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The Willing Prey

Page 54

by Scarlett Sunday

  “I agree with you, Tanis. Why the dildo?”

  Tanis had no doubts about Diana’s resolve. For as she stooped over her, Diana turned her head to expose the throbbing vein in her throat. In trustful silence, she let Tanis make her infusion. As she drifted into sleep, she felt Shani take her into her strong arms and bury her dildo to the hilt in her body. Holding her with firm restraint. Shani’s ran her spirit fingers over Diana’s body in endless circles of pure delight. With quiet pleasure, Diana waited for her dream to begin. When her eyelids began to flutter, Tanis leaned forward and kissed her on her lips. Drawing her close to her breast, she whispered. “I love you, Diana.” In silence, she waited for Diana’s dream to end, her thoughts to the fore. ‘Be gentle with her Shani, for she is still weak.’

  ‘Aye, I will Tanis. You’ve chosen well. Our Diana is all-powerful.’



  The birth of a fantasy


  Diana’s heart skipped a beat. She sensed a strong soothing presence around and in her body. She sighed and relaxed into her dream. Conscious of Tanis’s strong comforting arms around her. She found herself at the bottom of a thickly wooded valley. Which drained into a mist-shrouded swamp. The water bubbled through the wet grass. Into the winding stream over which she floated. The stream pushed its way along the valley bottom towards a distant monastery at its far end. Her eyes settled on a marching column of Vikings. Advancing through the mist towards the monastery. In the lead strode a tall, broad-shouldered woman clad in black-scaled armour. Diana watched Tanis in the magnificent body of Shani, in whose spirit arms she now lay, she looked on. Her face half-covered by a spectacled black and silver winged helmet. Which gave her an aura of cruel anonymity coupled with the rare feral beauty of a mighty woman warrior. Her copper-gold hair fell onto her broad, armoured shoulders and chest in two shimmering falls of oil-burnished plaits. Which framed a strong dimpled chin and bright amber eyes with a finely muscled throat of pure alabaster below. Which reminded her of Welland’s beautiful Tara.

  Her purposeful stride and single-minded stare also reminded Diana of a tigress on a hunt. The apparent leader, Shani exuded controlled strength and confidence with every step. What a beauty she is. Girding the strong woman’s muscular waist, a silver-buckled belt in silver-studded black leather supported two matched silver-hilted short swords of Romanic design. Each in its scabbard on either side of a broad-bladed cutthroat dagger sheathed next to the heavy silver buckle of her belt. Between her shoulder blades hung a long silver-hilted broadsword in its own scabbard. Her strong wrists, upper arms, and long muscular neck banded with silver. Attested to her weapons’ weight. Powerful well-shaped legs encased in silver studded black leather greaves. Ended in feet covered with heavy silver mounted black leather sandals. To support her black scaled armour. She wore a short quilted red trimmed dress of white padded linen next to her skin. It must be Shani. Her sexual fantasy alight, Diana felt the soft wings of passion invade her stomach as something long and slippery pushed through her velvet into her body. On fire, she looked on.

  To either side of their chief and behind her strode two others. One a large specimen of golden-haired manhood. She recognised as Viking Welland, Shani’s lover and sub-chief. The other, a well-built golden-haired warrior woman of great beauty. Had to be Freyja, Tanis’s present host and the woman lover of Shani. On his golden head, Viking Welland wore a plain conical helmet of iron and in his huge right hand. An enormous well-crafted double-bladed black battle-axe hafted with a silver mounted ebony handle. A heavy mail shirt sheathed his muscular body to his knees. Which protected his stomach, spine, and manhood?

  Diana’s eyes bored through. I wonder what it would be like. To have his battle-hardened hot cock exploding inside me. Covering Welland’s sex. She could make out a pair of strong wolf-skin breeches beneath his mail. Around his waist, a thick leather belt held two short throwing axes. She sensed movement between her thighs, closed them on the action, and sighed. Her glance returning to Shani, knowing it was she who now moved within her body.

  Her eyes moved to Freyja. Dressed in a plain tight-fitting spectacled helmet of bronze. Which covered her head and a tight bronze-scaled dress of mail. At her right side on a broad leather belt hung a quiver full of arrows. In her left hand, a heavy-pull Viking war bow strung ready to take them. Between her shoulder blades nestled the massive gold-hilted broadsword. Tanis had taken from Ulf Ironsides and given to Freyja after she’d killed Ulf in a duel. I don’t have to wonder what Freyja’s cunt tastes like, I already know. Her thighs began to tremble with her first contraction. No wonder Tanis kept her for her host she looks so bravura. She lost herself in her second series of muscular contractions. Finished, she looked on. Knowing from the strong slow thrusts, it was Shani who had brought her to climax again and not Tanis.

  Satisfied, her eyes moved to the rest of the Vikings. Berserkers, always the chosen bodyguard of the Viking Chieftains followed close behind their leader. All Vikings love to fight. The Berserkers were different because of their worth in battle. For Berserkers descended into madness when faced with an enemy. Not caring whether they lived or died. Death to them meant the sensuous arms of a Valkyrie and the great banqueting hall of Odin in Valhalla. Where they believed they would fight in the day and feast as immortals at night. They welcomed death in battle. For in mortal life they feared the inevitable infirmities of old age. When wounds were fatal. They deemed it an honour for their chieftain to put them out of their misery with a swift sword cut across the throat. All Vikings dreamed of finding death in battle and lived only for the day when they knelt before Odin. The Berserkers welcomed it.

  Behind this fierce band of madness came the rest. Those whose only loyalty lay in the promises of great wealth and treasure made to them by their leader. These were as brave and willing to die for the cause. Yet, their primary motivation was in the acquisition of personal hoards. Strong slaves, women, and land. The added incentives of rapine, pillage, and bloody murder. Being all the sweeter if they survived a victorious battle. All looked to the battlefield for their deliverance. Should they fail in their quest, to their leader for their final release? Deliver us from the fury of the Norsemen Oh Lord. Diana thought as she eyed the magnificent figure of Shani. Then slipped into another climax from what was moving within.

  Shani, being a good leader did all these things for her fighting men and women. It said something to her stature she had so many followers. It also said something for her psyche. She was not only a leader of incredible bravery she was resourceful as well. In battle strategy, she had no equal, and under her command. Most of her warriors lived long enough to enjoy the fruits of their murderous labour. Her name had become a byword throughout the camps of the Vikings, and many came to join her standard. If some died, it was Odin’s will. Yet, always new enthusiastic recruits were there to fill their places. Her warriors had a fair chance of survival with her leadership. More so than with the wild, risky Berserker Chieftainship under the influence. Those who survived the first raid with her. Could look forward to a significant hoard when they returned to their homeland. Most only stayed for one voyage having achieved their goal. To a determined band of Vikings. The monasteries of Ireland were ripe for the plucking, easy pickings with little risk. All her warriors had to do was to obey her orders, and the riches would flow. Well known for her swift justice to her enemies and her fair dealings to her warriors, they looked to her as their only law. Finished again, Diana wondered what it must have been like to lie in the strong arms of so powerful a woman. Realising it was Shani’s mind, which now made love to her and not Tanis. No wonder, as a gladiator Shani preferred to fight only strong opponents, she looked formidable.

  It struck Diana as strange she could still think and feel conscious thought in her dream. Her eyes turned to the young golden-haired woman who walked at her chieftain’s side. A little younger than Tanis perhaps. But not by much. With her heart beating in wild abandon, she whispered to herself. “
Oh, Tanis I love you so much.” As she spoke, she felt her body respond to the deep thrusts of her spirit lover. Tense then wet again, she continued to dream.

  Tanis could feel the excitement and sudden change in Diana’s heartbeat. As she responded to the dominant image of Shani thrusting into her body. Tanis watched Diana’s large nipples harden into twin points of desire. She withdrew and placed her fingers inside Diana’s unconscious body. There, she began to massage the swollen lips and clit of Diana’s open cunt. With hungry sensitive fingers. She sensed Diana’s glance move to Freyja, her thoughts on her. She kissed Diana with tenderness on her lips. As she placed the fingers of Diana’s dreaming hand between her own trembling thighs.

  Diana felt a tremor of excitement run through her when Freyja returned her look and smiled. She knew the beautiful Viking could neither see nor touch her. Even so, in the mists of her mind, Diana could feel Freyja’s invisible fingers within. She imagined her own fingers working between the beautiful Viking’s thighs. The beautiful sight of her lover in armour. Coupled with the soft, delicate invasion of her body by imagined fingers of love. Proved too much for her dreaming mind. She felt her body come once more into a powerful climax. “Ohhh, Tanis!” She cried aloud.

  Tanis had not wanted to bring Diana on. She wanted her to rest. Not knowing. The beautiful Freyja in armour and the memory of herself as Shani. Had triggered Diana’s quick response. She joined Diana in her climax knowing she must be more careful in the future or she would damage her.

  The dream continued. The marching column of Vikings had now entered a large wood at the top of the slope. They came into a circular clearing. Within which another band of Vikings and their chieftain. A giant of a man with a scarred bearded face awaited them. Clad in a mail shirt much like Welland’s he leant on the hilt of his massive broadsword as he watched Tanis approach. His black hair and beard fell in greasy untidy plaits onto his broad hairy shoulders and chest. The hair coloured white only where his battle scars ran through it. His bloodshot brown eyes under beetling black brows and black body hair. Which breached his mail shirt, gave him the appearance of an angry gorilla. From his face, Diana could see he was angry.

  The huge Viking studied the determined warrior woman who approached him. Then said in a quiet unwavering voice. “I see you Tanis of Delphi. I am Thorfus Blackbeard.” He waved his left hand. “These are my raiding lands, which you yearn for. I came here first, and by that right alone, they and what lies on them are mine. What say you to that?”

  “I say the right belongs to the one who is stronger Thorfus. I Tanis am stronger.” She heard a low murmur of dissent come from Thofus’s men as they menacingly rattled their weapons.

  Thorfus laughed. “Hold Jomburgs! If you want to take what is mine Tanis, you’ll have to kill me first.” He pointed. “Yonder slave is to be my first sacrifice to Odin for giving me this land. After I’ve beaten you in a fair fight, you’ll be my second.” Another low murmur, this time of approval, came from his men. “I’ll feast on your hearts while your headless bodies, still warm, decorate yonder tree.” He pointed again to the tree where the young female slave stood bound.

  “We’ll see Thorfus Blackbeard.” Tanis’s amber eyes dilated, and her face reddened with anger at his insult.

  Thorfus continued to point towards his beautiful young captive. “All who are on this land belong to me by right of conquest. I’ve made myself ruler of it all and ruler I’ll be! What say you, woman?” He spat the last word with venom in his voice.

  Diana turned and looked towards where Thorfus pointed. The uncanny resemblance between her and his prisoner was astonishing. Except for her sad, dark eyes, the terrified woman tied to the tree could have been her twin sister.

  “I’ll make them mine Thorfus. I Tanis, challenge your right. By our law of conquest, what you’ve taken will become mine when I defeat and kill you in single combat. I’m willing to share with you, as there is plenty here for all. Yet, if you don’t wish it, only death awaits you in this place. No one takes from Tanis what is Tanis’s, for no one dares. To try is to die. Tonight, you’ll sup with Odin unless you relent and give me what mine by right is. I have spoken Thorfus, move aside or die. I’ve no time for you, for on the next spring tide I return to our homeland.”

  Watching the dreaming face of Diana. Tanis could see a look of shock and horror cross it as she listened to Shani’s words. She began to caress Diana’s breasts. To calm her, she pulled her closer to her body as the dream continued…

  “I Thorfus Blackbeard of Jomburg dare!” Thorfus screamed bubbles of red foam on his lips.

  Diana could see he was close to madness. Tanis faced the fearsome rage of a Berserker, and she wondered what she would do. When at last her opponent did descend into the full fury of insanity.

  Still, calm Tanis answered. “Eternal damnation to you Thorfus.”

  “I bow to no one, never to a woman,” Thorfus screamed. “I’ve heard of your feats of arms Tanis. I believe them to be lies. No woman can fight as your saga says.”

  “I can, for I’m no ordinary woman Thorfus. I am Odin’s chosen one.” She received a loud buzz of approval from her men.

  Thorfus turned to Welland. “I see you Welland. Your eyes are dim from your great love for Tanis. Speak, my friend for I have trust in your words. What say you?”

  “Give to Tanis what Tanis wants Thorfus, or you will die.”

  Thorfus began to boast. “I’m a great chieftain who has proved my arm in many hard-fought battles. My men know my worth. I wouldn’t be their leader otherwise. Be gone from this place Tanis of Delphi or die. I’ve no patience left for you.”

  Tanis glanced into Thorfus’s bloodshot eyes. She could see no fear there, only the wild excitement of the coming duel. He’d committed himself to battle and was now ready to face death or victory. She smiled and reached back for her long broadsword. “I’ll not need Dragon’s Tooth to kill you Thorfus.” With a mighty swing of her arm. She drew the heavy blade and threw it in one quick movement at the tree where the young sacrifice stood bound. The sword flew across the clearing like a streak of light. Then buried itself deep into the wood close to her terrified head, humming its anger. “I’ll make use of Romulus and Remus my shorter blades to rid me of your sight. You can fight with what you choose.”

  “Eagle’s Wing will be my choice, enough to cut the wind from your body.”

  “Thorfus, one of us will ride Sleipnir tonight, and I fear it will be you. This is a duel to the death, my friend. Whosoever loses but is still alive at its end the other must send to Odin. Before I kill you, I’ll prove to you the tales of my might in battle are not ill-founded. Before you die, you’ll not think so lowly of me. After you’ve gone to Odin. I’ll kill any of your men who wish to join you at Odin’s table unless they wish to join me. If they do, I’ll spare them and give to each of them an equal share of what you and I have won.”

  This brought a low murmur of anger from Thorfus’s Jomburgs. Their fierce loyalty to their chieftains was well known. With intention, Tanis had insulted that loyalty. Thorfus held up his hand for silence. “Stay seated my brothers. For that insult alone, the woman will die a slow death. Would that she dies a thousand deaths more.”

  Tanis raised her arm and signalled to her men to take up positions on one side of the clearing. She motioned to Thorfus’s warriors to sit on the other. “Men of Jomburg sit in silence and watch your Chieftain make ready for Valhalla. Then make yourselves ready to follow him to Odin’s feasting table or join with me.”

  Diana couldn’t believe the Tanis she was seeing was the same woman she loved. Although, in the body of a strong and muscular woman. Who had been a warrior woman in her own right, Tanis’s huge opponent dwarfed her? Yet she still seemed unafraid. She sensed Tanis had not raised her shields as she was in no danger of flying projectiles. This was a duel to the death, and Tanis must know she was more than a match for the lumbering Viking who faced her. All I must do is watch.

  “Enough of this idle talk Thor
fus, let’s at it for I have it in mind to kill you. Talk is cheap and serves no purpose. I want action.”

  Thorfus screamed, “Action it will be then.”

  Diana watched with mounting excitement. Even so, felt a little confused at Tanis’s wild courage. Thorfus’s band outnumbered her small force by at least two to one and didn’t need to fight. What she couldn’t know, to the fierce Vikings a trial by single combat was a sacred thing. Two champions could decide the outcome of a dispute between two bands. As well as a full confrontation of warriors. In the eyes of their men. The chiefs had to prove they were the strongest and qualified to lead them into battle. Weak leaders lost their respect and didn’t last long. His men would desert or kill Thorfus if he failed in his duty towards them. Any man could challenge a chief’s right to leadership if he felt able. It was no easy task to be a Viking chief. Shani could have nominated Viking Welland as her champion. But, to her, it would have been cowardice. She always settled her own disputes, and in her own way. Diana looked on spellbound, her heart beating fit to burst.

  Shani motioned to the young golden-haired woman beside her. “Freyja, my love, fit an arrow and whosoever of these pigs moves to help Thorfus, kill them.” She turned to the giant Viking on her other side. “Welland my heart, be ready to cleave in twain any who moves to come to his aid.” It was another calculated insult.

  It all became clear to Diana then. She could only guess at the intense relationship shared between the three Vikings. She most of all knew of Tanis’s rapacious appetite for physical love. It would take both Welland and Freyja. To please hers and Shani’s constant demands for sexual appeasement. No wonder Tanis wants me to rest. She knew Tanis hungered for the moisture she extracted from her lover’s bodies when she brought them to climax. Tanis’s concern for her was. She was taking too much from her body as only she now filled the void of her savage lover’s greatest need. She felt a twinge of jealousy. For Tanis to take Freyja’s body as her host, Freyja had to have been her willing lover. She already knew what went on between the three of them after a victory. The adrenaline pumping and the celebrations over. Their animal lust for each other’s bodies would take precedence. Tanis’s pheromones would do the rest.


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