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To Tame a Viscount (Reformed Rakes Book 2)

Page 5

by Jenn Langston

  Relief brought a smile to her face. “If that’s all, I’ll be happy to oblige as long as you agree to relinquish my dowry to me upon my twenty-fifth birthday.”

  Benjamin abruptly stood up. “If you promise me that you will get your mother to turn everything over to my wife, your dowry is yours.”

  With a grin, Kaylee stood. “Consider it done.”

  After her stepbrother left, Kaylee felt lighter than she had in a long time.

  Later that day, as she moved through the shops with Miranda, she finally felt as though she were in control of her own fate. She recalled her friend lamenting over the lack of that feeling at one time, and Kaylee wondered about the difference in her friend’s feelings now.

  “Shall we go for chocolate today, or are you set on seeing the latest styles of hats?” Miranda turned to her, a question in her eyes, clearly she wanted more than a simple walk outside.

  Kaylee let out a sigh, so much for seeing the latest fashionable hats. “I must admit, I’m a slave to my sweet tooth today.”

  Her friend grinned. “I concur. Let’s get our treats, then take the carriage to Hyde Park. The cold isn’t too much for you today, is it?”

  Resisting the urge to shudder, Kaylee clenched her teeth. “Absolutely not.”

  Only when they had their sweets and were on their way to the park did Kaylee broach the subject to her friend. “Why do I get the feeling that our outing is for a reason other than to simply spend time together?”

  Miranda’s lower lip jutted forward as she leaned her head back against the cushions. “Am I that transparent?”

  Laughing at her friend’s pouting face, Kaylee patted Miranda’s hand. “Hat conversations are fun and lighthearted. Chocolate seems to be reserved for the more difficult ones.”

  Miranda smiled as she shook her head. “I never realized that, but you are right. I suppose the sweet helps to comfort me.”

  “So, tell me what it is that makes you need the comfort on this cold day.”

  “Regina came to see me not long ago.” Guilt streaked across her friend’s face.

  “How kind of her,” Kaylee responded dryly, afraid she knew exactly where this conversation would go. “I imagine she told you quite a lot about Lord Washburne.”

  Her friend let out a disgusted noise. “I can’t believe Constance took him on as a client. Although, I know him well, I also know you are not fond of the gentleman and from what Regina tells me, nothing has changed in that regard.”

  Shoving a piece of chocolate in her mouth, Kaylee mushed it to liquid before forcing it down her closed throat. It was only a temporary delay, but she couldn’t exactly explain her situation with Simon, so she wasn’t sure what to say to her friend. She wished Regina would have simply come directly to her instead.

  “I’ll be the first to admit that the viscount and I don’t always agree, however, I do believe his desire to wed is sincere. That being the case, I have every intention of helping him in his endeavor.”

  “That is very noble of you. Then, for your sake, I hope you find his bride rather swiftly. And, as a warning for you, Regina plans on keeping a close eye on the two of you. I’m not sure what she suspects, but she doesn’t trust Lord Washburne. Perhaps you shouldn’t either.”

  Chapter 4

  Simon walked through the assembled guests, wishing that a million things had been different. The setting for the luncheon would have been more relaxed had it been a picnic, but winter wasn’t exactly the best time for that. Not to mention, the selection of guests had been limited as well due to the season.

  Part of him cursed himself for his waste of time in the country. Had he acted sooner, his options would be more varied. Although he had relished every moment of the relaxation and the ability to help Anson win his bride, losing that time had set him back.

  “Are you enjoying yourself, my lord?” Miss Dylan asked as she boldly took his arm. “My mother and I greatly appreciate receiving the invitation.”

  Bringing forth every ounce of charm he possessed, Simon smiled. “I’m very glad you both could attend. Now, you must try the blueberry jam on the scones, it’s truly a work of art.” He disentangled himself from her grasp. “I will check back with you later to see what you think of it.”

  As he left her, she looked a little stunned, although she clearly tried to keep a smile on her face. At one point, her brazenness would have appealed to him, but not tonight. Kaylee instructed him to avoid her type at all costs. The women acting in such a manner would definitely be less likely to be a candidate for him. She also would be putting her best attitude forward in an attempt to trap him.

  The ones he needed to be on the hunt for were more like wallflowers, but not quite. Honestly, it was all very confusing. According to Kaylee, the women who clung to their chaperones couldn’t be trusted either. He shook his head. How had the woman learned so much about the inner workings of ladies within society?

  Then, he caught sight of his quarry. She was tall, almost too tall, and had an air of quiet contemplation that reminded him of Kaylee. The way she surveyed his house with half disinterest and half curiosity intrigued him. This lady was exactly who Kaylee would select for him. That thought made discomfort rumble through his stomach, but he waved it off as he made his way over to the lady.

  “Are you enjoying yourself, Miss Jubal, was it?”

  A blush moved from her neck to the top of her head and her eyes didn’t make contact with his. “Yes, my lord. On both accounts. I like your house.”

  He smiled at the way she cringed, as if she didn’t care for her statement. That was real. She was real. Kaylee was right. Perhaps this could work. Then, why didn’t the idea fill him with joy?

  “I’m glad to hear it. Would you like to take a turn about the room?”

  Her mouth nearly fell open as she stared at his arm as though it were a snake. It was clear that the lady was unaccustomed to attention from gentlemen. He couldn’t quite place her exact age, not in her first season but the lady was still young as far as he could tell. She wasn’t unattractive, and he wondered why she hadn’t received attentions previously.

  “You wish for a walk?” she repeated, still avoiding his gaze.

  He nodded.

  “With me?”

  “Why is that so hard to understand?” Anger for her rose within him. Had someone treated her badly?

  She audibly swallowed. “I’ve never been on a walk with a gentleman before.”

  Forcing a laugh to cut the tension, Simon took her arm and placed it over his. “Well, I have never been one to ignore a lady. Please do me the honor of a walk.”

  “Thank you, my lord,” she mumbled, her blush even more brightly staining her cheeks.

  “So, Miss Jubal, tell me what plans you have for the future.”

  The lady tripped on nothing Simon could see. “My future?”

  “Yes. Most people have an idea of how they wish to live out their days. I, for one, see marriage and a combination of city and country life. Although, mostly city. I imagine the faster pace resonates more with my spirit. What about you?”

  Her shoulders tensed even further as she trained her gaze in front of them. “I–I don’t know. I’ve never given it much thought. I do wish to marry.”

  The monotone level of her voice sounded a bit off. Either the lady had given up on her future, or she desired a husband so much, she would compromise all of her other desires. Simon teetered on wanting to help and wanting to run. After all, a woman in her condition would require a significant amount of work. And, in the end she may decide he wasn’t what she wanted after all.

  He let out a sigh. “It seems to me that you have forgotten your importance. Let us return to the group. In the meantime, I would encourage you to give some thought to that question.”

  She nodded, but it resembled
the response of a beaten woman, not a hopeful reaction nor encouraging. He returned her to the group and set off to find some air. He’d done exactly what Kaylee had told him to do, but this girl didn’t seem right for him. However, he trusted Kaylee, and therefore, wouldn’t lose faith in the girl.

  As he made his way down the long hall, he heard a scream, then thrust his hands out as pink satin flew at him. Clasping the flailing lady to his chest, he studied her before putting a respectful distance between them while keeping a hold of her so she wouldn’t fall.

  “Thank you, my lord,” her breathy voice exhibited gratitude. “I tripped like a clumsy child. And, you saved me.”

  The hero worship in her eyes had him puffing out his chest. Typically, he avoided ladies who were clearly in their first season, but he might have to make an exception for this one. She was stunning. Not to mention, there was an honesty in her face he couldn’t help but admire. Although nothing about the situation coincided with Kaylee’s recommendations, he couldn’t help his interest.

  “Are you all right?” He dropped his hands from her shoulders when she steadied herself.

  “Much better now. I’m very grateful you walked by at such an opportune time.”

  He grinned. “Me, too . . . I’m sorry, but I can’t recall your name.”

  An innocent pink blush kissed her cheeks. “Of course. You met so many ladies recently, I can’t expect you to recall them all. I’m Lady Amelia, daughter to the Earl of Matteson.”

  Taking her hand, he bowed over it. He knew the earl. The man had two daughters, one being trained by Kaylee herself, if he could recall correctly. Could it be Lady Amelia was working with Kaylee? The possibility both brought him hope and disgust. On one hand, he would relish the ability to get the information about the lady easily, but the idea of Lady Amelia and Kaylee together bothered him for some unknown reason.

  “An honor to make your acquaintance again,” he replied, waving away all thoughts of Kaylee. “Would you allow me to escort you back to your mother?”

  Her smile was all the answer he needed as she took his offered arm. As he began his line of questions, he was pleased to discover this lady had more natural responses for him.

  By the end of the luncheon, he was in a much better position than before, but no closer to a decision. Now, he had two very different options. One who suited him better in age and met the qualifications Kaylee set out for him. Then, there was the other. She was a better match with his personality and met so many other of his own qualifications.

  To complicate matters, he couldn’t stop thinking about Kaylee. If he were to offer for either of these women, it would end whatever he had with Kaylee. He definitely wasn’t ready for that. Something existed between the two of them. He knew he would never be able to truly explore it, but he’d be damned if he wouldn’t give them every opportunity while he had the ability.

  ~ ~ ~

  Kaylee picked at the dried paint on her fingers as she listened to Patricia play the pianoforte. The girl had improved significantly, but she still had a long way to go. As the notes flowed together to form a flawless, albeit slow, piece, Kaylee allowed her mind to wander.

  The half completed painting in her room called to her. She had begun on Simon’s portrait again and regretted every second. Each movement of the brush had made her miss him as working on the likeness was a poor substitute for the original. However, when she was away from the portrait, it consumed her thoughts. Even now, her fingers clasped a nonexistent brush in anticipation of the next stroke.

  An incorrect key on the pianoforte brought her back to the present, and she moved to Patricia to keep a closer eye on the girl as she finished the piece. Once concluded, Patricia clasped her hands in her lap as if she would be scolded. Kaylee bit her tongue. She really disliked Lady Matteson.

  “Your improvement from last week is quite impressive,” Kaylee praised.

  “But, still not good enough.” Patricia let out an exasperated breath. “Why is it that I can learn French as if I were born to speak it and music eludes me? A gentleman would be more impressed at hearing lovely music than to know I can balance father’s books better than his steward.”

  With wide eyes, Patricia clamped her hands over her mouth. The reaction brought out Kaylee’s ire. Why was it that men had no use for women with talents outside of a few approved ones? Even her paintings were sold in secret using a man’s name. Although it was agreed a woman could paint, it was not agreed that her skills were enough to be sold.

  “Don’t you dare be ashamed of that. Having a great level of intelligence is certainly something to be celebrated, not condoled. You will learn the pianoforte and play as well as your sister, Amelia, but it takes time. Once you are ready to find a husband, you will select one who appreciates your mind.”

  Patricia laughed. “No such gentleman exists. They want a wife to look nice and add enjoyment in their life, not one who corrects stewards and presses the wrong keys on the pianoforte.”

  Immediately, Kaylee thought of Simon. What did he want? Could it be he was only looking for a woman who looked nice and brought him pleasure? She didn’t want to believe that of him. He claimed to want more. Was it someone like her he sought?

  Later that day, the thought still plagued her, although she couldn’t determine why she cared. Marriage had no place in her plans, and Simon had made no indication he had any sort of interest in her. She could see how a husband could be useful, but her independence and her future happiness was not something she was willing to sacrifice for anyone.

  Disturbed that she had to convince herself of this, she grabbed her coat and headed out to the garden. The blistering air burned her cheeks and helped to clear her head. Yes, winter was exactly what she needed.

  Simon was nothing but another client who needed her help and that was what he would get. Then, his offer came back to her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, allowing the stinging air to wash away the heat of her desire. She wanted him. And, clearly he wanted her as well.

  “A lone woman. Outside, distracted, and unprotected.” Simon’s voice had her whipping around to face him. “I don’t know if I should be angry or take this as my lucky day.”

  “Angry? Why should you be angry?” Although confused, her voice emerged husky as her desire for him shone through.

  His blue eyes sparkled as he approached her with a swagger that made it clear he knew his effect on her. As her eyes drank in the sight of him, she furiously tried to concentrate on the reason why he continually came to see her. He wanted a wife. But, in the interim, he wanted a relationship with her, a secret part of her brain reminded her.

  “As a gentleman, and one who has come to care for your well-being, I have every right to be upset when you put yourself in danger.”

  She lifted a brow and glanced around, trying to ignore the tingling his words brought inside her. “I see no danger here in the garden.”

  He stopped within inches of her, his eyes running over her face. “It’s right in front of you. A man with a questionable reputation has entered the garden with no one the wiser.” He inched closer. “I can have my way with you right now.”

  Her throat closed as her focus fell to his lips. She wished she could have some saucy reply, or at the very least, the ability to tell him to proceed, but she couldn’t. Instead, she simply stood there. Confusion, need, and desperation swirled inside her. He didn’t move either, but his gaze asked the question. One she couldn’t answer.

  He let out a sigh, then walked back a few paces. “I apologize. I’m merely early for my lesson today. I was in the area and thought it would be best to stop by now and see if you were available.”

  Trying to return to her senses, she nodded. “Of course. How’s the search going? I trust you are able to implement my teachings.”

  “Yes. There is a lot of insightfulness in wh
at you say. At present, I am considering two candidates. However, now that I’ve selected them, I’m not exactly certain on how you would have me proceed from here.”

  Shock that he would have made a move so swiftly, she cleared her throat as she took the time to settle her thoughts. It was obvious she couldn’t question his determination or his desire to marry quickly. For some reason, she wasn’t quite ready to see the end of his journey just yet.

  “Two? How fortunate for you to have such a great selection. Are they pretty?” She couldn’t help but ask as her conversation with Patricia returned to her.

  He stared at her for a moment before crossing his arms and tilting his head back. “Yes. Very pretty. Both of them. Is that a problem?”

  She pursed her lips. “I imagine they can both sing rather well and perform on the pianoforte?”

  One eyebrow lifted as he studied her face. “I don’t exactly require them to perform for me. As you suggested, I selected them for other reasons. Is there something you really want to ask me?”

  Feeling the ire leaving her, she sagged her shoulders. “I’m sorry. A conversation I had earlier today came to me, and I’m taking it out on you.”

  A slow smile transformed his face as he sauntered toward her. “I have a different theory. One I like much better.”

  “What would that be?” Although wary, her pulse raced. The look in his eyes spoke of playfulness and made her a promise. One of pleasure that she would be a fool not to accept.

  “I don’t think you like the idea of me with other women. Perhaps you have decided to further a relationship with me and aren’t keen on the idea that I am prepared to make an offer for another, which would end your opportunity.”

  Her eyes widened at his boldness to say such a thing, but in truth, she couldn’t deny it. She did want him. If he made an offer for one of his ladies, he would be gone from her. Hearing that she would lose him so soon only solidified her decision. What harm could come from stealing a few moments in each other’s company?


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