be laying one fucking finger on me. We are going too fast for me to try and jump out of the car with any hope of survival and I’m not quite desperate enough to do it anyway yet, I’m still clinging onto a small amount of hope.

  My only other chance is that whoever is following us manages to stop or slow the car down and I can make my escape in the commotion, assuming they’re here for Jeremy and not me that is. Keeping my eyes on Jeremy, I make sure he’s not paying attention to me as he drives down the backroads out of town, my whole body freezes as I realise this is the same road that I had that awful dream of Luc on, the one where he didn’t make it. Please be some kind of crazy coincidence and not some sort of premonition I beg silently.

  I slowly reach one hand down and slip off my other heel, I can use the stiletto as a weapon if I have to. It’s also a hell of a lot easier to run barefoot than it would be to run with only one shoe on. My feet are used to being barefoot anyway, I very rarely wear shoes in the summer unless I have too. I shake my head slightly, come on Ever head in the game. I think I might have a concussion, my mind is drifting far too easily, whereas normally I’d be laser focused right now.

  Not that this is my normal but dangerous situations unfortunately are.

  It did cross my mind that I could use my shoe as a weapon against Jeremy but since he’s in control of the car my brain decided to remind me that it wouldn’t be a good idea at the very last minute. I grip it in a death grip, keeping
it out of the view of him and wait for the opportunity to use it and escape. Lights suddenly blind me, the car swerves as Jeremy tries to get it under control, just about managing it before we go off the verge and into the trees that line either side of the road.

  I look through the front windscreen to see lights heading straight for us, the car behind obviously bought back up.

  This is it, this how I die.

  Only one thing rushes through my mind.

  Trick, Cash, Rafe, Riot, Jensen and Luc . . . I love you.

  With that thought screaming in my mind, I brace for impact.



  Imprinted Tattoos

  The lost one’s series

  Imprinted Tattoos

  Hidden Secrets (Coming Soon)


  Finding My Home series


  Secrets worth keeping (Coming December)


  Nikita Parmenter lives in England, with her four children and two puppers. Coffee and cinnamon buns are what keep her going. Her Characters all have a special place in her heart and quite often enjoy throwing her curve balls that send the plot line in a completely different direction than she had originally planned, and she loves it! Not as crazy as it sounds, I promise. She writes, Paranormal Reverse harem, Contemporary Reverse Harem and has a Reverse Harem bully romance in the works too. She loves writing strong take no sh*t female character’s that have become that way through fighting tooth and nail to survive and damaged alpha males with hearts of gold buried underneath all their jagged edges. Connect with Nikita via her Facebook page Nikita Parmenter - Author or Instagram nikitaparmenterauthor.

  There will be competitions, giveaways, POV’s from some of our favourite guys, Bonus scenes and updates on when the next book’s will be out! Please leave a review if you get the chance, it would mean the world to me!


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