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To Tame a Viscount (Reformed Rakes Book 2)

Page 6

by Jenn Langston

  Allowing her feelings to guide her, she closed the distance between them. “Although you are not entirely correct, I’ll admit the idea of becoming closer to you has entered my mind.”

  His cocky grin held a level of joy she hadn’t expected to see. “I’m pleased to hear you have been thinking of me. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve envisioned you in my bed.”

  Her breath caught. Although she wanted him, she wasn’t ready for something like that so soon. The fact he so openly talked about it both frightened her and increased her desire. Just like that, her body prepared for him. She swallowed. How could words have such a strong effect on her physically?

  “Take it one step at a time.” Her husky voice didn’t give off quite the warning she had hoped for.

  “Oh, I have. I’ve taken care to imagine each and every one, in detail, I might add.” He closed his hands around her waist and pulled her to him. “I can show you if you’d like.”

  Unable to locate her voice at the moment, she simply nodded.

  She lifted her face in anticipation as his mouth lowered to hers, but he stopped as a pained look passed through his eyes and halted his progress. “What’s wrong?”

  “Before we go any further, I believe I must say something.”

  “Go on.”

  He took a deep breath. “Regardless of what happens between us, I will be marrying someone.”

  “I know,” she intoned, although this wasn’t exactly what she wanted to hear from him at the moment.

  “It’s also going to take place rather soon.”

  “Again, I know.”

  “And, it’s most likely going to be one of those two ladies I mentioned to you.”

  Letting out a long breath, Kaylee tried to block out the emotions welling up inside her. The selfish part of her wanted to demand more time. She didn’t want forever. Just enough time to create a few memories, but she would have to be happy with whatever he could offer her now.

  “Are you finished? I’m still waiting for you to kiss me.”

  “How can I refuse?” He smiled, but she closed her eyes to block out the sight as well as his ability to read her thoughts. As his lips closed over hers, she concentrated on the feelings and nothing else. At present, all she wanted was memories to take with her. Anything else she would deal with later.

  ~ ~ ~

  “I see you decided to prematurely settle yourself in here.” Simon raised his glass to his cousin in a mock salute.

  Weston lifted his brandy as well. “With such good spirits and company, how could I not? Plus, I do believe Miss Highgate enjoys our meetings.”

  Biting his tongue in an attempt to contain his guffaw, Simon set his glass down. Lana most certainly did not enjoy the awkward outings with their cousin, but she refused to snub a man who she referred to as her probable husband.

  “My sister is obedient, and shall do as she is told.” Simon almost choked on the untrue words.

  The smile Weston responded with proved his agreement. “I imagine I shall want to offer for her even if you marry in the agreed-upon time. I daresay she will accept.”

  Stunned, Simon stared at his cousin. The man genuinely looked happy. Ever since the reading of the will, Weston seemed to have an air about him that indicated he only remained around with the hope that Simon would fail. The stench of that had dissipated. Had Lana made such a strong impact on him?

  “You are not jesting?” Simon had to confirm.

  With a shake of his head, Weston set his glass down and leaned forward. “This is serious. Your sister and I see matters in much the same manner. I’m fairly certain we will make each other happy. I may not have a title, but my father left me with enough funds for a household and a comfortable life.”

  For once, Simon actually felt sorry for his cousin. Lana would not be an easy woman to get along with. Nor would it be a simple feat to convince her to wed him. Judging from the many comments she had made in the past, it was clear she harbored no pleasant thoughts toward the man.

  “Why are you telling me all this?” Simon was afraid he already knew the answer, but he had to ask regardless.

  Weston sat up straighter in his chair as his Adam’s apple bobbed. “I was thinking about it, and I decided it wouldn’t be the most prudent way to begin a marriage by a forced proposal. In light of that, I would like to obtain your blessing now.”

  “I don’t think she would be agreeable to accept your suit while this business with the will isn’t settled,” Simon informed him, although the touch of excitement filled his head.

  If Weston were to marry, then the stipulation in the will would be void. Then, just as quickly his joy dissipated. That would free his sisters’ obligations, but the titles and estates would still be forfeit.

  “I agree. My intention isn’t to tell her of my plan. I merely want to obtain your blessing so I can move when the most opportune moment presents itself. In addition, I would also appreciate you telling her exactly when this conversation took place should she ask you in the future.”

  Thinking over the request, Simon couldn’t fault his cousin’s logic. During the two seasons Lana had endured, she’d never found anyone who had interested her in the least. Perhaps she simply needed to have someone vying for her attention. An interesting thought struck Simon, and he smiled.

  “If this is truly what you want, I must warn you that my blessing isn’t something I will easily give. Nor is it one simple word.”

  Annoyance crossed Weston’s face for a second before the man masked it. “In my experience, it is a simple matter. And, you can’t exactly have any objections toward my family. My father shared your blood, and my mother was the daughter of an earl.”

  Raising his hands up, Simon wanted to dissuade him of his objections now. “This has nothing to do with that. As a matter of fact, my blessing can only be granted if my sister has agreed.”

  “But, that will defeat my purpose. I’m not ready for her to know of my intention.”

  “I’m not suggesting you tell her. What I need from you in order to obtain my blessing is to get my sister to tell you a few things.”

  The man leaned back in his chair and crossed his ankles. “That’s simple. She tells me a great number of things. What would you like to know?”

  With a grin, Simon mirrored the man’s position. These would not be matters Lana would easily tell just anyone. Therefore, if Weston was able to obtain the correct information, then she trusted the man enough to give up her secrets. In addition, his cousin would have to be rather serious about Lana in order to go through the lengths it would take to get the proper answers.

  “The first thing I’d like you to find out is the reason why she never wears her favorite yellow dress anymore.”

  After his cousin reiterated the question, Weston took his leave, no doubt expecting Lana to quickly divulge the answer so he could move on to the next question. Simon couldn’t help but feel proud of himself. The result of this experiment would definitely bring out the best for both his sister and Weston. He couldn’t help but think of the benefits of having Lana happily settled into her own household.

  Thoughts of blessings had his own situation rising to the forefront of his mind. Now that Kaylee had agreed to further their relationship, he let all thoughts of the other two ladies leave his mind. Normally, he could handle juggling many women, but for some reason, his brain only wanted to concentrate on Kaylee. He simply hoped this was a temporary affliction. Otherwise, he was in for a lot of trouble.

  Chapter 5

  Kaylee attempted to hide her shock as she surrendered to her mother’s unexpected embrace. In all her years growing up, the woman had never shown such an uncharacteristic outpouring of affection, and her decision to do so now was definitely a curious one. After all, the Dowager Viscountess Whedon never did anything t
hat didn’t suit her.

  “My dear girl, how are you doing?” her mother gushed. “It has been ages since I’ve seen you. I’ll never forgive Benjamin for sending you away like that.”

  Disentangling herself from her mother’s grasp, Kaylee led them to the sofa and righted the hat she’d selected for the occasion. “That was a mutual decision. I never would have been happy living under his rules.”

  “Are you happy now?” The disgust in her mother’s voice was unmistakable. “Your brother told me where he found you. That’s no life for the daughter of a viscount. If your father could see you now, he’d have a fit.”

  Of that, Kaylee had no doubt. She’d always known her father had higher ambitions for her. In truth, she suspected he’d groomed her specifically to marry high and increase his importance. Had he not passed before his time, she suspected her life would be a lot more miserable now than Benjamin could have ever made it.

  “Mother, I’m not here to argue. Benjamin asked me to come because he said you wanted to see me. Did you desire a social visit? Or, do you have a specific goal in mind?”

  A smile touched her mother’s lips as she poured the tea that had been placed on the small side table. “You are so similar to your father. I have found everything to be much easier if you slowly ease into issues. But, not him. Alan always took no pleasure in such things. He wanted answers the second he entered the room.”

  Nodding, Kaylee accepted her tea. “Then, we were much alike. I see no need to waste time on trivial matters if there are important things to attend to. Once that is out of the way, I do find small talk to be pleasant, however.”

  “Good.” Her mother stirred one lump of sugar in her cup. “I’m glad to hear you have some of me inside you.”

  “Then, do you intend to tell me what this is about? It’s been three years since you’ve attempted to contact me, and it was I who initiated the contact with Benjamin.”

  Her mother took a sip of her drink then leaned back in her chair. “I did try to reason with your brother to bring you back. When he refused, I had no recourse of my own to find you, so I was powerless to help. It wasn’t until your letter, and his marrying that ridiculous chit that I realized I had any leverage.”

  Leaning forward, Kaylee caught her mother’s eye. “Yes. I heard you had withheld your sponsorship, and the viscountess’s jewels from the girl. Why would you do such a thing?”

  The woman snorted. “That girl cares nothing for me and my sponsorship means little to her. In all truth, I could snub her publicly and she’d likely laugh in my face. It’s all about money to her.”

  “Then, why not give the jewels to her? I understand my father provided for you rather well, you should have no use for them.”

  Her mother’s eyes softened as she took her hand. “Oh, but I do. Don’t you see what an amazing opportunity I have now? I have a second chance with you to set matters right.”

  Kaylee drew her head back. She had no idea what her mother was talking about and the earnestness on her face said it was something she felt strongly about. After the death of the viscount, her mother had gone a bit peculiar. It was clear how much she depended on her husband and his passing had been hard on her.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Your season, of course?” Her mother’s laughter was filled with excitement. “Due to the unfortunate circumstances before your first season, I missed it. I don’t intend to allow that to happen again.”

  “Be that as it may, the time for my season has long since passed, Mother.”

  “Nonsense. There are women quite a bit older than you who have managed to find a husband. At this juncture, timing is the key. We are very fortunate to have the winter as many ladies have retired to the country or have not been introduced into society, so we will begin now.”

  Had her mother gone mad? Kaylee rose from her chair and began pacing the room. How could her mother believe she would want to do something like this? Marriage was not for her. It drained every ounce of a woman’s independence and forced her to become something she were not. It wasn’t ever something she wanted to do. It was a forced obligation that most young ladies had to endure.

  Over the years, she’d helped many people marry. The women had to do it in order to secure their future and the men to secure their line. In the end, the only thing anyone wanted was to not be tied to anyone vile for all of eternity. That was all she would have to look forward to with marriage.

  No. She wanted her dowry. That alone would give her the independence she craved. Then, she would be able to make her own decisions regarding her life. She would never be dependent on a man, like her mother currently was with Benjamin. Painting would still be a large part of her life and the sales she made would only serve to ensure her dowry lasted until she passed from this world.

  “What if I have no desire to have another season? I’ve lived on my own for three years, and I don’t see any reason to change my current situation.”

  Her mother pinched her lips tight. “You may feel that way now, but it will change. I’ll just hold onto my jewels until such a time comes. Don’t worry, Kaylee. You will be taken care of. I promise.”

  Returning to her chair, Kaylee took a gulp of tea as if it would help provide her with the necessary answers. If her mother didn’t relinquish the jewels, her brother would keep her dowry. And, just to spite her, he may give it to his wife to spend. Then, Kaylee would have nothing. She needed to make her mother see reason.

  “So, if I agree to this, you will give the new viscountess the jewels?”

  Her mother nodded. “As soon as you are wed, I shall—”

  “No. That’s not fair. What if I don’t desire any of the gentlemen? What if they don’t desire me?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Her mother waved a dismissive hand. “There are a great number of men to choose from. I daresay you shall find an agreeable fellow.”

  Crossing her arms, Kaylee arched her brows. “If you would like to do this, you are going to have to negotiate as well. I will agree to attend events with you now. Not during the season. In exchange, you shall turn over the jewels, regardless of my marital status at the end of this.”

  The narrow-eyed look her mother shot her reminded her of being a child. “If I didn’t know better, I would believe you to be in league with your brother. After all, he is against anything I want to do.”

  Kaylee swallowed. She could imagine so. After all, she had been working for a number of these people for the past three years. Some of them were certain to recognize her. In addition, a relaunch into society would likely be a costly venture. It would definitely be at his expense as well.

  Kaylee closed her eyes for a brief second. Although she didn’t want to do this, she said the words she knew would persuade her mother. “Do you agree? If so, let me know because we have a lot of work ahead of us. I’ll have you know that I have nothing appropriate to wear.”

  Excitement leapt from her mother’s eyes. “I see I have no choice. I’ll have the seamstress notified at once. She needs to have things done quickly, and we don’t have much time.”

  Letting out a sigh, Kaylee listened to her mother as she launched into the new styles of fabrics and dresses that were currently popular. All Kaylee could think about was her dowry. Once she reached her twenty-first year and her dowry was settled, her life could be what she made of it. No longer would she be dependent upon someone else. And, marriage was definitely not an option.

  ~ ~ ~

  Simon clapped Anson on the shoulder and pulled him away from the gaming tables. “I think that’s enough of cards for now. Let’s have another drink.”

  Although unsteady on his feet, Anson followed him to the table. “I probably shouldn’t have another, but you’re right about cards.”

  As Simon sipped his brandy, he studied his friend. The man mar
ried the woman he had set out to court. It hadn’t been easy, but he had persevered and won. And, if Simon knew anything about women, he could tell Lady Melbourne was quite fond of her husband. Yet, here the man sat, desperate to avoid the woman he fought so hard to have. It just didn’t make sense.

  “Tell me again why you are here when you have a beautiful, warm woman waiting for you at home. And, don’t tell me she’s distracting you. Of course, she is. That’s part of the beauty of a woman.”

  Anson picked up his glass with both hands and rolled it between his palms as if contemplating its demise. “It’s not as simple as that. Women are complicated, but wives are entirely different creatures.”

  “Wonderful creatures. I should think having one would make life so much easier.”

  “Not exactly. You have no idea the difficulty of having her by your side at all times. There is no escape. I’ll tell you it’s a daily struggle to get out of bed every morning.”

  Laughing, Simon took a sip of his drink. “I think you’re wrong. Once you are married, everything should be easier. No more fighting for her. With the chase over, you have her at your mercy.”

  The idea of having Kaylee at his mercy brought in ache to his body that would never be satisfied. Regardless, he allowed the fantasy to play out. To see her in his bed. In his study. Merely in his house, would bring him pleasure. He didn’t know what it was about the woman, but his desire for her was much too strong to assuage it in a few nights.

  He hadn’t seen her since she agreed to push the boundaries of their relationship, and the waiting was wearing on him. It had taken every ounce of his restraint not to sneak into her room as he had done that first night. However, without her help, it was likely he would get caught. At the moment, the risk seemed worth the reward should he succeed.


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