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Franklin: A Boston Mafia Romance (The Boston Wolfes)

Page 24

by Billie Lustig

  There’s a seed of a smile on my face as I cock my head and move my gaze back and forth between Emerson and Josie.

  “I guess he’s not that interested in you anymore, Josie,” I mock, causing the muscles in her face to tense up. My head hurts, the thoughts pounding away at me. I’m gonna need a minute to get over this, to grieve our friendship. I don’t know how I’ll do it, but I sure as fuck know I’m not going to let anyone bounce me around like a basketball anymore.

  “He’s been interested for the last seven years, Kenny. I’m pretty sure he’ll be fucking me tonight, not you,” she snarls.

  “Shut your mouth, Josie,” Emerson mutters.

  “You mean the seven years when he was my boyfriend, and you were nothing more than a dirty little secret? Nothing more than the cheap fuck he kept on the side? Did it hurt? Did it piss you off when he would beg me to come back to him while you gave your best effort to make me pack my bags and go back home? You’re his side chick, Josie. And that’s all you ever will be.” A chuckle escapes my lips, and I hear Franklin snicker behind me.

  I pull back my shoulders, feeling more confident by the second.

  “Or is she the one, Em? She’s the one you’re going to marry? Knock her up? Buy a mansion out in the country?” He brings his head up, glaring but keeping his mouth shut. “That’s what I thought. It’s not too late to leave, girl,” I say, pointing my gun towards the door before bringing it back towards Emerson’s head. “You’re clearly not needed here, so how about you walk out the door with the little dignity you still have left?”

  “Shut up, you Wolfe whore,” she screeches.

  “I told you she was a cunning little bitch.” Killian’s voice resonates through the room while Franklin’s men appear, blocking every entrance, making it impossible for anyone to leave.

  “Never said I didn’t agree with you,” Franklin booms from behind me, still sitting in the same spot, sipping his whiskey as Emerson’s guys turn around, now pointing their guns at the three Wolfe brothers and the small army behind them. Panic washes over their faces when they realize they’re outnumbered.

  “You okay, darling?” Reign gives me a nod, a worried look on his face.

  “I’m not sure,” I reply honestly. He responds by giving me a wink, trying to comfort me.

  “Put the gun down, girl.” Killian’s legs are wide, hands on his hips. His eyes are dark as he glares at Josie, looking at her like she’s his prey, and he’s anxiously waiting until he can rip her apart.

  “You put your guns down, or I’ll shoot her through the head.” I look at Josie when I hear the worry lacing her voice, wondering if she would be capable of pulling the trigger. Even though she’s trying to display the same lack of emotion I’ve seen when she kicked her latest booty call to the curb, there’s also a hint of anxiety peeking through that is clearly fucking with her confidence. It’s like my super confident best friend is shrinking by the second, and for once, I actually feel stronger than her.

  “No, you won’t,” Killian counters, an arrogant look on his face. It’s the same look he gave me many times before, a slight scowl that will make you do whatever he wants. I don’t know how he does it, but with his handsome face and smooth appearance, he’s fucking intimidating. When my eyes lock with Josie’s again, there’s no denying her panic, making me break out in laughter.

  Mistake on my part.

  My grip loosens a little, keeping my focus on Josie, and it’s clearly noticed by Emerson. Unexpectedly, he jumps up with his good leg, slamming my arm to the side, and knocking it against Josie’s face before both of us fall to the floor. The rest of the room breaks out in chaos while Franklin jumps on Emerson. When gunfire rings in my ear, I quickly crawl to the nearest table, tipping it to the side to take cover behind it. Everyone scatters through the restaurant, most scurrying to take cover, others trying to take out anyone in their path. I suck in a desperate breath when I look to my right, seeing Franklin and Emerson wrestling. I glance around me to make sure nobody’s coming for me when I notice a gun laying on the floor, not close enough for me to grab it without being an easy target. I cautiously peek above the table, taking in the war zone in front of me while I try to think despite the deafening sound of people fighting, guns firing, and the sound of my racing heart in my ears.

  I’m looking at Josie, her unconscious, limp body sprawled over the marble floor, when Killian shoots two of Emerson’s guys as they try to run away. Two more dead bodies are on the floor next to Josie, and Killian is now punching another guy. Reign jumps over the bar, disappearing behind it before he pops back up, grabbing one guy by the neck before slamming his head down on the bar, knocking him out. My heart has never worked this hard, and I do my best to ward off the panic seeping in as I scan the situation. I decide my only option is to duck back behind the table, so I do, pressing my back against it while I close my eyes and take deep breaths to prevent having a panic attack.

  You can do this, Kendall.

  I let out a grunt before I get up and look over again, my gaze landing on Connor, who is punching one of the guys repeatedly, even though the guy is in no state to defend himself anymore. Connor is unaware of Cary, Emerson’s right-hand man, who is about to jump him from behind. I quickly leave my shelter and throw myself to the floor, grabbing the gun before I point it at Cary, his arctic eyes locking with mine. My finger pulls the trigger, and he jumps to the floor. I guess I missed because he gets back up, running towards the entrance as fast as he can. I follow him with the gun, firing shot after shot before he bursts through the door, disappearing out onto the street.

  “Shit,” I mutter as my eyes find Connor, who gives me an approving look before his face falls at something behind me, making me turn around.

  Emerson stands behind me, the barrel of his Glock aimed at my head with an evil smirk on his face. From the corner of my eye, I see Franklin doing his best to get up off the floor. My eyes go dry from how wide they are, and it feels like my heart stops when I look into the barrel, my throat filled with needles as I realize this is it.

  “Goodbye, sweetheart.” Emerson beams at me before he pulls the trigger, and everything goes black.



  I sit beside the bed like I have for the last twenty-four hours, holding her hand and occasionally pressing kisses against her forehead, anxiously waiting for her to wake up. I paid a fuck ton of money to get her home with top-notch carers around the clock. The doctor said she will be fine, and I know she will.

  She’s a tough one.

  She proved that when she faced all her demons in one go and defended my brothers, even though she is anything but comfortable with guns. During the last weeks, she’s shown me what she’s capable of and the woman she becomes when given some attention and acknowledgment. Like personal humans, she just needed a little nurturing. And I plan to give it to her for the rest of her life.

  “She still hasn’t woken up? Pshh. I have to say Franky, are you sure she’s the one? She seems a bit lazy,” Killian jokes as he walks into my bedroom, followed by Reign and Connor. Connor quickly slams his palm against the back of Kill’s head.

  “Ouch, I was joking!”

  “No mocking the new Wolfe,” Connor barks at him with a glare before he takes a seat on the edge of the bed while Reign and Killian lean their backs against the wall.

  “New Wolfe? Isn’t that a bit hasty?” Killian looks at me with a questioning look. I lift up a shoulder before I give him a small smile.

  “I’m not letting her out of my sight ever again, so we may as well make her a Wolfe.” He huffs in response while Reign and Connor break out in laughter.

  “You’ve spent your whole life saying you’d never settle down with anyone, then this sassy bartender walks in, and he starts to plan their wedding before she’s even agreed to marry the bastard.” Connor snickers.

  “I like her. I don’t mind sharing my name with her. She’ll be a great addition to the family, plus she pisses Killian off, s
o that’s always fun.” Reign casually folds his arms in front of his body, giving me a tight but approving look. I can’t help but let my face split in a beaming smile, surprised by his nice words.

  The last few weeks, Reign has seemed less agitated with me, and I can slowly see him opening up to me. I’m pretty sure Kendall is responsible for that, and it has nothing to do with Reign actually starting to like me again, but I’ll take it, anyway.

  I give him an appreciative look, making Killian roll his eyes.

  “If you two are going to start hugging shit out, I’m going to start thinking I’m in some alternate universe, so don’t push it now,” he says while running a hand through his brown hair.

  My lips part, wanting to tell him to shut up before Kendall’s stirring beside me makes me snap my focus towards her. Slowly, her eyes start to flutter open as she swallows hard, licking her lips, trying to take in her surroundings. Connor reaches over to the nightstand to grab the glass of water the nurse put there before holding the straw to her lips to help her take a sip.

  It’s an endearing sight, seeing my bulky, tattoo-covered bear of a brother care for her, already treating her as one of our own. She eagerly closes her lips around the straw, then she takes a small sip. When I stroke the soft skin of her cheek, she turns her head to face me.

  “Hey.” She smiles.

  “Hey, pretty girl.”

  “I can’t be in heaven. I’m pretty sure Killian was planning on sending me to hell.”

  We all chuckle while she eyes him with derision. I can finally take a deep breath, my heart full at seeing her spunk back.

  “Sorry about that.” Guilt forms in his eyes as he steps away from the wall, hands clasped behind his back.

  “Don’t be. You weren’t wrong,” she says. Her voice is still hoarse, and the fatigue on her face is clear, yet she’s still the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen. “You were an asshole. But you weren’t wrong,” she continues, still speaking to Killian. “Are we good now?”

  “Yeah, we’re good.”

  “Good to have you back, Kenny,” Connor pipes in, squeezing her hand. “Reign, Kill, let’s give these two a moment.” He gets up, eyeing his younger brothers, who silently follow his lead as he walks out the door.

  Killian follows Connor out of the room, while Reign pushes himself off the wall, slowly sauntering towards the bed.

  “You had us scared there for a while, darling.” He gives her a mischievous grin, making me roll my eyes. “Don’t do it again.”

  “I’ll see what I can do,” she replies.

  “Good, because I like my brother better when you’re around. So I kinda need you to stay.” He drops a kiss on her forehead before he strokes her hair in a loving way. “Get some rest.”

  She gives him a small wave as we watch him walk out of the room, then I turn my head to my girl. I lean forward, softly pressing a kiss to her lips.

  “What happened?” she asks, looking fragile and lost. “The last thing I remember is Emerson’s glaring eyes staring into mine with a gun pointed at my head.”

  I let out a troubled breath. I don’t really want to relive the memory because it’s something I’d rather forget. The moment Emerson had a gun that close to her head, ready to pull the trigger, still flashes through my mind whenever I close my eyes. Not to mention when she knocked her head on the table. For a minute, I’d thought she broke her neck, and in a panic, I couldn’t find her pulse. I’d literally roared in agony. It’s a moment I want to forget, but I know I never will.

  “When Emerson pointed that gun at your head, I jumped in front of you, pushing you to the side. You hit your head on one of the tables before you hit the floor, knocking you out.”

  “But I heard the shot. Oh, my God, are you okay? Are you hurt? Did he shoot you?” she rambles, worry swimming in her eyes.

  I place my hand over hers.

  “Calm down. I’m fine. He didn’t hit me.”

  She nods, letting the words settle in before her eyes widen.

  “You almost took a bullet for me.”

  “I didn’t, but I’ll take every bullet for you if I have to, Kenny.” Her eyes well up, and before I can tell her to not cry, a tear escapes the corner of her eye. I swipe it away with my thumb before I cup her cheek, and she leans into my touch, placing her hand over mine. She enjoys our connection for a few beats before she gives me a wary look.

  “She betrayed me.” Tears leak from her eyes while she looks up at the ceiling, not needing to tell me who she’s talking about.

  “She did.”

  “That little bitch. Where is she?” That fierce look of hers that I love appears on her face, the same one she had when she found out her best friend was just as bad as her ex-boyfriend. I give her cheek a gentle squeeze, happy to see she hasn’t lost her spirit. I let go of her face before dragging my hand over my own face, knowing she’ll probably need a minute to process this.

  “She’s gone, baby.”

  “Gone? Gone where?”

  I roll my lips before I lock my eyes with hers.

  “She was standing behind you when Emerson fired that gun. He shot her right in her chest. She’s dead.”

  Her hand moves up to her mouth after she sucks in a shocking breath. She shakes her head in confusion while she blinks a few times.

  “I don’t know how to feel,” she confesses.

  “You can feel however you like.”

  “What about Emerson?”

  “Connor took care of him.”

  “Is he gone?” she asks me, a wary look on her face.

  “He’s gone.”

  She stays quiet for a while, and I just sit next to her, keeping an eye on her to make sure she’s all right, watching how her brain tries to process everything she’s learned in the last few seconds.

  “Is it weird that I’m sad?”

  “Of course not. She was your friend.” I squeeze her hand reassuringly while she stares at the wall in front of her as she silently nods her head.

  “What happens next?” she finally asks.

  I move my face close to hers, our lips almost touching.

  “Whatever you want, pretty girl.”




  The sweet smell of the red maple trees stimulates my senses while I close my eyes for a second, trying to enjoy the moment. The sun is warming my face as I climb onto the stage, ready to finalize what I’ve been working so hard for. I thought there would’ve been shame when I had imagined climbing this stage as a twenty-five-year-old graduate, but I feel nothing more than utter pride.

  “Congratulations, Ms. Ryan.” The college president shakes my right hand while handing me my diploma cover with the other.

  “Thank you,” I smile in return.

  My eyes are roaming the audience, looking for those mesmerizing green eyes that make my heart stop every time they lock with mine.

  I turn the tassel of my cap to the left when Reign’s cheering voice catches my attention.

  “YAAAAAS, KENNY!” he shouts through the crowd, the way he’s clapping his hands like an excited toddler making me chuckle. Killian and Franklin are standing next to him. Franklin’s lips curl into a panty melting smile, and he gives me a wink before I turn to walk off the stage to return to my seat.

  I stay in my seat, clapping for the other students for the next fifteen minutes before the college president finally gets to the last and best part. We all get up after he has his final say and prepare for the part we’ve all been anticipating.

  “I hereby present to you the class of 2020.” Before he can finish his sentence, the crowd breaks out in cheer, and we toss our caps in the air. I jump in laughter, falling in the arms of my fellow students even though I have no clue who they are since I didn’t really connect with anyone. My eyes are welling up, and by the time I’m pushing through the crowd to launch myself at Franklin, tears are streaming down my face. His arms wrap around me while he spins me through the air, my face burie
d in his shoulder.

  “You did it, Kenny.” His deep voice warms my ears and instantly comforts me inside like only he can.

  “I did it.”

  I lean back before smashing my lips against his while he puts me back on the ground, still keeping his arms around my waist. When I look into his eyes, they’re filled with lust, making my cheeks heat.

  “What?” I ask him after he continues staring without saying anything.

  “Can you wear that tonight?”

  I look down at my light blue gown before grabbing it between my fingers.

  “You want me to wear this?” I ask, confused.

  “Yeah,” he replies, making me quirk up an eyebrow. “With nothing underneath.”

  I look up at the sky and laugh before jokingly slapping his chest. He pulls me flush against his body, bringing his lips to the skin below my ear.

  “I’m not joking, pretty girl,” he croons, leaving a lingering kiss between every word that has me closing my eyes, savoring the moment.

  “Jesus fuck, get a fucking room.” My eyes snap open to see Killian roll his eyes.

  “Yeah, for fuck’s sake, Franky. Give us a minute to congratulate the girl,” Reign says as he pushes Franklin off me in mock anger.

  Franklin’s jaw tics and he scowls while his brother wraps his arms around me in a tight hug.

  “Congratulations, Kenny.”

  “Thanks, Reign.”

  “You nailed it,” he says while he lets go of me, making room for Killian to do the same.

  “Congrats, girl,” he whispers in my ear before he gives me a genuine smile.

  Killian and I had needed some time to adjust to the new situation, to one another, and even though he’s been nice since the day he learned I was never betraying Franklin, it still took some time for him to loosen up with me. I guess it took him a while to fully realize that I was not part of some scheme to bring down the Wolfes. That I really am in love with his brother. He put in a lot of effort to get to know me, and over the last few weeks, I feel that he’s really starting to accept me now.


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