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Reaper's Fire

Page 17

by Katherine Bogle

  Iron groaned and dented where I’d hit it, but I didn’t have time to care. Zane raised his eyebrows but said nothing. As soon as we were in the lobby, I stormed out of the hotel and across the street.

  A car horn blared and brakes squealed, but I kept going until I reached the car. I ripped open the door and deposited myself inside before slamming the door closed.

  “Clara?” Ryker asked, his voice higher than usual.

  I couldn’t say a word. My body shook and my throat tightened. Heat licked my skin, my fury threatening to take over.

  I wanted to kill her. I actually wanted to kill a person. I’d never thought it was possible, but Elizabeth brought out the worst in me. I wanted her to pay. I wanted her to suffer.

  The driver’s door opened and Zane slowly lowered himself into the seat, glancing at me and then back at Ryker, and Ky who sat next to Ryker in the backseat, flicking his tail.

  Ryker looked between Zane and I. “What happened?”

  Zane sighed and shook his head. “Elizabeth wants two souls a week now instead of one.”

  Ryker inhaled sharply. “What?”

  Ky hissed before leaping onto the center console. Soft fur brushed my arm as he pressed against me.

  “How much further will this go?” Ryker asked.

  “I don’t know,” Zane said. “However far she can until—”

  He cut himself off, and I was glad for it. We all knew where he was going with this. Elizabeth was going to make this harder and harder until I broke. That was her big game plan. She just wanted to see me suffer.

  But the joke would be on her in the end because no matter what happened, I was going to end her. There was no other choice. Princess Elizabeth’s reign of terror had to stop—even if I had to kill an immortal.

  Chapter 20

  For the third time in as many days, I hit decline on my mother’s call. I knew she’d be getting suspicious by now. It had been almost a week since we’d spoken, and for us, that was highly unusual.

  But unlike my mother, who knew to give me space when I needed it, my friends weren’t so generous. My phone beeped and beeped again as Jamie and Gloria pinged our group text. They wished me well, hoped I was feeling better, asked what I was up to, etcetera, but every reply felt like a lie. Probably because it was. I couldn’t tell them what was going on. They had to know I was hiding something, but I couldn’t exactly tell them I learned I was half-demon and suddenly had to go around killing people to satiate a sadistic Princess of Hell.

  I groaned and leaned back against my mass of pillows. No, I couldn’t tell either of them anything close to the truth. But just like Mom, they couldn’t be held off forever.

  I’d spent three days holed up in my room after my last meeting with Elizabeth. The guys were getting worried, and so was everyone else in my life. My best friends’ patience were running thin, which was evident the moment my phone started to buzz and sing with a video chat request.

  “Oh my god. Why?” I looked at the ceiling, my heart racing with nerves. If I didn’t answer, I might get another unexpected visit from my BFFs. With three supernaturals besides me living in my one-bedroom apartment, that’s the last thing I wanted. I could only hide them for so long.

  With a defeated sigh, I accepted the call.

  “Clary! OMG you finally answered!” Gloria gushed. Her tight dark curls framed her face on the small screen, a gorgeous smile lighting her rosy cheeks.

  “Yeah, sorry about my absence,” I said, my face heating. I hated pushing them away like this. I couldn’t even properly explain how much I missed them, but seeing my screen flash between Gloria and Jamie’s faces, my heart ached and my eyes burned.

  “Are you okay, C?” Jamie asked. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail and she was walking outside, probably on her way home from a run.

  “Yeah, I’m okay,” I said. I internally shook myself and sat up, leaning against my headboard. I pushed a smile onto my features and hoped they bought it.

  “Are you feeling any better?” Gloria asked. “You still look pretty pale.”

  I winced. I didn’t want them to worry anymore than they were already. “I’m feeling a lot better actually. I miss you guys.”

  “We miss you too!” Gloria said, her eyes going wide and her eyebrows turning up. She looked so sad that my heart panged.

  “When can we come over?” Jamie asked, getting down to business. “We can come over tonight and have a girl’s night.”

  “Or we could go out!” Gloria suggested.

  My heart sank. I couldn’t go anywhere without having to constantly be on guard, but I couldn’t have the girls over with the guys at my apartment.

  “Hey,” Jamie snapped. “I can see you working out an excuse, Clara.” She jabbed a finger at the screen, her frown deepening. “Don’t you dare. It’s been weeks since we all properly hung out.”

  I sighed. “I know.”

  “Please, Clara. We miss you, too. Come out with us,” Gloria said, using her puppy dog eyes on me.

  I groaned. “Gloriaaa.”

  Still, she continued using her big-eyed cute face. “Please?”

  “You owe us, girl,” Jamie said. “If you’re feeling better then let’s go out. We can get ready at Glory’s place.”

  Going out meant trouble. But if staying in meant hurting my best friends, was it really the right decision? I’d been okay going out so far, as long as I stuffed my nose with tissue and remained alert. If I went out with my friends, it didn’t mean I had to drink. I could stay sober and clear headed, and everything should be okay.

  I bit my lip, my mind racing with all the things that could go wrong.

  “Come on, Clary,” Jamie said. “I don’t know what’s been going on with you, but we want to see you. Even if we don’t go anywhere.”

  I caved. That’s it. I had to see my girls. “Okay. Let’s go out.”

  Gloria’s excited squeal had both Jamie and I leaning away from the phone. I winced despite the smile tugging at my lips.

  “Yes! I’m so excited!” Gloria screamed.

  “Jeez, Glory, keep it down.” Jamie’s tone was harsh, but she was all smiles.

  “I have one condition though,” I rushed to add. “I’m not drinking.”

  “Aww,” Gloria whined.

  “That’s fine,” Jamie said, talking over Gloria’s protests. “As long as you’re there.”

  I melted. I couldn’t help it. I loved these girls so much. “I can’t wait to see you guys.”

  My best friends smiled back at me, the screen flashing between their beautiful faces. “I can’t wait,” they said.

  “I’ll grab my stuff and see you both at G’s in a couple of hours.” It would take me a little while to explain to the guys what was going on, and even longer to shower, get my stuff together and head across town.

  “See you then!” Gloria chimed.

  “Until then,” Jamie said.

  The call cut off and I laid my phone on my chest, my heart pounding. There’s no way the guys didn’t hear that conversation, and frankly, I was surprised they hadn’t burst into the room yet to tell me it was a horrible idea.

  Just when I thought maybe I’d gotten away with it, the door swung in. I jumped, my eyes wide as Ky appeared in the doorway, his brow furrowed in disapproval.

  “What was that all about?” he demanded.

  I sniffed indignantly. “Is it really your business?” I shot back. I’d always had a problem with authority. Do not try and tell me what to do.

  “Yes,” Ky said. He strode inside and plopped onto the end of the bed. “You’re planning on going out alone with your friends?”

  Ryker leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms, looking like he wanted to chastise me, but wasn’t sure how to go about it.

  I looked between them, heat blossoming inside me. Despite how much I hated being told what to do, I understood their concern, because it was the same as mine. We all had the same fear that I might lose control and hurt someone. I think they
were less worried about whoever I hurt though, and more worried about how I’d take it. Which to be honest wouldn’t be well.

  I sighed. Still, I couldn’t live my life like any moment a bomb could go off. It wasn’t healthy, and I needed my friends. I might not be able to tell them what was going on, but their presence alone could rejuvenate me. “Yes, I’m going out.” I steeled myself, knowing they wouldn’t want to hear this. “I don’t want to hear any arguments. I need to see my friends. I’m tired of constantly worrying about what could happen next. I need to have some normal in my life, and Gloria and Jamie are it.”

  Ky opened his mouth to argue, but Ryker beat him to it. “Are you sure, Clara? It’s a big risk.”

  My pulse raced. Unlike Ky who wanted to protect me and hoard me away where he thought I was safe, Ryker knew me better than that. He knew I needed space, and he knew that I wouldn’t have made this decision without thinking it through. The warm concern in his eyes made my body heat, and suddenly I was all too aware of the fact I was in tiny pajamas with only a duvet to shield me.

  I cleared my throat, trying to rein myself in. “I’m sure.”

  Ryker held my gaze for several long moments. Finally, he nodded. “Be careful, love.”

  My heart skipped. Love. There it was. That one word sent a pulse of heat through my body. I’d wanted to hear him say it, and now that I did, I never wanted him to stop. But now wasn’t the time to think with my lady parts. Now I had to get ready and head out to face my best friends.

  “I will,” I said tightly. “I need to get ready. Can I get some space?” I looked between them, staring pointedly at Ky when he didn’t immediately leave the room.

  Ryker stepped out first, but Ky continued to sit on my bed, his shoulders slumped and his face impassive. “You’ll be careful?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Of course.”

  Ky sighed and stood. “Okay.”

  I watched him leave, and he politely closed the door on his way out. As soon as I was alone once again, the weight on my chest increased, tightening around my lungs. Tonight could go so wrong, or it could be just what I needed.

  I had to hope and pray that someone was watching out for me tonight—and not an Elizabeth someone.

  Being in Glory’s three bedroom apartment with her rowdy roommates and my two best friends was like coming home again. Despite the noise, the throat-closing amount of hairspray in the air, and the constant pounding from the ceiling, I was in heaven. My friends’ laughter surrounded me, building a happy bubble inside my chest that occasionally burst in a firework of giggles.

  As usual, Gloria couldn’t decide what to wear, while Jamie rocked tight black jeans and a loose, sheer camisole. She sipped on a martini, thrown together hastily in a mason jar, while Gloria grabbed her margarita from the vanity.

  “What do you think of this?” Gloria asked, turning to face us.

  Jamie sat on the edge of Gloria’s bed, while I took up the windowsill close by. “Gorgeous as always,” Jamie said with a wink.

  “Absolutely beautiful,” I added, raising my eyebrows meaningfully.

  Gloria turned back to face the mirror, spinning her hips so her pink skirt flared out around her. “Do you think this dress will land me a hottie like your neighbor, Clary?”

  I froze, my eyes flying wide. My mind raced to come up with an answer. I hadn’t even realized Gloria had met Rose. “Um, probably!” I said, my face heating awkwardly. “Though I’m not sure Rose is your type, Glory.”

  Gloria stopped her twirling, and my best friends both turned to stare at me.

  “C, who is Rose?” Jamie asked, narrowing her eyes.

  I blinked. Shit. She didn’t mean Rose. “Umm… my neighbor.”

  Gloria bounced onto her bed, lying on her stomach and propping her chin up on her palms. “Rose, huh? Who is she? I need deets like yesterday.”

  My heartbeat sped up as I looked between them. Finally, it dawned on me. They were talking about Zane. Of course. They’d met him not long ago, though it felt like eons in retrospect.

  “And what about the hottie with a real good body?” Jamie said, flashing a wicked grin. “If you’re not interested, girl, hook me up.”

  I laughed awkwardly. “Well. They are both my neighbors but I don’t know either of them super well just yet.”

  “But you want to?” Gloria clarified, her devious grin intensifying.

  My whole body felt like it was on fire. How dare they expose me like this? “Maybe.” Picturing Rose’s gorgeous green eyes, smooth skin and full lips in my mind, she was definitely one of the most beautiful women I’d ever seen. But her heart was so pure, her mind generous. Gloria was right. I did want to get to know her better.

  But Zane?

  While part of me cringed at the idea of anything ever happening between us, another unexpected part clenched at the thought of him opening up to me. Maybe some day I could wipe that cold mask away and—wait a fucking minute. What was I even thinking? Zane was Elizabeth’s henchman. He might have a twisted, tortured soul and bad boy vibes that called to me in a thousand dirty ways, but he was Zane.

  “I can see your mind working, C,” Jamie said. “So you’re interested in the Asian hottie too?”

  I groaned.

  “OMG. Girl, get it!” Gloria laughed as she climbed back onto her knees.

  “G is right. You’re young. Play the field.”

  “I’m not interested in Zane, guys,” I argued.

  My best friends exchanged a look.

  “Mhmm,” Jamie hummed before sipping on her martini.

  “Whatever you say, playah.” Gloria winked playfully and climbed off the bed. “So you guys like this one?”

  I sighed, finally feeling like I could breathe again. At least they knew when to lay off. “Yes. It’s gorgeous, and so are you.”

  Gloria giggled. “Thanks, C. I think I’ll stick with this one.”

  “Does that mean we’re ready to go?” Jamie asked, looking between us.

  Gloria was always the last to finish getting ready, despite the fact she always started first. So with Gloria’s nod of approval, Jamie and I stood.

  “Looks like it’s time to go, then,” I said. My stomach twisted with nerves. Who knew what would happen tonight. With everything going on lately, it was anyone’s guess. I just had to stay sober and remain alert and everything would be fine—I hope.

  Chapter 21

  The bass of the speakers thumped behind my breastbone, sending my heart racing and making my palms sweat. The last time I’d been to a party, I’d woken up the next day a murderous demon. Though the club wasn’t exactly a VIP New York City party, it had my nerves rattled. From the flashing lights to the gyrating bodies, what once was familiar now felt foreign.

  It could just be the tissue stuck up my nose or the fact that I was painfully aware of how sober I was, but this didn’t feel like the good old days at all.

  Jamie slipped out of the crowd, breaking through my brooding thoughts. I immediately straightened and plastered a smile to my face. I’d been leaning against the edge of the bar for some time now, sipping on a club soda. From the look on Jamie’s face, she wasn’t going to let me stay there much longer.

  “C, why don’t you come dance?” Jamie asked. She flipped her short hair back and leaned against the metal counter while signaling to the bartender she’d like to be served.

  “I will. Just getting my bearings,” I said, my pulse skipping.

  Jamie side-eyed me, annoyance curving her lips into a frown. “You came out with us, but you’re not with us, Clary.”

  I winced. She was right. “I’m sorry.”

  Jamie shook her head. “Don’t be sorry. Whatever you’re going through, we’re here for you. Just let us in.”

  Well that got real, real quick. I didn’t know what to say, and Jamie must have sensed it. She sighed, turning to rattle off her drink order before she leaned against the bar alongside me.

  “You know we love you, right?” Jamie squeezed my arm.
  “I know,” I said. “I love you guys too.”

  Jamie smiled and turned to accept her drink before facing me again. “Come on. Whatever is going on, let it go for tonight.” She held up her drink, offering it to me.

  She wasn’t trying to pressure me, only offer me a way to loosen up. As much as I wanted to take it, it wasn’t worth the risk. I shook my head and she brought the martini to her lips instead, taking a quick sip.

  Even if I wasn’t going to drink, I could take a step out of the comfortable barrier I’d created around myself. I had my tissue in place, and my senses about me. Before Jamie had arrived, I’d even taken the opportunity to scout out some auras. No one leapt out at me or screamed bad vibes. Plus, I could use a break from all the hell Elizabeth had put me through lately.

  “You’re right. I do need to let everything go tonight,” I said.

  Jamie grinned. “Yes. That’s what I like to hear.”

  I laughed as Jamie tossed her drink back, downing it in one gulp before she set her glass on the bar. She grabbed my hand, and pulled me away from the relative safety of the bar and out onto the crowded dance floor.

  My heart pounded hard as I jostled through dancers, tugged along by one of my best friends. A dizzying array of colors flashed across the swaying bodies around me, sparkling off jewelry and sweat slicked skin.

  By the time we stopped, my head was reeling and my heartbeat racing. Though I wasn’t what you’d call a talented dancer, I did enjoy the freedom of dancing, letting my mind go and just moving to the beat of the music.

  “Clara!” Gloria yelled, throwing her arms around me. I had a feeling if I pulled the tissues out I’d smell the alcohol on her breath. “Finally you came!”

  “Sorry,” I shouted over the music.

  “It’s okay,” Gloria said, squeezing me tightly before letting me go. “You’re here now.”

  These girls were too good to me. Despite how much I’d been keeping them at arm’s length these past few weeks, they were still here for me always.

  “Yes, I am,” I said, a grin finally breaking across my face.


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