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The Willing Prey

Page 55

by Scarlett Sunday

  She imagined herself in the arms of Shani, Freyja, and Viking Welland. With Tanis within Shani after a battle. Then wondered at the fate of the unfortunate captive bound to the tree. Would they take their carnal pleasures from her body before killing her? She could imagine Welland lying naked between Shani and Freyja after a battle. Welland’s manhood rampant and leaking waiting to mount or be mounted. Standing hard and strong between his massive thighs. His leaking cock ready to service their hot battle-crazed bodies. Or they his.

  Diana’s dreaming body responded to the erotic thought of Viking Welland. Making love to two warrior women, she became moist with passion. She sensed rather than felt the filling presence of Tanis’s dildo. With Shani’s ghost-like presence behind it. Pushing its long silent way between her wet open thighs. Her mind, conscious of its exquisite penetrating length. Triggered her arching body to another strong finish. Her jealousy subsided into nothingness as she realised it was her body. Which was now the chosen receptacle for Tanis’s hard instruments of pleasure. Hers alone, which quenched its naked thirst. She was only half-conscious of what Tanis was doing to her. Yet, it was enough to keep her on the summit of her unique experience. The irony being. While she watched Tanis prepare for her dream duel. She also experienced the deep, satisfying feeling of sex with Tanis. Shani, and Freyja together. Surreal; but, satisfying. She smiled at herself for her jealousy and gave herself up to her fantasy women.

  Finished, she began to study the body of Freyja. To think Freyja’s thousand-year-old body, which had taken her virginity with ease? Was at this moment in time engaged in giving her a good shagging with the dominant minds of Tanis and Shani to the fore. She sighed into another coming. Her mind and body settled, she gathered her wayward thoughts and focused them back on the duel.

  Thorfus heard Tanis’s orders to her comrades in arms and growled. “There’ll be no treachery while I am alive. My warriors will stay out of it until I’ve finished with you, Tanis. I swear this by Odin’s sacred beard.”

  Tanis hissed. “It’s when you’re dead. I’m wondering about Thorfus.” At this further insult, Thorfus charged. Tanis, ready for him, with drawn swords, stepped in to meet his angry attack. She parried with ease the powerful downward swipe, which Thorfus aimed at her neck. Seeing him draw his dagger with his other hand, she brought her short swords up and started to circle him. She goaded him into an instant fury with. “Come nearer Thorfus and let me tickle you between the legs with these.” The madness in his eyes told Tanis she faced a Berserker. This didn’t worry her. She was more than a match for him in strength, and his mad rage might be his undoing. Her legs set wide, her swords ready. She waited for her formidable opponent’s charge, taunting him again. “Come Thorfus, come and feel my pricks, for I have two of them.” She could have seduced Thorfus into submission given time. But she didn’t have the time or the inclination. They were on the way home, and the tides waited for no one. Diana sensed Tanis’s thoughts. After the monastery falls, the Knorr will be full of treasure. My warriors are impatient to be home.

  It was a sudden lunge by her angry opponent, which brought Tanis’s mind back to the duel. Without much difficulty. She parried the thrust with one sword and brought the other around in a wide, slicing arc. Which almost decapitated her mad opponent. Thorfus parried in time. Even so, not expecting the backstroke on the same swing, did well not to have his throat cut to the spine. How could he know the opponent he faced was not from this world, or know of the great strength she possessed? The heavy swords in her hands were as feathers to her. The battle raged on until Thorfus could feel his great strength waning. His broad hairy chest heaved with fatigue. Bloody foam spilt from his smashed mouth onto his beard. Where Tanis had caught him with a hilt guard. He could imagine the halls of Odin beckoning and Sleipnir waiting under a tree. He decided to place his failing strength into one last strike. One well-placed thrust will do it. He feinted to the left and thrust at Tanis’s throat. With anyone other than her, it would have worked, and the duel would have been over. The desperate move put him off balance. He staggered past Tanis, his massive sword shifting to shift his weight back.

  Tanis had been waiting for the mistake. In one fluid movement. Which brought a gasp of admiration from both sides, she threw herself to the side and down onto one knee. She plunged her left-hand sword deep into the earth to steady her balance. Using it as a fulcrum, she pivoted as Thorfus swept past. With one controlled strike, she brought her right-hand sword down in a low humming arc. The singing blade came around and sliced through the back of Thorfus’s knees. Severing his tendons. Hamstrung, the giant Viking crashed to his knees with a groan. Tanis rolled back onto her feet within the same movement and stood behind the kneeling giant. Feet wide apart, her sword blade held across his throat. Sleipnir for Thorfus had become a reality.

  Diana gasped in awe and felt drawn into comforting warmth. She continued to watch. Tanis knocked Thorfus’s helmet from his head. Then grabbed a handful of thick greasy black plaits. She pulled his head back onto her thigh and looked down at him with hard flat amber eyes. She could have ended it there. But she wanted to savour the moment.

  Thorfus, beaten now, waited for the killer stroke. He groaned in pain and glancing up at Tanis begged her to finish him admitting his defeat. “Kill me, Tanis, for I am beaten in fair combat. I can’t live like this a Chieftain no more and a cripple in front of my men. Send me to Odin as you promised. There I’ll be complete again to feast and fight with past dead comrades and those who wish to join me now. I see the Valkyries gathering and Sleipnir waiting in the shadows. Grant me this boon, Tanis. Send me to Odin.” He held no animosity towards his opponent. If he had been victorious, he would have carried out his threat and shown no pity for doing so. He would have given her The Wings of the ‘Blood Eagle’, and as she died in agony, cut her heart from her body, and eaten it raw in front of her warriors. Whether Viking Welland or Freyja would have let him do so was another matter.

  “I’ve vanquished you in fair fight Thorfus.”

  “You are as the sagas tell Tanis. You are a great Chieftain and warrior.” He was not patronising her he was acknowledging her prowess as a fighter. “I bow to you, woman, or no. You’ve bested me in front of my men in fair combat. I’ve sent many to Odin in my time. Now my time has come to meet him, I’ll not shirk it. Grant my wish and finish it here where it’s my right by the rules you’ve set down Tanis.” Not given to long speeches, as he preferred action, he looked across to his warriors and spoke. “Jomburgs! Those of you who wish to join me in Valhalla this night come now and kneel beside me for I still wish to fight with you. To those who wish to join Tanis, go with my blessing. I release you from your blood oath.”

  Tanis released him and walked around to face him. “Thorfus you have fought well, and I know you’ll die with a brave heart. You’ve killed many men in battle, as have I. I in your sandals, would ask the same boon of you. There’s no dishonour for you Thorfus. I’ll respect your wish Jomburg. I salute you for your courage.” She looked around at Thorfus’s men. “If any of you would join your brave chief in Valhalla this day come now and kneel beside him. The others can join with me and fight alongside me for equal shares of what we have. Choose now! For after I have taken yonder monastery and put them to the sword. I’ll return home to Odense on the next flood tide.”

  Thorfus added, “Choose comrades. For I too am impatient to be gone.”

  From Thorfus’s band, ten Vikings advanced towards Tanis. All middle-aged or over and all battle-scarred veterans with stiffening joints. They drew their swords and axes as they approached and threw them into a pile at Welland’s feet. They’d been with Thorfus for many raids. In silence, they knelt at their chief’s side. Tanis waited until all was quiet. She had offered them an honourable death and these. Thorfus’s closest comrades in arms had accepted it. The slow end of old age was not for them. Tonight, they would feast with Odin and tomorrow, a new day. They would fight and love again as complete young men. Tanis held her swor
ds high and walked the line. She placed the point of one under each hairy chin in turn and raised it until the throat became exposed. “I can’t offer you your life Thorfus, for the rules forbid it. You’ve asked for death, and death with honour it will be. I Tanis of Delphi honour you in your death.”

  Thorfus looked at her without fear. “Strike Tanis, my faithful warriors and I are ready to be gone.”

  His men joined him. “Aye strike Tanis, finish with it. We have another life to go to with our chief. Where only happiness and love abounds.”

  “Then hold your heads high brave warriors and prepare to die like Vikings.” Tanis stepped to the line of kneeling warriors her body moving with the grace of a dancer. Starting with Thorfus. She cut their throats with one skilled strike to each stretched neck. Careful to leave their spines intact. They died with a smile on their faces, and their eyes fixed on hers, as their life’s blood pumped from their wounds. The other members of Thorfus’s band greeted her generous action with a low murmur of approval.

  Diana retched in her sleep and was sick but didn’t waken. Brutal times demanded harsh laws. It was common after a battle, for such executions. The prisoners and vanquished expected nothing less.

  Tanis turned towards her new band of Vikings and spoke with pride. “They died well and are now with Odin. But, for us, life goes on. Build a pyre and burn the bodies. If any among you still dispute my leadership. Let them come forward to try and take what I have fought for.” There was no dissent. Tanis had proved to them she had the ruthless courage to be their chieftain. They respected her for it. Woman or not, they would follow her to the end. Satisfied, she walked across to the young woman still bound to the tree. She withdrew Dragon’s Tooth and returned her to her scabbard. In silence, she studied her prisoner.

  Diana watched fascinated as she spoke. “You, by Thorfus’s death are now my captive. I will not sacrifice you to Odin for I have a better fate in mind for you.” She drew her small dagger and cut the sheer dress from her prisoner’s body. Then weighed her bared breasts in her hands. She began to caress their nipples with her thumbs while she watched her captive’s face. She smiled and nodded. Diana could sense the slave’s response in her own nipples. Tanis leaned forward. “You’ll do woman, for tonight your only sacrifice is to me.” She turned towards Freyja and Welland. “Bind this prisoner and place her in my tent. We’ll clean up and make camp here. We move in the morning to take the monastery. When the tide is high, we sail for home. For now, we’ll rest. We have enough treasure with what Thorfus has given us to see us home. More than enough for all.”

  “Aye, Tanis.” They said in unison. “It will be good to see our homeland again.”


  Diana awoke with a start to feel a firm, warm hand squeezing her breast. Then warm cruel lips sucking on its hard nipple. Her bashful eyes first met Shani’s amber ones, which then changed into the ocean blue eyes of Tanis. She sighed. “Like you told Tanis, you were different in those rough times. Christ! What a hard bitch Shani was. Ruthless and without any compassion for anyone. She knew how to make love though.”

  “Shani and I had to be, to survive those times Diana. I still will be towards those who deserve my anger and love those who don’t. Viking Welland and Freyja would not have believed you though. To them, I was their Chieftain, and they respected me for who I was, and the great love I bore them.”

  “Shani’s body at the time was attractive to me Tanis. Her lovemaking is the stuff of fantasy. I felt the power of her passion enter me more than once. Was she always so forceful?”

  “Yes. Shani always made love with distinction. And with a rapacious hunger for her lovers’ bodies after a battle. Welland and Freyja needed a rest from our post-battle advances at times. When I needed to rest them, I took my hunger out on my prisoners and slaves. Shani was a mighty host indeed. She required a lot of moisture from her lovers to keep her energy high. As I said. The strength of her body and the force of her personality. Carried me with ease through the Roman and Viking times.”

  “You said I was near to her strength and stamina Tanis. Show me how near?”

  “No Diana, you must rest or take the consequences. Shani went easy on you. She, Freyja, and I have already taken too much from your still human body.”

  “What happened to your prisoner? She reminded me of me.”

  “When you saw me touch my captive’s breast, I was testing her reactions. By her positive response to my caress and the way she looked at me, I knew she wanted me in the way you want me now Diana. The same night I made love to her and took her as prey. I took my time with her body. Her mind still lives within. Believe me, my love, when I say she died content, she did. Instead of becoming a bloody sacrifice on the altar of Odin with her bones on a tree. She became a willing sacrifice to me. I gave her mind immortality in the process. She expected to die and committed to her fate. Her death and the flight of her mind came as a pleasant surprise to her. I didn’t do it from kindness, but from post-battle lust and hunger.”

  “Would she have died anyway?”

  “Yes. My prisoner was mine to do with as I wanted. I was hungry. I gave her the attractive option. We were on our way home and would have killed her the next day at sea. We would have thrown her body overboard after the men had made use of it first. Life was cheap then, and I looked after my men.”

  Diana close to her orgasm sighed. “Savages all. You’re a hard woman Tanis, and from the look of your nipples you’re hard now.” Her hand moved lower, and she smiled. “Wet too. I suppose those violent times called for it.”

  “Yes, I wouldn’t have survived long had I not been more ruthless than my warriors Diana.”

  “Finish me please Tanis, as I will you. I need to come, and so do you. I promise afterwards I’ll go to sleep in your arms for as long as you want.”

  “I know you will Diana.” She complied with Diana’s wish. Afterwards sedating her with venom. “No more sex Diana, I mean it. We have a date to keep on Saturday night, and I need you to be fit, strong, and well prepared for it. For my sake.”



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  Tanis phoned Nigel mid-morning in the hope he was in. Instead, she heard his answering machine telling her to contact Tranny Spinks. She did, and Nigel answered with an irritated. “Yes.”

  “Hello Nigel, it's Tanis. I’m sorry to disturb you. I’m giving a small party at Hatton on Saturday night and need you to make up a foursome. Are you free?”

  “Hello, Tanis. Yes. I’ll be glad to come. Could you ring me back in an hour to confirm the time and place? Now, I’m into something I don’t want to come out of.”

  Tanis heard a giggle in the background than a gasp. She hung up smiling. “Okay.” Nigel was handsome and leaned towards men. Sounds like Tranny’s having Nigel’s black salami for breakfast. Would Steve go for him? It would be an exciting night finding out. After a happy week of bliss with Diana, she’d left her asleep with the promise of seeing her on Saturday. Diana would be back to full strength and waiting for her call by then. I must be more careful with her in the future. There were people outside her circle. She could use to please her voracious sexual appetite without distressing Diana. To damage her would be unforgivable and stupid. She’d taken Diana’s phone off the hook and locked the door on leaving her. Her Earth lover was her only investment in the future. She stayed the night at the office hoping for another call from Jean. She rang Kathy at her flat the next morning and reported Jean as missing. As an afterthought, she asked what time Nigel would finish on Saturday.

  “You’re in luck Tanis, he’s on days this weekend and knocks off at six. I’m glad you rang. Hilary and I are going to Spain tomorrow on a riding holiday. We’ll be away for two weeks. We’re so excited about it all. I’ll file your report now. I hope Jean turns up before we go.”

  “Thanks for telling me Kathy, I’m happy for you. Don’t ride Hilary too hard. Keep on the horses.”

  Kathy laughed. �
�Don’t worry about Jean, Tanis. I’ll put your report on top of the priority pile. Thanks to you, I have a life’s companion and willing prisoner now. What more can a good policewoman ask for?”


  “I believe we are. We’ve both missed our periods, they were due two days ago.”

  “That’s fantastic news, Kathy!” In a cheerful mood, she rang Nigel again. “Come by yourself Saturday night Nigel. Diana and I will see you in cubicle ten in Welland’s nightclub at six-thirty pm. Your blind date will meet you there.”

  “Okay Tanis, I’ll be there. I hope he’s handsome, thanks for thinking of me.”

  She rang Steve next. “Steve, could you meet Diana and me at the Scandinavian nightclub in cubicle ten. At six on Saturday night?”

  Steve knew the club. “You bet. How’s Diana, Tanis?”

  “She’s feeling much better Steve. You’ll see for yourself on Saturday.” She rang Diana to let her know. “Meet me at the Scandinavian at six on Saturday night sweetheart.”

  “Okay. I’m missing you, Tanis.”

  “I miss you too my love.” She rang Welland and booked cubicle ten for Saturday evening. The date set, she decided to do some shopping before driving home to Hatton. To reserve dinner at The Three Bells and prepare the cellar and apparatus for the fantasy night ahead. At least this time I won’t be hunting.


  Saturday already! With a feeling of excitement in her stomach, Tanis began to dress, letting her thoughts wander. In the past, she’d watched fascinated as people of the same gender. In close social contact, without the other gender being present. Connect with sex in mind. What had started as an innocent social contact? Developed into a body language of subtle sexual signals. The more attractive people within the group had become sex objects. To those who leaned towards bisexuality. After clandestine physical contact with a few drinks in dark corners. Where subtle hints were dropped. Some relationships had blossomed into the material. Given the right circumstances, in single-gender parties, the flesh is weak.


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