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Becoming the Hitman (Zanetti Famiglia Book 5)

Page 8

by Hayley Faiman

  I’m a little worried and scared. He’s here for a reason, a big one. Then it hits me. He must be part of the American government and here to stop this whole operation. I’m suddenly full of hope and pride all at the same time.

  Turning to face the hangar, I gasp at the sight in front of me. I was so busy swooning over Renzo that I hadn’t noticed what was happening. The girls are all lined up. I quickly count, and my stomach cramps when I get to forty-five.

  Forty-five girls, none of which look over the age of seventeen, the youngest looking far too young, around ten, maybe. My lips tremble as tears fall down my cheeks without warning. All those babies. And that’s exactly what they are, babies.

  The girls start to walk toward the plane. Renzo doesn’t allow me to watch for another moment longer. He grips the back of my head, his fingers gripping my hair as he forces my face against his chest.

  Closing my eyes, I tremble against him. His fingers grip me tighter, pulling my hair, but I don’t care. I hear the plane move down the tarmac, it takes off and I still don’t move. I can’t pull myself away from him, not even after the vans pull away.

  “Get her shit, yeah?”

  The other man mumbles something that I can’t hear. Then Renzo slides his arms beneath my knees and back before he stands up straight. My face stays in his neck, my tears now dried up, but my body still shaking.

  I don’t even ask him where he’s taking me as he sets me down in the car. He already said his hotel tonight, so I hope that’s where we’re going. I’m trusting him again, even though I don’t know anything about him, not really anyway.

  I’ve been completely intimate with him, trusted him with my body, but I don’t know anything about him. Not even what he does for a living and when I asked him, he avoided it, but none of that matters.

  Not right now anyway.

  All that matters is that he’s taking me the fuck away from that sick motherfucker, Orin. I have officially lost all hope of finding anything out about Emilyn and I now know without a doubt that I will never find her.

  She is lost to me, lost to the cruelest part of the world that exists and my entire body aches all over again, as if she left us just yesterday. She is gone, probably off to where those girls were taken.

  I hate the world. I hate the people in it.

  All of them.

  I hate myself because it wasn’t me.

  Sitting in silence, I kick my shoes off and bring my feet to the seat. Closing my eyes, I lean my head forward and rest my forehead against my knees, wrapping my arms around my shins. I try to keep my tears at bay. I shouldn’t have any left, not for this. I’ve cried so much in the last ten years that my eyes should be dry.

  But they’re not.

  I’m not sure if I will ever not cry when thinking about Emilyn, about the horrors she must have been put through, about where her sweet soul and body now rests. Then, I can’t help myself, I think about those girls that were ushered onto that plane. I think about what lies ahead of them, what torture, what hells and my body shakes uncontrollably as the tears silently flow.

  I don’t notice when the car stops, it doesn’t matter. Nothing does, not anymore. The truth is out and my soul is tired. I hear Renzo’s deep American accented voice as he speaks to his friend, whoever he is.

  I ignore it all, every second of it, the blood roaring through my ears as I come to terms with everything I’ve just witnessed.

  The car door opens, the breeze from outside rushing over me as Renzo slides his arms beneath me and lifts me from the back seat. I try not to let out a rushed sigh of relief, or cuddle closer to him as I wrap my arms around his shoulders, but I fail. I fail all the way around and I’m okay with that.

  Renzo carries me all the way to his hotel room, he doesn’t even pant or appear out of breath by the time he sets me down on the bed. I’m a little calmer now.

  Maybe it was the walk in his arms, maybe it was the fresh air, or maybe it was his scent? Whatever it is, I feel a little better, still sad and distraught, but no longer a complete basket case.

  “Look at me,” Renzo demands, his voice husky and firm.

  Lifting my head, I slowly open my eyes and look up at him. He’s scowling down at me and I wonder what he’s going to say or do next. He does nothing immediately. He tilts his head to the side, his gaze roaming over my face, then he lets out a low growl.

  Renzo leans forward slightly, asserting his obvious dominance over me. I’m okay with that, completely okay with it because I really enjoy the way he gives that dominance of his that he carries inside of him so well.

  “You’re going to tell me who the fuck hit you, right goddamn now.”

  I jerk back slightly, all warmth leaving my body from his obvious anger. It radiates throughout him, he must have been holding it back, because he isn’t anymore and it’s almost suffocating. Lifting my hand to my neck, he doesn’t allow me to touch myself.

  His fingers curl around my wrist and tug it down, not allowing my fingers to touch my throat. “Who the fuck hurt you?” he demands.

  Shaking my head, my eyes fill with unshed tears again. “It doesn’t matter,” I whisper.

  He leans forward, his nostrils flaring as his face turns red. “You got a man? That’s what this is?” he barks in my face.

  My entire body jerks backward as if he’s the one who backhanded me with just his words. My lips tremble and I shake my head as I pinch my eyes closed.

  “No,” I exhale as I open my eyes again. Looking him straight on. “My father, Renzo. My father did this when I didn’t come home last night. He called me a slag and he slapped me, then he choked me, then he told me that he wished that it was me who was kidnapped and not Emilyn.”

  Renzo’s eyes widen, but he doesn’t say anything immediately. He doesn’t tell me that my father is a jerk. He doesn’t attempt to hold or console me. He doesn’t even apologize. Instead, he reaches behind him with one hand and tugs his shirt off, tossing it to the side, then I watch as he unbuttons, unzips, and pushes his jeans and underwear down his hips and legs.

  He’s completely bare for me. His dick is hard and as upset as I am, it doesn’t take away from the beauty that is Renzo. Licking my lips, I drag my gaze up his strong chest, his thick neck, and then focus on his own amber eyes.

  His lips twitch into a small smile and he shakes his head once. He takes a step toward me, reaching out, he fists the back of my hair and he tugs my head forward.

  “Suck,” he demands.


  Emotions aren’t my thing. Never were. I was taught a long time ago to hide every facet of my emotions, or risk being beat within an inch of my life. Sometimes I forget that not all people are like me, especially women.

  I’ve been around a few women in my day, wives of my famiglia. They cried, but then they dusted themselves off and got their shit together. They were strong. I’m not sure Siobahn has that type of strength, but if she’s going to be with me, she’s going to have to find it inside of her and bring it forward.

  And since I’ve decided tonight, just moments ago, that she is going to be with me, she’s going to need to find it quickly. Her lips part and she takes me in her mouth without hesitation. I don’t know why, but she does. I don’t question her, I just watch.

  I can’t look away as her mouth stretches and she takes what she can of me, which isn’t much, but fuck me it’s enough. Her tongue swirls the head of my cock as her hand reaches up and begins to stroke me.

  My hand in the back of her hair, guides her mouth up and down my dick, our eyes connected with each stroke. My breathing becomes heavier, panting, I feel my back tingle and my balls draw up. Before I explode down her throat, I tug her off of me.

  There’s saliva dripping down her chin, tears streaming down her face and even with the black eye and red marked throat, she’s fucking stunning.

  “Renzo?” she breathes.

  Reaching down, I grab ahold of the hem of her shirt and peel it up her body before I toss it to the side. Press
ing my hand against her chest, I gently push her backward onto the bed. Unbuttoning her jeans, I tug them down her legs, then grab hold of her panties and shred them off of her.

  Lifting my gaze from her now exposed pussy, I look up to find her removing her bra and throwing it off to the side. I clench my teeth at the sight of her tits. They’re fucking perfect, just like the rest of her.

  Wrapping my hands around the backs of her knees, I tug her forward and align my cock with her center. In one swift move, I bury myself inside of her. Her breath hitches right before she lets out a groan.

  Reaching out, I press my thumb against her clit and start to rub firm circles against her clit. She sinks her teeth into her bottom lip, her gaze never leaving mine. Her hands lift, her nails digging into my forearms as I begin to pump in and out of her.

  I don’t fuck her soft and gentle, it’s slow and hard. She feels every square inch of me just like I feel every square inch of her tight wet heat. It’s fucking phenomenal, just like everything about her.

  “Renzo,” she breathes.

  “Beg me,” I grind out.

  She trembles beneath me. Her thighs shake, her body shivers and I can feel her pussy flutter as she climbs higher and higher toward her release.

  I should slow down, I should simply glide in and out of her to draw this moment out, but I can’t, I’m seconds from fucking her hard, fast, and dirty, completely losing control.

  “Please, Renzo,” she sighs. “Please.”

  “Please what, cuoricino?”

  Her eyes widen as she continues to watch me. She licks her lips, flicking her gaze down between us, watching the way I move in and out of her, the way my fingers bring her so close and yet not close enough to fall over the edge.

  “I need to come, please, Renzo.”

  I hum, shaking my head. “No, Siobahn. Beg me.”

  She sucks in a shaky breath, her hips wriggling beneath me. “Renzo,” she snaps.

  I can’t help it, I let out a chuckle as I continue to slam into her harder and harder with each thrust. She whimpers, then moans.

  Her nails dig into my arms harder, then she lifts her eyes. They connect with mine, they focus on me and she finally speaks.

  “Own me, Renzo. Take me, own me, make me come.”

  My entire body bucks and I do just that. It wasn’t what I expected her to say, and yet it’s exactly what I need. My hips move faster and harder, my fingers playing her even more until she screams and then, I bury myself inside of her and I come—hard.

  I fill her with my release and I claim her in a way that I’ve never claimed another woman. I make her mine right here and now. There is no leaving me, there is no turning and walking away from me.

  She could be carrying my child.

  She is mine now.

  Chapter Eleven


  There is something in his eyes that wasn’t there before. It’s something that I can’t quite place. I wish that I knew him better so that I could figure it out, but I don’t. Lying against his side, I trace his areola, feeling the hair of his chest against my fingertip.

  Lifting my head, I look up at him, his gaze flicks down to me, but whatever he’s thinking about, it’s still at the forefront of his mind.

  “Tell me?” I ask.

  I’m asking because I know that this is a man you don’t make demands of. This is a man who does what he wants the way he wants. This is a man who makes all of the rules. Renzo is the alpha, without a doubt, that’s exactly what he is.

  He dips his chin, his gaze finding mine. He lifts his hand and tucks some of my hair behind my ear. “You’re beautiful, cuoricino. You know that, yeah?”

  I feel my face heat and I know that my cheeks are tinted pink immediately. His lips twitch and one of his arms wraps around me, his fingers begin to skim up and down my back, stopping just above my ass before he glides them back up to my neck again and repeats it over and over, almost causing me to close my eyes and fall asleep.

  “I’m not,” I say, clearing my throat and opening my eyes to look up at him.

  He hums, but doesn’t respond to my obvious inability to accept a compliment. “You are,” he grunts, interrupting my self-berating. “But if a man touches you like this, he has to pay for what he’s done, cuoricino.”

  My eyes widen and my mouth goes dry. His hand slides around to the back of my head and his fingers grip my hair. He tugs my head back slightly, forcing my eyes to lock in on his and my neck to arch uncomfortably, but it doesn’t hurt, not really.

  “He’s my father. He’s a drunk, it isn’t worth anything. He probably doesn’t even remember doing it,” I whisper.

  He shakes his head once. “No, Siobahn. You’re in my world now. Nobody gets away with disrespecting me this way.”

  I try to jerk back, but his grip is too tight. His world? His. World. What does that even mean? What does he mean? His eyes sparkle, they are sharp right now and there is nothing hiding in them. He’s showing me everything and he is frightening.

  There is something working behind his eyes that is… terrifying and he’s showing it all to me right now.

  “Renzo, who are you exactly?”

  His lips press in a straight line as he stares at me. “All you need to know is that you’re mine now. You’re mine, Siobahn, and no other man will touch you again, in any way.”

  “You’re scaring me,” I breathe.

  This time his mouth turns up into a grin and he leans forward. “Good.” He chuckles. Then he touches his mouth to mine and repeats the word. “Good.”

  He leans forward, his mouth touching mine and I let out a sigh as his tongue slides inside and tastes me. I should run from him. Right now, I should grab my shit and run. But then there is this.

  There is the way he makes me feel. I’ve never felt this before, not ever. Is it worth whatever he’s going to bring my way though? Because I have a feeling this is about to get beyond real.

  I have a feeling this is going to be rough. This is going to be hard, and at the same time, I have hope that it is going to be beautiful.

  Slowly, he breaks the kiss, his teeth nibbling my bottom lip as he releases my hair. “You didn’t answer me,” I say, pointing out the obvious.

  His fingers continue to trail my spine, he’s obviously not upset at my question, again. Instead, he clears his throat, his fingers not stopping.

  “I work hard. I can’t tell you what I do, it would put you in danger. I will keep you safe, cuoricino.”

  I want to tell him that once he leaves, it won’t matter. I’ll be back with my father and I have a feeling what he’s done to me is just the beginning if I stay away for days on end, or if he is confronted by Renzo.

  “I’m Renzo Pagano. That is all you need to know.”

  “That may be all I need to know, but I want to know more. When you leave, I’ll only have this,” I whisper.

  He grunts, his hand grabbing ahold of my ass and squeezing. “Do you think when I go, that you won’t be coming with me?”

  I blink up at him and I try to hold back my laughter, but I fail. It bursts out of me as I shake my head back and forth. Me? Go with him? I don’t even know him, and he surely does not know me.

  When his fingers continue to dig into the flesh of my ass and his muscles go stiff beneath my body, I know without a doubt that he’s not happy with me. My gaze catches his and I suck in a breath at the anger that is radiating from him.

  “I just came inside of you bare. You could be pregnant with my baby, so yes, you’ll be coming back home with me.”

  “Renzo,” I gasp. “How could you?”

  Wriggling from his grip, he allows me to climb out of the bed. Allows is what it is too, because if he wanted to keep me pressed against him, he could. He’s infinitely stronger than I am. I stand across from where he’s lying down, both of us naked and just stare at him.

  “Why would you do that to me?” I ask on a whisper.

  “Do that to you?”

  Nodding my head, I
turn around and face the wall, unable to even look at him. My stomach clenches and I wonder how this could have happened. Why did I trust him? Why didn’t I make sure he used a condom?

  I hear him rustle around behind me and then I feel his warmth press against my back and his fingers wrap around my shoulders. His mouth touches the side of my neck. His warm breath washes over me and as angry as I am, I also want him again.

  I hate myself.

  Right now.

  I hate myself.


  I’ve upset her. I’ve angered her and I wish that I could apologize, but I’m not sorry. I wish that I could say I won’t do it again, but I will. There will never be anything between us again, I loved the way it felt, the way she felt and I know that, without a doubt, she is right for me.

  “How could you do this to me? You don’t even know me. I don’t know you either and now you’re saying you want to take me to America?”

  Spinning her around, I look into her beautiful blue eyes, the skin of her cheek and eye red, black, and angry. I am not a fool. Her father isn’t going to stop this and I’m not going to let him hurt her or potentially my baby.

  Fuck that.

  Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her against my chest, keeping her bare body against my own and trying to stop from getting a hard-on, but I fail. I know when she feels my length hardening, because she gasps, then her lips twitch at the corners before she rearranges her features.

  “Cuoricino, there is something special about you. I’ve never wanted to keep a woman the way I want you. Seeing that mark, it makes me realize that I cannot leave you here. You’re coming home with me. And you’re staying in this hotel until it’s time to leave.”

  She licks her lips, glancing to the side before she shifts her gaze back to meet mine. “I have a job here. My father… Emilyn.”

  Her sister’s name comes out as a pained whisper and I know that the loss of her, even after this many years, is fresh. This is why she hired a detective. This is why she has been isolated and rarely dates. She’s still in excruciating pain.


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