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Scold's House

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by Marie Hall

  Scold's House

  Worship Series – Book III


  Marie Hall

  ©2016 Blushing Books® and Marie Hall

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  Hall, Marie

  Scold’s House

  EBook ISBN: 978-1-68259-644-9

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.


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  Table of Contents:

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  About the Author

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  Chapter One

  Xavier opened his eyes and stretched. The rising sun left shadows hanging in the chambers. Even the dim light couldn't conceal the form lying next to him in the huge bed.


  Xavier turned his head to look at her. She slept sprawled over more than her side of the bed. With the warmth from the well banked fire she'd kicked most of the covers to the floor. Only the lightest layer of bed clothes remained. He learned, in the time they shared one, the bed was under her control. No matter his preference. If Io was cold, the furs belonged to her. If Io was warm, the covers were tossed aside. Xavier rolled to his left to face her. He'd learned a great deal about his wife in the last few months. Far more than he'd learned the entire time it took to travel home.

  He reached out and stroked her head. Allowing her golden, silky hair to slide through his fingers, he slid closer. Her soft scent was enticing. At this time of morning it took nothing for Xavier to feel the need for her. He dragged his fingertips lightly over her shoulder and down her arm then leaned down to place soft kisses on the same skin. Io snuggled into the bed and muttered something Xavier was sure he wouldn't approve her saying.

  He set his hand on her back smoothing down towards the swell of her arse. She moaned and pulled away. Xavier kissed her shoulder again. More than three weeks since he punished her, still she remained skittish. He hadn't been particularly harsh and kept it as private as her yelling and crying allowed.

  He'd learned that well enough. He'd warned Io he wouldn't suspend atonement. Hadn't, starting from the moment they met. Now with her settled in his house, she'd become more thin-skinned about being publicly chastised. So much so that the only time it occurred, Io spent three days crying over it in her private chambers. She lacked confidence. Criticizing her in front of others added to her fears she'd fail. He believed immediate admonishment, even in a public setting, worked best. For his wife, he allowed the threat of a public setting help him guide her.

  "Io," he spoke against her shoulder as he began rubbing circles on her arse. She rolled to her side. Reaching back, she pulled his hand away from her bottom and set it between the swell of her breasts. Xavier chuckled, breast or arse, he didn't care as long as it was his wife's sweet little body. He cupped her breast, squeezing. Io arched into his touch.

  "Xavier," she breathed rolling to her back. Xavier nibbled at her neck and slid his hand down her flat belly. He was in no rush. He strayed wide to her hip. A smile played at his lips. He could no longer feel the bone. Io hadn't gained weight as he'd like but she wasn't skeletal like when he first took her into his care. His fingers edged between her thighs but before he touched her she stiffened and snatched his hand away.

  "No." She opened her eyes, giving him a pained looked before rolling to press against him her face tucked on his shoulder. Xavier moved to hold her against him. Felling her relax, he again let his hand slide over her skin. This time he chose to move down her thigh then slip back. He moved to touch her more intimately she again grabbed his hand and set it away.

  Xavier pulled back. In all their time together, she'd never denied him. In truth, several times he'd been the one to deny her. After very strenuous practices with his soldiers or working with some untrained horse, he was too bruised and battered to make the effort. She took the denial good
naturedly. Teasing him, soothing some of those aches and pains. To have her be the one to put a stop to their play took him back.

  "Io." He set a hand on her hip pushing her to her back. She resisted but then gave in. Keeping her eyes closed she tossed her arm over them. "Io." Xavier shifted close. "What it is?" For a long moment she didn't respond when she did, it was with a shake of her head. "Io." She cringed at his harsh tone. He forced her arm from her face. "Must we have this lesson again?" She shook her head. She knew better than to hide things from him. "Then tell me what the matter is."

  "I did not sleep well." Her voice cracked alerting Xavier there was more than lack of sleep bothering her.

  Xavier moved to straddle her. He pinned her arms to her sides and settled most of his weight on her lower body. "Io, look at me." He waited. Before he would've issued the command again she opened her eyes. "Tell me what is wrong."

  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth looking anywhere except at him. She struggled to free her right hand. He gave her that and she set it over the scar on her left shoulder rubbing a bit. "It is foolish," she finally whispered

  "Let me decide what is foolish. Tell me."

  Her hand dropped away fluttered a moment on her chest then her fist closed around the little pendant Xavier wore on a gold chain around his neck. The pendant she gave him the day they wed.

  "You will think…" she started

  "Io, I will think you hide things, are lying to me, if you do not tell me what is wrong." Her whole body shuddered beneath him. The penalty for this neither wanted.

  "I… I." She sniffed. Xavier was awash with an unsettled feeling. He wanted to make love to her to start the day, not turn her arse red.

  "Io." He hoped his tone was encouraging without losing his determination to be answered.

  She took a deep breath. "It was a horrible month and now a year has passed and… a year and I have not done anything right… a year. I can hardly remember a year. Everything is awful."

  Xavier released a breath he didn't know he held. Io made no sense but at least she didn't tell him she did something he'd have to deal with harshly. He slid off pulling her to the center of the bed. He put one arm behind her head and the other around her waist so she was cradled against him. She still toyed with the little charm. The simple circle was inscribed with the word 'trust'.

  "Io." Pulling the charm free he took her hand bringing it to his lips. "Io, it was not a 'horrible' month."

  "You are not happy with me. No one here is happy—"

  He smothered her words with a kiss. When he pulled back, he looked directly in her eyes." I am very happy with you."

  She turned her head and looked away. "Not lately. And everyone here…" She shrugged.

  "Io." Xavier tucked her closer, and tried to remember what transpired to give Io the impression he wasn't satisfied with her. Nothing came to mind.

  "It has not been good and it has been a year." Io rolled to her side away from him curling up so he couldn't touch her.

  "Io, what has been a year?" She gave him a crazed look over her shoulder. Like she expected him to understand what she went on about. "Io, what has been a year?" He propped himself up on his elbow and stared back at her with his own crazed look.

  "It has been a year since you took me from Druhmore."

  "A year?" How could it be a year since Io entered his life? "Are you sure? A year?" She nodded. "Today marks a year?"


  "Well…" Xavier chuckled and, although she remained curled like a sow bug, he did his best to tuck her closer. "That is wonderful. I cannot imagine where time went. This has been the best year of my life."

  Io jerked free, rolled face down only to push up so she was sitting on her knees. "Xavier how do you say this? I barely do anything as I should and a few weeks ago I…"

  He almost missed what she said, his mind on her beautiful naked form. When it registered, his jaw tightened and his body became hot. His hand clamped down hard enough Io squeaked. The force by which he pulled her towards him made her slam into his chest. She struggled a moment to pull away but she was no match and she quit the fight.

  "I say it, Io, because it is the truth. This has been the best year of my life. Meeting you, making you my wife. This was a wonderful year."

  She sniffed. "I am not what I should be. I still make you unhappy and the people are not…"

  "I said wonderful, Io, not perfect." They were both learning how to get on together. "And what is it you think you should be?" Xavier smoothed his hand down the back of her head.

  She shrugged. "Better, I… should be better I should be…"

  "Io, if you get any better, I do not think I would remain worthy of you." He rolled them so he was again over her. Xavier hadn't seen any indication Io understood she was a royal bastard, a princess by birth. He was sure the king demanded their union, even promoted Xavier to Earl to both protect Io and the throne. As the King's man, Xavier was the last person to use Io's birth right to change the kingdom as it stood.

  "I should be better, do things the way a lady should." Again Io's hand went to her shoulder.

  "Io, you do things your way, with thought and care." He took her hand from her shoulder.


  "No, Io, I do not want you to be any other way. I am fortunate to have you." He wedged his fingers under her chin and lifted her face. "Do you understand? I am happy with you." She nodded but again worried at her bottom lip. She was concerned about something. "Io…" He put some determination in his tone.

  "You were not happy with me a few weeks ago. There are people here who…" She shook her head. "It has been a year." Wrapping her arms around his back she pulled their bodies close.

  "You disregarded your safety. I thrashed you. It is done." His words didn't seem to put her at ease. "Io, what makes the passage of a year important?" She kept harping on that point.

  She met his eyes and he watched a tear slid down her cheek. "By now someone has told whoever moves me from place to place I am not a better person. I am not satisfactory. I know they know. They are coming to get me."

  "Io, you are my wife. My wife." All life taught her was she couldn't depend on anyone or anything. Try as he might he couldn't make her believe otherwise. "You are not some person staying at my house until you can be placed elsewhere. You are my wife until death… natural death." He added when another tear slipped down her face. "Io, no one is coming for you. No one is going to take you from me. And I dare anyone to try. Not only will they fail, they will be dispatched to hell for the attempt."

  "What if…" she started, but stopped when he shook his head.

  "Io, you are mine." He put his lips against her neck and kissed his way to her ear. "All mine, forever," he whispered.

  He felt her shudder. Her arms wound around his neck and her hips arched against his. "Yours?" She kissed his cheek lightly.

  "Mine." He turned his head and claimed her lips. The kiss was all he needed to rekindle the flame. How Io made him burn the way she did was a mystery. He'd his share of female company before Io. Everything from the best trained and skill courtesans to dirty, base, camp followers laying down for a piece of copper with twenty men a night. None of them made him feel what Io did.

  Perhaps because she was so willing. Her want of him was honest not bought or sought with a purpose to advance herself. Io opened to him. Her response was true. She could at times be very aggressive in her drive to find rapture, to take him there with her. He'd hear her chanting to go harder, faster. And sometimes she wanted to go so slow he thought he'd die with the wait.

  This morning she seemed willing to allow him to set the pace. When he could finally release her lips he took his time sliding down her body. He took the already hard nipple between his teeth. Biting down until he heard Io moan then sucked as much of her breast into his mouth as he could.

  Io tipped her body encouragingly towards him. She tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled him down. He gave first one full fleshy globe its due
then moved to the other. Io's trim leg rubbed against his as she did her best to wrap it around him and draw him closer.

  "Easy," he told her chuckling when she growled at him.

  He left her breasts, nipples swollen and stiff, and moved further down. She opened her legs without the slightest hesitation. Xavier put both his hands under her arse lifting her to open her more. She was wet and swollen. He could take her. Just slip his throbbing cock inside her to feel everything she offered. But taking time to drive her to spend before he entered her was a pleasure he wouldn't think to bypass, a control he'd never surrender.

  His tongue flicked out over her clit once, twice and then he sucked the hard bud into his mouth and Io cried out. She bucked and twisted as if she wished him to stop but her fingers, still tangled in his hair, pushed his mouth down harder.

  Xavier felt her body tensing. Her little whimpers and gasps were all he needed to know she was ready. His fingers curled into the flesh he held and he drove his tongue into the very core of her. Io came with a cry. She flooded his mouth with her essence and he still wanted more. He spent a while more lapping at her sweet center before he could wait no longer and moved to thrust his cock into his wife.

  "My lord." Both Io's and Xavier's head snapped towards the chamber door as with barely a knock Xavier's squire pushed into the room. "My lord guests have arrived," the man stated.

  It was for times as this Xavier was so consistent about letting loose the bed curtains. Io despised the curtains. But he slept closest to the door and he let his side down to shield them for these interruptions. He'd normally demand the man get out.

  Only this announcement struck a nerve. Beneath him Io trembled and a quick glance told him she was frightened. The blood drained from her face and her eyes filled with tears.

  Xavier took a moment to kiss her then angrily shouted at the man, "Is it the king?"


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