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Fascinated (Ocean Beach Book 2)

Page 5

by Lea Hart

  Pursing her lips, she sat back. “Put up your hands, Caid.”


  “Because I want to show you something.”

  “Why is this giving me a bad feeling?”

  “Just do it.” When he’d complied, she pressed hers against his. “Notice anything?”

  “Mine are twice the size of yours.”

  “Exactly. The same way your body, level of will and determination are. Being around you is like coming up against an immovable force, and when you run roughshod over me, it makes me not want to be around you.”

  “Court, I never meant to…”

  “I know you’re not a brute, but you don’t listen very well, and if you want to hang out with me, you’re going to have to try.”

  “I’m sorry, babe.” He covered both her hands in his. “I want to take care of you and become so fucking necessary to your happiness that you can’t imagine a day without me.”

  “Then, listen to me.” She slipped her hands away and shook her head. “You ignored everything I wanted to do with my car and did exactly as you pleased, and now I’m stuck with a mechanic I don’t even know.”

  “I thought I was helping since I trust my guy and know he won’t screw me.”

  “Did you think for a second that perhaps I feel the same way about the mechanic I deal with?”

  “Well, not exactly…”

  “Because I’m a woman and not smart enough to make car decisions?”

  “Of course not since I’m almost positive you’re twice as intelligent as me and a hell of a lot more educated.”

  “If you really mean that, then respect me and don’t command me.”

  “So…senior chiefing your ass and trying to dominate the relationship like I do a mission is a definite no-no?”

  “Yes, Caid.”

  He nodded and crossed his leg over his knee. “I can do that.”


  “Absolutely, Court.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Without a doubt.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Are you done being irritated with me?”

  Placing her hands on the table, she let out a breath and nodded. “Yes.”

  “Good, then will you go out with me on Friday?”

  “Like a date?”

  “Yeah, babe, a real date.”

  “My feelings for you have been see-sawing between irritation and attraction, and maybe it’s time I give in and see which one wins out.”

  “Does that mean you’ll go out with me?”


  “Good,” he replied quietly. “Because I’ve been planning our first date since the first snappy comment you threw my way.”

  Laughing, she dipped her head. “You have not.”

  “Believe what you want, woman, but I’m speaking the truth.”

  She pushed against his chest and sat back. “We should eat.”

  “Good idea since I’m starved.”

  She filled two plates and then stood, taking them over to the microwave. “So, what exactly do you have planned for our first date?”

  “Not telling.”


  “It’s going to be a surprise and all you need to know is that you’ll likely be dazzled and half in love with me by the end of it.”

  “I didn’t know you had a magic carpet.”

  “Don’t need one to accomplish my goal.”

  “That’s a very cryptic comment.” She pushed the button on the microwave and then turned around. “Feel like elaborating?”

  “Not even a little.”

  The microwave dinged, and she pulled the plate out and set it in front of Caid and then reheated one for herself and returned to the table. “You know that I won’t be satisfied until I get a couple of details out of you.”

  “Not surprising, but I have to ask myself how far you’d be willing to go to achieve your goal.”

  She lifted the glass of wine and took a sip. “There are too many landmines in that question, so I think it’s best to keep my answer to myself.”

  “Probably wise, but just know that if you decide to ply me with kisses and other…things, I won’t be upset.”

  “Very gracious of you,” she replied with a laugh.

  “That’s me, babe, to my very core.”

  “I imagine you might have a detailed list in mind of the things that would be the most amenable.”

  “I would say comprehensive.”

  “And do you plan on sharing this comprehensive list?”

  “It would probably be better if I showed you.”

  “Quel shoc.”

  “The fact you’re speaking in French tells me you know at least two things on the list.”

  She tapped her finger to her head and smiled. “I might even know three.”

  “Well then, we should eat, so the demonstration part of the evening can commence.”

  She ran her finger over his and lifted her shoulder slowly. “If we must.”

  “Oh, we absolutely must.”

  Lifting her fork, she pierced a piece of chicken and winked. “Bon appetite.” Seeing his massive chest lift as his breath sped up let her know Caid Adams was no panda and could very well be a feral wolf.

  Which made her wonder if her private prayers had finally been answered.


  Caid strolled into the Voltaire Beach House and saw Ace occupying a corner table. Making his way over, he clapped his friend on the back. “Hey, brother.”

  “Right on time.”

  Waving the waitress over, he placed their order and then grabbed a stool. “So, this place meets your exacting standards?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You and your obsession with food.”

  Shrugging, Ace leaned back and grinned. “Seems I’ve found something else to obsess about and food isn’t quite as important as it used to be.”

  Caid snorted. “Never thought I’d see the day, but I guess that’s what finding the right woman does to a man.”

  “Truer words were never said.”

  “Speaking of women…do you know if Courtney is showing up tonight? She wouldn’t give me an answer either way. We spoke earlier, and I figure it’s her way of holding on to the little control she has.”

  “Lisa said she was, along with this guy named Wayne. He’s been hanging out with the ladies all week, and I think he wants to move in with Court.”

  “No. Fucking. Way,” Caid said as he sat forward and fisted his hands. “We have a date tomorrow night.”

  “Relax, brother, the kid is gay.”

  The waitress dropped off their beers, and Caid drank half his down. “All the way gay?”

  “I don’t know,” Ace replied with a laugh. “I didn’t ask where he was on a scale of one to ten, but he just broke up with his boyfriend and is all torn up. Lisa, Carissa, and Court have taken him under their wing.”

  “Doesn’t answer my question, though.” He scrubbed his hand down his face and groaned. “He could be bi, and if that’s the case, he doesn’t need to be living with my woman. ‘Cause she’s too fucking attractive for any man to resist.”

  Ace let out a snort and lifted his mug. “You know you’re sounding a little crazy.”

  “You would too if you were in my shoes. I’ve been chasing this woman since we got back, and it’s taken me two months to get a fucking date. I’m sure as shit not going to let some asshole slip in and mess with the hard work I’ve put in.” He drained his beer and then wiped his mouth. “Do you know how hard it was waiting for her to get singled up?”

  “No, can’t say that I do.”

  “Fucking torture, plain and simple. So, excuse me if I’m questioning how gay this Wayne kid is. Because if he’s ever thought about being with a woman, he’s not hanging with mine.”

  Ace sat back and rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to say anything else since I know once something gets lodged in your mind it stays there.”

With good reason, man.”

  “If you say so.”

  “I know so.”

  “Hey, before I forget to ask, can you help me move next week?”

  “Thought you had two months left on your lease.”

  “He let me out early.”

  “No problem,” he replied as he rolled his neck. “Fill me in on the latest with Victoria and the whole baby thing.”

  “I talked to Dean the other day, and he was torn to shit since his brother is the baby’s father. He was definitely blindsided, and I’m guessing this is something that’s going to take years to repair.”

  “Bet Victoria doesn’t give a shit that she came between two brothers and is causing family problems that might never be healed.”

  “I’d have to agree.” Running his hand over his jaw, he shuddered. “I’m so unbelievably lucky to have escaped being tied to her for the rest of my life.”

  “You know, she reminds me of that character from that movie, Fatal Attraction.”

  “The one from the eighties with the dead bunny?”

  “Yeah,” Caid replied, snapping his fingers. “My mom made sure my dad watched it, so he knew what could happen if he strayed.”

  “Did it work?”

  “For a while.”

  “What was the point of bringing that movie up?”

  “Victoria is like the Glenn Close character. All sexy times on the outside and dark psychotic shit on the inside.”

  “I would’ve just said she was a narcissist before the whole brother thing came up, but I’m going to agree with your assessment.”

  “Never a bad idea,” Caid replied.

  “I guess it’s important to focus on the fact that I escaped relatively unscathed and not on what the hell was I thinking in the first place.”

  Caid nodded and signaled the waitress for another round. “Let go of the idea that it could have been any different.”

  “Wise words, man.”

  “Don’t say it like it’s shocking. I’ve got a lot of Buddha shit in my brain and only pull it out when I think it will do some good.”

  “I know, man; trust me; I know.”

  Caid rolled his eyes and decided not to say more since he didn’t want to be in an argument with Ace when his woman arrived. She only needed to see the best of him until he had her well under his spell and that meant he was going to be well-behaved and chivalrous.

  Shouldn’t be all that hard.


  It had taken Caid two months to achieve his goal and the day couldn’t have been any sweeter. He had the evening planned down to the smallest detail and knew that its success or failure was now in the hands of the gods.

  He lifted the bouquet of flowers that Birdie had made him, jumped out of his truck, and strode up the walkway, hearing a high-pitched squeak fill the air. Glancing up at the tree that dominated the courtyard, he saw Milton twitching his nose. “You better not be trying to get back in Court’s house, young man.” He got a bark-like grunt in response and assumed the rodent had acquiesced.

  Hitting the doorbell, he stepped back, ran his hand over his hair and wondered if he should’ve gotten a haircut. Before he came up with an answer either way, the door opened, and he knew the evening’s carefully laid plans were about to change. “Court…”

  “I’m sick; maybe you shouldn’t get close.” Wiping her nose with a soggy tissue, she stepped back. “I don’t want to give it to you.”

  “I never catch anything, babe.”

  “I feel so bad, Caid. This is our big date and…”

  “We can have our date here,” he replied as he stepped into the house and closed the door behind him. Tilting his head, he studied her face and saw that only half had makeup.

  “I came home early from work and took a bunch of cold medicine, but it doesn’t seem to be helping.”

  “Court, we can have a night out when you feel better.”

  “But I wanted it to happen…” Sneezing loudly, she wiped her nose and collapsed on the bench that sat against the wall in the entry. “Maybe if I take one more tablet, it will do the trick.”

  He set the flowers next to her and laid his hand against her forehead, giving her a sad smile. “Babe, you’re burning up, and the only place you’re going is to bed.”

  “I can rally, Caid; it’ll just take me a minute to finish my makeup and…”

  “Nope, not happening.” He scooped her into his arms and held her against his chest. “I’ll get you settled in bed and then check your supplies to see what I need to have delivered.”

  “That’s not necessary; you can just plop me on my bed, and I’ll be fine.”

  She looked up at him with a pitiful smile, and he knew that taking care of her was as good a first date as any. “I’ll be your nurse until you get better and, since I’m a trained medic, you’re in luck.”

  “I thought medics specialized in extracting bullets and super-gluing knife wounds, not tending to people with colds.”

  “I’m highly skilled, Court, and am more than qualified to administer Gatorade, aspirin, and chicken soup as needed.” He walked into her room and let out a little laugh. “Did your closet explode?”

  “No, I was trying to come up with the perfect date outfit.”

  Kissing her head, he laid her gently down on her bed and then lifted a pile of dresses off and set them on a chair in the corner. “Court, you know it doesn’t matter what you wear since I think you’re beautiful no matter what.”

  When he heard a little sniffle, he turned and saw tears were streaming down her face. “Babe…”

  She waved her hands and let out a groan. “Don’t look at me.”

  “Not possible,” he replied as he sat down and swept her hair back. “What’s got my feisty mama all teary?”

  “I did so much to get ready for our date…I got a hair-cut, had my nails done, got waxed from top to bottom, and bought new undies, and it’s all for nothing.”

  More tears fell down her face and the usual lust, attraction, fascination, and irritation transformed into something so soft, he couldn’t name it. The woman who’d been busting his balls, spittin’ fire, and generally pissing on his parade had transformed into a soft, sweet girl who’d gone all out to impress him. “You wearin’ those special panties now?” Nodding, she pushed away her yellow-striped fluffy robe and gave him a glimpse of navy lace.

  “I’m as smooth as a baby’s bottom in all the places that count, and it’s all going to waste,” she wailed.

  Sucking in a deep breath, he pulled her robe closed and told himself none of the ideas lighting up his mind were going to happen. “Babe, nothin’ is ever wasted, and the moment you feel okay, I’ll be sure to take my time and explore every inch of your smooth, smooth skin.”


  Seeing her trepidation made him fall a little more, and he thought maybe it was because she’d finally let him see behind the curtain of her fierce determination.

  Or perhaps she was just tired of fighting the inevitable. Whatever it was made him want to show her there wouldn’t be a time when he didn’t want her with every breath in his body. “Court, you have to know I want nothing more than the privilege of making us one.”

  “I didn’t…I thought it was just a game and the moment I gave in, you’d disappear.”

  “Babe, this isn’t a game. I’m not sure where we’re going to land, but I can sure as shit confirm this ain’t no game.”

  “Oh, well, that’s…”

  “What, Court?”

  “Good news.”

  He leaned forward and cupped her cheek. “How many cold tablets did you take?”

  “I don’t remember.”

  “So, you’re higher than a kite and might not remember any of these sweet confessions in the morning.”

  She tugged out a soggy tissue from her pocket and wiped her nose. “Possible. But I’m conscious enough to know that the goodnight kiss you gave me yesterday after trivia night was one for the record books.”

/>   Feeling more satisfied than he should, he leaned back and grinned. “What kind of record books?”

  “The kind where the best kisses in the universe are recorded.”

  “Damn, woman.”

  “You should go.”

  “Nope, not happening.” He shoveled the pile of wet tissue into his hand and then dumped them into the trash can. “I’m in for the duration and hope I don’t have to hog-tie you to make you cooperate.”

  “Is hog-tying some kind of new sex game?”

  “Jaysus…Court, should I be worried that you sound really excited by the prospect?”

  “Just because I’m a librarian doesn’t mean that I’m not a sex-positive woman with a healthy curiosity about what might be satisfying for me and my partner.”

  “I have no idea how to unpack that.”

  “I’m not a prude and might want to try a few things with someone whom I’m in a committed relationship with.”

  “Now, you’re just trying to kill me.” He leaned back, let out a breath, and knew in no uncertain terms he was the one with a fever. “I don’t know if this is some kind of mean joke the universe is attempting to pull or you’re being serious.”

  “My filter has been stripped away, and all my usual sarcasm and quips disappeared two cold tablets ago, so what you see is what you get.” She pushed herself up on her elbows and let out a breath. “You might as well tell me now if you’re some kind of gentleman in bed, so I can cut my losses and send you on your way.” Sneezing twice, she rolled over and grabbed a wad of tissues and wiped her nose. “I’m looking for a gentleman by day and a filthy beast by night and if you’re not it, just skip on out the door and save us both a bunch of heartache.”

  Not able to stifle the laugh, he covered his mouth and hoped she wouldn’t get too pissed. When her eyes narrowed, he moved closer and pulled her into his arms. “As soon as you pass out, I’m getting on my knees and saying as many prayers as I can to make sure the good Lord knows how badly I want the speech you gave me to be true.”

  “When I’m in my right mind again, I’ll be testing those words, and if I find you’re playing with me, there will be hell to pay.”

  He gave her a little squeeze and knew there had only been one other time when he’d been happier, and that was when his Budweiser was pinned to his chest, which made him realize that getting him and Courtney properly tangled up together was no different than BUD/S. And since he’d survived the world’s most difficult military training, he knew that whatever was ahead of him was completely doable.


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