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To Tame a Viscount (Reformed Rakes Book 2)

Page 20

by Jenn Langston

  Kaylee’s eyes widened as her heart squeezed in her chest. That was definitely not what she wanted for her new sisters. Nor would Simon be pleased to hear of it. What was she to do now?

  Moving back to the bench, she sat beside Wendy and took her hands. “I’m glad to hear you are reconsidering your decision to elope. As you know, I’m very fond of your brother, but perhaps elopement wasn’t the best idea. And, it’s certainly not something you should plan on doing.”

  “Why would you think eloping with Simon wasn’t the best idea?” Her eyebrows drew together in concern.

  “Because it’s making you consider such silly notions. You see, the process involved in a betrothal with calling the banns and taking the time for engagement gives a couple time to accustom themselves to one another. That way you can be certain you are making the correct decision.”

  Wendy’s eyes narrowed. “You didn’t have that time. Is that why you are having trouble?”

  Although Kaylee didn’t want to talk about herself, there was no choice at this point. “No. Your brother and I had known each other for many months before eloping. I would venture to say we were more prepared than most couples. My displacement is of my own doing. You see, I spent many years not expecting to marry. Being a wife has been a difficult adjustment for me.”

  The smile Wendy gave her was filled with relief. “That’s good to know. Before long, you will adjust, and my brother can stop worrying.”

  Kaylee froze. “Your brother? Did he put you up to asking me?”

  Red crawled up Wendy’s face. “I don’t know why you would think that. Now, I should go tell Gina that our plan to find a gentleman to elope with may not be such a good idea.”

  Without waiting for a response, the girl leapt from the chair and exited the room. Kaylee shook her head. The stench of guilt hadn’t quite dissipated from the room. What had Simon said to his sisters?

  The idea that he still worried over her happiness brought a fluttering sensation to her chest. Could it be he harbored feelings for her? Or, was he simply trying to make sure he had his nine months to secure his claim in his father’s will? She wanted to ask him, but definitely didn’t want to get the girls in trouble.

  “My lady.” The butler bowed. “The dowager Viscountess Whedon is requesting an audience.”

  Not having expected a visit from her mother, Kaylee had it on the tip of her tongue to tell him to turn the woman away, but she couldn’t show such disrespect. “Show her to the drawing room.”

  Once she righted her skirts and mentally prepared herself to see her mother, Kaylee made her way to the drawing room. She hadn’t spoken to the woman since the day before she left for Scotland. Although Simon had sent word of their marriage, it would be a different experience to see her mother in person with her new status.

  “Viscountess Washburne, how good of you to see me,” her mother greeted in a bitter voice as Kaylee entered the room.

  “Just as I am honored you have come for a visit, Mother.” Kaylee kept her emotion out of her voice.

  “I would have come sooner, but Benjamin made it clear I was not to visit before he gave his approval. I imagine you are under no such restrictions.”

  Not liking the attack, Kaylee crossed her arms. “Not in the least. Seeing as our last conversation made it clear you and Benjamin had purposely uprooted my life for your own personal gain, I decided visiting you wasn’t something I was prepared to do in the near future.”

  Her mother’s mouth fell open and she stood, stretching to her full height. “I can’t believe I’m hearing this. Don’t you see what I have done for you? Such a short time ago you were stuck teaching in that horrible little school. You had no future or status. Now, you have a husband with a sizable fortune. You are a viscountess that deserves respect. I have done this for you.”

  Kaylee shook her head. “No. You forced me from a life I was content with. You took everything from me. Besides, I’ve known Lord Washburne long before your interference. I can’t allow you to take credit for something that may have happened without your help.”

  As the words left her lips, and Kaylee knew them to be true. Even when Simon had been searching for a bride with her help, she’d wanted him for herself. Perhaps they would have ended up together in a more permanent way had her mother not been involved.

  She mentally shook off the thought. He had agreed to a temporary marriage. He may have offered her more at one time, but that was for the sake of her reputation, not for any feelings on his part. Or, was she wrong? Did he want more from her? She secretly hope so.

  The laughter spilling from her mother was full of hatred. “My dear, girl. Men don’t marry women like that. The fact he knew you before and still married you makes me wonder after the nature of your relationship. And, I must congratulate your cunning.”

  “Mother! How dare you come into my home and accuse me of such?”

  With a shrug, her mother brushed off her skirt. “I mean no insult from it. After all, that’s how I managed to get your father to marry me.”

  Kaylee gasped. “Don’t tell me such things.”

  “Why not? It’s true. Besides, I want you to know what you did is very common. I’d imagine the majority of wives out there used their bodies to trap their husbands. There are a great number of successful marriages from the practice as well.”

  “That’s not why Lord Washburne married me. I didn’t trap him into marriage.” Kaylee lifted her chin, having finally come to terms with the fact that she hadn’t forced Simon to marry her. “He married me because he wanted to, and for no other reason.”

  “Are you certain?” Her mother’s eyes trailed to Kaylee’s stomach. “Perhaps it is too early for us to tell, but I’m certain you must know the truth.”

  Glaring at her mother, Kaylee couldn’t believe they were still having this conversation. Her life had been hectic over the past few months since she’d been forced back into society, but she definitely wasn’t carrying Simon’s child. Her mind ran through the days to the date of her last menses, and she froze.

  The last time she could recall being affected was over a month ago. Seeing as she had only been married a few weeks, this was impossible. Panic slammed through her body. Could it be true? She didn’t know what she would do if she were with child. Nor could she deal with her mother right now.

  “Is there a reason for your visit?” She forced out, relieved that her voice emerged angry and exhibiting nothing of the fear welling up inside her. “Or, did you simply come here to insult me?”

  “I just wanted you to know how similar we are. I can help you with your husband and your children. All I’m asking is for a chance. I promise you won’t regret the decision.”

  Kaylee shook her head. “I can’t. After everything you’ve done, I just can’t. In addition, I don’t feel that you living here would be a positive influence on my new sisters, or a help for my marriage.”

  The woman’s eyes narrowed. “Benjamin is going to exile me to the country. Do you care nothing for me? I’ll die out there alone.”

  “No, you won’t. You will enjoy running your own house, and you’ll attend every party and event thrown. I imagine without Benjamin holding you back, you will excel in the country like you’ve never done in London.”

  “Spoken like a true ungrateful wretch.” Without another word, her mother stomped from the room.

  Kaylee let out a breath and fell to the sofa. Although she was relieved her mother was gone, she was terrified at the possibility of being with child. It was never her intention to trap Simon into a lasting marriage to her. She needed to see the doctor and find out for sure. Until then, all she could do was hope and pray that her suspicions were wrong.

  Chapter 16

  Simon walked through the house looking for Kaylee. It seemed every day that passed, she distanced herself even further f
rom him, and he couldn’t take it any longer. If this was how their first month was going, he didn’t want to know how the other eight would be.

  When he finally gave in and asked around, he discovered she was in her bedchamber. That was certainly curious. He took the steps two at a time, worried that she’d fallen ill. However, her door was ajar and inside, she stood looking at her bed.

  Not wanting to disturb her, he silently stepped in and saw hats on her bed. He’d heard they been delivered today. Judging from her emotionless stare, she wasn’t pleased by her selections. That wasn’t promising. Nothing he ever did turned out right with her.

  “You don’t like them?” He hated insecurity in his voice.

  She spun around, her eyes wide. “Simon? What are you doing here?”

  “I came to talk to you, and judging from the disappointment I’m seeing from you, I believe this is a bad time.”

  “Why do you think I’m disappointed?” Her voice was small.

  Unable to help himself, he ran his hands down her arm and took both of her hands in his. “I know you, Kaylee. Have you forgotten that? At one time, you told me I knew you better than anyone else. There is no joy in you right now. Every day a little more life is sucked away from you. The sight is killing me, and I don’t know how to fix it.”

  A suspicious smile turned the corners of her mouth. “Is that why you enlisted your sisters to talk to me?”

  He coughed and shot her an apologetic smile. “You knew about that?”

  The laughter spilling from her lips coated his soul. “Those two aren’t exactly subtle. They are such sweet girls, though.”

  “We all just want you to be happy here. To see you belong with us.”

  She turned and moved away from him. “Is that why you wanted to talk to me?”

  The urge to cringe at her topic change was strong, but he fought it. “We can discuss it later.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “That doesn’t sound good. I’ll hear it now.”

  Clearing his throat, he ran his hand across the back of his neck. “It’s not bad, I was just going to ask a favor of you.”

  “Anything,” she answered, eagerly.

  Shocked, he stared at her hopeful face. He’d expected her to be upset that he would be requesting her help while she was not feeling her best. The fact that she would willingly give of herself made him love her more. If that were even possible.

  “This isn’t for me. It’s for Lana.”—A bit of her eagerness dulled.—“You see, she’s been avoiding me lately, so I can’t talk to her.”

  “I’m afraid that’s one of your sisters who isn’t fond of me. I’m not certain I’m the best choice to help in regard to her.”

  He shook his head. “Actually, you’re perfect. You see, my sister has developed strong feelings for Weston. A short time ago, she’d decided to marry him. Then, for unknown reasons, she cut herself off from him and won’t speak to me about him. You, as a woman, and not one of her younger sisters, are a perfect person to talk to her.”

  Disbelief crossed her face. “And, what do you want me to say? She isn’t exactly going to confide in me simply because I asked her.”

  “Then, perhaps you can give her a message. Weston loves her.” Wishing he could confess his own feelings, Simon moved to her side and took her hands once again. “He would do anything to win her back. Will become whatever she needs. All she has to do is ask, and he’s there.”

  He stared into her eyes, trying with all his might to communicate that he felt the same way, all the while not wanting to pressure her into something she wasn’t ready for. Every word he spoke was meant for her. When her lips parted, his hope rose. Could she have understood his intention?

  “Lana is very lucky. I will make sure she knows that.”

  And, so swiftly his hope vanished. “Thank you, Kaylee. You don’t know what this means to me.”

  The look she gave him was filled with pain. He didn’t understand it. What had he done? Did she not want him to feel for her? The thought lodged in his throat.

  “Kiss me, Simon,” she whispered.

  Although he didn’t know what had brought about her desire, he refused to deny her. Truthfully, he needed her just as much as she needed him. He pulled her in tightly and covered her mouth with his.

  There was nothing calm or gentle about the kiss. Kaylee’s desperation matched his own and it wasn’t long before her new hats hit the floor with a thud. She didn’t seem to mind as she clung to him.

  Although pleasurable, he got the feeling her actions were trying to communicate something to him. The scary part was he was afraid he wouldn’t like what she wanted to say, for it felt like a goodbye.

  ~ ~ ~

  Kaylee took a deep breath as she waited for her sister-in-law to join her in the drawing room. Truthfully, she wasn’t even sure the woman would come. For as much as Simon thought Lana was avoiding him, Lana’s efforts were exhausted when it came to Kaylee. However, this was the first time Kaylee had actually tried to reach out to her.

  The prospect of speaking to her sister-in-law about such a sensitive subject brought a round of nerves bubbling to her stomach. This would not be easy. She wasn’t even sure how to broach such a topic. After all, one didn’t simply bring up another’s suitor, and particularly not following the rejection of him.

  She let out a sigh. Simon certainly had asked a lot of her. However, he’d done so much for her, she couldn’t refuse him anything. Not to mention the fact that he had seemed so sad yesterday. The very sight of it hurt her, and she would have done anything to make him happy. For some reason every moment she was with him she felt as though it were her last and she wanted to live every second up to its full potential. If that meant making sacrifices for him, she wouldn’t hesitate.

  “You wanted to see me?” Lana paused in the doorway looking confused by the prospect.

  “Yes. Please come in.” Kaylee folded her hands in her lap in an effort to keep them from shaking.

  The lady entered the room, then faced her with an expression that made it clear she would rather be anywhere else. “What is it you wanted?”

  “I know you don’t approve of me marrying your brother, but that’s done. I would like us to have a chance to start over and perhaps become friends.”

  “I have no trouble regarding your marriage to Simon. As a matter of fact, I’m pleased with the match.” Lana’s face held sincerity.

  Stunned, Kaylee stared at her sister-in-law. “When did this change take place? You made it clear to me that I was not who you would have selected for your brother.”

  A tinting of red colored Lana’s cheeks. “I may have overheard a private conversation between the two of you. I assure you, it wasn’t intentional, but it resulted in me understanding how wrong I was about you.”

  Not quite sure how to feel about this, Kaylee leaned back in her chair. She’d shared a number of conversations with Simon and had no idea which one Lana had heard. The knowledge that her privacy had been infringed upon made her uncomfortable. However, it also made her feel slightly better about their upcoming conversation considering the personal nature of it.

  “Then, I imagine I should be grateful, especially if it gives us a chance to begin anew and make an attempt at friendship.”

  “Seeing as the two of us shall be together for the foreseeable future, I agree that it is a wise course of action.”

  Confused by her blatant response, Kaylee tilted her head to study the woman. Did Lana make the comment in order to provoke a question about Weston? As far as the entire staff was concerned, the relationship between the two of them would result in marriage. Surely Lana expected Kaylee to know that as well.

  “That is a rather curious statement. I understand you have an attentive suitor, and if rumors are to be believed, the banns shall be called rather soon.” />
  The noise Lana made was decidedly unladylike. “At one time, I thought so as well, but ‘attentive suitor’ is not the correct term to describe Mr. Highgate.”

  “What makes you say that? I haven’t been here long, and already I know how much the man adores you.”

  Lana abruptly rose from her seat and crossed the room. “I don’t wish to talk about him. My troubles are my own. I’m sure he will have little difficulty finding someone else he supposedly adores.”

  Head reeling at the change in the younger woman’s attitude, Kaylee sat still. It was obvious Lana wanted to talk, just as it was clear she didn’t want to. Had they been friends, it would be a simple matter to cajole the information out of her, but this was different. She needed to tread warily.

  Taking in a deep breath, Kaylee looked upon her as one of her clients. She’d dealt with many stubborn women like her sister-in-law. Most of them didn’t want to admit the truth in one situation or another, but Kaylee still had managed to help them. She could help Lana as well, and in turn, aid Simon.

  “I understand how you feel, just as I understand how difficult it is not to have anyone to talk to. When everything in my life had become too much for me and I needed someone the most, I realized I had Simon there to talk to.”

  Lana whirled around to face her. “You can’t possibly understand what I’m going through right now. As you said, you had Simon. A man who is so passionate around you, I blushed for three days after overhearing your conversation. A man who looks at you as if you are his next breath. And, I’m stuck with the man who has no desire for me whatsoever. One who I have to beg for every kiss. It shouldn’t be that way. I deserve better.”

  Standing, Kaylee crossed the room to face the woman whose pain clearly danced across her features. “Of course you do, but I’m not convinced you don’t have that with Mr. Highgate. He loves you.”


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