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Atomic Mage 2

Page 12

by Carter, Garrett

  Karl's face, as it turned to the confusion, was just what Cade was hoping for. "What labor problem do you speak of human, we have more than enough slaves and more where those came from." As Karl finished his statement smeared with sarcasm Cade hopped into the dwarf's mind.

  "The young man has a penchant for the dramatic I see," Cade said as he took in the stone fortress cut into a massive mountain.

  The whole gigantic structure was surrounded by an equally impressive wall. Walking up to the wall Cade took a moment to appreciate the intricate designs reminiscent of Celtic artwork, images of what he assumed were ancient battles fought by Karl's ancestors.

  The huge murals depicted battles between dwarves and humans' along a stretch of wall between two gatehouses. The mural continued after that to encompass heavily armored dwarves bearing war hammers and double-bladed axes facing off against all manner of mystical and magical creatures.

  "He might be a spoiled and entitled brat but his people have accomplished a lot, I hope I don't have to destroy them," Cade said as he reached another gate and blew the obstruction to splinters.

  As he continued his walk towards the fortress that held his quarry Cade hoped he was doing the right thing.

  The mind mage being here had changed the plan slightly, his infiltration of Karl's mind had been necessitated by his presence.

  As he tossed a few mental defenders against the huge door that led into the fortress, Cade tried to think up a way to keep the mind mage from scouring Karl's mind after he was done with the dwarf.

  If the leader of the slaver's Graft found out more than he wanted him to know then his plan for the city and Dejot as a whole would become much more difficult to accomplish.

  Cade's musings ended as he reached what looked like the throne room a few minutes and a few dozen defenders later.

  Casting his gaze about he found no trace of Karl. "Karl? Kaaarl... Where are you, Karl?" After Cade's visual search had turned up nothing he turned to his power over the fabric of reality and scanned the whole room.

  He had almost given up, assuming the dwarf had become unconscious for some reason. Diving deeper into the walls of the room looking for secret passages before he left the dwarves mind to find out where he went.

  Cade smiled grimly as his scan had found an irregularity in the wall behind the wooden throne.

  Pulling the dwarf-sized chunk of rock out of the wall Cade smiled at his host as the stone dwarf melted away to reveal Karl in all his anger.

  "Ahh, there you are your gonna have to teach me that trick," Cade said as he pulled the fuming Karl around the throne to face him as he sat in the uncomfortable chair.

  "Now we talk, or I talk and you answer if I ask a question, sound good?" Cade's question was answered by a curt nod from his captive.

  "Good now I was told you are a very important man Mr. Strong Stone. I want to start a mining business far south of here and I think you can help me. Am I wrong?" Cade's mouth formed a harsh line on his face as he raised an eyebrow as he signaled the dwarf to respond.

  "No, you are not wrong human, at least about me being an important man my clan has held the head seat of the counsel for millennia. Your mining venture is not going to work out the way you think though. You might be able to mine some small amount of ore from your little vein, but when you come to sell no one will accept anything from your claim. And once you have been bled dry of funds my clan will grind you beneath our boot heels and do what you couldn't, what any non-dwarf couldn't, take what is ours by birthright from the very earth and enrich ourselves and our race with its bounty." Cade watched as Karl's smug face grew distant as he spoke of his races' right to the mining of the mithril mountain he had found, thanks to his goddess of a wife.

  Seeing the fervent look in Karl's eyes he tried one last time with the carrot as he began to limber up his figurative arms to swing for the fences with the stick.

  "My Beth will be in charge of the mining operation, I will be a very silent partner and I can sign anything you want that speaks to that fact. I only ask that our children inherit my portion when my wife believes they are ready." Cade sat back and blew out an irritated breath as he took in Karl's amused face wanting to strangle the young man.

  "A woman in charge of a mine that will be the day, all women are good for is smithing, enchanting, and warming their man's bed at night. A woman will never be in charge of a mine Mr. Willmartin, the council will see to that." Karl's incredulous expression added weight to his laughing words as Cade's dreams of keeping this negotiation civil, or as civil as he could make it, evaporated as his captive laughed his beard off.

  "So stick it is. I hope these idiots don't make me follow through with it though," Cade said to himself before he pulled up the memory from their journey to this terrible city.

  Karl's laughter cut off as he and Cade found themselves looking down on the final slaver camp Cade had obliterated in what felt like years ago.

  "It was so much simple back then, kill slavers, save the slaves, and show my wives my appreciation, at every opportunity." As Cade finished his reminiscing of the recent past the slave camp exploded under his shield.

  Karl's shriek of disbelief warmed Cade's heart as he watched along with the dwarf as the massive stream of energy entered the boom boom room of Cade's home.

  "Yes I did that and yes I can do it to your whole kingdom, I hope you understand I don't want to though, but if necessary I will. So Karl can we come to an agreement or do I need to go ahead with my wifes venture and just wipe the dwarven kingdom from the map when they come calling?" Cade had to snap his fingers in front of Karl's shocked face and repeat his ultimatum two more times before the dwarf shakily agreed.

  As Karl's shock wore off he looked at Cade with awe tinged with fear as he asked "what are you".

  "A man on a time limit and one who is glad you agreed to his request. Now we are going to head back in a moment then you will send a letter to the counsel or if that isn't feasible to get our agreement to them, then you will make every effort to get in contact with them and have the mining rights to the whole of the south of Dejot turned over to Beth, for a reasonable price mind you. I hope I can trust you with this. The dwarven nation is in your hands Karl Strong Stone, don't disappoint them."

  Returning to reality Cade stood up and offered Karl his hand to shake to complete their deal.

  Cade was impressed by the stoic front the man had adopted, the earlier bone-deep fear was gone from his face replaced by the confident grin of a man who had gotten the better part of their deal.

  As he shook the dwarf's hand Cade sent a little message. "Remember Strong Stone I am on a time limit don't dawdle at home or there won't be a home to dawdle in. You have a month to get it done, hurry."

  Finished with his attempt to get the dwarf to speed up the mountain of paperwork Cade knew was coming he added one more bit of insurance.

  Forming a mithril coin in the palm clasped around Karl's surprisingly rough one he created a shield around his mind and tied the coin to it.

  Cade hoped he wasn't making a mistake by allowing his enchanted coin to leave with the man.

  He added a bit of insurance and tired the output of the coin back on itself. The bomb that he had given the man would remain inert unless someone tried to remove his shield from Karl's mind.

  Stepping back from the dwarf Cade smiled at his new messenger with what he hoped was a confident smile, even though his guts were churning with worry.

  Waving a dismissive hand at the shorter man he waited patiently for Karl to take his leave.

  Mind shield in place and with a curious look at the coin Karl turned to his group of men and shouted that they were leaving.

  "Keep that on you until I see you next or else," Cade said into the dwarf's mind as he and his group disappeared around a corner.

  Turning to his next messenger Cade invaded his mind before he spoke.

  "You tell Graft we will be talking soon and unless he wants to meet me before I am ready, his men will l
eave my women alone that includes those two, understand?" Cade pointed at Sharee and Nat as he delivered his message to the mind mage slaver who hadn't moved an inch since he had dropped to the ground earlier.

  A quick nod and an expectant look that Cade answered with a nod of his own had the slaver scrambling down the street towards the keep in the center of the city.

  As he watched the mind mage walk a little too briskly away Cade blew out a breath he didn't know he had been holding.

  "That went very well my giant, better than you might think. From my past experience, that fool would have fought you to the last instead of giving that false smile and taking off with his tail between his legs. I must admit it made me a little wet to see you cow him so easily. We need to have a talk once we make it back home." Beth finished her statement with a shiver of lust that was reflected in her eyes as they bore into his grey ones.

  "Anytime my wife, anytime," Cade said as he bent down and captured his little firebrands lips for a short but passionate kiss.

  "Soaked definitely soaked. Let's get home, I have need of you my husband." Beth said breathlessly as she was released from Cade's lip lock.

  Laughing at her glassy-eyed expression Cade turned around to start getting everyone ready to head home and was tackled to the ground with a shout of surprise with Beth by a flurry of fur and scales as his other two wives expressed their appreciation.

  "He was so MAD, his attempts to hide it were very amusing, right Mina?" Sabine said as she silenced any further noises from her mate as she aggressively kissed him into silence.

  "Yes he handled the dwarf with ease but our little snake you must have missed the mind mage's expression when he told the silly man to sit down or go to sleep, my Cade I need you kits in me now." Mina's statement began with a smile that devolved into a look of simmering lust as she promised an amazing night with her mate with her eyes.

  Laughing a little brokenly Cade was a little overwhelmed by the admittedly welcome affection he was receiving.

  As he stood up from the tangle of fur, scales, and skin his wives had taken him down with he stood stock still as Eve included herself in the merriment.

  Her soft kiss and hesitant hug had him ready to run in reflex.

  He relaxed slowly and returned the hug, his earlier promise to give the short slim young woman a chance returning to him.

  "You were great m... My Cade, that is why I want to be your mate." Eve's soft words were spoken into Cade's clothed chest as her hesitant hug grew in strength.

  "Anything for my mates my little pixie," Cade said into Eve's ear that had lain flat against her head as she requested her own affection.

  As they flicked up as he spoke she stole another quick kiss on his cheek and released her prospective mate with a shy smile.

  "Maybe more then, you said anything," Eve asked with an embarrassed smile as she began to twist side to side under Cade's gaze.

  "When you are older my Eve," Cade said with a smile as the short young woman pulled out a Mina-approved pout.

  Laughing at the dead on the impression he looked to his wives and gestured to Poppy.

  Each of his wives collected a kiss, more reserved this time as they filed into the beast of a car, tittering as Eve collected one of her own causing Cade to freeze again.

  "Let's get home my loves, Sharee, Nat... well all of you will be getting a driving lesson in the near future so be ready. Now let's get home." Cade said as the car rose above the tops of the houses and smoothly took off towards their home.

  As they passed the keep in the middle of the city Cade glared at the large stone structure.

  His next challenge was inside of the building and he had little time to prepare for the inevitable confrontation with the leader of the slavers.

  He hoped the fool wouldn't do anything stupid.

  Cade prayed he wouldn't, not that the man had any right to the air he breathed. Cade wanted the man's death to stay in the people's memory for a long, long time.

  The invisable Poppy

  As Cade lay spooned with his Beth he played the plans for tomorrow in his mind, poring over anything he and his wives might have missed.

  "We are going to be fine my giant, we have gone over every nook and cranny of the keep. The guard rotations, the slave rounds, even the high chieftain and Graft's daily routines down to when they shit, we just have one more thing to do tonight which should be simple." As Beth finished her soothing of her husband's fears she went quiet once again.

  Cade was more than a little curious as to his newest wife's shyness after she and Sabine had rocked his world after they had gotten back from cleaning out her old home.

  His libido awakened from its slumber as he remembered the whirlwind of activity after they had arrived.

  Cade smiled as he remembered his goddess's decidedly rough handling as she had torn him literally out of Poppy, ripping the seat belt off of him with her need to have him.

  He had fucked his Promena senseless after they had gotten to their bedroom, leaving her snoring on the bed as his seed dripped from her swollen neither lips.

  Cade had lost a few moments as he took her once again, filling her cum slick channel once again with his seed.

  Her moans and rippling channel as she came again and again had ensured him he had made the right choice.

  His Mina on the other hand had been unusually soft and affectionate as she rode him languidly to his completion and her many shaking orgasms.

  "I love you so much my Cade, our kits will have such an amazing father. My love, you make me so happy I chose you that day on the river and every day since. Now fill me, my love I need your seed in me, I need your kits in my womb." As Mina finished her confession she had seized up on Cade's lap, a massive orgasm rolling through her.

  Cade's heart had swelled at her words, his feelings the same as hers, even as he approached his peak.

  Wanting his pretty kitty close to him as he fulfilled her request he wrapped a hand gently around the back of her neck and pulled her down slowly to capture her lips.

  Working himself in long slow strokes in and out of his Mina's fluttering center he followed her into bliss moments after as she moaned her own release into their kiss.

  Coming back to himself he groaned as his little firebrands sopping lips ground against the top of his dick in slow languid motions.

  Lifting her thick leg and aligning his length with her drenched channel he leaned over and captured her lips as he thrust up, both of them moaning into the kiss as her cum slick opening swallowing the head of his throbbing length.

  "So fucking big." She whispered as her tight opening spread as she pushed back, impaling herself on the head of her husband's dick.

  Cade groaned again as he enjoyed his wifes tight wet confines once again. Cade was a little overwhelmed by the need to be inside of her, her soft moans and soft hands gripping his hip as she held them close spiking his lust.

  "No, my little dwarven firebrand you are so very tight around me, so very wet and tight," Cade whispered into a softly pointed ear as he captured the sensitive tip with his lips and licked gently pulling a squeak followed by a soft cry from his Beth.

  Filling his Beth slowly Cade took a few minutes to languidly stroke in and out of her, his mouth watering for her large nipples as they shifted with the motions of her impressive breast with every thrust.

  He slipped out suddenly wanting to taste his dwarven wifes assets to Beth's moan of loss.

  Pulling the short woman with him as he rolled over their bed her moan of loss turned into a squeak of surprise that changed to a long lustful moan as he pulled her down onto him as he lay in the bed.

  Sitting up Cade captured her lips with a quick but intense kiss before he began his travels to his wifes huge breasts.

  Grasping Beth's wide hips with his hands he caught a large pert nipple with his lips Cade crossed his legs under his Beth's amazing ass and began to grind himself up into her so very tight tunnel.

  His languid movements were joi
ned by his dwarven wife as she encircled his head with her arms smashing his face into her bountiful assets as she began to match her husband's slow thrusts into her center.

  "Need your babies, want them so very bad, my giant. Need you to marry me, need to be your wife fiiirst." Beth said breathlessly before her head fell back as her eyes rolled up into her head.

  "Cade gonna cum on you, gonna cum soo hard." Beth's moaned declaration was followed by her tight channel rippling around his length.

  The feeling of her coming undone around him had Cade teetering on the edge of filling his redheaded firebrand.

  As his control failed he released her diamond hard nipple and grabbed two handfuls of soft dwarven ass before he lifted and pulled her down into his length twice.


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