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Reaper's Fire

Page 18

by Katherine Bogle

  Gloria laughed and took my hand, spinning me in a circle before she began her own dance.

  A giggle poured out of me as my friends danced next to me—their smiles wild, and their laughter contagious. We pushed through song after song, my heart soaring with each beat. I gave myself up to the music, closing my eyes and letting it take me. It wasn’t until I felt hands on my hips that I jerked out of my happy place.

  “Hey,” I snapped, attempting to pull forward. When I turned my head to look at the man gripping my hips, my heart leapt.

  Ky grinned back, his green eyes dancing with mischief. “Hello to you too.”

  I relaxed against him, relieved I didn’t have to fend off some guy. “What are you doing here?”

  Pink and blue light framed his handsome, angular face, accentuating his high cheekbones and defined jaw. My pulse skipped as his hands tightened on my hips. “I needed to see you,” he said.

  I slid my hands down to meet his, and his smirk faltered, surprise flashing through his eyes. “You were worried,” I guessed.

  I should be mad that he followed me. I should chastise him for thinking I couldn’t handle myself, but no part of me wanted to yell at him right now. With his body pressed up against my back and his lips dangerously close to me, all I wanted to do was live in this moment. I hadn’t felt freedom much lately. With Elizabeth’s claws closing around me, and the amount of supernaturals in my apartment seeming to grow daily, everything in my life had felt so out of control.

  But here and now, I was finally in control. Ky might have followed me against my wishes, but I was glad he was here. Pressed up against him, I could feel both safe and out of control all at once. And with his eyes smoldering as he traced a path down my throat to my chest, wildfire spread through my whole body, emboldening me.

  “I’m always worried,” Ky said. His voice was low and his breath hot on my ear, making me shiver.

  I pushed back against him and his fingers dug into me, his thumbs brushing a bit of exposed skin. “Dance with me,” I said. My heartbeat sped up as the tempo of the song increased. I swayed my hips and he tensed against me.

  He chuckled low in my ear, pausing for only a moment longer before he followed my movements. “Anything for you,” he growled, sending a spark right through my belly.

  I moved slowly, my chest heating as I slid my fingers between his, pressing his hands firmly against me. His warm breath brushed my neck, sending a tremble down my spine. I shifted my head, giving him access while moving my hair aside.

  Smooth skin brushed mine, soft like feathers against my neck. My eyelids fluttered closed and I pressed harder against him, swaying my hips and dragging his hands higher until they rested against my exposed midriff.

  “You’re going to be the death of me Clara O’Connor,” Ky purred, the tip of his nose brushing my neck before he kissed my skin again.

  My breathing sped up at the husky rumble of his voice. My name had never sounded so good.

  He kissed higher and higher until his lips brushed my earlobe. I squeezed his fingers as he teased my ear before descending to nibble on my neck. I moaned softly, leaning my head back against his shoulder. He chuckled against my skin, alternating between swiping his tongue down my neck and gently sucking on my skin.

  Pleasure burned a path down my throat until I could hardly think. It had been so long since I’d felt like this. The ache between my thighs grew with each passing second until all I wanted to do was drag his hands into my pants.

  “Ky,” I groaned as he sucked harder and began moving my hands, dragging them up under my loose fitting crop top.

  He paused, his hot breath bathing my skin. Something hard pressed against my ass, and suddenly the ache between my thighs became unbearable. I pushed against him insistently, but he pulled away.

  My eyes flashed open, but the next thing I knew I was spun around. I squeaked in surprised as he pressed me tight against his chest. His eyes burned with a lust that matched my own.

  I bit my lip and wrapped my arms around his neck, dragging him closer. His throat bobbed and his hands seared a path up my naked back, pulling me impossibly closer.

  Finally, our lips met and the hunger building inside of me burst forth. My hands slipped into his hair as he devoured my mouth, consuming me so fully I never wanted to emerge from the depths we’d fallen into. I pulled on his hair, earning myself a growl. I smirked into our kiss, biting his lip and grinding my hips against his, trying to soothe that building ache.

  “Clara,” he moaned into my mouth. I gasped as his erection pressed against my center, and he stole the moment to slip his tongue between my lips.

  My mind spun as pleasure shot through me. Our tongues fought or danced—I couldn’t be sure anymore, and honestly didn’t care. He slipped his thigh between my legs and ground me against him until I was a panting mess. All I wanted to do was shed my clothes and rip his off. I wanted to feel his skin against mine, and the burn of his lips over every inch of my flesh.

  But in the next moment, the song changed and his movements stilled. He kissed me tenderly, and pulled back. I whined in annoyance—I couldn’t help it. My entire body was on fire and he was just going to stop?

  “As much as I want to take you right here, your friends are boring a hole into my back and I want them to like me,” Ky said on a sigh. He leaned his forehead against mine while I caught my breath.

  When his words finally broke through my lusty haze, cold washed my skin.

  Oh my god. We’re in a nightclub and my friends are watching!

  My heart raced as I pulled back slightly. Besides going demon, that’s the closest I’d ever come to losing myself entirely. I was supposed to be here to hangout with my friends, and one look at Ky and his irritatingly sexy self and I was a puddle of hormones desperate to be satisfied. What the hell was wrong with me?

  “I can’t believe that just happened,” I whispered, my voice cracking.

  Ky chuckled. “You and me both.”

  I sighed. I really couldn’t believe myself this time. What would Gloria and Jamie think? They had no idea who Ky was. Should I tell them? This night suddenly felt like a mess and we were only a few hours in.

  “Wait for me at home?” I asked, pulling back from the cat shifter. My body was still abuzz from our little dance, and if I didn’t get some space between us soon, I was afraid I’d lose myself again.

  Ky smirked and nodded. “At home. Of course.”

  I raised an eyebrow. I didn’t like the way he’d said that at all. “You’re not going home are you?”

  Ky shrugged and stole a quick kiss before he put some distance between us. “See you later, Mistress.”

  I snorted. And we’re back to Mistress. Ky slipped into the crowd, disappearing from view. He’d hardly been gone a minute when my friends were upon me.

  Gloria grabbed my wrist and yanked me back around. “Girl, sweet lordie that man was beautiful! Did you get his number?”

  “You know that guy?” Jamie asked, eyes wide. “You really are playing the field. Good for you.”

  “Guys,” I groaned.

  “Sorry, sorry!” Gloria said, releasing my arm. “I’ve just never seen you with so many straight up hotties. A girl might get the impression you’re starting your own harem!”

  A laugh bubbled out of my chest and I shook my head. If only they knew.

  “Whatever you’re doing, keep it up.” Jamie winked. “I think I need another drink.”

  “Me too!” Gloria fanned herself. “After watching that I need to cool down.”

  Embarrassment burned across my face and down my neck. “Guys!”

  My best friends laughed as they took my hands. Jamie led the way out of the crowd and back to the bar. I knew they were only teasing, but with my mind clearing at last, I wondered if they were right. I’d already accepted my feelings for Ryker and Ky, and with Rose in the equation; I wasn’t sure where that left me.

  I never thought of myself as the polyamorous type, but I couldn’t even
fathom choosing between the people in my life.

  But maybe I wouldn’t have to—at least not yet. Though Ky had definitely made his feelings known, Ryker and Rose were both still a mystery. While Ryker definitely cared about me, did that extend beyond friendship?

  I sighed as I accepted another club soda from the bartender. I’d have to dwell on my relationship problems later. The rest of tonight was all about the girls.

  Chapter 22

  Cold air brushed my face as we spilled out of the nightclub after closing, stumbling down the street.

  “OMG I am so hungry right now, ladies!” Gloria said, holding her stomach for emphasis.

  I laughed and adjusted her arm over my shoulder, supporting a bit of her weight as she wobbled on her heels. “I think this one had a little too much to drink, J.”

  “I think you’re right, C,” Jamie said, grinning.

  “I have noooo idea what you’re talking about,” Gloria said.

  “Sure you don’t, drunkie,” I teased.

  Gloria stopped in her tracks suddenly and I bit my tongue on a yelp as I was pulled to a stop.

  “Oh my god. Guys.” Gloria looked between us with wild eyes. “Pizza?”

  “Pizza?” Jamie asked.

  I smiled. “Pizza.”

  “Yes! Let’s go!” Gloria clapped her hands and forged forward, apparently no longer in need of my support.

  “G, slow down!” Jamie said, marching after our best friend.

  “There’s a pizza place not far from here isn’t there?” I asked, following my intoxicated friends. The cold air soothed my heated skin after a long night of dancing. After Ky left, everything continued well, though Gloria definitely indulged in a few too many drinks. Pizza would help sober her up, however, as long as we got there safely.

  “I think so,” Jamie said. She glanced back at me over her shoulder. “There should be one a few blocks down.”

  “Perfect!” Gloria shouted, throwing her hands up. “I want pepperoni, and bacon, and extra, extra cheese.”

  “Sounds good to me,” I said. “As long as we’re getting cheese bread.”

  “Cheese bread, OMG!” Gloria spun around, her mouth popped open. “You’re a damn genius, C.”

  I laughed. “I don’t know if I’d say that.”

  “I would,” Jamie agreed. “Cheese bread with marinara sauce. Yum.”

  “Okay, now I’m seriously hungry,” I said.

  Our laughs echoed down the street as we wandered further and further from the club. It wasn’t the first time I’d taken my drunken friends on a walk for pizza, but usually I joined them in Drunk Town.

  “We have to be almost there,” Gloria whined. “These heels are murder.”

  “I told you, you should have worn flats.” Jamie shook her head.

  A whoosh of air pushed my hair into my face, and I spluttered, stopping in my tracks. I brushed my unruly black waves aside just in time to see a flash of black race from the nearby alley.

  Cold hands closed around my waist and I yanked away, my heart racing as I knocked into Jamie. I barely grabbed her in time to keep her from falling, and when I turned to see who’d touched me, a man with black hair and skin as pale as the glowing moon overhead stood in my wake.

  “Who do we have here?” he asked, tilting his head. His red eyes were predatory, and his lips pulled back in a nasty smile. His canine’s lengthened into sheer points, pressing against his lower lip.

  My entire body chilled and I clutched Jamie tighter. Shit.

  “A group of pretty girls, out for a little fun, maybe?”

  I spun to find a second vampire, this one with blond hair tucked into a ponytail at the nape of his neck.

  “Very pretty girls,” a third purred.

  I turned to find Gloria in the arms of a third man. He towered over my tiny best friend, his entire body wide with muscles bulging under nearly translucent skin.

  “Let her go,” I snapped, taking a step towards them.

  The man looked at me, his crimson gaze menacing as he closed a hand with pointed nails around Gloria’s throat. I stilled, my heart racing.

  “This one’s feisty,” the vampire with the ponytail shot forward, grabbing my arm and yanking me away from Jamie. I gasped as my back slammed against the alley wall, my head snapping back to hit the brick of the building.

  “Clara!” Jamie gasped.

  I blinked the haze from my vision only to find the blond inches from my face, a wide grin bearing his teeth as he inspected me.

  “Clara, is it?” the vampire tilted his head and gripped my jaw, his fingers squeezing until my face ached.

  I winced and grabbed his wrist. “Get off,” I ground out between my teeth.

  My mind raced to come up with a plan. My two best friends were with me, and I’d be damned if these assholes were going to hurt them. But I couldn’t just activate Demon Bitch Mode with a snap of my fingers. I needed to smell blood or taste it. With tissue stuffed up my nostrils, I definitely wouldn’t smell any.

  “I like this one,” the vampire growled. “I think I’ll have a taste.”

  My pulse spiked and my grip on his wrist tightened as I tried to pull it away.

  “Let us go or I’ll scream,” Jamie said. There was a waver to her voice but I appreciated her bravery.

  “Please do,” the black-haired vampire said. He grabbed Jamie and blurred into the alley.

  I blinked and Gloria was there too, pushed up against the brick, silent tears trickling down her face. Fuck. What do I do?

  Jamie’s face went pale as the vampire holding her bared his teeth and growled, his mouth getting awfully close to her neck.

  Cold sweat dripped down my spine as I pushed on the vampire’s wrist. His smile dropped and his eyebrows furrowed as I got his hand a few inches away from my face. At least demon strength had its uses.

  “Get a-away from m-me,” Jamie stammered. She pushed against the vampire’s chest, her fists making small thumping sounds beneath the vampire’s laughter.

  My heart raced as I pushed the blond vampire away. My worst fears were coming true. I didn’t have time to think. If I took too long, the vampires would hurt my friends, maybe even kill them. I needed my demoness. I couldn’t fight off these assholes without her. But in order to do so, I needed to smell blood.

  I ground my teeth as I darted towards Gloria, the closest of my friends, while simultaneously ripping the tissue from my nose. I wouldn’t hurt my friends. I would control myself this time.

  An iron grip locked around my wrist and yanked me back. I fell to the alley floor, scrapping my elbows on the rough pavement.

  “What are you?” the blond vampire growled.

  The other two vampires held my friends on either side of the alley, but they paused at their friend’s question.

  I narrowed my eyes. Now that I could smell, the stench of garbage and rat feces hit me, along with the smell of sweat and copper. I recognized the smell of my own blood, but it didn’t send even a ping to my demoness. Damn you.

  Again, the vampire blurred, and then he was crouching over me, grabbing my neck. “Fine, don’t tell me,” he said. There was a curious glint in his eyes, but hunger quickly overtook it as he glanced at my pulse pounding beneath his fingers. “Whatever you are, I want a taste.”

  I shivered and pulled back. My friends’ whimpers echoed in my ears, sending desperation thumping through my veins. I wished I hadn’t told Ky to wait for me at home. I wished he was here, along with Ryker and even Zane. How could I fight off these three if I couldn’t even get my demon side to cooperate?

  The vampire descended to his knees, holding me down with his weight. I grabbed his wrist once more, trying to pull his hand away, but his grip only tightened. I winced, and he dove for my neck.

  Pain burst where there had once been pleasure only a couple of hours ago. I inhaled sharply and yanked on his wrist even harder, flailing my legs in my struggle to get out from under him.

  My own scent filled the air and the vampire
groaned, biting down harder, his grip sending another burst of pain through my jaw.

  “Stop it,” I growled as I fought, slamming my fist against his skull.

  He grabbed my wrist and pinned it to the ground beside my head. It wasn’t until another scent of blood hit the air that my whole body went still.

  My heart pounded hard, the sound filling my ears. Gloria. Somehow I knew it was hers. The scent was sweet and spicy all at once—honey and chili pepper, sugar and spice. My demoness woke up, her claws digging into my chest, and clenching my lungs. My grip on the vampire’s wrist tightened until the pain left my neck.

  “What the fuck?” he whispered.

  My blood dripped from his mouth, but I hardly noticed it splattering my cheeks. I could just make out Gloria over his shoulder, pressed against the alley wall, blood dripping from a wound in her neck. The tall vampire pinning her licked up the spilled blood, and hunger awoke deep inside of me. My mouth watered and my fingers clenched. My breathing quickened despite the hand around my neck.

  “What are you?” the vampire asked once again. He raised an eyebrow as he licked his lips. He looked between my widened eyes and his friend feasting on mine. Recognition lit his face along with a sadistic grin.

  The vampire blurred to his feet, yanking me up with him. The movement disoriented me, and I swayed on my feet.

  “You’re not a vampire, but you like blood, huh?” the vampire taunted. He drew me closer, pulling me by the throat until I was directly beside my bleeding best friend.

  The other vampire leaned back, hunger in his eyes and blood falling from his chin.

  I licked my lips, desire coursing through me so intensely that I leaned towards Gloria’s bleeding neck.

  “What’s going on?” the tall vampire asked, looking between me, and the blond.

  “I want to play with this one,” he answered, pulling me closer to Gloria.

  My best friend’s eyelids fluttered. She was so out of it she could barely stand.

  The tall vampire seemed to understand at last. He chuckled. “A succubus, maybe?”

  “I don’t think they feed on blood,” the blond said. “Maybe a hellion. She tastes like wildfire and sin.”


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