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Scold's House

Page 2

by Marie Hall

  The man took a long moment to answer before responding with a nervous chuckle, "No my lord, it is…"

  "Is it the king's man?" Xavier smiled and winked at Io.

  "No my lord it is…"

  "Then get out and do not come back until I call." Xavier didn't wait to hear the man leave; he shifted his hips and entered Io. The feel, the bliss of being deep inside his wife, wrapped in her hot folds, having her body clutching his, knowing he was the only one to know this, would be the only one to know this was powerful. He stroked in and out long and slow until Io put the interruption behind her.

  "Xavier." His name came on a moan as she found the rhythm and lifted and dropped her hips in time with him.

  "You are mine, Io, all mine." He picked up the pace.

  "Xavier." Her hand came up and she caught the swinging pendant. She pressed her hand against his chest, over his heart, the pendant held between.

  "Forever." Xavier increased the pace of their lovemaking and Io dropped the chain to hold on through her orgasm. He willed himself to hold his release until Io was on the verge of one more. They came almost simultaneously, Io a heartbeat before Xavier. He'd wager she gave him more pleasure than he gave her, although he wouldn't say. The one time he did she was offended and they argued. Shifting to the side he collapsed, panting for breath as hard as Io did. She snuggled against him and he put his arm around her. "Io," he whispered.

  "Yes," she murmured back.

  "You are a goddess." He heard her laugh. He always told her this after making love. Truth, she was a goddess to him. She represented everything heavenly. She was his religion and he'd dedicate his life to worshiping her. He sat up enough to grab the covers and pull them up but Io sat up.

  "No, Xavier." She scooted towards the edge of the bed and swung her legs off. "I cannot lay about with you."

  "Yes you can." He grabbed her, pulling her back and wrapping her in a tight embrace when she tried to pull away.

  "I have lessons, I am not allowed to miss lessons without good reason," she laughed, giving in and snuggling against him.

  "I think you could miss a lesson to celebrate a year with me." He considered her expression. "If you want to."

  "Do you want to celebrate?"

  "I want to. I plan to celebrate this day, the day I was contracted to you and the day we wed and every day that brings us happiness." Having anything to celebrate was new for Io. Her whole life before was a struggle to survive. He wanted her to have reasons to celebrate for the rest of her life.

  "Xavier," Io laughed. "You were no happy man one year ago today."

  "I was not?" Xavier fringed surprise. He knew he'd been, not only annoyed to fetch some strange woman, but offended by her manners and horrified at the way she was cared for.

  Io laughed again, "No, you were not."

  Xavier laughed and pulled Io on top of him before pulling the covers over them both." Perhaps I was tired."

  "No, I am sure you did not like me."

  "You are sure?" He tucked her head on his shoulder and rested his cheek on her head. He loved her that very moment; he just didn't know it.

  "You thrashed me that day," Io pouted.

  Xavier laughed so hard he nearly shook Io from her perch. "So I did. But you told me to go to hell. You did not like me."

  "I like you now."

  "And you make me very happy." They drifted into a comfortable silence and Xavier was almost asleep until Io stirred restlessly. "What, Io?"

  "What am I to do if I do not go to lessons?" Xavier laughed again. Io sounded lost. How quick she settled into the routine of a stable home. Even if they'd several battles over what the routine would be, now that it was set, Io was committed.

  "What would you like to do?" He laughed more when her hand slid across his body and settled on his prick. "Oh there will be more of that, I have no doubt."

  "Umm," she hummed. "Can we do anything?"

  "I think we could do anything you like." Xavier might give a different answer with another woman but with Io…

  "Then I should like to have a picnic," she chirped out happily.

  Xavier worked to control the laugh. He wouldn't want Io to think he thought her foolish. That such an easy task was her desire made Io unique. Simple things made her happy. Although simple things made her happy, she was no simple person. Over cautious and distrusting of new opportunities, Io made Xavier think through all his dealings with her. The hurt of loss was too great. Io did much to not have things she might miss if they were suddenly gone. Including his affections and care. She never asked for more than basic things refusing much of what he offered. He was saddened she was uncomfortable with his attempts to spoil her.

  "A picnic? I think we might have fair enough weather. Or we could take an extra fur or two."

  "Yes, in the apple orchard. Behind the wall with the tall bushes, to block the winds." He could hear her smile in her voice. Xavier groaned when Io took hold of his hardening cock and squeezed. "We might take the extra furs and then take all day."

  Xavier lifted Io to sit astride him. She neither waited for any cue nor asked what he wanted. She took control and it wasn't long before she'd them panting and again exhausted with pleasure. Io's stomach growling drove them from bed. He'd get his wife fed then take her to the orchards. It'd be nice to spend time with her beyond these chambers. With so much to do on holdings so large, too often they didn't see each other until they were making ready for bed.

  They dressed, helping each other rather than call for servants. But after a thorough search, Io couldn't find her shoe. Xavier decided to go get a tray sent to her so she could eat. If he let her give up the search she'd go without shoes all day.

  "No, Xavier, wait for me," she pouted when he opened the door.

  "You find your shoe; I will get the horses." He stepped out and ran into his squire Landon.

  "Your guests, my lord."

  "Damn," Xavier muttered, "Io, find your shoe we will go as soon as you have a meal packed."

  He was halfway down the steps when he heard her shout she had it. He couldn't stop the smile from spreading across his face and, as he continued down the steps, he could hear Io making haste to catch him. He took the last step with a jaunty hop, like a youth, the way Io could make him feel. A figure stepped into his path and the joy he'd felt was ripped away like flesh under the lash.

  Chapter Two

  Io rushed through the chamber doors the missing shoe in her hand. "Xavier wait, I found it, wait," she called, lifting her skirts to hurry after her husband. She didn't want him to get too far ahead least something distract him and their day together be spoiled.

  After a restless night and weeks of worry she felt better, safer. She should've spoken with Xavier sooner. He'd the reassurances she needed. And today she'd have him all to herself. Something she rarely had now that they tended the various responsibilities of a house. Io's mussing ended abruptly when she ran smack into Xavier's broad back at the foot of the staircase.

  "Is this the whore you kept me waiting for?"

  Io gasped at both the sharpness and the insult. "I am not a…"

  "Io," Xavier snapped.

  Why did he snap at her? She was the one being insulted. Why he stood there, silent, no demand for an apology confused her. Last time someone slandered her so blatantly he'd put the offender down before Io even understood she'd been insulted.

  "Mother, this is Io Desmond, my wife," Xavier said so formally Io almost didn't recognize his voice.

  "Mother?" Io asked the same moment the woman before her gasped out, "Your wife?" Io took a moment to size up the woman, knowing she was doing the same.

  She wasn't an unattractive woman. She'd the same dark hair as Xavier and like him was tall but they shared no other similarities. Io concluded Xavier took after his father in looks. A man she'd never meet. He died several years ago. Still she was struck with a bit of envy. Xavier had his mother. She stood before them now. Io's mother was dead and Io was the reason she was. Before her now
stood a chance to know a mother as most people did.

  "You wed without my consent?" The woman was incensed

  Io slipped closer to Xavier, who inexplicitly stepped away. "Lady Io and I were wed by royal edict, Mother," Xavier stated flatly and Io turned to look at him. Certainly his response was correct but he sounded less happy about the fact now than he sounded only an hour ago when they were sharing the bed in such robust fashion.

  The woman lifted an eyebrow and looked more sharply at Io. "Who is her family?"

  "I have none." Io's level of annoyance raised a notch. Why did it always come down to her value being judged by her relationship with others? As it was, Xavier was her only relation and that was her worth.

  "Io." Xavier gave her such a look as to make the skin on her arse crawl. This day was about to be spoiled after all.

  "She cannot be anyone of importance. Her poor breeding shows plainly. Request an annulment. You have served that man well; he could not deny you. You should have a wife of breading and status. Not…" she waved her hand towards Io. "This."

  With Io's sharp intake of breath Xavier turned to face her grabbing her arms and forcing her to look at him. The warning she saw was clear. "Io, go eat. I will come find you when I can."

  Io opened her mouth to say something but she'd no idea what to say. This woman was demanding Xavier end their marriage? Perhaps she was thinking what was best for her son. Hadn't Io spent the morning declaring she wasn't the best choice of wife? If Xavier convinced her, he'd easily convince his mother. Couldn't he?

  "I will go pack for our picnic." She turned to the woman and gave her a brief curtsy. "Lady Brice, welcome to Bainsport." The woman harrumphed in response but Xavier at least almost smiled. Io spun on her bare heels and headed towards the kitchens. She heard the woman's belittling comments though and wondered about Xavier's lack of response.

  A few hours later it became clear Xavier wouldn't be taking her on a picnic. He sent a message for her to prepare rooms for their guests. Lady Brice arrived with company. Io had some of the better rooms in the house readied. Leaving orders with the kitchen to make the meal a little more special, she went to partake in lessons she hadn't missed.

  * * *

  Io sat at the table and worked to ignore the way she was being ignored. If it wasn't his mother talking around her, loudly giving her critical assessment of how the house was managed, it was the ladies Blake. The mother and daughter saw nothing indiscrete in speaking about how they'd set the house where it in their control.

  Io ground her teeth when Lady Charlotte Brice again leaned across her. She forced Io to sit back from the table, so she could set her hand on Xavier's arm. The woman's elbow jabbed Io in the breast, without apology. Her voice boomed in her ear as she spoke.

  "Xavier, my son, you will make sure my meal is brought to my rooms in good time before Terce; I care not to get a late start on the day.

  Io didn't bother to remark not only was Terce a late start to a day but it was her duty, as lady of the house, to make meal arrangements.

  "I believe Io has gotten your meal each morning as requested," Xavier replied, disinterest clear in his voice. She heard the same now when she tried to speak to him on matters.

  "Meals are available throughout the day, Madame." Io reached over the woman to take bread from the table. "The people have varying schedules, especially the men with their duties. Whenever it is convenient, you may request your meal."

  "Xavier," the woman gasped. "That is no way to manage a house, to serve meals."

  "Truly, daughter, a good wife sets a meal and if those in residence do not attend then they do not eat." Lady Blake the elder smiled at her daughter then turned to glare at Io.

  "Of course, Mother," the young, and rather pretty, woman cooed.

  "So I should set the meal and if one does not come to dine they should not be fed?" Io asked this time leaning forward so Charlotte had to sit back.

  "Of course, any woman of breeding would know this." Charlotte folded her hand in her lap and shifted so her posture was perfect.

  "Well," Io sighed, mocking confusion in her tone. "That would mean, Madame, you, too, would miss your meal. As you care not to be in the hall before sext." Io refrained from saying more only by placing the bread in her mouth. It might not be wise to say these women were hypocrites.

  "Xavier, will you sit there and allow this… this…girl," she said the word like it was an obscenity," to talk to me so?"

  "Io only makes an observation, Mother." Xavier lifted his cup so he didn't have to say more.

  "She is rude." Charlotte turned to her right and set her hand on the younger lady Blake's arm." Always, young lady, remember your manners."

  "Of course, Madame." Again the woman's voice didn't rise above a whisper.

  Io waited several long moments for Xavier to tell them she wasn't rude, or incapable of managing meals. She waited for him to say the house schedule was decided between them. Io took the time to sit with the house chamberlain, Master Neville, and work a way for everyone to be able to dine in the hall. Meals happened at different times to accommodate everyone's duties. Through the week everyone had the opportunity to enjoy the hall and the attentions of the lord and lady. Meals became the time when any grievances could be dealt with, any praise could be given and any questions could be answered. Xavier had complimented her on the arrangement. Now he remained silent.

  Io waited a moment more. Tossing her bread on the table, she stood. "I have lost my appetite."

  "Io." Xavier's hand settled on her arm, "You have eaten nothing."

  "Let her go, my son. Failure sometimes upsets the digestion."

  "Mother," Xavier started.

  "Do not bother." Io stepped around the chair. "The time has passed." She headed for the west passage intending to make her way to the yards.

  "Io." Xavier's voice was strained as he twisted in his seat to reach for her. Io easily evaded his hand and made her exit.

  Three days she'd done everything she could think to impress her husband's mother. To garner her favor. Three days she'd gone out of her way to please the three women who appeared unannounced and without invite. She twice rearranged the sleeping arrangements in the house. The rooms she gave the guests not good enough. Now they were two doors down from the private apartments she shared with Xavier. Her own discomfort disregarded. She was especially annoyed because those rooms were occupied by Xavier's knights, Seth and Lucas, and Io's personal maid and friend, Sarah. She didn't appreciate those three where now on the other side of the house, out of shouting distance. Not easily accessed if Io needed their advice or encouragement.

  The cool evening air caressed her skin and lifted her long hair from her face. Spring was almost upon them and yet Io felt a cold settling over her. Things were strained in the house and strained between Xavier and her. Xavier was more often cross than not. He stayed from the house longer. When he was in the house, his mother monopolized him. Most nights Io was long in bed before he entered their chambers. Io sat down on the wall around her new garden. She pulled her feet up and wrapped her arms around her knees. Nothing she experienced so far prepared her for this. Xavier wasn't directing her as he did when she was on unsure footing. She took a deep breath and blew it out. What she needed was…

  "The nerve of that woman to criticize you. I could kick her. And him too for not telling her to shut up," Sarah snapped as she plopped down next to Io and put her arm around her.

  "I do not know what to do." Io leaned into her friend. "I have tried everything and nothing pleases her."

  "Then you should stop trying." Sarah took her by the shoulders and put her face close. "You should worry on matters which have solutions. People here need your direction, not your distraction trying to please them."

  "I have neglected some of my duties, but they are guests and she is his mother."

  "Do you see him neglecting his duties?" Sarah asked.

  Io wanted to say he neglected her but she refrained. "No."

p; "They do little here except take inventory and conspire behind chamber doors. Go about your business least he find you at fault." Sarah stood and taking Io's hand pulled her off the wall. She started them back into the house and out of the chill air.

  "I have a dread on me Sarah," Io admitted.

  "Xavier will stand by you." Sarah took her all the way to her chamber doors before leaving her. The hour still early, Io needed something to take up the time before she'd ready for bed. She moved through the chambers, the fires were stoked. A fresh pitcher of wine and a smaller decanter of the apple cider sat on the table. All she needed was her husband. She could hope he'd come through the door, but it was a small hope. Sitting down at the desk she took up the quill. A letter to Sir Gerald would be a good way to pass the time.

  She wrote to the man often. A little more than she did the other four men who Xavier posted at his other holdings. These men had meant everything to Io during her journey here. It was their steady confidence and sage advice which made it possible for Io to trust what Xavier offered. She was hurt when she learned they wouldn't be living with them. Xavier promised there'd be numerous visits. The letters did much to make Io feel close to them.

  When she finished and Xavier hadn't appeared, she fetched her journal and started an entry. She made no mention in her letter of the arrivals, but she wrote here about the woman. This was private, no one read her journal. She wrote awhile, finished and closed the leather cover, folded her arms over the many pages held within and put her head down. Xavier had still not joined her.

  Chapter Three

  Io rolled left and stretched, her hand reaching across the bed. She reached a little more when she didn't find the warmth she expected. Coming awake she found she was alone in the bed. She rolled to her back with a huff. This was the fifth day she'd gone to bed and woke alone. Xavier was scarce these days. They no longer even shared the night since Lady Charlotte arrived.

  "Ahh," Io pulled the pillow from under her head and placed it over her face. Xavier's mother, Io couldn't understand her. Truly she didn't want to. She tossed the pillow aside and sat up. Today wouldn't be spent trying to understand. She'd be riding to Haganshire to see how the trench being dug to help direct water to the fields was coming. Pulling on her dressing gown she moved out of the bed chambers, through Xavier's rooms and into her own. Sarah waited with a smile and a slightly more formal gown than Io wore to work about the house.


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