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Becoming the Hitman (Zanetti Famiglia Book 5)

Page 9

by Hayley Faiman

  “Your father is an adult, one who hit you. I will take care of him. Your sister, no matter where you live, we won’t stop until we find out what’s happened to her.”

  Even as I say the words, I know that they are probably a lie. We will likely never know what’s happened to Emilyn Doyle. But if I know anything about Siobahn, I know that she will never, not ever, stop looking for her.

  “What will you do to my father?” she asks on a whisper. “And what about my job?”

  Clearing my throat, I trail my fingers down to her delicious ass, one that I’m very fond of, and one that I’m going to watch bounce in the mirror behind us as she rides me in a few minutes.

  “I’ll offer your father some money. Your job. I’m pretty sure you can do hair anywhere, yeah? I’ll buy you a salon,” I murmur, lowering my head and touching my mouth to hers.

  “What? How? I couldn’t, not ever…” Her words trail off as I slide my tongue over her bottom lip.

  Turning her around, I walk her backward until the backs of her knees hit the side of the bed. Sliding my hands from her ass, I grab hold of her thighs and tug them from beneath her until she is sitting on the bed.

  Looking down at her, I wonder how I found her in that pub, how I chose her, how she came back here with me and why on earth I wanted so much more with her? I do though. Everything in my life has changed in an instant and it’s because she was meant to be mine.

  We’re connected in a way that she may never know, but I will find out what happened to Emilyn and I will avenge her, even if Siobahn never knows.

  Lifting my hand, I cup her cheek, my eyes never leaving hers. My dick is aching to be inside of her, but this conversation has to happen, she has to know that I will take care of everything, anything she ever needs me to.

  “You’re not asking me to do anything, Siobahn. I’ll pay your father off, and only because I can tell you do care for him. If it were up to me, you’d leave and he’d have nothing. I’ll buy you a salon, because I can and you have studied for your career. If you don’t want to work, then you don’t have to. You can do as you please, cuoricino.”

  “How is all of that possible? Money doesn’t grow on trees, Renzo.”

  Smirking down at her, I wonder if she would faint from the numbers in my offshore bank accounts. I decide that she indeed would. Sliding my thumb across the apple of her unmarked cheek, I can’t help but gaze at her in amazement.

  “It doesn’t, but I have plenty, Siobahn. Don’t worry, yeah?”

  She shakes her head. “But I do.”

  “Soon you will never have to worry about another thing in your life, yeah?”

  She doesn’t say anything, instead she presses her lips together. She scoots up the bed as I lean into her, hovering above her sweet body.

  I’ve lied to her, over and over, and I can’t stop myself. She will have to worry, every second of every day, but not about money. Never about money. She’ll worry about a million other things, but I will always take care of her and protect her as much as I can.

  I can’t protect her from myself though. And I have a feeling that by claiming her, I’ve just given her a life sentence of being my prisoner.


  I am a Made Man. I am famiglia and I will never let her walk away from me.

  Chapter Twelve



  I don’t sleep.

  How can I?

  Renzo has all but said he’s taking me back with him, that’s after of course, he announces that he didn’t use protection and I could be pregnant with his baby. Two days. That’s the extent of time that I’ve known him.

  Two days.

  Now, he’s decided that we’re going to be together. That he’s going to take me back to America, that he’s going to buy me a salon. I might be too trusting when it comes to him, but I’m not sure if I’m that trusting.

  If he takes me out of this country, away from everyone that I know, I can’t imagine anything good coming from that. Not at all. Pressing my lips together, I stare at the wall across from me. Renzo is behind me, asleep and probably dreaming of the future, I don’t know and I’m not sure that I care.

  I’m scared.

  He has yet to tell me his actual occupation and he knows exactly who Orin Murphy is, not only does he know, he was watching him. All of this sends unease throughout me.

  “You’re not asleep,” Renzo murmurs.

  Rolling over, I look into his eyes. They’re open and he doesn’t look like he’s been sleeping either. Lifting my hand, I run my fingers through his beard, enjoying the way his hair feels against my touch.

  “I don’t know you, Renzo,” I whisper.

  “You will.”

  My lips tremble as I watch him for another moment. “You want me to leave everything and everyone that I know behind and run off to another country with you. It’s terrifying, Renzo. I don’t even know you.”

  I’m sure that he’s tired of hearing me say this, I feel like I’ve repeated it half a dozen times in just a few hours, but it’s true and it’s how I feel. I don’t know what is going to happen to me, but leaving my home country with a stranger feels just plain foolish.

  Renzo turns his head slightly, his lips touching the palm of my hand and I can’t hold the hitch of my breath back as he kisses me there. His lips travel to the inside of my wrist and instead of a hitch to my breath, I have to press my thighs together.

  “You don’t know me, but your body needs me, cuoricino.”

  I wish that I could call him out on a lie, but I can’t. My body does need him in a way that I’ve never needed anything else on earth. Even right now, my center aches with pain, and yet it is also aching to be filled and stretched to capacity again.

  “That doesn’t matter. I am not in the position to run off with some stranger. I need to know you better, Renzo. Maybe we can have a long-distance relationship for a while?” I suggest.

  Even as the words leave my mouth, I know that they are laughable. With as insatiable as Renzo is, there is no way that he would be able to just talk on the phone for months at a time and I don’t know if I could stomach knowing that he was with other women in America while I sit at home alone every night.

  “No, cuoricino. That doesn’t work for me. You’re mine, you’re coming home with me.”

  His lips travel down my arm to the inside of my elbow and he nibbles the sensitive skin there before he lifts his gaze to meet mine. His lips curve up into a grin as he watches me for a moment.

  “You’re scared. Good. You should be, but know that I will take care of you, always.”

  “What happens if we don’t work out?” I ask on a whisper.

  He shakes his head once. “We’re going to be married, Siobahn. There is no way around it. There is nothing that you can say that will change my mind. You were made for me, cuoricino.”

  Was I though? Made for him? Was he made for me? I need more time, I need to know more about him, but I don’t think that he’s going to allow it. He’s determined and the more he talks, the firmer his words and voice become, and the more I want to do exactly what he wants me to.

  He continues to kiss me, traveling up my arm, his tongue tasting my shoulder before moving down to my collarbone, then his teeth sink into the flesh of my breast. I arch for him, my hands sliding through his hair as I hold him against my chest.

  His lips wrap around my breast, I cry out when his tongue swirls then his teeth sink into my flesh again. Renzo is rough with me, but not so rough that I wish he would change. No, I don’t think that I ever want this man to change, not a single thing about him. At least, not of what I know about him—yet.

  His hand reaches down, wrapping around the back of my knee and he arranges my leg over his hip. Immediately, I feel his length against my center. I can’t stop myself, I can’t control myself. Instantly my hips move as I slide against him, feeling his hard cock smooth against my wetness.

  Renzo glides his fingers up the back of my thigh until the
y grip my ass tightly and he forces me to grind against him harder. Throwing my head back, I let out a cry as I start to pant heavily and climb higher toward yet another release.

  He brings me there, his mouth playing my breasts just the way I need at the same time his smooth steel length and the way he grinds my clit against him gives me the exact pressure I need to erupt.

  My body trembles as my breath hitches. Pinching my eyes closed tightly, I grip his hair tighter, forcing his mouth even closer to my breast right before my body melts with a sigh. He’s not finished with me yet, though.

  “Hold on to the headboard,” he growls right before he flips me onto my stomach.

  Reaching out, I grab hold of the slats in the headboard and start to lift my hips. Before I can even rise to my knees, I feel the sting of his palm against my arse. Turning my head, I look behind me at his grinning face.

  “Stay there. Just like that, cuoricino.”

  Renzo grabs hold of my hips, tipping them just enough, then his legs straddle my thighs right before I feel him enter me and hear his hushed breath speak.

  “You’re mine now, Siobahn. You take me the way I decide.”

  The words should terrify me. They probably would, if I didn’t like how he took me as much as I did. In this position he feels even bigger, the pressure is almost too much, but it’s amazing all at the same time.

  I want to come again, not because I necessarily feel the aching need, but just because I want to. It’s an odd sensation, one I’ve never felt before. But when I’m with Renzo, I just want to feel close to him and when I orgasm with him inside of me, there’s no closer feeling.

  It’s almost like a compulsion. I’ve had so many orgasms, he’s made me come so much in the past few days that it’s a need at this point. I just need to come. I need that release that only he can give me.

  His thrusts are hard and relentless from behind me. His fingers dig roughly into my hips as he holds me up. He fucks me. There’s no other word to use. He fucks me—hard. Just when I’m about to remove my own hand to touch myself, one of his slides around me, and his fingers work their absolutely delicious magic.


  I fuck her doubts away. Is it the right thing to do? No. Is it the mature thing to do? Again, no. But it’s exactly what I do. It’s just who I am. I have no words to say to her for reassurance. I have no way of knowing how she needs me to communicate. I don’t pretend to know about women.

  I know famiglia.

  I know guns.

  I know murder.

  Women? I don’t know.

  I need to get a game plan together with Sullivan and call Gavino, none of which I can do with her here. I can’t send her home to her father, either. She’s lying next to me, catching her breath from our most recent bout of fun, a small smile playing on her lips.

  “You’re thinking,” she breathes.

  Turning my head, I look at her. Fuck, but she’s simply beautiful. If there was ever a woman for me, I am certain that I’ve found her in Siobahn and her unyielding beauty. She is caring, still worried and hopeful about her sister’s disappearance, she is soft and sweet, she is smart and she is also kind.

  These are all things that I am not, these are all things that a mother should be. She will make a good one and I will make her one sooner rather than later. Marriage can only bind so much, but children bind for eternity.

  “I am,” I agree. “Thinking of you in my bed, in my home. You’ll like it, Siobahn. Long-distance isn’t for me. I need you at my side.”

  She presses her lips together. It’s comical that she believes she has a say in any of this, but I let her have her delusions. I’ll always let her have them. I never plan on telling her who I am or what I do. If it’s up to me, she will forever live in sweet blissful ignorance.

  “It’s too fast. We need to slow way down, Renzo.”

  With a grin, I snort. “Cuoricino, I have been inside of you more times than I can count. I like this, you and me. Be bold, be daring, try something new. What is keeping you here other than your fears?”

  My words must hit something deep inside of her. I watch as her gaze fills with unshed tears, then she blinks a few times and they disappear. “Nothing, Renzo. Nothing is keeping me here,” she whispers.

  I hum, leaning forward, I touch my mouth to hers. “Come home, cuoricino, where you belong.”

  Her entire body shivers and she scoots closer to me, wrapping her arm around my back and presses her warm palm against me. I feel her nose slide against mine, then her lips touch my own. It’s sexy and sensual, and too fucking much.

  Reaching behind her, I twist my fingers in the back of her hair and tug her head back with a snap. Her breath hitches as I lean forward and slide my tongue along the entire column of her neck before I nip her chin.

  “I need to do some shit today. You’ll stay here, yeah?” I say as I release her and start to climb out of bed.

  There’s a moment of silence, then I feel her hand touch my side before I stand to my feet. Looking over my shoulder at her, I frown at the sight of her parted lips and wide eyes.

  “I need to go home,” she breathes.

  Reaching out, I wrap my hand around the side of her throat, firm yet gentle. “You will not. If you need things, call your friend Kathleen, go shopping.”

  “That’s silly, I have clothes and everything there.”

  Shaking my head slowly, I narrow my gaze on her. “You will not go to your father. You will not put yourself in that situation, do you understand me?” I grind out.

  I’m trying not to scream in her face, but it’s really fucking hard right now. She gulps, I can feel her throat work beneath my fingers.

  “Okay,” she rasps. “I won’t go over there.”

  She’s lying. I know that she is. Clearing my throat, I release her and turn back around as I stand to my feet.

  “You’ll do what you want, I suppose. If he touches you again, he only puts himself in danger.”

  Without saying anything else, I make my way to the bathroom to shower for the day. It’s late in the afternoon and I have shit to do. I can’t be her babysitter, at least not here.

  When she’s in Brooklyn, she’s going to have a man on her at all times. I may not be high ranking in the famiglia, but I’m known and my enemies outweigh my allies. Starting the water to the shower, I wait for it to heat up.

  After stepping inside of the steaming stall, I’m surprised to feel warm hands touch my back, then soft lips brush my skin. Turning around, the hot water beats against my shoulders as I look down into her pretty blue eyes.

  In a different time, she would never be allowed to be my wife. She’s not Italian, she’s not connected, and she holds no significant value to the famiglia, but Gavino is not like his predecessor.

  He doesn’t care who his men marry as long as they’re happy, but he would prefer someone who benefits the famiglia at least, I’m sure. However, he won’t force me to keep her as my comaré and marry someone more beneficial.

  “I won’t go see him,” she whispers.

  Looking down at her, I almost wince at the pain that I see in her gaze, but I don’t. I’m not asking her just because I’m an asshole, I’m asking her for her own safety. He marked her beautiful face. He doesn’t deserve to breathe another moment, but since she doesn’t want him dead, I won’t kill him… yet.

  Cupping her cheeks, I dip my chin and touch my mouth to hers. Siobahn’s lips part instantly. Sliding my tongue inside of her mouth, I taste her, I consume her, I own her.

  She’s mine.

  All mine.

  I’ll kill to protect her, even if that means ending the life of her flesh and blood. I would do anything to keep what’s mine safe.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Lifting my thumb to my mouth, I chew on the corner of my nail as I look at the phone in my hand. Renzo ordered some room service for me before he left. He claims he has some business to attend to, but again, didn’t elaborate on what business
that could be.

  Before he left, he handed me an envelope of cash and told me to get some essentials and tomorrow he’d help me with getting my personal belongings from my father’s house. I told him that I had to work and he shrugged a shoulder and said we’d just go after work.

  I don’t know what to make of him or what to make of the fact that I’ve just agreed to leave the country and go to America to live with him. Shaking my head of my thoughts, I find Kathleen’s number in my phone and call her.

  “You good?” she asks.

  Pinching my eyes closed, I try not to scream or cry, or act like a total loon. Clearing my throat, I attempt to keep the panic out of my voice as I speak.

  “I don’t think that I am. I need you.”

  “Where are you?” she snaps.

  It’s not like her to be so forceful, but then again, it’s not like me to need anything, either. I give her the name of the hotel before I end the call. I quickly attempt to make myself look presentable, which is hard since I don’t even have a hairbrush, let alone any makeup to fix my face.

  It seems like only seconds go by before there is a loud knock on the door. I check the peephole before I open it and sigh in relief when I see that not only is Kathleen on the other side, but so is Andrea.

  Tugging the door open, I give them a shaky smile and take a step to the side to let them in.

  “Fancy. What does this American do for a living?” Andrea asks.

  I shrug a shoulder. “I don’t know, something with the government, I think. Everything is hush-hush.”

  Kathleen and Andrea both share a glance, then shift their gazes back to meet mine. “Do you need us to smuggle you out of here? I mean this place is pretty posh, I’m not sure I even want to leave, but if he’s a creep, then we’ll take you and disappear.”

  I think about their offer for a moment, but then let out a giggle. He knows where Kathleen lives and if he really does work for the government, even though it’s the American government, I have a feeling he would be able to find Andrea soon, and my salon even sooner.


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