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Always Us

Page 23

by C C Monroe

  Oh, that’s what he wants to do?

  “Let me eat, I’m hungry, baby.” His words have my brain cells firing and my eyes searching the parking lot one more time.

  “Why else did you wear this sexy dress? I know you wore it so I can wrap it around those curvy hips and taste your tight, juicy pussy.”

  He doesn’t need to bait me any more I’m more than ready for him to do this to me.

  “But what about you?” I ask, giving in. Trey accepts and starts moving us to his truck.

  “You can wrap those sexy lips around my cock tonight, baby, right now I want to please you. Calm you down a little.” Serenity by orgasm…sounds like heaven if you ask me.

  “You make me feel reckless,” I admit while he opens the door to his backseat. In one effortless motion, he sweeps me up into the truck.

  “For the rest of your life, baby.”

  Leaning in, he kisses me one more time. Taking his hand he lays the palm flat against my chest and pushes me back, with a gentle ease. My heartbeat picking up, my arousal kicking into high gear.

  “Lift those sexy little hips, Shayla.” The way he says my name and the words on his lips feel even more erotic than the last. His hands band around the outside of my thighs and with the tilt of my pelvis, I lift up and his hands glide along my sensitive skin. I watch his eyes as he notices what I wanted him to.

  “A fucking garter belt. Fuck me, baby.” I smirk with the lift and fall of my chin.

  “I thought you would like that.”

  “Oh, I love it. I also love watching you lift those hips, giving me approval to have you, it’s a work of art.”

  “I will never say no to you.” He smirks, it’s a smug pull of his lip and it’s just as sexy as any other smile.

  “Are you a fan of these little panties, baby? And fuck me, I can smell your sweet scent.”

  I shake my head, I’m not a fan of anything that gets in the way of Trey and his wicked tongue.

  “Good, now lie back and relax, baby.”

  I do just that, still a little nervous, public displays of affection are one thing, but anyone could drive by or see us. Trusting in Trey, knowing how jealous he is over my body, and how sacred the privacy of our sex life is to him, I relax.

  Closing my eyes, I feel the sensations of everything he does. Placing one foot on the floorboard and the other on his shoulder, he kisses from my calf all the way up to my thigh. Splaying his large palm over my lower belly, he holds me down, and then I feel it, that warm, wet heat assault my core.

  “Ah…Trey,” I moan into the cab of his truck, it feels small in here, my body already coated in a light sheen of sweat.

  Trey circles my opening with hard lashes then flattens his tongue as he licks his way up to my clit. My body erupts in a shiver from my head to my toes, he knows how to please me so damn good.

  “You taste sweet, so damn juicy.” His dirty words sound like a melody to my ears; I have become quite the lover of vocalism in bed.

  “Don’t stop,” I beg, trying to circle my hips against his strong hold on me, he loosens up just bit so I can ride along with his tongue, meeting circle by circle.

  “Aah!” My high-pitched yelp comes out in a rush of air when he slams what feels like two fingers inside me, circling deep in me until he hits that sweet spot, the one he finds every time. He growls.

  “How do you—ohhh!” I can’t finish, his tongue is moving faster against my sensitive clit. “How do you do this to me?” I moan into the air, finally looking down at him. His eyes are vicious, attacking me with a stare down. It is dangerously sexy.

  Pulling away, I mewl at the loss of his tongue, but with the loss of his tongue, he rewards me with fast strokes deep inside me with his long, skilled fingers.

  “I know this body, the ins and fucking outs, I can please you with just a fucking look if I wanted to.” With each word, that sexy strain in his neck makes his veins bulge, and I so badly want to latch on and bite that manly neck of his.

  “Then finish me, I…uh…I need it, baby!” Back on me like a leech, he sucks my clit hard and with that an eruption sets off inside me, my orgasm hitting me like the feel of a kick drum.

  I scream, uninhibited and unashamedly, seeing black dots dance behind my closed lids and spiraling white sparks bursting from the edges.

  “You feel better, more relaxed?” he asks, kissing the inside of my thigh while I regain a steady stream of easy breathing and a level head of consciousness.

  “Yes…” That will have to suffice. He chuckles, righting my dress and helping me sit up, making sure I have equilibrium again.

  “Good, now go to my place and I will go talk to your brother.”

  “Isn’t he home?” I breathe out my question, still trying to gain back my self-control.

  “No, I heard him and Lana on the phone, he said he was gonna stay there tonight with her, she wasn’t feeling well I guess.”

  I do my best to act impassive, like her being sick isn’t anything unusual. I really hate keeping secrets. Glad that he misses my blatant discomfort, he steps back and lifts me out of the truck. I once again look around and take note that no one is around, that lasted maybe three minutes, so I think we’re in the clear. Dang, pregnancy has made me lose some stamina, I feel like I can come with just a flick of his finger, or the lick of his tongue.

  “Okay, I will meet you there and, Trey, please be carful.” Leaning in, he smiles, my scent still lingering on his lips when he kisses me, making me ready for round two.

  Control yourself, hormones.

  “I promise I will make this right.” With that, he buckles me in and watches me drive off. I say a few silent prayers as I drive toward our place, I’m ready to move forward and forgive my brother for the things he said.

  I TOOK A LONG BATH—of course—and now I’m finishing up some reports for work and paying some bills when I hear the front door open.

  Trey and Kingston, I hope.

  I’m in a loose tee of Trey’s and his briefs, my wet hair slicked back after running a brush through it. I hurry and climb off the bed and make my way to the living room.

  “Trey!” I holler, stepping into the hallway, the living room and kitchen are now dark from the setting sun. When he doesn’t answer, I start walking toward the living room to see for myself, maybe he didn’t hear me.

  “Trey? Kingston? Is that you?” Clearing the hallway, my eyes adjust to the darkness and just as they do, I notice a dark figure standing by the fireplace, I can’t make out their face, but my heart rate spikes, beating so hard I swear it’s going to come flying out of my mouth.


  “You fucking bitch!” The abrupt voice, coming from just beside me, startles me. As I turn to see who it is, I’m hit over the back of the head. My knees buckle and the pain has me crashing down on the ground hard. I grab the back of my head, my vision going blurry, my nerves shot, my hands shaking. Looking up I squint, the light from both the bedroom at the end of the hall and the Seattle city life catches on my assailant.

  No, it can’t be. That face, I would know it anywhere now.

  “Gwen?” I ask on a choke.

  “No, your worst fucking nightmare!” Another harsh blow strikes my body, and I swear I can hear the echo. Screaming out, I curl in the fetal position, reaching my hand out to grab at my thigh where her foot hit.

  “Gwen, please! Why are you doing this?” I knew deep within me it was too good to be true, she left without so much as a peep, without a sound. There was no way this devil of a woman would walk away defeated.

  “You! I told you, you would regret this! David, grab her!” she yells to the man I saw standing at the fireplace. When his heavy boots begin to pound toward me on the hardwood floor, I immediately think about our baby, curling up I keep my stomach caged by my arms.

  Strong hands grip my hair, a sting erupts from the top of my head when he pulls with all his strength; I know I’m losing hair from this tug. I scream out again, hoping someone will hear me, som
eone will save me, Trey is only two floors up…please hear me, baby.

  “Shut up, you bitch!” Gwen spits, flipping on the kitchen light. The man she called David is stilling pulling me, dragging me across the floor. I flail my arms and legs, trying helplessly to break free; if I break free, I can run. I remember now who David is; he is the man from the coffee shop.

  “This is all your fault, I was so damn close to making my way back in and one step closer to getting my money.”

  “Money! What money?” I yell as I am thrown on the couch, I try to right myself but he does it for me, throwing me around like a damn rag doll. I worry about my child, please stay strong, baby, Mama is going to keep you safe. The tears come, a hot stream of fearful tears cascade like waterfalls down my face. David uses duct tap, straddling my hips he ties my hands, I scream begging him not to when Gwen comes behind the couch and covers my mouth with her hand.

  “Shut up, stupid bitch.” When my wrists are tightly wrapped in tape, he leaves my body to bind my feet together. I cry harder, biting at Gwen’s hand so I can scream out.

  She flinches, removing her hand. “Damn it! Cover her fucking mouth!” She screams and I start to scream out, my last attempt to get someone to hear me before they completely bind me. My scream is silenced far too quickly when he slams tape over my mouth. What do I do now? I can’t fight, I can’t run, I can’t even scream for help.

  “That money my stupid, pathetic ex-husband left Trey should be mine and if you would have let me back in his life, I would be sitting pretty. I deserve that fucking money!” The way she talks about Pops has my tears turning into fuel, anger boiling in my blood. I want to rip her apart, protect Pops, protect Trey, protect our unborn child. I won’t let her take this all away. I look to the door as she paces and David’s eyes stay glued to her. The door is barely cracked open. If I wasn’t tied up I would run, make an attempt to leave, but my feet are trapped.

  She stares at the skyline for a moment, before pivoting to face me slowly. Her eyes dark and malicious—how fitting.

  Rounding the couch she gets in my face, her hand wrapping around my neck. I can’t gasp for air as she squeezes, pushing hard on my windpipe. Flashbacks of Evan come circling in like a tornado, Gwen’s face flashing from hers to Evan’s in my mind. I survived that, Trey and Kings saved me once, I pray they can do it again.

  Feel it, baby, please tell me you can feel my pain, Trey. We are one now.

  “I married Charles because I settled, then for years he worked dead-end jobs, causing me to have to work and never be able to enjoy the fucking things I wanted to!” Her spit hits my face, causing me to want to vomit. I smell smoke and liquor heavy on her smoldering breath that, mixed with her spit, has my stomach turning.

  “Then he got me pregnant with that waste of space they call my son. I begged Charles to let me have an abortion and he wouldn’t let me, I nearly did it behind his back until I realized that maybe having a child would give me leverage, maybe he would finally get a fucking job that would take care of me! But it didn’t. So I left. Me leaving is what fucking made him make the money! He fucking owes it to me. I deserve that money.” Her hand leaves my throat and I breathe in and out of my nose with everything I can, the air feels thick and cold and I can’t get enough of it.

  Just as I manage to get a lungful of air, her hand comes barreling down and strikes my face, completely blindsiding me. I feel blood seeping down my face, spilling from my nose. The pain is numbing. I want to reach up and grab it but can’t, so I drop my head down but keep my eyes looking up at her. I probably look insane, which I am.

  The way she talked about almost aborting Trey makes my heart break. If she had done that I wouldn’t have my best friend, my life, my love. The world without Trey would have been dull.

  I close my eyes and reel from the pain of her hard blow to my face. I look at her then peer at the man behind her, finally seeing his face after he removed his hoodie; it’s the same man from the coffee shop, like I thought.

  “You ruined it all, bitch, and now, I’m going to ruin you.” You can’t level with crazy. Her hand grabs my neck again and she starts to squeeze, the pain is unbearable, I’m fighting to breathe. I feel every inch of her hands around my neck and the muscles caving in. A few more seconds of this and I will be lifeless in her hands. My eyes begin to close, my limbs tightening, my body quickly losing strength from the lack of oxygen.

  Save me, Trey, save me again, baby, and you never will have to again. I send a prayer up to God one more time.

  “What the fuck?”


  “Get the fuck off of her!”


  Gwen’s hands leave my neck and I fall to my side on the couch, my nose once again trying to fight for air. I hear the faint sound of bodies clashing, and I peek to see Kingston on top of David, holding him down while Trey has Gwen in his arms.

  “What the hell are you doing here? What the fuck did you do?” he screams, pulling his phone out, I’m assuming to call 9-1-1. I need an ambulance, I need someone to check on the baby. My face burns and it’s still bleeding, my neck aches painfully, but all I care about is getting to see our baby, I need to know he or she is okay.

  “Let me go!” Gwen yells. I turn my head to her just in time to see her slap Trey. I try to scream out, but it’s just strangled behind the tape, no noise.

  “Shayla, sissy, look at me, look at me.” Tearing my eyes away from Trey, I find Kingston. He has David down; the tiny little shit didn’t stand a chance against my brother.

  “That’s it, stay focused on me.” I hear Gwen scream and I try my hardest to not look at Trey; I don’t want to know what’s happening. “Don’t look away from me, it’s going to be okay.”

  Trey’s voice booms in the apartment. “Yes, I need an ambulance and the police, someone broke into my apartment and attacked my pregnant fiancee.” I take a second to go against Kingston’s wishes and look back to Trey. He has Gwen’s front pushed up against the wall, his arm pushing into her back, between her shoulder blades, keeping her immobile.

  I sob, hating that he’s not defending me from just anyone, but instead it came to this. He is fighting the enemy, his own flesh and blood.

  Giving them the address, he hangs up then looks to me. “Baby, shh. It’s okay, look at your brother, focus on him, okay?” I hear the worry, the pain, the disbelief all rolled into one coming from him. He doesn’t want me to see him battling his mother, he knows it’s fucked up, he knows this is the worst of any situation we’ll ever face and he doesn’t want me to break alongside him.

  I nod, tearing my eyes away and looking to Kingston.

  “You were a mistake, Trey. I never wanted you! Do you hear me? I fucking hate you!” Gwen yells, then grunts. I know he pushed her face against the wall, making it harder for her to speak.

  “Your words don’t fucking hurt me anymore, Gwen, so save them for someone else.”

  David tries to get out again and Kingston punches him in the side, causing him to wail out in agony. I close my eyes, I can’t witness this, it makes me ill.

  Sirens sound off, coming through the open windows. It is almost over.

  Within five minutes we’re all surrounded by some sort of officer or paramedic. After taking Gwen from Trey then handcuffing her and David, both Trey and Kingston rush to my side, slowly pulling the tape off of me, carefully trying not to hurt me.

  “Baby, you’re okay, we’re going to get you checked out. We did this once before, remember?” I nod as two men poke and prod at me, checking all my injuries.

  “Stay strong, sissy, we got this,” Kingston promises. I don’t say much, lost in the twilight, completely numb inside. The only thing I can think of is getting to the hospital and checking on our baby. The rest will come later.

  When they see the blood coming from the open cut on the back of my head, they place me on a gurney. And for the second time this year, I’m rushed to the hospital from an attack. Except this time I’m not alone—my baby.
  WAITING NERVOUSLY FOR MY ULTRASOUND, I pick anxiously at my fingers. I have no concussion, shockingly; she didn’t hit me hard enough to cause one, just hard enough to cut skin. Thank God for my thick skull. I have a bruised neck again, just like before…with Evan.

  Trey sits next to me, his hand holding mine while he rubs my back as we wait for the doctor. We just finished giving our statements to the officer. Gwen and David were arrested. I’m sure a trial is to come, they don’t have money to cover this up, and I won’t let them get away with a slap on the wrist like Evan did. Thirty days in jail with probation isn’t enough for those two pigs. I’m not doing it for me, I’m doing it because they put my child in danger, and I will make sure they pay for that.

  I left out all the extra vile things Gwen said about Trey, I told them about her wanting the money, but I kept the rest to myself. Trey doesn’t need to hear that, we both suffered enough tonight. We went through hell and in a few minutes from now, when that doctor walks in, we may never leave hell if our baby is hurt.

  “I’m sorry…I should’ve been there.” Trey breaks the silence.

  “Stop, don’t,” I warn him, bringing his hand to my lips and kissing his knuckles. “You did nothing wrong, I won’t let you blame yourself, we aren’t doing the blame game anymore, Trey. We aren’t.” For over a decade he has played the blame game and it’s time to end that stupid war raging inside him.

  “I promise I’ll protect you from her, I’ll make sure she pays for what she did.” I look to him and see the promise deep in his eyes and it passes through my soul.

  “Good. I agree.”

  “Knock, knock, Shayla, Trey.” Dr. Barrett enters and my nerves calm, he came in to be here with us, I didn’t want anyone else.

  “Dr. Barrett, thank you for coming to us tonight,” Trey says, shaking his hand. A warm smile touches his face and he looks between us two, stopping to focus on my appearance.

  “I don’t mind, that’s what I’m here for, I’m sorry about the attack.” He doesn’t speak further, Trey must’ve told him about everything. I appreciate his willingness to not linger on the subject. I don’t want to talk about it; I want to see my baby, hear the heartbeat.


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