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Atomic Mage 2

Page 14

by Carter, Garrett

  "Whenever you are ready my love," Cade said with a smile.

  Beth's shout of happiness as she watched not only Cade and Mina disappear but Poppy vanish as well grew Cade's smile three sizes.

  They had completed the last part of their plan and all that was left was to make their jailbreak happen tomorrow.

  If Qetch could be convinced to come with them then all that was left would be the two idiots in charge.

  As Cade lifted and kissed Mina breathless followed swiftly by Beth he couldn't wait to awake tomorrow and finally take his real first step in taking over this world.


  Awaking with a stretch Cade felt giddy. Today they were either going to free or kill the second most powerful mind mage in the kingdom.

  He hoped for the former but had prepared himself for the latter.

  Rolling over in the bed he found himself alone, well almost alone, as his goddess smiled at him from a few inches away.

  "Good morning my love, are you ready to strike a blow against this kingdom's wrongs?" Promena's light tone belied her message as she stripped the covers off of her husband revealing not only his nudity but hers as well.

  "Quickie?" Asked Promena rhetorically as she straddled Cade with a graceful movement that still after the weeks they had been together striking him at his center.

  "Yes, my sexy powerful goddess of a wife. For you anything and anytime." Cade replied as his emotions got the better of him.

  Promena in all her nude glory was a sight to see but even more alluring was the sweet but hungry smile that was all her and was only for him.

  As Promena aligned her wet channel to take her husband's length in her Cade leaned up and captured her lips in a passionate kiss as they both moaned as Promena sheathed Cade's length in her.

  "If you say anything more I might have to make this quickie a marathon my love. Now it is early and I might have slowed time for all of us so we are well rested for our little outing."

  Promena lost the ability to speak for several moments as Cade used his prodigious strength to lift and lower his goddess on his throbbing dick the warmth and wetness of her paradise cutting through his willpower like a hot knife through butter.

  The only sounds for several minutes were the light slapping of flesh and their moans of appreciation to each other as they made love on the massive bed.

  "I love you my goddess my Promena," Cade said softly as his gaze grew intense as he looked into his wife's silver eyes.

  "I love you too my husband my Cade," Promena said, her voice barely a whisper as the intensity of her husband's gaze cut through her normally bubbly exterior and clenched her center.

  Cade watched as Promena's eyes widened from inches away as her forehead lightly touched his as her rhythm halted for a second before she crested over her peak in a massive shaking orgasm.

  Her rippling, clenching tunnel forced him over the edge after two more long slow plunges into his wifes' orgasming paradise.

  His orgasm pushed Promena into another, as she clenched her arms around Cade he held her by her tiny waist against him as he filled her with his seed.

  After they both came down from their peaks Promena and Cade shared another passionate kiss before they ended their lip lock and looked into each other's eyes.

  "This is why I chose you my love, moments like these were worth waiting eons for. Now my love we need to get ready, our target isn't going to break himself out."

  As they disengaged from their embrace Cade slid back from Promena as she straddled his hips. They both groaned in loss as Cade's length left her well-loved depths.

  He groaned as his erect dick slapped against his lower abs, his wife's nude form igniting his lust once again.

  "Later my Cade, we have all the time in the cosmos for that, my love. Although he is a little dirty, we can't have that can we?"

  A conspiratorial smile crossed Promena's face after her statement before she knelt and cleaned her husband's length.

  Groaning at the sensation of his goddess servicing him, Cade was disappointed when Promena came off of his dick with a pop her smile from before in full effect.

  "There now he is clean. Let's go my love we have a jailbreak to complete."

  Promena laughed as she left her husband sprawled on the bed wondering if the snake man would last another day in captivity.

  Bathed and clothed, with only some light groping to Cade's disappointment and Promena's amusement, they joined their family around the large kitchen table.

  Everyone was dressed in new clothes to Cade's surprise.

  The answer to his silent question of their origins was provided by an amused Beth.

  "While you were putting together your business deal with our dwarven friends I sent a few of my contacts off with a few procs to buy some necessities, my giant."

  Beth's explanation for their new wardrobe was followed by a short impromptu fashion show as Cade's wives collected their morning kiss.

  Mina had a white cotton long-sleeved shirt with a tight black leather blazer that contained a few hidden pockets.

  There were a few daggers in them if the feeling of their hardness against him as Mina hugged him to her was correct.

  A pair of matching leather pants completed her ensemble as Cade showed his appreciation of her outfit with a light smack against her firm rounded ass.

  Mina backed away from their kiss shaking her head causing her long black hair that had been braided into a long ponytail to sway with faux irritation that contrasted with her eyes that held a promise to pay him back for the smack with no follow-through during their promised marathon later that night.

  "I am going to enjoy tearing those off of you later my pretty kitty," Cade said as Mina began to purr, her gaze growing more heated.

  "I am going to hold you to that my mate," Mina said as she moved aside for Sabine to collect her kiss and show off her new outfit.

  Sabine almost jumped into his arms, knocking him back on his trailing foot.

  Cade collected a quick but intense kiss before he took his little snake in.

  Her long iridescent locks fell down her back and contrasted beautifully with a dark purple summer dress only a few shades darker than her violet eyes.

  Her cleavage was on display as the closeness of their kiss pushed up her breasts till they almost popped out of the dress.

  "You look gorgeous my sweet," Cade said after he collected two handfuls of scaled bubbled ass and kissed his little snake firmly before releasing her to giggle at the hardness she had felt in Cade's pants during the kiss.

  Beth cleared her throat before she moved to collect her own kiss.

  Cade was entranced by the designs on her form-fitting green robe as they separated.

  The swirling and twisting designs surrounded her neck and trailed down to a large embroidered sphere with a pick and hammer crossed behind it that lay between two long braids of her long red hair.

  An arched brow above his firebrand's honey-colored eyes met his gaze as he came back from his adventure to Beth's twin mountains.

  "I still don't believe how easy that is, and to think we bought a few things for the bedroom. I for one am a little afraid to pull those out without a full day allocated to satisfying that monster."

  Beth said in disbelief after Cade set her down on the floor on her matching green boots with a chuckle.

  "It will always be my little one, you all look amazing. Though I'm not entirely sure it's appropriate for our task this morning but I'm not going to complain." Cade said as he took his wife's outfits in.

  "Mine has the added benefit of enhancing my power over the earth, like our Mina's armband. Though I would love to have you remove it and see if your skills couldn't be put to use." Beth said with a heated look directed at her husband.

  "I will be glad to be of service, my love" Cade said after he swallowed thickly, his dwarven wife's implied offer tempting him once again to delay the jailbreak another day.

  As he took in Sharee and Nat he approve
d of their practical outfits.

  They wore matching long-sleeved white shirts with black embroidery around the collar and cuffs.

  Cade hurriedly made his way down to their long skirts that were brown with the same black embroidery as he noticed Nat's shirt differed in one respect, her plump green-skinned cleavage was on display.

  After her perky mounds had caught his attention and the subsequent lurch of his eyes toward safer territory she had blushed as her plan to catch his attention had worked.

  "Good God it thought we were safe from that one" Cade groaned internally as he prepared a let-down speech in his head.

  He didn't need any more wives and he would be searching for a fitting mate for Nat at the earliest opportunity.

  As his youngest prospective mate sneakily slid under Cade's arm in a short white sundress that showed off her long legs to his short-lived dismay.

  Cade's arm collected her short form against his side in a habitual move that he wasn't entirely sure he was comfortable with.

  Eve didn't seem to mind as she burrowed her face into his side, her loud purring filling the room.

  "Eve," Mina said in warning.

  "Is he mine my Dresk?" Eve asked in a muffled but respectful tone.

  "Yes until he says otherwise, but you are making him uncomfortable and we have work to do. Collect your kiss so we can begin our little pixie."

  After Eve followed her Dresk's instructions with a face to face rub in addition to her usual cheek kiss she stepped back into the group of waiting women.

  Eve joined his wives instead of Sharee and Nat he noticed, and the thinly veiled jealous glare directed at her by Nat didn't get past him either.

  Groaning again internally Cade let his Dresk know how he felt about that with a glance and a mental groan.

  "You are going to be a busy boy if they have a say in the matter, my love." Mina mentally shot back with a smile.

  Promena's loud clap of her hands brought everyone back to the task at hand.

  "Well that was fun but we have a naga to break out. Is everyone clear on their jobs?"

  Promena asked her question before she collected a kiss of her own and joined her other wives at the table.

  "I am going to keep Poppy hidden while we break out Qetch and his wives," Mina said into the group.

  "I am there to keep our mate safe and ensure Qetch comes peacefully," Sabine said with an air of authority.

  "I am going to stay here with Sharee, Nat, and Eve sadly," Beth said with a pout.

  "And I will be protecting our husband, now let's begin. Ladies hold down the fort."

  After Promena's declaration Mina, Sabine, and she made their way down to the garage.

  Collecting another kiss from Beth and a hug from Eve he went to join his wifes only to be stopped by Nat as she stepped into his path.

  "I would like one also," she said as her pretty green face with a decidedly defiant look in her eyes as she held his grey eyes with her hazel ones.

  "Fine but we need to talk about this later," Cade said in defeat as he hugged the short but fierce woman.

  "You won't get away," Nat said softly with a low growl into Cade's ear.

  Lamenting his luck and hoping his plan to get her to fall for another man worked, Cade joined his wives in Poppy as he questioned whether his libido was up for the task of another wife.

  Backing up to the keep against the window Promena had directed him to Cade was delirious with nerves.

  The heist had gone off without a hitch so far.

  His job of knocking out the people contained in the keep had been easy.

  Most of them had been asleep, it being well before dawn.

  The roaming guards had been another matter though.

  Cade had tried to lull them to sleep but a few more resilient ones fought the sleepy hormones he had pushed on their more alert brains.

  Scraping that idea he had just put everyone in a coma and called his job done, they would stay that way until he woke them a little brain damage wouldn't make much difference in his opinion.

  Opening a large archway into the room Promena walked in without a care as Cade expanded their vehicle to its maximum limits.

  Walking through the cavernous space he hoped it would be enough as he saw their target chained to a wall, looking worse for wear.

  As Cade stepped into the room he woke the huge man with a thought and took in Qetch's massive form.

  The huge naga man had spiky protrusions on his white scalp, his form of hair Cade assumed.

  The paleness of his skin continued as he looked at the smug grin that was plastered on his face as he woke from his Cade induced coma, though the expression was marred by red blood and a few fresh bruises.

  "It took you long enough, now release me Cade Willmartin we have much to talk about, but first my wives. They are chained the same as me in the room next door, to ensure my compliance."

  The nagas snarky but pragmatic tone gave Cade pause as he personally would have raged at the thought of his wives being held and having who knows what done to them.

  Slipping a mental thread towards the snake man's mind he found a strange resistance that bowed and flexed as he tried to apply more power.

  The barrier stretched until Cade felt what he assumed was the opposite side of it, with a sigh he gave up trying to invade the naga's mind.

  "You are a few centuries too young to accomplish that my friend, I am willing to submit to your goddesses inquiry though," Qetch said with a respectful nod in Promena's direction.

  "He will comply, my love, he wants what we are offering almost as much as he wants Graft dead for his crimes against his people. Mina if you would collect his wives and my Cade hold our little snake for a second please."

  Promena's instructions were handed out with a wave of her hand as Qetches restraints disappeared and a golden throne appeared under her well-padded behind.

  As everyone complied with curious expressions on their faces a smug smile bloomed on Promena's face as she crossed her creamy white legs as she sat on her throne.

  Cade had a moment of shocked recognition as Qetch's wives joined them, the smaller of the two women the same lamia that had directed them to Beth.

  Cade was contemplating that revelation as Sabine went boneless in his arms suddenly.

  His confusion caused by the limp Sabine in his arms turned to shock then disgust and rage a moment later as Mina walked in with none other than Xandia, Sabine's mother who they had assumed was dead for a decade or more.

  His disgust and rage came from her mutilated form as he took her in as he lifted Sabine into his arms.

  Xandia's body was covered in scar tissue and both her arms ended just below the shoulder.

  The amputations weren't the worse part of her captivity as Cade recovered his wits and looked at her face.

  The shock and recognition he had expected weren't there, Xanida's blank drooling expression caused him more pain than all her other injuries combined.

  "Everyone in NOW!" Cade shouted as he wrapped his unconscious Sabine's tail around him with a thought and strode towards Poppy collecting a quick kiss and saying "thank you love" to Promena as he passed her as she stood next to her throne.

  "You're welcome love you can fix this," Promena said as she followed him into the metal cave that was Poppy.

  She and Mina shared a look of worry at Sabine as Cade held her gently in the driver's seat.

  After Xandia led by Qetch and his wives had joined them almost filling the back of the vehicle, they took off towards home.

  Cade was almost tempted to let the whole of the keep starve to death in a Cade induced coma but scrapped that idea as the idea of letting the whole reprehensible buck die in their sleep was to good for them.

  They deserved pain for what they had been doing to the people of this kingdom.

  Graft would suffer especially for what he had done to his mother in law.

  The only problem to figure out as far as he was concerned was who would deliver
the killing blow, Xandia, Sabine, or him.

  As they arrived at their home Sabine had recovered from her shock and tears began to flow from her violet eyes Cade decided they would make it a family affair as he did what he could to soothe his little snake's pain.

  How to train your dragon

  As Cade lay a mentally exhausted sleeping Sabine in their bed his rage abated somewhat.


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