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Atomic Mage 2

Page 13

by Carter, Garrett

  Wrapping an arm around her waist and putting the other around her back he filled his moaning wife with his seed moaning his own orgasm into her neck as he held her to him.

  Coming down from their shared bliss Cade looked into Beth's eyes as she looked down and away ashamed of her declaration.

  "I want your babies, b... but we need to be married for them to inherit our business, dwarven law is very clear on that, my giant." Beth's soft voice took on a more reverent tone as she continued.

  "I love you Cade Willmartin and I think you love me too, your old sensibilities might have kept Eve at bay but they won't stop me from claiming what is MINE."

  As Beth finished her proclamation her brown eyes locked onto Cade's with a challenge to dispute her claim. Cade looked back at his fiery wife's gaze with amusement.

  "You have been in my head, you know why I will not claim Eve until she comes of age. I think I do love you, the idea of you spending the rest of your life with anyone else is... infuriating... maddening, I think I would kill anyone who tried to take you from me. So yes I will marry you, my love, unless you have been keeping your underage status from me and the rest of our wives." Cade said with conviction that was somewhat marred by the peals of laughter that escaped from Beth as her earlier serious expression broke into mirth.

  "I don't think we have to worry about me being jail bait my love, I am more than twice your age, your real age by the way," Beth said after she caught her breath.

  "How old are you then old lady?" Cade said with a strained grin, Beth's laughter doing wonderful things to his softening length with her floor muscles.

  "150 years old as a matter of fact," Beth said in triumph as her sex slick tunnel was slowly filled by her husband's revived length.

  "I always had a thing for older women, are you going to be my sexy little cougar love?" Cade said as he slowly rolled his hot sexy older wife onto her back and began to thrust himself into her once again.

  "Yes, my giant I will be your sexy little cougar if you will be my sexy husband now and forever." Beth laughed out as her bouncing assets caught her husband's eye.

  "Now and forever my love, now let's see if we can fit some more of my seed in this old lady's womb," Cade said as Beth's laughter changed back to her sultry moans as he got to work.

  After his and Beth's lovemaking session had ended he had asked for more clarification on what would be required of him for the ceremony as they lounged in the bed.

  She had explained in great detail the ceremony as he held back laughter.

  After he let her finish the familiar ritual that had only differed slightly from what he had gone through with his Tony so long ago he had looked her in her eyes that had been bubbling over with mirth.

  The differences had been the vows that leaned less toward eternal devotion and love and more towards prosperity for the clan and agreements about children.

  Another difference had been her request for her mother to give her away and for her human father to be Cade's best man. That had been a bit of a bomb shell for him, not necessarily her heritage he couldn't have cared less about that.

  The fact that his little firebrand had come from parents of different races kind of derailed his train of thought from the conversation, making the many requests for his children more real to him.

  "My love? My giant? My Cade... What has your head so thoroughly up in the clouds?" Beth had asked after she had gotten his attention with a few snaps in front of his glassy-eyed face.

  "Just thinking about our kids is all." Cade had said to her amusement.

  That amusement turned to lust quickly as she asked in an amused tone "quickie?" as she gave him an amazing view of her ass from her hands and knees.

  "Always my love" Cade had said as he sheathed himself and captured her lips with a kiss and began to create their imaginary children.

  Falling boneless and sated from two more "quickies" Cade looked lovingly into his dwarven wife's blissed-out face with a smile.

  "We have one more thing to sort out my love, and we need to get out of this bed to do it," Cade said with a grin as Beth's soft hands found his soft length and began to stroke it.

  "If we must but I want more later, we won't have time to do much more than go complete our plan in the morning," Beth said with a pout.

  "We have forever love, now let's make sure it is a happy forever," Cade said with a kiss to her pouty lips.

  Groaning like a petulant child Beth rose out of bed and donned a form-fitting red robe that matched her fiery hair and pulled a groan from Cade as he admired her shapely form.

  "Got to adult, got to adult, no more baby-making, got to adult," Cade said breathlessly to himself as Beth laughed as his little frenemy expressed his appreciation of the view.

  His boner sticking straight out Cade made his way to the closet and donned a short-sleeved white cotton shirt and a pair of black leather pants, his feet in a pair of matching leather boots.

  "Laugh it up he isn't going to be held back much longer, I still haven't fulfilled my promise to him of having all you ladies walking bow-legged for a month. Just wait until this city is under our control, free reign for him and we will see who is laughing." Cade's impassioned speech was diminished somewhat as he fought to get his dick into his pants with mixed results as Beth continued to laugh.

  "I can't wait for the day when all we need to worry about is how much seed you can pack into us my love, but now let's find our Mina we have work to do," Beth said as she walked out of the room still chuckling.

  After joining the others Cade and Beth collected Mina from the living room where she was lounging with the rest of the household.

  Cade passed around a few heated kisses with his other wives and a quick peck on the cheek from Eve before he and his two assistants relocated to the activity room in the dojo to complete the last part of their plan.

  Case smiled as they entered the garage, investigating Mina's invisibility had been something Cade had wanted to look into for a while.

  As they sat in the activity room of their garage slash dojo Cade got his first real glimpse into his first mate's power.

  As she disappeared with a smile in front of his eyes Cade continued to examine her and noticed a skin-tight layer of energy around her that warped the light past her form.

  Reaching forward he cupped Mina's cheek and watched a she reappeared with a smirk.

  He chucked to himself after pulling his Mina in for a quick kiss, their mating fight making more sense now.

  Her reappearance before every attack was her light warping power failing as her claws connected with his flesh.

  "Again love," Cade said with a smile as he lowered his hand. Mina smirked as she disappeared once again.

  Stepping back Cade's gaze grew distant as he placed a hand on his mate's shoulder.

  Mina reappeared and smiled before she took his hand in her own, kissing her mate's palm as she held it in her own delicate hands.

  "Try again my love, for as long as you can this time," Cade asked his panther mate before she tried to vanish once again.

  Her face grew pinched as she remained visible. Cade remained focused on his mate's body as she tried once again.

  He remained impassive as he located the bundle of neurons that he had begun to associate with mages.

  As Mina continued her attempts to vanish Cade tried pushing some energy into the bundle of cells.

  Mina's form began to waver like a mirage after a few seconds of the tiny power transfer, coming back into focus as Cade stopped.

  "Well that's progress I guess. Beth, you said that my energy sources were considered enchantments, is there anything I should know before I try to push more power into her?" As his eyes refocused Cade finished his question.

  He was wary of tying his wife to a power source, his first experiments with the things had not gone well.

  Cade was contemplating the workarounds he had used and how his body differed from everyone else's as Beth answered.

  "Most of
us, unlike you my husband, have a certain amount of power we can absorb before we go the way of your little grenade experiment. The amount of energy required is proportional to the mass of the person or object that the output is being tied to. There is a machine that is used to determine the mass of the individual, I know the... equation, yes that is the word you would use. If I knew Mina's mass we would only need me to help you adjust the flow of energy into our wife. Oh and we need an object to pull power from, you can't be her battery forever my giant." Beth answered with a pleased smirk.

  Reaching deep into the ground under them Cade felt around for a few minutes as his wives watch him with curiosity.

  "What are you doing my Cade?" Mina asked after five minutes of her mate staring into space.

  "It's a surprise my love, just a moment... I think I got it." Cade said as he pulled a small pile of gems through the floor.

  Beth's face took on a decidedly greedy cast as Mina oohed and ahhed over the pile of rocks.

  "Sooo many babies, demi-God babies with gem-encrusted bassinets and golden pacifiers..." Beth's rendition of Smeagol caused Cade's eyes to bulge as he fought to not break the hilarious moment by laughing his ass off.

  "This one will work my precious... My Beth... Beth? BETH!"

  As Cade picked up a yellow gem that matched his pretty kitties golden eyes out of the pile his attempts to get his dwarven wife's attention failed until he yelled her name from a foot away startling her out of her greed-induced madness.

  "Yes, my love? Oh, Heliodor that might work for the power source, mithril would be better but it does match your eyes, Mina." Beth said as she came back to reality and examined the baseball-sized gem her husband was holding up to her face.

  "Heli-whatsit?" Cade said in confusion the only reason he had picked the gem was as Beth had said it matched Mina's golden eyes.

  "Heliodor or golden beryl to be precise, I assumed you were going to make a ring but that gem is a little big wouldn't you say my Cade?" A dismissive wave of her hand led into Beth's explanation for the name of the gem.

  "I had planned that at first but I thought something a little more personal would fit our Mina better. One second then we will start with the enchanting."

  Cade focused on the gem, scanning it in its entirety, imperfections and all.

  As his mates watched in wonder he removed all of the particulate matter in the gem improving its clarity without losing any of the actual gem in the process.

  Mina's hand moved toward the gem of its own volition as small pieces of rock fell away from it.

  A smile bloomed on Cade's face as he gently grasped Mina's hand and with a thought separated a small amount of Mithril from the wall of their garage and formed a band around Mina's upper arm with the now flawless gem in its center.

  "One second my love almost finished," Cade said as Mina tried to pull her arm from his grasp to examine her new piece of jewelry.

  Mina's loud purring and the swift flicking of her tail was her only answer to her mate's request.

  Cade redoubled his focus as he smoothed and widened the ring of metal and began to add intricate forms of a black panther with its limbs extended and Mina's dual short swords.

  A C and W inscribed on both sides of the gem completed the piece of jewelry.

  Cade leaned back with a satisfied sigh as he released Mina's arm.

  Mina looked in wonder at the intricate designs and as her eyes fell on the C and W beside the gem she sniffled as tears began to flow out of her eyes.

  "I do," Mina said before she tackled her mate and began to rain kisses on his face and neck.

  "Well ill be damned, if our plans of world domination fall through you my husband have a very lucrative career in jewelry making," Beth said as Cade tried to fend off his panther mate as she tried to strip him of his pants, all the while attacking his face with her lips.

  "Mina... Mina... MINA! later my love I will let you have all you want we need to finish this fiiirst!"

  Cade's pleas for patience caused Mina to growl into his face as she grudgingly released his pants.

  "Promise?" Mina said as she looked Cade in the eyes, her need to have her mate right there on the floor warring with the necessity to complete their preparations for tomorrow's mission.

  "I promise my love, Beth and I were just talking about wearing our little friend out and I think tomorrow will be the perfect opportunity. Now, how about you get up and we get back to work before a certain sixteen year old catches us."

  As Cade finished Mina smirked as she slowly and sensually rose from her position on her mate, making sure to rub her clothed assets along his whole body in a display of sexuality and athleticism that took his breath away.

  "So many babies," Cade said softly as his brain rebooted after viewing Mina's triumphant smile as the bulge in his pants grew after her teasing.

  "Beth before we get back to the matter at hand I want to know why you went all "my precious" over that pile of gems," Cade asked Beth as he rose to a sitting position.

  "Sometimes I forget you weren't born here, to do what you just did in a few minutes would have taken a group of ten earth mages a whole day. That doesn't include cutting and polishing the gem or setting it my god of a husband. Why do you think they use slaves to mine, it isn't the most glamorous job let me tell you."

  Cade answered her explanation with a shrug, he had been doing crazy and amazing things since Promena dropped him here, what was another superpower to add to the pile.

  "Ok, my little one we have the power source, and Mina shouldn't weigh more than 72 kilograms so there is your mass, so what's next?" Cade asked as he began to sink his focus into the gem on Mina's martial band.

  "Start the energy transfer, slowly please Mina has a full day tomorrow and I wouldn't like to have her miss it by becoming a bomb," Beth said as she used her own less powerful earth mage powers to monitor Cade's.

  "Right about... There that is about half of what she can take. Tie that one off like this, that should keep anyone from separating it from her and with the strength of your bindings it will be nearly impossible for anyone but you or Promena."

  Cade barely heard the last part of Beth's instructions as the motions of his knot tying the armband to Mina went on autopilot.

  The feeling was similar to someone helping swing a bat, Cade still had full control over the output of the armband's energy but his motions were being gently guided by Beth's power.

  "That felt strange but in a good way," Cade said before he looked at the results of his and Beth's work.

  The mental image he received was eerily similar to the intricacy of the mental shield of the first dwarf he met on this world.

  An idea formed in his head and with a mental request to Mina he put it into action.

  Recalling his healing spell he gauged the amount of spare power available to him and tied the spell into the armband.

  Smiled as he felt a small trickle of energy flow into Mina, Cade had a sudden wash of fear go through him as he realized his pretty kitty would have his go all-night stamina.

  That fear turned into desire as he realized he would love to try and see how long she could last, purely for scientific purposes of course.

  "Gonna make a fortune with my own little blue pill," Cade said as he smiled.

  "What was that my Cade?" Mina asked as her mate began to chuckle like a mad man.

  "Nothing my love, just a passing though. Now, let's get back to business I'm getting hungry." Cade said as he rose and helped both of his wives to their feet.

  "One more time love, with feeling," Cade said as he held Mina's hand.

  As Mina's face pinched once again in concentration Cade watched as she waved in his vision for a second then became visible once again to his disappointment.

  He was just about to call it and find another way to make their plan work until Beth let out a loud whoop.

  Both Mina and Cade were startled and released each other's hand as they searched for the reason for Beth's outburst.
  "YOU DID IT! Do it again so I know I'm not crazy." Beth said as her excitement boiled over, her huge assets distracting Cade as she hopped in place with her hands clasped in front of her face.

  "...y...yea again, you ready my love?" Cade asked after Beth had stopped short-circuiting his brain with her bountiful bosom.

  "I am when you are my horn dog," Mina said as she smiled at Cade's bug-eyed expression.

  Taking Mina's hand once again Cade pulled her over to Poppy with Beth in tow with a curious expression on her and Mina's face.

  Cade laid his other hand on the front of the huge vehicle with a flourish.


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