Risk: Triple R Security, Book 1

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Risk: Triple R Security, Book 1 Page 8

by Imogen Wells

  “What a gentleman,” I scoff, “I’m not your keeper, so, please don’t feel you need to inform me of your every move.” There’s a bite to my words, and that vexes me even more.

  Blue slowly comes towards me. He doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t need to because the look on his face says it all and then some. Coming to a stop, our toes almost touching, he reaches out and tucks a stray lock of hair behind my ear. His fingers graze the edge of my ear as he does, sending tiny little shock waves all over my body. He’s invading my space, surrounding me, towering over me, his scent, something masculine with a hint of leather, has my synapses firing off everywhere. I feel my skin begin to heat and my breathing changes, becoming slower but heavier.

  “I’m a perfect gentleman when it counts. Now, in the bedroom, that’s another story, let’s just say all bets are off. There’s only one gentlemanly thing I do in the bedroom, and do you know what that is, Camryn?” he asks, rolling the ‘r’ so it sounds like a purr. Unable to speak, as is usual around this infuriatingly, cocky but sexy arsehole, I just shake my head. “I make sure the lady always comes first, at least once.” I literally have to clamp my mouth shut to stop the moan that is hellbent on escaping, and the bastard knows it too.

  Determined to turn me into a puddle on the floor, he traces his finger along the inside of the top of my towel. Then yanks me forward, slamming me up against him. I grab his hips to steady myself, oh dear God, have mercy. He lifts my chin with his finger, running his thumb over my bottom lip before leaning forward so his lips just brush mine. It’s the most erotic ‘almost’ kiss I’ve ever had. “I really do have to go, but I’ll see you soon.” he whispers. I can feel his erection through his jeans, and it takes everything in me to not rub up against him like a dog in heat. Then he kisses me, taking my mouth like it’s his very breath. His lips leave mine just as quick as they came, and then he’s gone. Fuck. I really need to go and paddle the pink canoe now.

  When I get back downstairs, Jamie is dishing up dinner. We sit at the table and talk about crap, avoiding the topic I just know Jamie really wants to talk about.

  In the six months since I met Jamie, we have become really close, and it’s amazing how much we have in common. Especially given our differing financial status. Don’t get me wrong, we weren’t poor by any means, we lived comfortably, but nowhere near the luxury that Jamie is used to. You would never know it to look at her, though. More often than not her red hair is wildly untamed, she wears very little makeup and shops in high street stores the rest of us common folk use. She could throw on a bin bag and take a walk down the catwalk, turning every head in the place.

  Several times whilst clearing the plates away I catch Jamie watching me from the corner of her eye, and I can practically see the questions bursting to get free. Feeling generous and knowing there is no escape from them, I decide to put her out of her misery.

  “Just ask, Jamie,” I tell her. She looks over at me, a look of mock surprise on her face, “Oh, please. Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about.”

  I wait it out, and it takes all of two seconds for her to grab my hand and drag me to the lounge, pulling me down onto the sofa with her. She sits facing me, one foot on the floor and the other bent at the knee in a half-crossed leg position. I mirror her, our knees touching, with a small smile on my face at her excitement.

  “Okay, spill the beans. I want to know everything.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” I mock.

  “Now who’s bullshitting who. Come on, give me something. Have you kissed? What was it like?” The excitement on her face matches that of a kid in a sweet shop. I feel like a teenager that just had her first kiss and am telling my best friend all about it.

  “Jeez, Jamie, we’re not twelve,” I say, rolling my eyes with a small laugh. Realising she’s not going to drop it, I tell her about Blue’s apartment, and when I tell her how he caged me in against the window and what he said to me, she literally squeals. Falling back on the sofa, with her hand over her heart she sighs.

  Sitting back up just as quickly she’s says, “Please tell me you let him fuck you, there and then up against the window? ‘Cause that shit is hot.”

  “Of course I didn’t!” I exclaim, like it’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.

  “You’re telling me you didn’t want to jump that man’s bones and have his babies? ‘Cause I would have been all over that shit, and he’s not even my type. But I’d take one for the team, if he talked dirty to me like that. You know, like can you imagine how gorgeous his baby would be—” she tails off, looking at me. I feel the tears well in my eyes, and I know she sees them too. “Ah, fuck. I’m sorry, Cam. I didn’t…I wasn’t thinking. I just…”

  “It’s fine, Jamie.” I sigh, feeling bad that my grief has marred what should be a funny moment between us. My sorrow turns to anger when I think about what I’ve lost because of my own weakness, naivety, better yet, stupidity.

  Giving birth to Faye was the happiest day of my life, erasing all the pain and suffering I had endured. Having her gave me the strength to survive. I’d take every punch, kick, all of it again, if only I could hold her in my arms one more time.

  The day she died my whole world fell apart. I look at Jamie, the pain I know she’s feeling for bringing up my daughter couldn’t be clearer. Feeling it would be good for both us, I decide to push my grief aside and share a little about Faye with her. Remembering the one photo of her that I was able to bring with me, I tell Jamie to hold on and rush to get it.

  When I return, I hand her the photograph. It’s of Faye laying on a picnic blanket under a cloudy sky with the sun trying to shine behind the weight of the clouds. It’s kind of how I feel now, trying to move through the darkness and forward with my life. To forget all the bad and shine again, only my light isn’t as bright or strong as the sun’s, but I’d like to think it will be one day.

  We talk for hours, and Jamie just listens. I’m so lucky to have found her, and it’s amazing how light I feel afterwards. When I finally crawl into bed later that night, lying there thinking over our conversation, I think back to my reason for leaving in the first place.

  Sean’s hold on me broke when my mum and daughter died, he no longer had leverage to keep me under his control, but I was drowning in a world of sorrow and pain. I was like a fucking zombie for those first few weeks, and even after that I just went into autopilot.

  Tyler was the one to finally help me, that’s why Sean’s video hurt so much. Tyler joined Sean’s team two years after we got together, and I always liked him from the moment we first met. He was always careful around Sean, but when we were alone, he was sweet and caring.

  For a while I thought I had a crush on him, but I soon realised it wasn’t reciprocated. He was married, and I just wanted someone to rescue me, I guess. In the end that’s exactly what he did, and now I’ll never be able to thank him properly.

  After Faye’s death Sean went crazy, the worst he’d ever been, worse than when he found out I was having a girl. His anger knew no bounds and anytime I was close by, it was me that took the brunt of it. Part of me didn’t care, I wanted the pain, to feel something, anything. The guilt was already slowly killing me, and Sean was grieving too, so it didn’t matter.

  Tyler would always clean me up after and make sure I was okay when he was there. I got the impression he didn’t much like Sean, but I was never sure. Why was he working for him if he hated him?

  Then around two months after Faye’s death I overheard Sean talking with some businessmen in his office. They were discussing a new shipment, I had no idea what that meant, but I took a chance and asked Tyler about it the next time we were alone. I remember him seeming angry, and then he peppered me with a shit load of questions that I didn’t know the answers to. He told me not to worry, but when I didn’t see him for several days, that’s just what I did do.

  During Tyler’s absence I overheard several more conversations, mostly phone calls. I even braved s
earching Sean’s office while he was away, finding a folder containing shipping consignment documents, and took pictures. At the time I didn’t know why they were so important, but when Tyler returned, I told him everything I knew. He asked me to send the pictures to him, and then delete everything from my phone.

  Over the next couple of weeks, I watched every move Sean made, it gave me a new focus, taking my mind off the loss of Faye and my mum. A couple of weeks before I ran, Tyler came to me and asked if I could access Sean’s computer. At first, I told Tyler it was impossible, and that if Sean caught me, he’d kill me. Tyler said he understood and left it at that.

  A few days later Sean called me to his office, I was nervous, I thought he’d found out what I’d been doing, but I was wrong. No, the bastard had decided that enough time had passed, and we should go ahead with our marriage, and he wanted to try for another baby as soon as possible. I remember how the bile rose in my throat, and my stomach turned over then sank at the thought of having another child. Never, it was never going to happen again. I would never allow myself the joy a child could bring for it to be ripped from me. I would never survive a second time.

  That cemented my decision to follow through with Tyler’s plan, but I was adding a stipulation of my own. If I was going to do this, then Tyler had to get me out.

  When I put my proposal to him, he agreed instantly and told me he had already begun work on how to get me away safely. The next chance I got, I accessed Sean’s computer and plugged in the little USB Tyler had given me. He said I didn’t need to do anything except plug it in, and it would do the rest.

  Then two days later I was gone. I never asked Tyler what he wanted on Sean’s computer and he never told me. I didn’t care, I just wanted to get out and as far away from that monster as I could.

  Now Tyler’s dead, and Sean is looking for me. I always knew there was a chance he’d come looking, but the smallest part of me hoped he’d just let me go. I should be so fucking lucky. I just hope that he never finds me, and that no one else has to suffer at his hands because of me.



  I wake feeling refreshed, having slept really well considering the heavy conversation last night and my thoughts before finally falling asleep. Talking to Jamie about Faye must have been better for me than I thought.

  After showering, I go in search of tea and food. Following the delicious smell of bacon and eggs, I find Jamie in the kitchen cooking breakfast. This girl. If I was a lesbian, I’d marry her tomorrow.

  “Morning, how did you sleep?” she asks, as I enter the kitchen.

  “Surprisingly well actually. It’s been a while since I slept without nightmares plaguing me all night.” I go to the kettle and start making tea for us both. Jamie is just finishing plating up as I bring the tea over. “I meant to ask, did you talk to your dad about that woman we saw him with?” I say, looking up as I shovel the first forkful in my mouth.

  Jamie fidgets in her chair, and then says, “Not exactly, no.” She looks at her plate, pushing the food around it, but not actually eating any of it.

  “What does ‘not exactly’ mean, Jamie?” I probe with a smidgen of suspicion in my tone. I may not have known her long but she’s like a damn cat, curiosity always getting the better of her. She’s also just as crafty. “Jamie, what did you do?”

  “Well, I may have—erm, I might have followed him,” she states cautiously.

  “Jeez, you are insane. Why didn’t you just ask him about it?”

  “I was going to, but then I went to see my mum and she seemed upset. Said something that had my spidey sense going haywire, so I thought I’d do a bit of digging.” She finally starts to eat, but I can see the worry on her face.

  “And…? Come on, Jamie, spit it out,” I say, throwing her words from last night back at her. She gives me a scowl at my choice of words, and I just laugh, trying to lighten the moment.

  “Nothing happened. Well, nothing out of the ordinary.” I can see there is something else bothering her, but I decide not to press. Jamie is not good when pushed. Trust me I know. I remember her telling me what happened when her dad tried to force her into getting a law degree. She went ballistic and went all out the other way, enrolling on an art degree instead. When he realised that she was serious, he relented. Now Jamie does what she always wanted and is a nurse working in the emergency department.

  “I’m sure it’s nothing. Maybe they just had an argument and that’s why your mum was upset. And, despite how it looked, I’m sure his meeting with that woman the other week was completely innocent.” I paint on a smile that I hope she doesn’t see right through. Changing the subject, I ask what her plans are for the day, and she tells me she’s working later this afternoon.

  Just as we finish up clearing away from breakfast there’s a knock at the door. Jamie goes to answer it while I finish loading the dishwasher. She comes back carrying a box, and I immediately get a sense of deja vu of the last time I got a delivery on a Sunday. I take it from her when she holds it out to me, trying to keep my nerves from getting the better of me. Ripping it open, I tip the contents onto the counter, a brand-new iPhone and a note fall out. I pick up the note first.


  I noticed that you don’t have a phone, and well, now you do. I have pre-programed mine and Sully’s numbers in already, in case you need them. I have also loaded a program that prevents anyone from tracking your device, so you don’t need to worry about Sean using the phone to find you.

  See you soon, stay out of trouble, or I’ll have to spank that tight little arse of yours. ;)


  I’m a little shocked that he signed it Ryder, I thought for sure he’d use the opportunity to take the piss in some way. I’m even more surprised to find that I really love his name. And the spanking my arse, yeah, that elicits little butterflies low in my belly. Ones I never dreamed would return, especially not when threatened with a spanking.

  While I’ve been reading the note, Jamie has the iPhone out of the box and switched on. She passes the phone to me, and I open it up just as a new message comes through from someone labelled ‘Pretty Boy’, I don’t need to be a genius to work that one out. Shaking my head, I open the message.

  Pretty Boy: Make sure you setup the facial ID!

  Bossy arsehole!

  Begrudgingly, I set up the facial recognition and program Jamie’s number in too, then call her so she has mine. I spend the rest of the day doing washing and housework, I even do a little in the garden.

  Jamie goes off to work just before four, leaving me on my own. Not too bothered about cooking for just me, I throw in a microwave meal and take out the rubbish while I wait for it. I chuck the bag in the wheelie bin and then drag it down the drive ready for the bin men tomorrow.

  Hearing a noise from across the road, I lift my head, but see nothing obvious. I notice that the house across from us is still empty, it’s been up for sale for the last month. Just as I go to turn back to go indoors, I spot a shadow in the upstairs front window, but then it’s gone and seeing the car out front, I assume it’s probably the agent waiting for a viewing, although, it seems a little late. I guess people that work all day don’t have a lot of options.

  The microwave pings as I get back inside, and I forget all about the house over the road. I eat my half decent dinner, and then go and run a bath.

  I may have overdone the bubbles, but who cares. Getting in, I quickly wash my hair, then lie back and allow the water to do its job. I must have dozed off when I’m suddenly woken by a loud bang. I sit up so fast, water sloshes over the edge of the bath and onto the floor. It’s then I realise the water is tepid, confirming my thoughts about falling asleep. Not hearing anything else, I hastily shave and wash my body, jumping out just as goosebumps appear on my skin, and not the good kind.

  Drying off and wrapping a towel around me, I use the other to roughly dry my hair before pulling on some pyjamas. I return the towel to the bathroom, brushing my hair and teeth while
I’m there. I grab my new phone off the bed and head downstairs.

  As I enter the kitchen, a cold draft creeps over my bare arms and up the bottom of my pyjamas. Looking around for the source of the cold air, I notice the door to the utility room is open. The hairs on my arms stand to attention as I walk towards it, and a little fear crawls into my throat. The only lighting is from the downlights below the cupboards, and it casts eerie shadows around the room. I slowly push the utility room door open fully, and as the room comes in to view, I see that the back door is open.

  The room is only small, one side houses the washing machine and tumble dryer and the other has a sink unit and a few wall cupboards. The back door is at the other end of the small room, and from my position I can see straight out to the pitch-black garden.

  Seeing nothing out of the ordinary in the room, I hurry to close the back door, making sure to lock it and removing the key just to be on the safe side. I’m almost certain that I closed it earlier when I came in from the garden, obviously, I didn’t. I double check the door is secure before making my way back to the kitchen.

  Feeling on edge, I switch the main kitchen light on, going to the lounge and doing the same. Back in the kitchen I make myself a hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream. Hoping that the overindulgent drink will ease my fear somewhat.

  I settle on the sofa, pulling the throw from the back and snuggle up under it. I flick through the channels, finding nothing, and just as I’m about to give up, Julia Roberts and Richard Gere fill the screen. Ah, one of my all-time favourites.

  I wake bleary eyed, a complete contrast to the day before. After dragging myself out of bed, I quickly dress for work in a pair of black cigarette trousers and a black shirt. Throwing on a pair of nude heels and grabbing a matching purse before heading downstairs.


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