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Page 47

by Heather MacKinnon

  We laughed with her as she embraced both of us again. We chatted for a while before we were pulled away by some of our other guests. The next couple of hours were a flurry of hugs, and kisses, and laughter, and dancing. By the end of it, I was exhausted. I wasn’t sure if it was the babies making me so tired, or what, but the party was still in full swing when I finally sat down and propped up my legs.

  Abraham, who was never far from my side, lifted my feet, and sat beneath them, setting them on his lap.

  “You tired, baby?”

  I nodded. “So tired.”

  “You wanna get going?”

  “Are we allowed to leave our own ceremony?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t see why not. We’ve greeted everyone here already. We’ve danced, and eaten, and taken pictures. I think it’s a perfectly reasonable time to head out.”

  I pulled my feet off his lap and stood up. “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

  He chuckled as he rose to join me and grasped my hand. “Let’s let Evey know we’re leaving and then we can sneak out.”

  I squeezed his hand tightly. “Sounds like a plan.”

  Chapter 56

   The familiar notes of a popular song pierced the night air, and I was sure Del was behind it.

   “This pack is really obsessed with Taylor Swift, aren’t they?”

   Abraham nodded. “I wasn’t kidding when I told you we were all Swifties.”

   I chuckled as he led me with an arm around my shoulders toward his black pickup truck. “What did Evey say when you told her we were leaving?”

   He shrugged. “I blamed it on the pregnancy. Told her you were overtired, and I needed to get you to bed.”

   I patted my stomach. “No complaints there.”

   He leaned down to kiss the top of my head before opening the passenger door and helping me inside. Once he’d climbed into the driver’s seat, I asked, “So, where is this place?”

   He shook his head with a smile as he adjusted his rearview mirror. “You’re going to have to wait and find out when we get there.”

   I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. “That’s annoying.”

   He laughed but didn’t respond. I leaned back against the dark leather seat and let out a deep breath. I really was tired, and although the day had been amazing, I was glad it was over. Glad that we were married and bound in every way we could be.

   The rocking of the vehicle was so soothing, and it wasn’t long before I’d lost the battle with my eyelids and closed them. The next thing I knew, my door was open, and Abraham was unbuckling my seatbelt.

   “We’re here?” I asked, my voice raspy with sleep.

   He leaned over and kissed my cheek. “Yes, baby, we’re here, but you can go back to sleep.”

   I shook my head and sat up straighter. “No, I’m good. I just needed a nap,” I said around a yawn.

   He didn’t look convinced, but he stepped back and helped me climb out of the truck. We were in a dark clearing, but when I turned, I found where we’d be staying lit up bright.

   I turned to Abraham. “Is this…?”

   He nodded and shrugged. “I thought you should get that peaceful weekend in the mountains you always wanted.”

   I turned back to the cottage that began this whole journey. It was the same one I’d rented when I’d first come out to Asheville and gotten attacked by Calvin in the woods. You’d have thought the place would hold bad memories for me, but it didn’t. To be honest, I hadn’t spent much time in there at all. Apparently, Abraham was trying to change that.

   I turned to look at him again, my eyes wide and starting to water.

   “Is this okay?” he asked, his gaze wary. “We can get a hotel in town if you want.”

   I shook my head. “This is perfect.”

   He released a big breath, and I realized then that he’d been nervous about his choice of our honeymoon destination. Silly man.

   I wrapped my hand around his arm and tugged him toward the cottage. “What made you think of this?”

   He shrugged. “I always felt bad that you had your weekend interrupted. Besides, this is close enough to pack lands that I was able to widen the patrols to include this cottage. We’ll be protected and close enough to home that I can be there quickly if anything happens.” He reached up to scratch the back of his head. “I wish I could take you to some exotic location, but I didn’t think it was a good idea to be too far from pack lands right now. Maybe when things die down, we can–”

   I reached up and placed a finger against his lips. He smiled and kissed my finger.

   “This is perfect. A weekend alone with you at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains is the best kind of honeymoon I can think of. Thank you for this.”

   His eyes got soft as he looked down at me. “Anything for you, baby.”

   My heart thumped harder as our eyes connected in the darkness. I’d forever wonder how I’d gotten so lucky to find a man like Abraham.

   His expression changed suddenly, his eyes glinting with mischief before he bent down and scooped me into his arms.

   “What are you doing?” I asked breathlessly.

   He repositioned me in his arms and started toward the door again. “Aren’t I supposed to carry my bride across the threshold?”

   I rolled my eyes, but my smile was wide. “You watch too many movies.”

   He shrugged. “Maybe. But I’m going to do this husband thing right from the start.”

   I reached up to cup his face. “You could never do it wrong, Abraham.”

   He smiled down at me as he fished a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. His expression instantly changed again as he lifted his nose in the air and took a deep breath. He slowly lowered me to my feet and pressed me against the closed front door.

   “I had someone check this place a little while ago, but I’m going to do another sweep before you come in. Stay here.”

   I nodded, and he was off, running through the small cottage to the bathroom and then up the stairs to the loft where we’d be sleeping. It didn’t take him long, thankfully, and soon he was back down the stairs and heading in my direction.

   He jerked his head toward the living room. “If you want to get comfortable, I’ll go grab our bags.”

   I stifled a yawn as I nodded. “Okay. I’ll head upstairs. I really want to get out of this dress.”

   His eyes heated as they raked down my body. “Couldn’t agree more.”

   I chuckled as he shot me a wink and disappeared through the door. When he was gone, I turned and headed deeper into the cottage. Although I hadn’t spent much time in here, the memories still surfaced and swept me up in them.

   Funnily enough, most of my memories had to do with Abraham. He’d brought me here as soon as I was well enough to travel after I’d been bitten. We’d stopped along the way at the places I’d been attacked, and I’d tried to give him as many details as I could. Even though I knew the man who’d hurt me was dead, a shiver still raced down my spine.

   As I climbed the stairs, I remembered when I’d been too injured to make that journey myself. Abraham had carried me to the second floor and left me there to change into some of my own clothes. He’d agreed to stay downstairs, but when I’d hit my injured leg and started crying, he’d gone against my wishes and come up to check on me, anyway.

   Now my memories clashed with things Abraham has told me as well.

   Apparently, that was the day he knew he loved me.

   My heart swelled with those thoughts as I looked around the small loft. The bed was still puffy and inviting, the space still only big enough for one or two people max, but it took on a new meaning as I stood there.

  This was where our love story really began. Not in the woods when I’d been broken and bleeding, but here, where I’d let someone in for the first time. Where my husband fell in love with me and I began to see him as something more than just my


  I’d been so lost in my thoughts, I hadn’t heard Abraham coming up the stairs behind me. That was concerning, but something to worry about another day.

  I spun to face him, my eyes already filled with tears.

  He dropped our bags and rushed over to me. “El, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I was just remembering the day you took me here right after my attack.”

  His eyes still searched mine as he nodded slowly. “I remember.”

  I sniffed. “And later you said that was when you first realized you loved me.”

  His eyes softened as he gathered the moisture that had leaked from one of my eyes. “I know.”

  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as he cradled my face. “This is the perfect place to spend our honeymoon.”

  He pulled me closer and kissed my lips softly. “I’m glad you think so, baby. I just want you to be happy.”

  I sighed in his arms as he gently rocked me back and forth. When another yawn escaped me, he pulled away and frowned. “We should get you to bed.”

  I shook my head. “Not yet.”

  “What do you want to do then?”

  I twisted my lips to the side as a hundred thoughts of what I wanted to do with my husband flashed through my mind. But then, another idea struck me.

  “Do you want your other wedding gift?”

  His eyes widened in surprise and if I had to guess, I’d say he’d had those dirty thoughts swirling around his head too. “Of course.”

  I smiled and grabbed his hand, leading him to the bed. “Sit here, close your eyes, and I’ll get it.”

  He did as I asked, and I scurried over to my suitcase to unearth the box I’d stored his gift in. I’d been excited to give it to him, but now the time had arrived, I was worried it was kind of lame.

  “Uh, Abraham?”


  “This gift isn’t a big deal, okay?”

  He frowned, eyes still closed. “Of course it’s a big deal. It’s from you.”

  I sighed and shook my head as I walked back over to him. “I just mean it’s nothing big. Just something I thought you’d enjoy, but now I’m second guessing myself.”

  His frown deepened. “Baby, I’m sure I’ll love it.”

  I sighed again and placed the box in his hand. “Fine. You can open them now.”

  His denim blue eyes blinked at me and he smiled before looking down at the box in his hands. When he looked back up at me questioningly, I just shrugged.

  “Go ahead. Let’s get this over with.”

  He rolled his eyes with a smile before pulling the lid off the box. He reached in and picked up the three pieces of wood connected to one keyring. His brows furrowed as he looked at the dangling keychains and then at me.

  I took a seat next to him and grasped one of the pieces of wood, flipping it over. “See what’s etched into the wood?”

  He nodded, his finger tracing the lines.

  “That’s one of our babies’ heartbeats.”

  His hand froze, his wide blue eyes meeting mine before he picked up the next keychain, and then the next.

  “I got the sound wave of each of their heartbeats etched into a piece of wood for you. I thought you might like to have their heartbeats with you wherever you go. It’s kind of dumb, though, so if you don’t like them, you don’t have to use them. I was just out of ideas for what to get you.”

  He was still staring down at the little pieces of wood, so I rambled on some more.

  “I got the wood from a tree near our lake, too. I thought it would be more meaningful than just some random piece of wood.” When he still didn’t speak, I word vomited again. “I had Wyatt sneak me over there one day when you were out at a job site.” He still wasn’t speaking, and I was losing my mind. “If you really don’t like them, we can just get rid of them, it’s no big deal.”

  He finally raised his head to look at me, his eyes so blue and watery my heart clenched in my chest. “I love this, El.” His voice was so deep and full of emotion that I felt the tears swimming to my eyes, too.


  He nodded slowly, his eyes twitching back toward the keychains. “I can’t think of a better gift. Thank you so much. I’ll treasure this.”

  I released a deep breath, my shoulders deflating. He reached out and wrapped an arm around my waist, dragging me closer until he could press a kiss to the top of my head.

  “Baby, why were you so worried? This is the best gift I’ve ever gotten. I get to take my babies’ heartbeats with me every day. What could be better than that?”

  I shrugged. “But it’s a keychain. That’s kind of a lame wedding present.”

  He shook his head as he clasped them tightly in his hand and looked down at me. “Not lame at all. Incredibly thoughtful and sweet.” He sighed. “I love you so much.”

  A small smile twitched on my lips. “I love you too.”

  He returned my smile before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his truck keys. He pulled his arm from around me so he could attach his new keychain. When he was done, he took one more look before pocketing them again.

  I tried to hide it, but another yawn fell from my lips and Abraham shook his head. “We need to get you to bed.”

  But I wasn’t ready to go to bed. I wanted to spend as much time with my new husband as I could. I knew arguing with him wouldn’t get me very far, but I had another idea up my sleeve.

  I stood up and turned my back toward him, “Okay. Will you help me out of my dress?”

  I could hear him swallow harshly behind me and I tried to hide my smile. He stood up, and with gentle fingers, slid my zipper down to the base of my spine. I shrugged out of the lace straps and let the soft fabric fall to my feet.

  Stepping out of the puddle of dress, I turned to find his eyes heated as they traveled up and down my body. His hands, fisted at his sides, were trembling slightly and I knew he was holding himself back from touching me.

  “You’ve had that on underneath your dress all day?” he rumbled.

  I looked down at the sheer white strapless bra I had on with lace that crept toward my baby bump. The matching panties were not much more than a scrap of lace barely protecting me from his eyes. Not that I wanted to be protected in that moment.

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  He took a shaky step forward before halting, his jaw ticking with tension. “You need to sleep,” he rasped.

  I shook my head. “I need you more.”

  He closed his eyes tightly as his hands fisted over and over again. Knowing he’d talk himself out of it if I let him, I took a step closer and wrapped my arms around his neck. Reaching up, I was just able to reach his ear to whisper in it.

  “Please, make love to me. Don’t make me wait any longer.”

  He groaned softly before his big hands wrapped around my hips. They stroked my sides up and down as he took deep breaths that bumped his chest against mine. “Are you sure you’re not too tired?”

  I pressed against him harder. “I’m never too tired for you.”

  He groaned again as his hands gripped my waist. When his eyes opened, I could see he’d made his decision. And that I’d won that round.

  His mouth crashed against mine in a kiss so ferocious it took my breath away. I held onto his neck as his hands wandered my body, touching every available inch of skin he could reach. When he finally tore his lips away from mine, he took a step back and dropped to his knees.

  It wasn’t the first time he’d knelt before me, but it never failed to cut me to the core. Knowing that a man as powerful and respected as Abraham would kneel at my feet was a powerful thing.

  His hands rose to cup the small swell between my hips. He reached forward and placed three kisses beneath my belly button as he slid my panties off. Next, he slipped his rough fingers beneath the lace around my breasts and pulled that off me too. When I was standing before him naked, he took his time watching me, savoring me
, almost seeming to memorize every inch of my body.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered.

  And I felt it. Beautiful, and powerful, and desired, and loved. It all wrapped tightly around me to form an impenetrable barrier. His devotion was like armor. Something that protected and fortified me when I needed it the most.

  He rose to his feet and quickly stripped out of his clothes. When we were both naked, he pulled me into his arms and kissed me again. This time, it was slow and sensual, every lick and nip purposeful. He turned me around and walked me back toward the bed, laying me down on the soft blankets and covering me with his body.

  When he slipped inside me, I knew every decision I’d made up until that point had been the right one. Even when they’d felt wrong, they couldn’t have been because they’d led me here. To this place. With my husband above me, and my babies inside of me, and the perfection of our love swirling around us.

  Our words were few as we made love in the loft of that cottage. In the same place he’d fallen in love with me. In the same place I’d learned I could lean on him. Where our love story began in earnest. The most perfect of nights followed the most perfect day, and I fell asleep in his arms knowing I’d never leave them.

  Chapter 57

   “Can I get you more tea, baby?”

   I looked up from my book to find Abraham leaning over his chair, staring at my empty mug. I gave him a smile and handed over my cup.

   “That would be great. Thank you.”

   He shot me a wink before hopping up and heading into the cottage. I took a deep breath and released it slowly, letting the scents of the forest fill my senses.

   Abraham was right.

   I needed this peaceful weekend in the mountains.

   We needed it.

   Time to just be us. To be a newly married couple with no responsibilities other than making our partner happy. We didn’t have to worry about work, or the pack, or tensions with Charlotte. We just existed.

   We took walks in the woods during the days and spent long nights making love in the loft. It was a perfect honeymoon, and I was sad that it was our last day here.


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