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To Tame a Viscount (Reformed Rakes Book 2)

Page 21

by Jenn Langston

  Lana wiped her eyes. “I imagine that he does—as his cousin. Nothing more. I’m merely a convenient choice.”

  Shaking her head, Kaylee refused to believe that. “That can’t be. I think you shouldn’t give up on him just yet. I believe he deserves one more chance to prove himself. You know my history, so you should understand I’ve been quite successful in helping men and women wed.”

  Hoped crept into Lana’s eyes. “Tell me what to do.”

  Later that night, Weston had joined them for an emotionally charged but mostly silent dinner, and now they sat just as uncomfortably in the drawing room. Kaylee nearly sagged with relief when Lana finally mentioned having a desire to take a stroll, as Kaylee had instructed her earlier. When Weston graciously offered to escort her, Kaylee and Simon rose to accompany them as proper chaperones.

  “This appears to be going well, if not uneventful,” Simon whispered to Kaylee as they trailed a respectable distance behind the couple toward the portrait hall.

  His breath tickled her skin, and she had a delicious idea on how to put the next part of her plan into action. She leaned into her husband. “The night is still young.”

  She quickly ran her tongue along his soft earlobe.

  A low groan escaped his lips as he tightened his grip on her arm. “Don’t tease me when I can’t do anything about it.”

  She didn’t respond, but as soon as she saw an opportunity, she grabbed his hand and pulled him into a dark hallway. He followed her, but his steps were reluctant, as if he wanted to see what her plan was, but didn’t truly wish to go with her. She didn’t like that one bit.

  “What are you doing?” he demanded. “We must remain with Lana to chaperone.”

  Pursing her lips, Kaylee wished she could see him better. “They will be fine. I just wanted to be with you.” She slid her hands up his chest. “Is that wrong?”

  “No.” Wariness sounded in his voice. “You are up to something.”

  Although she wanted to deny it, she couldn’t. “I simply think that Lana will be perfectly fine on her own for a few minutes. She did ask for a walk after all.”

  Simon stepped away from her. “I’m not so sure about that. The more I think about her refusal of Weston, it has made me wonder about her reasons. Perhaps he had done something to justify her reaction. We should go back.”

  Irritated that he didn’t believe her, Kaylee put her hands on her hips. “I talked to Lana, just as you requested. Trust me, the last thing she needs right now is a chaperone. The best thing for her at this moment is a few minutes to share a private conversation with him.”

  The following silence was telling. “I don’t like this.”

  Kaylee snorted. “I don’t care if you do. This isn’t about you. Your sister needs this right now, and after what she told me, you can be assured no harm will come to her in his presence.”

  With a clearly irritated shake of his head, Simon crossed his arms. “How long are we supposed to remain here like fools in this godforsaken hallway?”

  Hurt pierced her chest. She had planned a more pleasant wait for them, but clearly Simon had no interest in such matters. That, combined with his strange behavior as of late didn’t provide her with any hope for their future. Perhaps he was done with her already. She had toyed with the idea of telling him about the possibility that she could be with child, but that was an impossibility now.

  “However long you wish. I’m going to bed.” She spun on her heel and marched up the stairs. If he was going to act like that, he could do that all by himself.

  ~ ~ ~

  Simon smiled as Weston left his study looking happier than he’d ever seen the man. Although Simon had no idea what had occurred last night, his cousin had decided not to delay any longer in claiming Lana as his. What had seemed an ordinary dinner last night had transformed into Weston and Lana being betrothed today. The banns would be called the very next Sunday if Weston could manage it.

  Thoughts of the previous night brought Simon’s mind to Kaylee. He hadn’t agreed with her methods and frankly had been upset with her when she’d forced him to be negligent in chaperoning Lana, but he couldn’t argue her results. Somehow Kaylee had convinced Lana to give Weston another chance and their happiness was all because of Kaylee.

  Watching her walk away from him last night had been difficult, but he would have to become accustomed to it, as she was only preparing herself to leave him. It had taken him some time to realize it, but he was convinced her every move over their marriage was her way of readying for the event.

  He clenched his fists. How could he have allowed to this to happen? At times, he’d honestly believed that this would work. That they would be able to have a real marriage without a deadline looming over them. Depression settled on his shoulders. How wrong he had been.

  There were only two options available to him. First, he could act as though everything were normal and keep allowing her to pull further away from him. Then, at the end of the term, he could watch her leave. The other option was just as difficult. He would have to open himself up for rejection and tell her how he truly felt about her.

  The idea made his fingers tremble. He couldn’t imagine how she would respond. Would she think he was lying in an attempt to trick her into staying? Would she laugh off his feelings? Would she return them? The uncertainty made the decision to tell her almost impossible.

  “My lord.” The butler bowed at the doorway. “Lord Whedon is here requesting an audience. Shall I send him in?”

  Simon let out a sigh before nodding. So, his week was up. With the knowledge he’d gained, he could have contacted Kaylee’s brother long before now, but waiting for the man to seek him out seemed like the wiser option. Besides, the time had given him a chance to retrieve all the necessary information.

  “Whedon, I’ve been waiting for your visit. Please have a seat.” Simon kept a pleasant smile on his face, wanting to keep the man off guard.

  “Have you now?” The viscount’s brows drew together. “Had I known you had made your decision, I would have come sooner. I would prefer to get this unpleasant business behind us.”

  Nodding, Simon poured a glass of brandy and pushed it toward the man. “I agree. It’s rather unpleasant. But, before we begin, I’d like to understand why.”

  With a condescending eyebrow raised, Whedon took a sip of his drink. “I should think that is obvious.”

  “But, you claim to care for Kaylee. If you truly do, why would you do this to her? What you’ve done to her is unconscionable.” Simon clenched the arms of his chair to keep from pummeling the man at the thought of everything he’d done, and he lost the ability to keep the anger from his voice. “The fact that I care for her is the only reason why you’re not bloodied this very second.”

  To Simon’s surprise, Whedon laughed. “You don’t hold the power here. And, I do care for my sister, but I’d hardly call rumors a cause for violence. Besides, you can protect her from the rumors by giving me the funds I require. So, in a way, you would be the one hurting her by your refusal. Not me.”

  “Then, who are you going to blame for Lord Leyson attacking her?” Simon practically growled.

  The man paled. “What are you talking about? I don’t control the actions of other men.”

  “That’s not entirely accurate. When you hire someone to perform a duty, you become responsible.”

  “You have no proof.” Whedon’s clenched jaw and fury was guilt enough.

  Forcing himself to remain calm, Simon leaned back in his chair. “Actually, you are wrong. I found four people, Leyson included, who can confirm the relationship between the two of you—both from years ago and recently. Two of which can even recall specific conversations.”

  Whedon burst from his chair, prompting Simon to stand as well. “Their word against mine lends no concrete proof. No one w
ould believe you.”

  “Perhaps not, but they would certainly not believe any rumors you begin in order to deflect the attention from yourself. But, if they do believe me, you will be ruined. Do you honestly want to take that chance?”

  The man’s face turned purple. “You—”

  “Is all that true, Benjamin?” Kaylee’s voice was full of pain.

  Glancing at her form in the hallway, Simon cursed himself for not closing the door before beginning his conversation with her brother. She was the last person who needed to hear any of this. Simon hurt for her.

  “I only wanted you to return home. Leyson wasn’t supposed to harm you.”

  Tears slipped down her cheeks. “And, what about now? You threaten my husband to ruin me? Why?”

  “Don’t act like you are an innocent here. None of this would have happened if you hadn’t run off and married him. Why, you are no better than a harlot.”

  A snap sounded in Simon’s mind, and he flew across the room and slammed his fist into his brother-in-law’s face. The audible crack echoed in the room as did the man’s scream. Whedon grabbed his nose as blood gushed from between his fingers.

  “Do not speak to my wife that way,” Simon snarled then faced the two men who had arrived upon hearing the commotion. “Get him out of here.”

  As the cursing Lord Whedon was dragged from the study, Simon turned his attention to Kaylee. She’d taken a seat on the edge of the sofa and was staring off across the room as if her mind was somewhere else. The sight eradicated his anger and ripped him up on the inside.

  He dropped to his knees in front of her and pulled her against him, but her arms remained motionless at her side. As if she were gone.

  “Kaylee, talk to me.” He pressed his cheek against her cold one as he brushed stray hair away from her face.

  “Then, there is no dowry?” Her voice was flat.

  Simon winced as he drew back from her. He hated that her mind had focused on the one thing that would take her away from him as much as he hated the lack of life in her voice. This was not good. She needed to experience the emotions he knew were buzzing around inside of her.

  “That is the last thing you should worry over. I’ll give you one. As much as you want. Problem solved.”

  She looked at him then, and her eyes filled with tears. “Thank you, but I can’t do this anymore, Simon.”

  Alarmed, he swallowed. “Do what?”

  “Pretend,” she whispered, the pain on her face twisting a knot in his heart. “I want out. No more months. I can’t handle it. You have no idea how much this is killing me.”

  His throat closed as his heart shattered, the pain too intense to bear. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you go. I just can’t.”

  A sob escaped her lips as she squeezed her eyes closed. “Why not?”

  This was it. The last moment of his life. He refused to squander it. No matter what it cost him, the alternative was much worse.

  “Because, I love you.”

  She froze, then her eyes opened and she looked at him with confusion swirling in the depths of her green gaze. “What?”

  “I said, I love you, Kaylee. You’ve absolutely ruined me. I haven’t even thought about another woman seriously since the first moment I saw you. Your pain is killing me, and I promise I can become whatever you need. I’m not asking you to love me, but I can’t live without you. Please, just stay. I’ll do anything.”

  Begging had never been his style, but he couldn’t lose her. She was much too important to him. The thought alone broke him, and her silence was damning. He would spend the rest of his life pining over her.

  “How long have you known this?” Her tears were dry now and a light had entered her eyes.

  Hope that he didn’t want to feel soared in his chest. “Too long to keep it a secret any longer. Please put me out of my misery and tell me you’ll stay. Not for nine months, but forever. Be my wife, Kaylee. My real wife.”

  A slow smile spread across her lips. “You give me no choice. I have to stay now, for I love you, too.”

  Shock reverberated through his chest as did his love for her. “Are you certain? I thought you wanted to leave me.”

  Did she truly love him? The thought was unfathomable. He couldn’t comprehend how his life could go from the lowest point to such heights in a short time. Joy spread throughout him at the proof in her open gaze.

  “Of course I wanted to leave. It was too painful to know the man I loved cared nothing for me. Then, when you offered to pay my dowry, I thought you only would do so in order to ensure that you would be rid of me.”

  He shook his head as he took her in his arms. “Oh no, my dear. I will give you a dowry if you want one because I love you and wish to provide you with everything your heart desires, just as long as you remain by my side.”

  She cupped his cheeks. “I love you, and I’ll forever be by your side. You’re stuck with me now.”

  Grinning, he pulled her against him. “That’s exactly how I like it.”

  Not wasting another second, he claimed her lips. She was everything he wanted and now he would have a lifetime of loving her. Never before had he imagined his life would turn out so perfect.

  He’d gone to the House of Reform to seek help finding a wife to honor his father’s will, and he’d obtained so much more. In the end, it had been he who had been reformed, and Kaylee his reward. He couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with her by his side.


  Kaylee grabbed her hat as a gust of wind threatened to take it from her. A peel of laughter escaped her at her happiness, but she froze when she saw her husband leaning against the carriage, arms crossed as he waited for her. The very sight of him brought an aching inside her chest as her love enveloped her. She could never get enough of him.

  Although she had enjoyed spending the day with Miranda and her family, she had missed Simon. Even watching Anson and Miranda interact with their adorable son brought a tightening to her chest. That’s what she wanted with her husband.

  Nerves engulfed her as she neared the carriage and the man she loved. She’d finally received confirmation a few days ago from the doctor that she was, in fact, with child, but she hadn’t yet told her husband. Considering they had been taking steps to ensure she not conceive, and she was concerned over his response to the news.

  “Good afternoon, Gorgeous.” He bowed as he took her hand and kissed it. “Did you have a good day painting your friend?”

  She nodded. “I think the portrait will come out quite nicely. Miranda was pleased with the surprise, and has invited both of us to come over tomorrow for a visit.”

  “I would like that.” He lifted her up in the carriage. “It’s been too long since I paid Anson a visit.”

  “Yes, and it will be lovely to spend time with Miranda again.”

  As he climbed in behind her, her mind returned to the happy family she’d just left. She’d never imagined the marquis would be such a wonderful father. Again, her mind drifted to Simon. She bit her lip as she studied him. Would he do as Anson had done and take a screaming child to calm him, or would the idea be foreign to him?

  “I’m not sure if I should be concerned or not by that look on your face.”

  Clearing her throat, she drew on her strength. “Seeing Lord Melbourne with his son today made me wonder what your thoughts were on children.”

  He tilted his head to the side and studied her, his face giving her nothing. “As you know, I do need an heir. As our arrangement has changed, there is no reason for us to continue taking precautions to prevent you from conceiving.”

  Not wanting to give anything away, she nodded. “Then, you are ready to have one?”

  Without warning, he reached over and pulled her to sit on his lap. Being accustomed to his random acts
, she smiled and draped her arms around his neck. The love in his eyes made her heart swell. She had no reason to fear anything with him. No matter the issue, they would manage it. Together.

  “We could start trying now if you’d like.” He nuzzled her neck.

  She shook her head. “No. Now isn’t a good time for me.”

  His hand traveled up her body to caress her breast. “I could make it a good time. We have a long ride ahead of us before we reach our estate.”

  Sucking in her lower lip, she fought off her reaction. They needed to talk right now more than she needed him, but there would be plenty of time afterward. At least now she knew there was no reason to worry after his response.

  “I’m sure you could, but I don’t think we need to start trying to conceive a child right now.”

  He leaned back on the cushions and studied her, a confused look on his face. “You don’t want a child? So, your question on my thoughts were in hope that I wanted to wait?”

  The dejection on his face made her smile as her news would bring him as much joy as it had brought her. “Not at all. I was curious to know if you were ready for me to tell you that I’m with child.”

  “Rest assured, I will be ready to hear it when the time comes.” He wrapped his arms around her again.

  “You don’t understand, Simon. I’m with child. Now. We’re having a baby.”

  His eyes widened. “Already? How? But, we did everything we could to prevent conception.”

  “Apparently not.” Fear crept in her voice. “Are you not pleased?”

  One of his hands curled around the back of her neck, and he pulled her in for a searing kiss. His passion made her mind go blank, and nothing else mattered. Without breaking contact, she maneuvered herself until she was straddling him.


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