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Scold's House

Page 3

by Marie Hall

  "Riding out today?" Sarah poured water into the basin.

  "Very out; you should come. You know how much Gordy enjoys your…" Io let her eyes move slowly up and down Sarah's person, "wit."

  "It is not Gordy Shaker I want enjoying my…" Sarah smoothed her hands over her rather ample breasts and hips, "wit."

  Both women laughed. Sarah's eye landed hard on Seth the day she arrived. But for all her blatant flirting, the man hadn't responded. Xavier said no man in his ranks would dare compromise the reputation of another man's sister. Sarah was Lucas's younger sister making her pursuit of the fine knight hard. That didn't end Sarah's play for the man.

  "Well, if you are not going to ride with me, what will you be about today?" Io slipped on her boots and the women walked out together discussing nothing much but enjoying the conversation all the same.

  In the yard, Io joined the three men who'd escort her on her ride. The twinge of annoyance flared at Xavier's stance against allowing Io to be on her own, but only a twinge. She'd made gains. He allowed her to go alone to the orchards, the lake and several other short distances from the house. His restrictions annoyed only because while he didn't say it, he was telling her he thought her incapable of taking care of her own person. She was capable. She thought she'd proved that. And she could go out alone if she really wanted. Io shrugged off the depressing thoughts. She'd enjoy today.

  "Io." Samuel handed Io the reins to her mount.

  "Good morning, Wednesday," Io cooed to the sweet mare, a gift from Xavier. He was dismayed to find she never learned to ride. The time he took teaching her gave Io a chance to learn more than horsemanship. Wednesday represented a period of transition, learning to work with her husband, gaining skills she didn't know she'd needed. She did hope someday to learn to ride a different horse, for now, she only needed Wednesday.

  "Io," Matthew called as he mounted and took a sack containing their food stuff.

  Samuel waited to help her mount, and Gunther was mounted waiting at the gates. Io stepped around and set her foot in the stirrup. Glancing towards the sky Io knew today would be a good day to make this trip.

  "You, girl." Io cringed, then forced a smile and turned to face Lady Brice.

  "Yes?" Io was careful to keep her tone neutral.

  "Where do you think you are going? You have obligations here." The woman's voice grated.

  "Madame, I ride to Haganshire to meet with the people. It is a pleasant ride—"

  "You are not fit to be seeing to such matters. You have obligations in the house, duties to attend."

  "Today is set aside for me to do this, Xavier and I agreed." Io gave a nod to Samuel and was lifted into the saddle.

  "My son is a besotted fool," Lady Brice snapped.

  "Madame, your son is no fool and I care not to hear slights against his person." Io settled into the saddle and stared at the woman. "Perhaps you would enjoy riding along?" Io offered to be polite and prayed she'd decline. She did.

  "I have no desire to ride with you," the woman blustered. Io shrugged and reined Wednesday around heading for the gates. "You can be sure Xavier will hear of this," she shouted at Io's back.

  They were a few minutes down the road when Matthew came along side. "Io, you are not concerned?"

  "Concerned about what?"

  "The lady?" He sounded almost afraid.

  "What should concern me about her?"

  "She is going to speak with Xavier."

  "And what could she say? Xavier knows I see to matters in the shires. I invited her to come." Io shrugged, she hadn't done anything inappropriate. She was polite though she'd wanted to speak out. To think his own mother would call Xavier a fool.

  "Yes, Io," Matthew said dropping back. They rode to Haganshire in silence.

  She rode back through the gates a few hours before sunset. Dismounting, she spied her husband standing on the steps leading into the main buildings. She called out and rushed forward happy to set eyes on him at least before the middle of the night.

  "Xavier." Breathless she threw herself into his arms. "You are not…"

  Xavier took her arms in a painful grip and held her away from him, his expression furious. "Where have you been?" he snarled.

  "Xavier, let go; you are hurting me." Io twisted but she couldn't break free.

  "I will be hurting you if you do not answer me." His grip did ease.

  "I was in Haganshire. Anyone could have told you. What is this about?"

  "What did you do to my mother? You do not disrespect people, my mother." Xavier gave her a sharp shake making her head snap back.

  "I did nothing to her. I certainly did not disrespect her." Io clawed at his fingers.

  "She claims you were rude. That you ignored your responsibilities and embarrassed her publicly." Io froze. All she could do was stare. "Answer me." Xavier gave her another hard shake.

  "I already did. I did nothing to your mother. I did not disrespect her." Io jerked free. "Now answer me. Why are you swift to defend her when you have let her go these past days insulting and disrespecting me?"

  "Io, she said—" Xavier tried to grab her but Io twisted out of reach.

  "She lied, and if you do not care to take my word, ask my escorts Matthew and Samuel they were witness. She lied but I doubt she will get so much as a reproach let alone the taste of your cane. Me, though, you will hold in contempt even when the claim is false." Io turned and ran for the safety of her chambers. Xavier's accusations hurt. He hadn't even asked to hear her accounting. He assumed her guilt with a word from a woman everyone knew disliked her. Entering the chambers, she turned and slammed the door. She wanted it to be anger causing the tears to well, but it was hurt. How could he? How could he believe that woman? How could he defend Charlotte and not her? He'd promise to always be at her side, to stand by her and now, it seemed, he wasn't.

  "Io?" The soft voice stopped Io in her tracks. She hadn't realized she was pacing. "Io, come." Sarah opened her arms and Io burst into tears.

  "He just… just…" Io sat next to Sarah and accepted the comfort.

  "That woman told a strong tale, Io, she is well practiced at deceit."

  "I do not understand. What could she want to speak against me thus? Why must she hate me?"

  "I do not know but I am sure she is not done." Sarah handed Io a soft cloth to wipe her eyes and nose. "Have caution, Io."

  "But I do not understand." Io sniffed and wiped her eyes again

  "Mothers have powerful holds on their children, Io. Even a strong man might stumble under such burdens as to defend a mother who is not in his heart."

  "You think she wants to rebuild her relationship with him?" Io sat up.

  "She wants something."

  She did want something, but Io had nothing to give. Did she?

  Chapter Four

  Xavier pinched the bridge of his nose to ease the pain in his head, and slipped further down in his chair. Tipping his head back, he stared at the ceiling.

  The look on Io's face before she ran said more than the accusation in her tone when she questioned his devotion. He could've handled the entire thing better. He shouldn't have let his mother rattle him the way she did. The way she always did. Ever since her arrival, Xavier felt the strain. He'd sat for hours listening to his mother rage about everything from his eldest brother's inattentiveness to the degrading activities of those holding prominence at court. And now, a fortnight gone, he was still listening to her complaints and judgments. And rather than complain about people he didn't care about, she complained about his wife.

  Nothing he said about how he liked Io's way of handling the house and the people could convince Charlotte to stop criticizing. No matter how many ways he stated, while the choice was made for him, he was satisfied. Expecting his mother to be happy for him would be foolish. But she should understand it was a settled matter.

  Reaching out, he lifted the letter from his desk. He'd get it sent tomorrow and with good fortune his eldest brother, Alexander, would have it in le
ss than a month and start on his way to collect Charlotte. If he didn't think his family would rain hell down upon him, he'd order his mother to leave. He wouldn't tolerate her abuse of Io any longer. Had Io not been forceful in her denial, he well might have punished her for something she didn't do. He knew that would shatter any trust she had.

  A knock at the door forced Xavier to sit up. He dropped the letter to the desk and scrubbed at his face. "Come."

  "Sir?" Seth opened the door slowly and peered in.

  "Yes come." Xavier waved the man in. Shamefully relieved it wasn't his mother.

  "The meal is being served," Seth said then tried to back out of the room.

  "Has Io come down?"

  "I have not seen her," Seth hedged.

  "But you spoke with Mistress Sarah." Xavier didn't need the man's answer, his reddening face said enough. "And she told you…"

  "My lord," Seth breathed horrified to be asked to break confidence.

  "She would not have told you if she did not intend for you to pass it to me," Xavier reasoned. That woman kept his wife's secretes like the dead.

  "She only said Io was hurt," Seth sighed. "Brice, last time you hurt Io's feelings…"

  "I know, God I know." The last time nearly cost Io her life, and put such a distance between them he'd feared she wouldn't wed him. This time he could more quickly correct the hurt he caused. The correction, though, was far more difficult than he might have thought it would be. Io pointedly ignored him, although she managed to have a gracious conversation with Lucas, all she did when he addressed her was glare. His mother, on the other hand, couldn't stop speaking and all she had to say was negative.

  "Io, please eat," Xavier said softly setting his hand on her arm. She snatched away so fast one might have thought the touch burned her and perhaps with the harsh way he set upon her on the steps it did hurt.

  "Let her be, son," his mother spoke up. "No doubt the utter failure of this meal leaves a sour taste in her mouth."

  "Mother." Xavier bit his tongue least he say something he shouldn't. He needed this to stop but the woman was his mother, his father's wife. He had to respect her.

  "Do not 'Mother' me. The chit cannot set a meal." She shoved the wooden charger away from her. Not that it'd be possible to dismiss the fact the meal was consumed. "You would think she would have the common sense to know lamb is not appropriate. Fish should have been served. Really, Xavier, you are a man of importance you cannot have such… mishaps."

  "Mother." Xavier put a warning edge to his voice. "The meals are acceptable. Io mastered the menu and kitchen without struggle."

  "She has done no such thing."

  "If you do not like the food, Madame, you are quite welcome to starve." Xavier swiveled in his seat to stare at Io.

  "You are an insolent little bitch." Xavier swung back to face his mother but before he could say a word Io pushed back her seat and stood.

  "And if you do not like the company you are welcome to leave," Io fired back

  "Io." Xavier grabbed her arm preventing her from leaving the table. "That is not your place." He meant only to remind her of protocols. When he was in residence he'd be the one to decide who would and wouldn't be welcomed. Io took it as far more.

  "Why you little…" He heard his mother sputter but his focus was on his wife and her growing agitation.

  "My place? Do I even have one? What with them here now?" She pointed to the three women upsetting their home.

  "Io, your place is here." He couldn't state that more plainly.

  "Is it? You have your mother here to tend your house. You have that lady." She tossed her hand towards Sabrina Blake. "To coo at you and speak nonsense. What need have you of me?"

  "Good riddance to her."

  "Mother, hold your tongue," Xavier turned and yelled. When he turned back Io was already out the doors of the great hall. Xavier shoved his chair back so hard it toppled over. He gave it only an angry glance as he used his long stride to try and catch Io. She'd made it outside and halfway across the inner bailey and showed no signs she'd stop.

  "Io," he called. She didn't look back. Taking the steps two at a time Xavier started after her. She made it to the large wooden gates, closed now against the night. He thought they'd slow her but Io changed direction passing through the small gate house. Xavier followed. "Io, stop," he yelled once he made it through to the outer bailey. "Io."

  Seeing she'd no intention of stopping, he waved to the men standing at the main gates. Io couldn't get through that gate house but the large gate did have a smaller door and if it wasn't locked she could get out beyond the walls. The men hesitated. But he was lord and his commands supreme. The men at the gates stepped into Io's path. Try as she might to sidestep them they held her long enough Xavier reached her.

  "Io," Xavier grabbed her arm and spun her around then stumbling back when her small fist connected with his chin.

  "Go to hell, and take her with you." Io stormed past the men who once blocked her. She grabbed the handle and yanked hard.

  Xavier rubbed his chin and watched her pulling with all her strength at the door. He was never so thankful to have his orders followed. The house was locked down at sunset. Io was trapped. He took a moment to let his temper cool. She'd struck him. It didn't hurt. She'd never done that. A testament to how angry and frustrated she was. Still he couldn't it let pass.

  He stepped up behind her, took hold of her shoulder and spun her around so fast she slammed back into the gate. Before she regained her bearings he took hold of her arms and pressed in closer to pin her against the solid wood. She struggled until she was panting for breath and her skin glistened with sweat.

  "Let me go." She kicked at him. He remained silent, waiting until she stopped and looked at him. Until she took note of his expression. He knew when she did. Her face, especially her pretty blue eyes, was extremely expressive. "Let me go," she squeaked out again.

  "Never," Xavier told her. The heat and raw desire in his voice surprised them both. Not knowing if he intended to thrash her or bed her, he swung them around, bent at the waist, put his shoulder in her middle and lifted her. She flopped over like a sack of grain and he started back to the house. Three steps and Io started kicking and pounding at him, raining down curses like he hadn't heard come from her lips in a long while. He changed direction heading towards the stables.

  He pushed into the smaller building where his war stallion was kept. A light burned and there was no chance anyone slept in the empty stall. He set Io on her feet but didn't let go. He'd prefer to make love but if she wanted a lesson first… Pulling her along behind him, he headed to a bench. As they passed, the big horse stuck his head over the wall tossing his head and nickering a greeting. Xavier sent the animal a hard look. He knew it was Io the animal wanted attention from. The animal tossed his head again then went back to munching on his meal.

  When he reached the bench he swept it clear and took a seat. With a jerk Io went face down over his lap. Her submission usually started at this point. She'd use a contrite tone and say what she hoped made him less determined to punish her. Not tonight. She renewed her fight.

  Xavier reached down grabbing the hem of her gown. He flipped up her skirts, but her wild struggles made it impossible to get the dress high enough to expose her arse. He let go of her arm to push the skirts out of the way while he used his other hand to force her legs down and tossed his over both of hers. With both her arms free she was slightly more successful in her escape attempts. Xavier held on and delivered the first solid smack to her backside.

  Io howled, more in outrage than pain. He followed with a second and she responded with a growl and Xavier bit his tongue not to laugh. "Settle, Io." He gave her a third whack.

  "Let me go," she yelled over her shoulder before slamming her small fist into his leg.

  Xavier sighed heavily. This wasn't how he intended to deal with the turmoil in his home. But he was here now and at least as a way to address Io's behavior, he knew this would be succes

  He wrapped his arm over her back, around her waist and pulled her tight against him. Raising his arm to shoulder height he focused on his struggling target and brought his hand down. The color flowed back to the spot. He brought his hand down again, then again. When he drew back, Io had one bright red spot in the center of her left cheek. She'd gone rather still over his knee. He'd her attention but now wasn't the time to stop. This time his hand came down fast and hard on her right cheek, one, two three times. Io cried out with each blow.

  "Stop," she panted putting her hand back to try and protect her soft skin.

  "Stop?" He took hold of her wrist and pinned it to her side. He brought his hand down on the tenderized spot. "Stop." He smacked down again. "I was not aware you understood the meaning of that word."

  He started up a steady rhythm, fast but not hard, covering her entire bottom several times until her skin was a dark shade of pink. Io struggled through most of it, twisting and bucking, finally going limp. He listened to her sniff, knew if he turned her over he'd see tears, only they were far from done with this matter.

  He removed his leg from hers and lifted them so she was prone across his lap. Leaning forward, he waited. He knew she would and a few moments later she looked back over her shoulder. Her bottom lip worried between her teeth. "A civil conversation now?" he asked calmly.

  "Let me up." She tried to lift her upper body but he held her without effort.

  "No, we are very far from finished with this, Io." He heard her whimper. "How much more depends on you. So I ask you again, can we have a civil conversation?" She sagged and he saw her head nod. He lifted his hand and brought it down hard. "Io?"


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