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Atomic Mage 2

Page 19

by Carter, Garrett

  "Well let us be quick then my love I won't begrudge you your "practice" my mate," Sabine said as Cade began to thrust into her tight welcoming bliss.

  "Practice does make perfect," Cade said as began the arduous task of loving his sweet Sabine unconscious.

  Stepping into the garage Cade was greeted by his team of mates as they stood by ready to implement the plan they had been preparing for the last week.

  Sabine was a little wobbly on her tail from their earlier activities that had sadly not resulted in her sexy well-loved unconscious form in his arms.

  His little snake had cheated and used her fangs to drive them both into bliss.

  As a growl of lust emanated from his throat his newest mate spoke.

  "He does like pretending to impregnate us and I for one don't see why we shouldn't let him. Out mate is powerful enough to protect us and it is such a waste for us to not let his seed grow in our wombs."

  As Laurith, now clothed in a form-fitting robe similar to most of Beth's wardrobe, voiced her opinion Promena gave the dragon woman an eye roll and looked to their Dresk to fix the problem only to expel her own growl of frustration as Mina finished nodding her agreement with Laurith's statement.

  "May I add my own opinion ladies?" Cade asked. His wive's attention was turned to him as he began his speech.

  "We have a city to conquer and plenty of time to do it in. We haven't heard back from the dwarven council yet and shouldn't for another few weeks. When we have this city under our control or have an acceptable replacement for the assholes that are in power now and our answer from the council then we can revisit this issue. And I would like to add I don't mind waiting until our issues here are in order to grow our family, I will sleep better at night knowing we have a few more lines of defense for our babies."

  As Cade finished he scanned the room finding mostly agreeable smiles all around. Mina and Laurith, her supporter in getting his seed planted in their wombs as soon as possible, had grudging frowns on their gloomy faces as they nodded along with the rest.

  "Good let's get everything together then and head out. Sabine and Beth are the purchases and deeds in order?" Cade asked his two wives.

  During the past week, they had been hurriedly buying up properties in the more run-down districts in the city. Their fervor as they snatched up blocks worth of run-down homes and quite a few closed businesses had amused him continually.

  An affirmative nod from both of them answered that question.

  "Mina you are on standby with Beth, I want any disgruntled individuals frowns turned upside down. Everyone should be happy with our deal, if they aren't make a list of those who aren't and their demands. I will be moving the house into our proposed spot and will see them there. Promena my goddess you are in charge of making an audience chamber that will suffice to show off our wealth and power but not intimidate our guests. The second draft of the first blueprint you showed me should work, but feel free to improvise if the feeling hits you, my love." Cade said with a smile directed at his goddesses smiling face.

  As his gaze swept over the group once again to allow any of his wives to add anything to the discussion Cade's attention was drawn to his Sabine as she twitched.

  Cade's questioning look was answered as a trail of his seed leaked down his blushing mate's tail.

  Grunting with need and lust he simply said "hurry" as his wives got into Poppy ready to complete their tasks.

  As Cade made sure everyone was in the house and secure his hands clenched involuntarily. "Let's get this adulting done and then I can have them all leaking ok Cade? Agreed Cade."

  His inner horn dog assuaged for the moment Cade raised their home from its temporary resting place and begin the move to the city.

  As they arrived over their new parking spot in the city Cade found a few squatters in the three homes he had been in the process of breaking down to create a place to land their home.

  Sending Nat who was behind the wheel of Poppy, her task being the chauffeur for today, a mental message to drive down and let Mina and Beth sort of that issue.

  He shivered as he remembered the impromptu date he had taken her on as he taught her how to drive the monster of a car.

  As he watched her smoothly exit the garage he felt immense pride in her accomplishment.

  The week of practice had been pleasant and the short orc woman was a great driver and an attentive student after she had stopped trying to get into his pants.

  Cade meant that literally the first stop on their first day, as Cade had parked Poppy in the middle of a wide meadow and tried to execute a Chinese fire drill Nat had swiftly removed his pants as she shoved him into Poppy's grill.

  The pushy orc woman had Cade's member inches from her black lips before he could stop her from attacking her target.

  He had used that little misunderstanding to get to know the short orc woman better, sadly not in the biblical sense.

  Cade had roughly grabbed the kneeling woman by the hair, securing a handful of her long back hair as his slowly rising dick had slapped the orc woman as she moaned at his rough handling.

  "WAIT! wait, wait, wait. This is kind of moving faster than I expected, I SAID WAIT!" Pulling harder on the woman's black hair had only caused her to moan harder and put her hands to use as she fought to reach her goal.

  Frowning at the stubborn woman Cade had pushed her roughly down before he pulled his pants up from around his ankles.

  "In. The. Car. Now." He said firmly but softly as he followed his own order and had seated himself in the passenger seat.

  Cade heard Nat's grumbles as she picked herself up and followed his orders as the irritation at the pushy woman had left him.

  "Ok, so you are going to explain what you thought you were going to accomplish with that little stunt. I am all for free love and such but with me and mine consent will be given before any intimate contact. Is that clear Nat?"

  Staring daggers at the sulking orc woman that had tried to gulp his tool down without a how do you do Cade had waited for her response.

  "I THOUGHT you were a man, I have had dozens of partners and I have never had one of them fight to keep themselves OUT of me before. The way your wives talk I figured you would jump at the chance to add to your harem."

  Crossing her arms over her well-padded chest Nat had sunk back into her pity party with a huff.

  Cade took a moment to look at the irritating woman as his own annoyance had slowly left him, her statement about adding to his harem striking a chord in him that he hadn't quite liked.

  Cade had a moment of surprise as he had noticed for the first time the difference in Nat's choice of attire.

  Her usual full-length dress, along with her usual display of green cleavage, had been replaced by a tight white cloth shirt with a few buttons loose showing off the same green pillowy mounds.

  The ankle-length dress she usually wore had been switched out with a short black skirt that fell to her mid-thigh, showing off her toned legs and the simple slip-on black shoes had completed her ensemble.

  Cade had found himself enraptured for a moment as he imagined the short green woman bouncing on his dick before he forcefully brought back his irritation, reminding himself why he hadn't accepted her advances earlier.

  After a few more minutes of silence had passed, Cade had decided to be the bigger man and be the first to address the problem of Nat's clear misconception of how he chose his wives.

  "I think we have a misunderstanding here. I want to ask you a couple of questions and I hope you will be honest with me."

  After a few more moments Cade had seen a tear slide down Nat's green cheek before she had nodded curtly.

  "I think you don't understand how my family works, I for one don't just jump on every woman I see. Though I think I do see how my prior actions could come across that way. If we have sex that relationship is forever, I don't do one night stands or random hookups. I am sure you have noticed how I call all my mate my wives, that is my commitment to them. Thought
I want to make something more visible for all of them in the future."

  Reaching over and wiping the tracks Nat's tears had made on her alluring face Cade had given her a wane smile before he continued.

  "You said you had dozens of mates. If I may ask what happened to them."

  Cade had a couple of ideas of what could have happened to them but he had wanted the pushy woman to open up to him so he waited for her answer.

  "Orcs don't have one mate for life, we... Enjoy each other as the need comes to us. That is how I ended up in that camp. I was traveling to the next clan in my rounds, mostly out of boredom. When a human caught my eye. I should have just killed him and been done with it but he was cute and I needed a little release."

  Nat had looked across the car at Cade after that, her face a mask of conflicting emotions.

  "Everyone has needs, I don't judge. You have seen how I go after my wives," finishing his statement with a shrug Cade had been glad to see the riot of emotions on Nat's face flow into a happy smile before she continued her story.

  "I had cornered the fucker just as I had you but his friends decided to try and join us. I DONT do multiple men at once, long bad story, so they took my objection in stride and captured me. I had been in the camp a few days before you swooped in and saved us from a life in chains. Thank you for that by the way."

  "I'm probably going to regret asking this but is there a short version to that story?" A cringe smile had grown on his face as he asked the smiling Nat about her past conquests.

  "Let's just say most men are a little... competitive, and orc men take that to a new level.

  Shaking his head at the term Cade had left the idea that Nat might have gotten more than permission to stalk him alone.

  "I can't say that I don't agree with the sentiment, that being said I don't share, my mates don't seem to have a problem with sharing me, and I thank my goddess daily for that fact, and even if it is hypocritical I can't help how I feel. If you want me that is the deal, I will be yours and you will be ours there is no in-between. If you want to think on that you are welcome in my home for as long as you need to decide whether you want to tie yourself to me forever. I care for you Nat, and I would be happy to take your love someday."

  As Cade finished he had leaned over kissed the wide-eyed woman on the cheek.

  "I will think on it Cade but are you sure you don't want a sample of my goods, I packaged them so nicely for you today."

  Nat had finished her question by popping open her shirt and giving Cade an amazing view of her c cups. Each of the perky green mounds had been topped with a diamond-hard black nipple.

  "Or maybe this will help you make your decision," Nat had said before she rotated in the driver's seat and opened her toned green legs.

  The needy groan Cade had emitted as he found out the short green woman had gone commando under her skirt hurt him a little. Still with his mouth watering, he had traced the wet black lips of Nat's pussy with his eyes.

  He had wiped a small string of drool from the corner of his mouth as his gaze stopped on the black nub at the apex of her sex.

  "If I take you now your decision will be made for you, I told you is don't take sex lightly. If you have any uncertainties about that let me know before we both make a stupid decision."

  Cade had held his wavering willpower in an iron grip as he saw sadness then smug acceptance cross Nat's attractive green features before she resumed her seat and buttoned up her shirt with a smile.

  "I think I would like to be chased for once, if you can capture me as well as I think you can then I will allow you to be mine forever Cade."

  Cad had smiled then, glad they were on the same page at least. As he had nodded toward the open meadow in front of them Cade grabbed the oh-shit bar as Poppy lurched forward.

  Shivering with lust Cade promised his inner demon that a date with the intense woman would happen in a few days, long enough to rebuild this section of the city.

  As the squatters moved off, their emotions a mix of irritation with a large dose of hope, the smallest of the family of three lizard people a child no older than five gave the disintegrating homes an open-mouthed look before her eyes bulged out of their sockets as Cade's home lowered into place.

  Stepping out of the garage Cade gave his goddess a short kiss, her own task keeping her at home with Sahree and Eve, before he exited the garage as he gave Qetch and his wives Jes and Dawn a nod as Laurith followed him.

  His protector for the day growled at the two lamia women causing Cade to chuckle as they clung to their husband in fear.

  "Enough my pet, they don't want me. I believe our uncle is more than enough for them. Now come we have work to do." Cade said as they began their walk through the slums of Opect.

  "And why am I necessary for this job my mate?" Laurith said as she growled at another group of squatters as Mina and Beth calmed them as they removed themselves from the houses Cade was about to tear down.

  "Because I need someone to watch my back and the others have jobs only they can do. Mina is my Dresk and as such, she is the best person to deal with the jaguar population we might have to deal with. Beth is known in this city, especially by the less fortunate and those who might be on the wrong side of the law. And most importantly I want to get to know you better my mate. I have not seen you except in passing and only in your this form as we eat. I want to know more about the woman you are, what drove you to allow those dickheads to keep you bottled up in that cave, and don't give me the excuse that your needs were met, we both know that's a lie."

  Cade finished his request as he broke the homes in front of him down and replaced them with a row of townhomes complete with all the amenities of his own home.

  Cade was proud of his work on the slums so far, his renovation of the dilapidated buildings coming along smoothly.

  His plan had already borne fruit as the first of his tenants had moved into the first four-plex he had built. Utilities weren't a problem power for the lights and production of water built into the homes.

  His two people wranglers had conducted an open-air seminar with the prospective tenants making sure the mix of races had a handle on the new amenities they were moving into.

  His building finished Cade moved on to the next group of homes as Laurith broke the silence.

  "I wanted a mate, someone to conquer me and make me feel safe. I know it sounds silly, I am a flying god to these ants but they could not fill that void. I saw your offer as an opportunity to fill it and I wasn't disappointed, my mate." Laurith's voice started out soft and unsure but grew in certainty as Cade looked at her.

  "Why me then and not another dragon?" Cade asked as they stopped in the middle of the street, their next group of houses actually occupied by paying tenants.

  "Do you think I would have languished in that cave for so long if I could find one of my race that measured up to my expectations? Your first form in my mind was gigantic for a dragon, only our ancestors of old were bigger and not by more than a few feet. I had almost expected you to balk at my request to be smaller for our mating fight. Your choice to allow me my battle on my own terms made my choice much easier. You have no idea how entitled and selfish dragon males can be."

  Cade was proud of his self-control as he stifled a derisive snort at his entitled and selfish mate's declaration. The woman standing beside him had a whole room dedicated to the hoard of gold and jewels he had created for her.

  Cade's control held strong as he continued to listen to his dragon mate's reasons for choosing him and leaving her life of comfort.

  "Now the only reason I have not visited you my mate is the stupid plan of waiting for safety, I am as safe as I can be with you and your idiot mates won't change my mind." Laurith's statement ended with a growl as she challenged Cade once again.

  Grabbing the back of his dragon mates neck in a punishing grip Cade brought her ear next to his lips as she squeaked.

  "You will never again refer to our wives as idiots again am I clear my pet?"<
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  As Cade gave his ultimatum in a soft but firm tone Laurith moaned softly, her breaths coming in short huffing bursts.

  Curious as to her reaction Cade gave them a modicum of privacy as he raised a small rock hut around them.

  Running his hand up the hem of her robe Cade found her drenched for him once he arrived at her signature dragon skin thong.

  "What is this my pet, do you enjoy your master's rough handling?" Cade asked as he showed Laurith her liquid bliss on his fingers.

  Her blush and averted gaze irritated Cade as he removed his hand from the back of her neck and caught her face and forced her to look at him with her red eyes.

  Finding her vertical pupils dilated he waited a few moments for her to be honest with him.


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