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Fascinated (Ocean Beach Book 2)

Page 6

by Lea Hart

  “I’m a little tired and think those cold tablets have finally kicked in.”

  “Close your eyes, babe, and I’ll be here when you wake up.”


  Pulling a blanket up, he kissed her cheek and then stood. Her eyes closed almost immediately, and he knew she was out for the count. Feeling his chest expand with satisfaction, he made sure her feet were covered and took a moment to admire her brightly polished toenails.

  No doubt this was the best first date on record.


  Was she in a sauna? Kicking off the covers, Courtney tried to inhale a full breath and found she was still stuffed up. Rolling over, she came up against an immovable object and wondered if the pile of clothes she’d left on her bed was bigger than she’d remembered. Pushing her hand toward the lump, she discovered something that didn’t feel like fabric.

  “You okay, babe?”

  Opening one eye, she almost jumped out of her skin when she saw Caid’s bare chest. It was better than she’d ever imagined and the dusting of blond hair that covered it was making her dry mouth…less so.

  And he had a book in his hand.

  Be still her fragile heart.

  “Did we have sex?” He threw his head back, letting out a loud laugh, and she wasn’t sure if that was a yes or a no. “Feel free to get yourself under control.”

  “When we have sex, there won’t be a part of your body or brain that isn’t seared with the memory, so excuse me if I find it funny you assume we’ve had relations just ‘cause I’m in my boxers.”

  Pushing herself up, she looked around the room. “For all you know, it could be wishful thinking on my part.”

  “As if,” he replied with a snort. “You were all kinds of irritated on Monday afternoon.”

  “You had your hand inside my bra by Monday night, if I recall.”

  “A man has to do what’s necessary to steer the ship out of dangerous waters, and that’s exactly what I did.”

  “I’ve lost the train of this conversation.”

  “Babe, when we tangle ourselves up, you won’t forget a minute of it.”

  “Oh, well…that’s good, I guess.”

  Caid lifted his hand and rested it against her forehead. “How do you feel?”


  “You are that,” he replied with a wink as he pushed himself off the bed. “Jell-O or soup?”

  “I don’t have any Jell-O.”

  “I had some supplies delivered, and we’re stocked for all contingencies.”

  She pushed her feet out and set them on the floor and tested her balance. When the room only moved slightly, she decided a trip to the restroom was doable. “I’ll be back.”

  Caid walked around the bed quickly and held out his hands. “Hold onto me.”

  “I have a cold, not a fatal disease.”

  “Pretty sure I know that, but I’m not taking any chances all the same.”

  Taking his hand, she pulled herself up and only felt the room spin once. “Totally got this.” She watched him smirk and decided not to test him. “You can’t come in.”


  “Because I’m maintaining my mystery and allure.”

  “Whatever you say.”

  “I like that phrase; any chance you could memorize it and repeat it several times a day?”

  “Depends on how honest you were being earlier?”

  Turning her head with more speed than was wise, she gripped his arm tightly. “Meaning?”

  “Nothing, babe.”

  “I know you’re lying, but I won’t be ready to hear how much truth I spilled under the influence until tomorrow.”

  “All you need to know is that I’m pretty much your dream man and any hope of finding happiness with anyone else is going to be futile.”

  Letting her eyes raise slowly, she studied his easy smile and figured there was a reason why he was so confident. “Is there any chance of me having a shred of dignity left?” His hands went to her shoulders, and she turned into his hold, knowing that whatever answer he offered was one she’d have to live with. “Just tell me.”

  “You honored the hell out of me, Court, by telling me what you want, and if I had a crown to slip on your head right now, I would. You’re a fucking queen, babe, and telling me exactly what you want doesn’t make you less of one.”

  “So, I told you I wanted a gentleman by day and a filthy beast by night?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “And you’re still here.”

  “With fucking bells on.”

  She looked down at her feet and nodded. “So, as far as a first date goes, this wasn’t a total bust?”

  “Almost positive it’s going into the hall of fame.”

  “I’m wearing some pretty underwear, so I guess it’s possible.” When he crushed her against his chest in a hug so tight it took her breath away, she figured he’d agreed. Which meant that any hope of playing it cool had flown out the window hours ago.

  A blessing or a curse?

  Time would eventually tell.


  Caid sat on Court’s velvet green couch and decided she had pretty good taste as far as decorating went since her living room felt like a library in some cool Indonesian outpost. Several large plants thrived in the corner, the bookcases were double packed, and she’d painted one of the walls the darkest green he’d ever seen outside of the Indian Ocean.

  Shoving a pillow behind his back, he ran his hand over the wide cushion and decided there was plenty of room for them to snuggle, which he hoped they could do as soon as they could agree on which show they were going to binge watch. He’d been campaigning for Narcos, and she’d been trying to sell him on House of Cards. They’d probably end up watching both, and it might be in his best interest to let her have first choice.

  Hell, there was no might and pretending otherwise was a waste of time.

  He heard the water turn off, signaling that Court was done with her shower and decided it was time to get off his ass and put some breakfast together. Saturday mornings called for pancakes, and he decided that’s exactly what he’d make, so he heaved himself off the couch.

  As he walked out of the living room, he heard the doorbell and wondered who the hell was visiting so early. Opening the door, he was greeted with a frown from Court’s new friend. “Hey, Wayne.”

  “I guess there’s no need to ask how the date went.”

  “Considering I’m about to go rustle up some pancakes, it doesn’t seem so.”

  Wayne leaned back and pressed his hand against his cheek. “Your face is giving nothing away. Is that some kind of SEAL thing, or are you always devoid of all natural expression?”

  Before he could answer, Wayne swept past him and walked down the hall, calling Courtney’s name loudly. “Sure, come on in. No need to wait for an invitation.” Closing the door, he let out a sigh and didn’t think there was a way to get rid of the kid that had attached himself to Courtney and Lisa without a scuffle.

  “I wasn’t sure the thing was going to happen since Queen C. was sniffling up a storm yesterday, but it seems she rallied.”

  Crossing his arms, he kept his mouth shut, letting the kid know he had nothing to say on the subject. He didn’t owe Wayne or anyone else a play-by-play and was keeping what happened between them private. “Court just finished her shower, so come have a cup of coffee while she gets dressed.”

  Wayne waved his hand around and then snapped his fingers. “Look at you being all domesticated. I didn’t think hetero men were capable.”

  “Then, clearly, you don’t get out much.” Walking past him, he let out a snort. “I thought you’d be a lot more woke.”

  “And where in the hell did a SEAL learn about being socially and politically aware?”

  “Kind of hard not to be when you travel the world and drop into political hotspots on the regular.” He opened the fridge and started pulling out supplies. “Do you think we’re just a bunch of Neanderthals?”
  “A little, but only in the sexiest way possible.”

  When he heard Courtney’s footsteps, he let out a silent hallelujah and decided she could respond to the comment. “Hey, babe, I’m making breakfast.”

  “That’s so sweet.” She kissed his arm and then rested her head against it. “You’ve taken such good care of me, and the moment I’m better, I’m going to make you a very special dinner.”

  “Eeeew, if you two breeders are going to get all lovey-dovey, I’m going to leave,” Wayne announced loudly from his seat at the table.

  “Good morning to you, sunshine. It’s nice that you brought your snarkiness with you.”

  “I never leave home without it.” He tilted his head and pushed out his bottom lip. “You look awful; how in the hell did you manage a first date and a sleepover in your condition?”

  “Back off, Wayne,” Caid said in an even tone. “No one disrespects my woman, and that includes you.”

  Letting out a loud cackle, Wayne slapped his hand against his chest. “Snap, I just got put in my place by a special operator.”

  Caid dropped his arm over Courtney’s shoulder and kissed her head. “You ready for pancakes?”

  Her bottom teeth dug into her lip, and she nodded. “Yeah, I’d definitely like some of your pancakes.”

  “Should I leave so you two can do unspeakable things on the kitchen table?” Wayne asked loudly.

  “Yes,” Caid replied.

  “No,” Courtney said simultaneously. “I’m not well enough to take him on yet, so you can stay for breakfast.”

  Wayne clapped his hands. “Oh, goody, because I want to tell you all about a guy I met at the club last night.”

  “Are you even twenty-one yet?” Caid asked as he opened the pantry and pulled out a box of pancake mix.

  “Just turned, as a matter of fact, and I’m unbreaking my heart by getting out there and finding my…”

  “Don’t need the details,” Caid said as he watched Courtney fill three cups with coffee. He accepted the one she gave him along with a nice kiss on his cheek and hoped like hell that Wayne didn’t plan on staying long. Because right after breakfast, he was cuddling the shit out of Courtney and getting to know her. He had a million questions and was eager to discover what made her tick.

  And if he could run his mouth over her soft skin while it happened, then it would be all the better.


  Courtney leaned back on a pile of pillows on her couch and waited. “You really, absolutely, one-hundred-percent do not believe there is life beyond this planet?”

  “I think it’s highly unlikely,” Caid responded as he tugged her closer. “If a life form does exist, they’re nothing like us.”

  “And what makes you say that?”

  “Because, if they shared any similarities, they would’ve already visited and tried a donut, or a taco with extra salsa and never left. And we’d be sharing Mother Earth with them, so this discussion would be pointless.”

  She turned on her side and noticed the smile he was fighting and decided he was playing. “Alright, I guess the alien question has been answered. It’s your turn to ask me anything.”

  He lifted her hand and laced their fingers together. “We’ve covered string theory, magic tricks, and your favorite vacation spot, so I think the only logical question is…”


  “Why did you fight going on a date with me for so long?”

  “Because you’re the type of man who’s always gotten what he wants. I’d bet my last dollar that you’ve never had to do more than crook your finger at a woman to get what you want and…”

  “That’s not your SOP?”

  “No, and I perversely believed it was my duty to make it as hard as I could for you to catch me.”

  “I never thought you were a sure thing, babe.”

  “That’s hardly believable since every word you’ve uttered has been about the inevitability of us coming together. It was my civic responsibility not to give into you and your cocksure attitude.”

  “For your information, all my confidence came from the fact that I knew I’d never quit until you agreed. The only other time I felt something similar was when I walked on the base in Coronado for BUD/S. I wasn’t going to let anything stand in the way of becoming a SEAL, and it was that attitude and belief that carried me through.”

  “So, it was determination and not cockiness that fueled your actions?”

  “It was a little bit of both.” He rolled on his side, tilting his head. “Does my confession make you feel happy, mad, or scared out of your mind?”

  “Happy and scared because if what you’re saying is true, then I’m in far more trouble than I thought.”

  “How do you feel about trouble?”

  “Sometimes I run toward it and other times I skip away.”

  “I think you should run at me because you’re guaranteed a soft place to land.”

  Pushing her finger against his chest, she let out a laugh. “You don’t have a soft place on you, Caid.”

  He took her free hand and pressed it against his heart. “I have a real soft place in my heart for you, and in the spirit of oversharing…I’m not stopping until you’re mine, no matter how long it takes.”

  “And what do you suggest our next move should be?”

  “Face this thing head-on and take it one day at a time.”

  “What was your plan for our first date?”

  “A sunset sail around the harbor and a picnic under the stars.”

  She moved closer and pressed a kiss to his chest. “That’s very sweet, and I hope you’ll give me a raincheck.”

  “I already plan on taking you next week; don’t you worry.”

  Her cell phone buzzed, and she pushed herself up. “I should see who that is; can you pass it over?”

  Caid stretched out his hand and swiped it off the table, passing it over. “Assuming Mama Drama is your mom.”

  “Indeed,” she replied as she silenced the phone. “I’ll call her back later.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to take it?”

  “Yes, since our conversations never last less than an hour.” She pushed the phone away and rolled onto her back. “Are you heading out soon?”

  “I was planning on parking my ass in your house until you’re fully recovered.”


  “Because I’m going to be spun up in October and will likely be OCONUS for at least a hundred and twenty days.”

  “That didn’t answer my question.”

  “I’m going to spend as much time with you as I can before that happens, so when the call comes for wheels up, we’ll be attached enough to survive the separation.”

  “Do I have a say in this plan of yours?”

  He rolled over and pulled her into his arms. “Of course. You’re running the show and why you don’t see that most of the power rests in your hands is crazy.”

  Rubbing her hands together, she grinned. “I like power.”

  “Who doesn’t?”

  “But you know what I like more?”


  Scooting away, she frowned. “I have my reasons, Caid, and they’re not bad ones.”

  “Didn’t say they were.”

  “It feels like you’re judging me.”

  “That’s the mean voice in your head that has nothing to do with me. I didn’t say control was a good or a bad thing, and the truth of the matter is that I may love it more than you do when all is said and done.”

  “Do you want to control me?”

  “No, I just want to own the part of you that no one ever has. It’s a primal need that’s been beating in my chest from the moment I saw your face, and while I don’t understand it, I accept it.”

  “Maybe I should follow your lead and see where this thing between us leads.”

  “Bet it’s going to be someplace good.”

  “Hope so,” she replied. “Because you’re not a man a woman survives if things don�
�t work out.”

  “I’m going to take that statement as encouragement.”

  Running her hand over his jaw, she let out a breath. “Wouldn’t expect anything less.”

  “You ready to make out and see what second base looks like?”

  “I’m not going to get you sick.”

  He tilted her face and grinned. “Gimme those germs, babe, and kiss me good.”

  And that’s what she did because refusing him anything didn’t seem worth the effort anymore. How much of a problem that was going to be would be interesting to see.


  Caid sat on his porch and saw Jax walk out of his apartment. “Where are you off to?”

  “Meeting some of the guys at Endzone to watch the game. You can join us if you want.”

  “Thanks, but I’ve got plans with Courtney.”


  “Yeah, and don’t look so damn surprised.”

  Jax held his hands up and stepped back. “Didn’t think you two would make it much past the first date.”

  “Well, we did, and with flying fucking colors in case you were interested.”

  “Guess miracles really are possible.”

  “You’ve been witness to more than a few, so you shouldn’t find it surprising.”

  “Fair point.”

  “Are going to Max and Rory’s Labor Day barbecue tomorrow?”


  “Are you bringing anyone?”

  “No, but I mentioned it to Tory, and she may stop by after she’s done with her shift.”

  “You mean Dr. Tory Mathers, sister to Lt. Travis Mathers, who will be sure to kick your ass the moment he finds out you’re fooling around with his sister?”

  “First off, I’m not doing anything with Tory that her brother wouldn’t approve of, and second off, Travis wouldn’t have any objections if I was since I’ve saved his life at least three times.”


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