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Page 46

by Heather MacKinnon

   It was a soft pink color with lacy straps at the top, and a twisted ruched bodice that would end right below my breasts and flow to the floor. I knew my little baby bump would pop out of the curtain of fabric and loved it even more.

   “It’s perfect,” I whispered.

   Evey’s smile widened as she looked at the dress she’d picked out for me. “I know it’s customary for the bride to wear white in human weddings, but at a werewolf ceremony, all the guests wear white and the bride wears somethin’ colorful. I thought this was a nice mix of both.”

   “It’s perfect,” I said again, because really, there were no other words. I couldn’t have picked a better dress if you’d given me a week in a bridal shop.

   Evey nodded once and held out a hand to help me stand. “Let’s get you in this so the rest of us can finish gettin’ ready. We’re due downstairs in thirty minutes.”

   The next half hour flew by as we all rushed around Evey’s room putting on finishing touches and getting into our dresses. Beatrice showed up at one point, already dressed in her white bridesmaid’s dress with her make-up and hair perfectly styled for the event. She helped the rest of us as we hurried to finish on time.

   When we were done, we lined up single-file for our inspection. Evey walked past each of us, inspecting everything from our shoes to our hair before giving her nod of approval. “We’re ready.”

   With that, we all grabbed our bouquets that Beatrice had brought in earlier and hustled down the stairs to the kitchen. I’d expected to find it empty, but there was one lone man standing there, his back to us.


   The original werewolf turned around and gave me a soft smile. His eyes widened as he took me in. “Elizabeth, you’re a vision.”

   I smiled back at the man who looked my age but who was technically my many times over great grandfather.

   “What are you doing here? Why aren’t you seated with the other guests?”

   He shot a questioning look over my shoulder before fixing his brown eyes on me again. “Isn’t it customary for the bride to be walked down the aisle?”

   My eyes instantly watered, and I blinked to hold them back. If I ruined all the work Evey had put into my face, she’d kill me.

   My future sister-in-law leaned in close and whispered, “Don’t worry, everythin’ is waterproof.”

   A watery chuckle fell from my lips as I crossed the room to stand at Will’s side.

   “Is this okay?” he asked, his dark eyes darting down to me. “I thought you knew.”

   I shook my head and willed the tears from my eyes. I didn’t want to miss a second of this day. “No, I had no idea, but I’m so happy you’re walking me down the aisle, Will. Thank you.”

   He shook his head and held out his bent arm for me. “The pleasure is mine, Granddaughter.”

   I wrapped my hand around his elbow as Evey hustled to the front of the room. “All right, everyone. It’s showtime. Bea, you’re up first, followed by Callie, Del, me, and then Will and Ellie. We’re gonna take our time walkin’ down the stairs and through the guests until we get to the altar. We’ll line up in the order we walked in with Ellie right across from Abey. Anyone have any questions?”

   When we all remained silent, she nodded once and turned to slide open the glass doors. “All right, Bea. Go on.”

   My first bridesmaid gracefully stepped through the door and we all watched silently as she made her way down the stairs. When she was at the bottom, Evey motioned for Callie and then Del. When it was Evey’s turn, she looked back at me with a wide smile.

   “See you down there, Ellie.”

   She turned to leave, and that left just me and Will there. We stepped up to the glass doors, and I got my first good look at the transformed backyard. If I’d thought there’d been a lot of foliage at the solstice celebration, I’d been sadly mistaken.

   Flowers of all shapes and sizes in colors ranging from white to the palest pink hung from every structure while multiple vases stood around the clearing reaching well above the guests’ heads. The aisle was strewn with pink and white rose petals that looked beautiful and whimsical, but my eyes sought only one thing.

   Abraham stood at the end of the aisle in a khaki-colored suit that fit him like a glove. His dark hair was styled for a change, and even from where I stood, I could see the smile stretching across his tan face.

   “Are you ready?” Will asked softly.

   I nodded. “Absolutely.”

   Music began to play and the first few notes were lost to me until I caught on. It was an instrumental version of The Beatles song I Want To Hold Your Hand. That was the first song Abraham ever sang to me, and the memories of that night flooded my mind as tears flooded my eyes.

   Will led us through the sliding glass doors and down the stairs. I lost sight of Abraham behind the swell of guests and willed my feet to not speed up so I could see him again. The whole pack was here, including wolves I recognized from the solstice celebration. There would be time to greet them later, though, after I got to my fiancé.

   The man who I could soon call husband.

   Or mate.

   Depending on who you were.

   Will glided me down the aisle and it felt like I floated instead of walked. When Abraham’s large frame came back into view, he was sporting the smile he’d promised, and I was sure mine looked similar.

   When we’d finally made it to the end, Will kissed me on the cheek and passed me over to Abraham who took my hand eagerly. After that, the original werewolf turned and took his place in front of us. It surprised me that it seemed he’d be officiating our ceremony, but it shouldn’t have. Who else was more qualified for the job?

   I looked into Abraham’s ocean blue eyes and in them, I found my place. Where I’d always belong, where I’d always be wanted, and where I’d always be loved. It was right there beside him, and I swore then and there to never stray far.

  Chapter 55

   “Now, we’ve come to the portion of the ceremony where you’ll each recite the promises you’ve written for each other. As you do, I’ll be tying a ribbon around your clasped hands. This signifies the bond between you both and this ceremony that is binding you together.”

   Will grasped my hand as I looked up into my future husband’s eyes.

   “Abraham so much has changed in the little time we’ve known each other. I’ve moved, I’ve switched career paths, I’ve gotten pregnant, and last but not least, I turn into a giant werewolf every full moon.”

   There was a soft round of chuckles and I waited until they died down before I continued.

   “But the one thing that’s remained the same, the one constant in my life has been you. Your devotion, your loyalty, and even before I could put a name to it, your love has always been there with me. I know that tomorrow, none of that will have changed. Next week will be the same, and next year will be, too. Your love is the one constant thing I’ve had to fall back on in these past few months and it’s what’s gotten me through. I didn’t know what I was looking for. Hell, I didn’t even know I was looking for anything until I found you. When that happened, everything became crystal clear. I was made to love you and I want to spend every day of the rest of my life doing that. Now that I’ve found you, I’m never letting you go. I love you today, I’ll love you tomorrow, and I’ll love you until the day I die.”

   His dark blue eyes filled with tears as I looked up at him. He mouthed I love you and my heart soared. With a deep breath, he recited his promises to me.

   “El, I’ve loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. It was compulsory. The mating bond was so strong in that instant, there wasn’t anything that could have kept me from you. I watched my parents and the fated mates magic between them and always knew how strong it could be. How life-changing. How all encompassing. I thought I knew what I was getting into, but nothing could have prepared me for you.”

There was another round of quiet laughter that died down just as quickly. Abraham squeezed my hand and pressed on.

  “What I never expected, though, was how much I’d grow to like you or how much I’d grow to respect you. I didn’t imagine that when I found my fated mate that I’d also be finding my best friend. But that’s what you are to me, El. You’re the love of my life, my soul mate, the mother of my children, and the best friend I’ve ever had. I couldn’t have imagined being fated to a woman more perfect for me than you. I’m so lucky I found you and I promise to treasure every second of our lives together. Today, we start our forever.”

  How he’d held back his tears I didn’t know, because mine flowed freely down my face. I sent out a quick mental thank you to Evey for painting my face in waterproof make-up because I was really putting it to the test.

  Abraham’s eyes held mine in their tight hold as every word he’d said to me flashed in their depths. I knew every syllable came from the deepest places of his soul and he meant every bit of it. He’d said he was lucky, but in that instance, I knew I was luckier.

  Will cleared his throat softly, but my eyes were still riveted to Abraham’s.

  “You two may now seal your union with a kiss.”

  Thank goodness.

  I reached up and wrapped my free arm around Abraham’s neck, pulling him down to my lips as fast as I could. He chuckled softly against my mouth before our kiss intensified and all humor was lost.

  I ran my fingers through his silky hair as he held me tightly against his body. I could have stayed there like that for the rest of the night, but Abraham dug up some self-control from somewhere and eventually pulled us apart.

  When he noticed the disgruntled look on my face, he laughed and kissed my lips once more before whispering in my ear. “There’ll be more time for that later, Mrs. McCoy.”

  The sound of my new name sent a thrill through my veins.

  This was a new start for me with my new family. I didn’t have to carry around the burden of being a Montgomery anymore. There were no more expectations for me to live up to, no more rules I had to abide by. I was finally free of my family, and at the same time, thrust into a new and wonderful one. A family that accepted me and loved me for who I was, not what I did or how well I did it.

  The feeling of release wasn’t something I expected, but I reveled in it as I was inundated with hugs and kisses from my new family. When we’d made it through them all, and with our hands still bound, Abraham and I walked back up the aisle, our smiles the widest they’d ever been.

  I wasn’t sure where we were going because we hadn’t practiced what happened after the ceremony, but apparently Abraham had a clue, so I followed him. He led us back up the stairs to the sliding glass doors and into the kitchen where he finally came to a stop.

  With slow, gentle movements, he untied our hands and pocketed the ribbon.

  “I don’t need a piece of string to know how deeply we’re bound,” he said, his voice rough with emotion. When he looked back up at me, his eyes were the bluest I’d ever seen them. “You’re in my bones, El. In my soul.”

  My heart thundered in my chest so violently, it felt like it would burst through my ribcage. I stepped into his space and wrapped my arms around his neck. His lips hovered over mine, the anticipation building between us until it was almost a tangible thing.

  “You look so beautiful, baby. I’ve never seen anything so stunning,” he murmured against my mouth.

  I smiled and pressed my lips against his for a moment before pulling back. “When I saw you standing at the end of that aisle, you took my breath away,” I admitted.

  His hands tightened around my hips before he pulled me harder against his chest and claimed my mouth. Although we’d kissed hundreds of times before, there was something different about this one. It felt deeper, truer, more real than any other. It dug deep inside me until it felt like we were just two halves of the same piece. Like we’d never be whole without the other.

  When we finally pulled away, we were both breathless, but smiling. I couldn’t ever remember being so happy in my life. The threats we faced, and the uncertainty of tomorrow, were pushed aside as the joy of finally being married to Abraham engulfed my system.

  “We should probably get back out there before Evey comes looking for us,” Abraham said as he tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear.

  I pressed my face into his hand until his rough palm cupped my cheek. “If we must.” I sighed.

  He chuckled and reached up to curve his other hand around my face. “We have this whole weekend to be alone, baby. Just you and me.”

  I smiled up at him. “That sounds perfect.”

  He kissed me once more, but this one was quick before he grasped my hand and led me back out onto the patio.

  “There you are! Get down here, we’re takin’ pictures!” Evey yelled from below.

  Abraham squeezed my hand and leaned down to whisper in my ear. “Just a few more hours.”

  I took a deep breath and nodded. I could get through a few more hours of this. Knowing having Abraham all to myself was the prize at the end of this night was enough motivation for me.

  The next couple of hours flew by as we took pictures and greeted our guests one by one. Every werewolf had well wishes for us and our future children and I felt my heart fill more and more with each person we spoke to. When it seemed like we’d greeted hundreds of people, Evey came and found us.

  “It’s almost time for your first dance. Head on over to the big tent.”

  She was the boss for the day, so we did what she said. As soon as we were both on the dance floor, the rest of the guests cleared the space for us, and the music began to play. I recognized the opening notes as that Ed Sheeran song Abraham sang for me at the solstice party and I looked up at him with a smile.

  “I love this song.”

  The words were barely out of my mouth before I realized something else. It wasn’t Ed Sheeran’s voice I was hearing, it was my husband’s.

  I whipped my head back in his direction and frowned up at him. “Is this you?”

  He shrugged, his lips tipping into a smile.

  I shook my head as I listened to Abraham’s deep, powerful voice play through the speakers. He picked up my hand and drew me closer to his body. I looked back up at him in wonder.

  “When did you do this?”

  He shrugged as he wrapped a hand around my waist and started swaying our bodies to the beat. “Del set up some studio time for me a couple weeks ago. I thought it would be a nice surprise for you. Do you like it?”

  I shook my head, the smile still plastered to my face. “I love it.”

  His smile widened as he pulled me closer and I lost myself in the song and movement of our synchronized bodies. When he dipped his head down to whisper in my ear, I had to fight off a shiver.

  “Do you remember the first time we danced together?” he asked.

  My smile grew again as I nodded. “I do. That’s when you asked me out on our first date.”

  He nodded against the side of my face. “I was so nervous that night.”

  I pulled back slightly. “Why would you be nervous?”

  He quirked a brow and pulled me closer again. “You weren’t exactly an easy nut to crack, baby. I knew we were meant to be together, I just had to convince you. Something deep inside told me that if I took baby steps with you that we’d finally get there. That you needed to come to the conclusion on your own and that I couldn’t force the issue. So, little by little, I worked my way into your heart and look where we are now.”

  My head fell back with a laugh as I gazed up at him. “So, this was a part of your plan all along, McCoy?”

  He shook his head, his smile crooked. “I couldn’t ever have planned for you, El. I just trusted my instincts and every one of them led to you,” he said with a shrug.

  My eyes watered as I pulled him close again. We finished our dance in silence, the only sound the thumping of our hearts as they beat in time
with each other. When the song finished, the crowd erupted in applause for us and I felt my cheeks heat.

  But then came the inescapable rumbling of my stomach.

  Abraham laughed and led me off the dance floor. “Have you eaten since breakfast?”

  I nodded. “Callie brought me up some food while Evey was doing my makeup.”

  He nodded with approval as he led me toward the tables full of food. “Good. Now it’s time to eat again.”

  I pulled on his hand, but there was no slowing him down. “Shouldn’t I be mingling with our guests?”

  He shook his head and tugged me along. “They can come find you while you eat.”

  I knew this was something he wasn’t willing to budge on, so I let it go. It was very important to him that I get enough food for me and the babies and I couldn’t be anything but grateful that he cared so much. He piled a mound of food on my plate before he found us a set of chairs at a random table.

  Nana found us a little while later and, thankfully, I’d finished most of my food by then. “Oh, I’m so happy for you two!” she gushed as she pulled us both into fierce hugs. “I think you’ll be happy to know that I brought most of my things with me this visit. I plan to stay from here on out if you have a place for me.” The uncertainty in her eyes just about undid me.

  I hopped up from the table and clasped her hands in mine. “Of course we have a place for you. Abraham’s been working on your room since you agreed to move in. It’s in the same hallway as the girls.”

  Nana’s eyes lit up as she turned to her grandson. “You did that for me?”

  He shook his head and stood to pull his grandma into a hug. “Of course, Nana. We’re so excited for you to come and live with us, we’d do just about anything to get you out here.”

  Her pale blue eyes filled with tears as she looked back and forth between us. “I feel like this is the start of a new chapter for all of us. We got new lives brewin’ in here,” she said as she patted my belly, “and y’all have got a new roommate!”


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